Customer Brought in PC with Crippled SSD

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a swell day and I had a customer just bring in his system it's right here behind me I did not build this one but I previously have swapped out the power supply it had one of the AA like 500 watts and it let it it it let go on them so we ended up putting another power supply in it he ran it for a while and then he called me and he's like hey man it's slowed down it's gotten really really slow don't know why um and I just did a video the other day about having like it's like scam hard driv or not hard drives but solid state drives and scam You Know M do2s he brought it in and um he was like yeah it's just super slow we put a new copy of you know fresh installed a copy of Windows cuz he's like I don't have anything on here I care about and it was still ridiculously slow so I'm like let's take a look at the solid state that's in it and it actually has a patriot burst I'm going to be honest I haven't had a lot of problems out of like Patriot products um I've definitely used a bunch of their Ram before uh but I don't know if the burst line is maybe their cheaper line of solid States uh but I pulled this bad boy out and I threw in I have a bunch of these Intel ssds these are older but I mean they're like tanks they're even in like a full metal enclosure and these things seem to do really good um just as little cheap drives to throw in stuff um so I threw one of those in I put a fresh copy of Windows on it they fired up everything's running smooth running happy so I was like you know what for poops and Giggles um I went ahead and ran a plugged it into my main system and ran Crystal disc on this and uh it's getting around 10 to 12 megabytes per second read and five to six write every time I do the test um for reference I mean that's that's like 10 times slower than your average hard drive uh let alone nowhere in solid state territory so um I guess that is one thing that it doesn't happen as often but you definitely need to look out for is solid states can go bad I mean just like anything can go bad uh I don't see it happen a ton but um yeah yeah I'd love to hear from you guys down below have you seen solid States go bad and they still work they're just ridiculously slow um Maiden Taiwan Patriot yeah it's a 120 gig burst Drive looking online they seem to have good reviews but I mean he's been using this system for a while so there's no telling um I did tell him it would benefit him greatly to step up to a uh nvme um but the budget doesn't allow it right now for him to really get much over a like a sorry I keep getting messages over here getting my phone blown up today have a bunch of uh bunch of orders for new systems coming in and so if you like watching that kind of thing um we'll be doing new budget builds and and medium level builds seems like uh that market is undersaturated uh everybody's building high-end computers um or they're building low-end computers for high-end prices so I'm just trying to do hit that medium to low mark for a medium to low price I make a little bit of money they you guys save a little bit of money or whoever's buying them and uh it's a win-win but regardless um just making a quick little video for today I'm about to jump off hope youall have a good one and uh yeah I'll see you on the next one so got this guy coming in and going to go pick it up he's super stoked that um it's solved and went ahead and upgraded the RAM for him too he had 16 gigs in there we went ahead and added another two sticks of eight so he's at 32 gigs so 32 gigs of RAM he's got a RTX I believe it's a 3060 uh i7 I think it's a ninth gen i7 so he's good to go definitely good to do some gaming now cuz he was thinking oh man something's wrong with my computer I'm going to have to get a whole another computer and I'm like w w waa pump the brakes we can definitely save it nine times out of 10 it's it's savable or fixable so yeah anyways I'm jumping off here for real the video is over guys bye Shameless plug at the end um yeah shout out hey by the way everybody that has been you know buying stuff and reaching out to me and getting you know things off the web store I appreciate you guys I really do you're straight up like this isn't an affiliate link you're just helping me progress my business uh and I'm trying to help you guys out with like realistic and reasonable prices as well so yeah if you see something let me know and uh we can definitely make it work for for you so peace out

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