How are GPU Mining Profits Now? February 2024

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hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day all right I want to talk about GPU Mining and actually a little bit of CP mining I think it's on the up and up here or has always been but more so recently because of zephyr I want to talk about a few other things as well as show you guys my current mining Farm what I'm mining currently and talking about all that stuff and what I'm mining into and all that kind of stuff so I hope you guys enjoy this video just basically going through how was you GPU mining profits before in January of 2024 and now okay I want to compare that mainly in this video and really this video is only for those that really care about mining profitability but more so I'd say gpus a lot more gpus have been coming online over the past month I mean that kind of makes sense because we've had Bitcoin also go up you know rise up here recently had some price appreciation here we are around 51 $52,000 and along with that we've also had had a bunch of GPU minable proof of work coins also price appreciate over the past 30 days as well a good bunch of coins have been going up but with that of course is more Hardware coming online so we're going to talk about that as we go along here so hopefully you guys enjoy and so before we go through all that let me segue to our sponsor are you looking for the newest most profitable Asic miners today look no further than Crypt Miner where they carry the top brands such as bitmain gold sh IB link and more their prices seen on their website include fast shipping service using DHL and duties and taxes payment options include direct wire transfer and crypto payments as well they have multiple support methods for any questions or concerns use coupon code red panda for $50 off per Asic Miner order thank you cryptominer for sponsoring this video and celebrating our third year of partnership link down below okay so one of the most I would say popular websites for generous most miners these days is going to be a website called hash rate.

It's really popular website now looking at mining profitability I know what to mine was also another website that a lot of people use but these days hash rate. Endo has been listing a lot more like newer GPU minable coins and thus showing the profitability of said coins okay like neelia for instance Nexel did I pronounce that right not sure but this is a coin that recently came out I'd say you know maybe 2 or 3 days ago exelia was at the top of the charts for hash rate. for GPU Mining and obviously that was shortlived because lo and behold the price of NEX ellia tanked and that was probably due to maybe sell pressure from a lot of people mining this coin and it were selling the coin right typical right typical for a lot of GPU miners who are doing it for profit and are switching their gpus constantly to gain that profit I personally don't really do that I haven't done that for a bit here I'm more so a long-term minor but I do generally tend to mine something that's lower power I'll talk about that with my rigs here in a second but I want to compare now okay looking back I did a video how GP mining profits now January 2024 so it's mid-February as of recording this video and so generally at 15 cents kilowatt hour on a typical RTX 3070 you know AI power grid was at the top of the charts Game Pass you know hypra Carlson Zeno okay here we are today to compare all right do 12 was like the peak here and then 58 cents profit after 15 cent kilowatt hour okay 15 cents just doing you know maybe General average electrical cost in North America 15 cents but if we go here today okay looking at a typical 3070 looks like we got hypra at the top of the chart still but then we got a lithium it's not Carlson here a Carlson's not too far away but we're not at that that dollar Revenue okay if you had free electric it would be normally it was around what a11 12 that's AI power grid okay so AI power grid is no longer I'm assuming the price went down that's why it's no longer profitable or a lot of people moved over that's why the difficulty went up so that's why the profitability is not at the top here anymore but generally okay a lithium I'd say over the past month has been more so the prominent coin here for profitability especially as a lower power coin okay just to understand here I know I've had a lot of people ask like pendo what's the difference between you know the power consumptions of a lot of these coins well yeah there's been a lot of new proof of work GP minable coins that have come out of the Woodworks these days and so there are a few prominent algorithms that you guys should understand right there's capow there's ethash there's going to be also the K heavy hash or a lot of the you know Caspa Forks right so Carlson purin uh what else is there yeah just neelia a lot of these types of coins that have been coming out recently have been gaining a lot more momentum essentially whether or not it's just because of uh because of Caspa or maybe the AI narrative but looking at now okay so looking at the algorithms right you can see the different power consumptions generally through hash rate.

