The spot ethereum ETF has been approved What does this mean for the overall Crypto Market how high will ethereum Continue to pump welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I your host Umar Khan And today we're taking a deep dive on Ethereum before the video I want to ask If you haven't already make sure you Smash the Subscribe button down below as It helps out the channel tremendously And will help you reach your 2024 crypto Goals the stock market is going crazy Crypto is starting to go crazy again but What's going on with eth now these ETFs Are going to go live very soon how high Is eth going to go overall crypto Market Not looking too bad today down 1.5% on The day how in volume we're up a Whopping 47% which is massive as a lot of money Is coming in and out of the Cryptocurrency markets in terms of the Fear and greed index we can see it's Currently sitting at a 64 as people are Getting greeder and greeder wanting to Load up on their ethereum also looking At the ethereum technical reports we're Seeing great things ahead for ethereum The Market's looking bullish we're Seeing a lot of indications that we're Going to see ethereum continue to pump To the moon currently eth is at $3,800 us and looks like we're very soon Going to break past that $4,000 Mark

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Which would be absolutely insane for Ethereum the technical analysis looking Pretty solid with moving averages Sitting at a strong buy all sers are at Neutral and the summary is given us an Overall buy this crypto Market has been Pretty insane we've entered this bull Market um which not crazy deep into the Mar bull market we've have entered into Into the bull market we're anticipating This to continue throughout the summer And upcoming months to see some crazy Boost we see just in the past week Ethereum up over 30% in the past 6 Months ethereum up over 82% and the past Year we're up a whopping 111% which is looking not too bad we're Kind of seeing some consolidation in Like the 36 to 38 Zone over here and We're seeing a resistance around 3800 Mark when it does hit that we do see a Bit of a selloff but if we get break Past that guys and see ethereum hit $4,000 that would be an insane up point From there so again very very bullish on Ethereum and this ETF is going to be Absolutely insane ethereum's um current Market cap is $456 billion making number Two in terms of cryptocurrency which is Insane people are very bullish if you Like eat at 13800 you're going to love It at $5,000 let's effing go and we can See this is a pattern that's drawn out That we can see it again right once we

Pass that $4,000 threshold if we pass This line here we could definitely see a Break out in upward Direction however At5 Zone it's going to be it's going to Be interesting we have to see how it Tests at the $5,000 Zone before we Determine is it going to continue going Up or are we going to see it go in the Downward Direction but again time will Tell the main thing right now is we need To break past that $4,000 Mark which Would be very very bullish for E talking About bullish again right amazing right Breaking news the spot e e ETF has been Approved which again people people were Very much bullish for this very much Anticipating this event which is very Bullish in terms of news we're getting a Lot of coverage on ethereum again even For making artic of what ethereum is and How it works because remember Forbes is One of the biggest online outlets and They know people are searching for Ethereum and they want all the eyeballs There and we see obviously a ton of Reads on the article we even see this Article over here e ETF approved boost Each value signal signals positive uh Stance right the likelihood of ethereum Uh ETF has been approved has approval Has increased as the SEC signals a more Positive stance towards spot ETFs Causing each value to Surge and reach a High of 38 32 which again we're very

Very bullish on even Bitcoin is pumping Quite a bit as well currently sitting at $67,000 Mark so again if Bitcoin could Break past a $70,000 Zone and go upwards Direction we anticipating e will do a Similar thing however guys none of this Is financial advice always do your own Research and due diligence before Investing any money in the cryptos we Cover on this channel but let me know in The comment section below are you Bullish for E are you bearish for E what Do you think is going to be up next for E as we are watching this very closely Make sure you smash subscribe button to Get the latest and greatest news are you Load about e let me know how you guys Feel in the comment section below again Not Financial advice always your own Research and due diligence until next Time it's your friend Umar peace [Music]

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