Ethereum Mining deutsch [Tutorial 2022]

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nice that you are there I'll show you today can operate terium mining again the whole thing is relatively easy I show you step by step easy and fast and all my tricks I do now here I've learned in this video and of course you can do it easily imitate the only thing you need a reasonably good graphics card if you are a gamer easy game then just copy the video and you're done can you earn money you can see here on day 270 with me at the moment and yes here on the side he is already walking mine you can do that all the time let that run through, of course already the price i deserve minus electricity costs so if you feel like it, too itellium mean this above all video then goes over terium mining stay tuned i wish a lot of fun and let's go ok to your community store teriums on a roll So a purse, so to speak, and then possibly to be converted into euros later of course you need one first purse or a roll and the Now let's create and the we create on bios and dia why bios very simply at bios has a where We'll have a pool with the pool later So you can continue working here our computer mean on this pool and when bolt and powell are together do we have less fees, i.e.

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More profit therefore here is my opinion after the best i found now have and yes we have to get here first Register, of course, click register first and then yes we need exactly you give here now just your e-mail and any password and I'll give you one more link to this page then you get extra credit for that you simply registered via the link have it in the video below well now you have to confirm quickly that you are human and you pull here just put this puzzle into the puzzle and open the post then you get one e mail confirmation here you open your e-mail account and plaster the code one of the in the email it says good if you have completed the countries have and the registration of course even then it looks like that here me and yes what is here now for the time being now we need the pool account let's create in the connection that's why we go to pole at so of course the link is also included just click on it in the description then it doesn't have to be easier extra many tap and yes we click now here on my account and of course we have to open our account still give income we now call that lhc and have it here we added a video note right then we can click on create here and then we go now have the must for our pool here we will register later in our one and then we can say ok next we need our online So the software with which we then can mean and yes i already have the site for you called here simply download the link comes again of course and the video just click on it and do the same as I if you're wondering why this is here I look a little strange am on the internet with my windows pc so the graphics are a bit connected yes in need of good just download here click and here we choose now except my installer then shows the pc of course virus again that comes from it that many viruses have mine installed then so in short we use off and to mine and that's why this is the one here virus scanner a bit careful and better sound the alarm so do it now before we get here have further problems do we disable our virus scanner until the next restart of wenders or you'd better get one then add an exception because otherwise it may happen that he make you do that We'll just delete neustadt again now click on ford klitz continue and then the fun will be downloaded so don't worry that no virus and yes then click once on it opens the installer we can do that now here again minimize this this is me no matter and then we just click here now on axis and yes install it on cd or where receives space that takes a short time once gave click and then that will whole already installed then let's click go mine become ours language from good there is only english if you don't speak english click just exactly what I click and yes we already have it all here look here at the usa dirt and then are we too is here already then we click on new opel and give link in which we saw before I quickly open the page okay, we're here on the site now like the natural had to be here now be logged in and you have to give you this name whom you have given notice or here look up of course we want to mean your terium therefore we click here on the terium so here you can see the logo there clicks me on it and then he shows us here also the urahn so the link and there let's just click here now copy or copy us, yes manually so just click here just click on the two boxes much lighter and minimizes yours browser and adds that here, among other things, connections your description rwth doesn't have to be and now we have to be here worker took to enter the work Now here is the one up here where I am you should have just said yourselves so notice with me it is now lh cybersex that gives you a password here you none and optionally you can now enter eth here the rest doesn't matter then we click here on ok and now we have here our pool added we look at niemeyer and click simply continue here with next let's click here on managed mine next to the name eth again locally managed fits if the algorithm is off now select terium here then we have the one for phoenix mine and that's optimal, that's the best mine right now for those around and then the whole thing fits here and then simply on next yes, it just fits here again and now we have the minor well then we can just here now click on start and now he starts our mining here that was it we see here now he does the whole thing initializing grad doesn't do anything yet mean and after it initialized that then he begins to mean okay we're here now he has it all initialized here on the side you can track the bit and yes we see 19.9 mega hashes here i have a gtx 260 and yes i think so that is extremely acceptable because we deserve here three dollars 28 a day that would be im month of June as 100 euros now we can still do it all offsetting – how much for the electricity really comes out of it and for it let's click on options and go on here picture ti here we can now euro enter then we see it better and here our electricity price elektra city we that for me now about 0.4 and 20 Euro and now we can still edition make to say we need five watts still my motherboard so everything outside the gpu exactly then we can now close the whole thing again or confirm here with ok then it is saved and now see we here minus that the electricity costs how much we earn 2 eur 71 per day we would get 65 euros per month then on our forest on our account and yes it definitely makes sense to me with a gtx 62 I'll just leave this here for now run a bit and if you are now want to write about here if your mine works then you can go to the statistics here at im pool and draw a worker here and how much that meant here is just a statistic that doesn't come straight to you now just wait ten minutes 15 minutes let's work a bit here except mine and then she will statistics do not update any take care I hope you enjoyed the video I am really happy if you are now too a state can and yes i wish happy mining as always wonderful day and see you in next video

As found on YouTube

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