I'm not sponsored by them or anything this website has a lot of information here to generally show you you know what overclocks to use as well and uh yeah you know always make sure you if you want to fine tune even further the overclocks on hash rate. are just you know there as like a general number you guys will have to play around with these numbers a bit more if you want to get more efficiency they always just you know medium overclock General overclock settings so just a disclaimer there but just going down right so pan hash Carlson hash Blake 3 like these are all core dependent coins low power coins so they are generally going to use they're going to use the same overclocks but when it comes to eash you're going to have to use a different overclock for that and then when it comes to kapow yeah you're going to you're going to be using a different overclock for that as well so you just got to be mindful right NEX AOW as well you're going to be do using generally a different overclock maybe could be the same actually no it's it's different it's different actually it's different for uh kapow uh you're going to be using like I think eash more so eash core clock lock okay for like a typical 3070 and yeah cuz it uses more core and also memory like nexpow flux so you just got to be mindful when you're looking at these and you know which coin you want to mine here it's all going to be dependent on what overclock settings you're using and of course the most efficient uh settings that you want to achieve to gain that efficiency and also profitability for those that care about it so a lot of switching that's why I personally don't really switch around that much uh I've been really stuck on peing over the past month here I'll explain that in a bit as we go along but yeah just what I've seen over the past month here I mean exelia was profitable for a bit a lithium has also been leading the charts as well I mean past 30 days we've had a lot of different proof of work coins go up pin uh Caspa that's all Asic minable now but speaking of just GP minable chlori has been going up predominantly as well aium also very prominent coin over the past 60 days flux has also been going up okay so we're probably going to see some hash rate flow over there cortex vertcoin a eternity is also up narai is also up conlux another prominent GP amable coins going up DX is also up their past 30 days so with that as we're seeing more even Raven coins up 18% over the past 30 days as we have more and more of these proof of work coins going up over the next since over the past month we have now been seeing a lot of the hash rates also going up for these coins as well okay so for instance if I just type in kapow here under the algorithm on mining pole stats you can see the difficulty 7-Day change a lot of these per coins have been going up okay oh Vol take this is what I forgot to talk about this coin has also been was prominent maybe for a day or so but now it's not it's not at the top of the charts on uh mining pool stats it was for a certain time like this coin uh for kapow was showing up as oh sorry it it actually still is for AMD cards okay as that as a kapow algorithm I'll take so that's showing up there VLC so that coin it looks like it's dropped off 41 % in difficulty over the past seven seven days here but a lot of other prominent coins like neoa has gone up 10% in terms of hash rate difficulty the is also gone up Raven coins also going up we got satox also going up Game Pass is up 33% so really this just tells me that we are seeing more people turn on okay and that's why correlating to last month looking at the profitability of a 3070 that we've generally stayed around less than a dollar profit right in terms of profit January around a dollar but here we are today a typical 3070 is still hovering uh actually no it's it's going lower actually it's going lower so that tells me uh that that this tells me that yes as hash rates have been climbing on a lot of these coins you know let's say pan pan went up 40% uh let's see Carlson Carlson's down 9% okay but let's see flux uh no that's going to be 190 125 there it is flock is up 9% in difficulty so there's a lot more people they're turning on their their gpus or people are getting more so uh into GPU mining turning on their Rigs and so in turn what happens is that when people turn on difficulty Rises right it gets more and more competitive and then when the profitability starts you know getting good right it's it's going to start slowly enter into that equilibrium there's always going to going to be a part where it's going to has to equal out in terms of the your electrical cost Network difficulty hash rate and also the price of the coin okay so it all has to make sense there and so there's going to be a lot more Hardware coming online here over the next I mean it it's there's already a lot more people getting into GPU mining these days I'm seeing a lot more hype as we're seeing Bitcoin go up as we're seeing a lot of GPU minable proof of where coins go up there's a lot more people getting into the game now Okay so it's going to get more competitive and depending on how much less or how much more these coins are going to go up more or less I mean either we're going to see great profitability numbers as we go along in this market here if we're in the you know the brink of the bull run then that just then that's going to be that's all going to be well and good but I mean for people just getting into it now I mean that's a whole other video I could talk about I mean we all know right for people that are mining for profit or shouldn't have been mining for profit more so been mining during the bare Market accumulating Hardware when it's lower that's the crypto mining strategy because lo and behold if you were holding a lot of these coins over the past year uh Mining and holding it's it's done really well like a lithium for instance uh maybe um you were mining CLA over the past year uh let's see Game Pass you know cortex any really a lot of these different proof of work GP minable coins have gone parabolic over the past year and if you're Mining and holding up until these days or whenever the coins a lot of these coins have gone up in price like neoa for instance neoa has also had some great price appreciation that was uh at the end December of 2023 who knows if we're still you know this is just the beginning and uh if Bitcoin is still going to be that you know that market maker for the rest of the altcoins As It generally is in my opinion and when Bitcoin goes up provides the volume and liquidity for a lot of the other coins a lot of the other altcoins right so that's why people talk about altcoin season but okay now you guys understand roughly we're generally in the same spot in terms of dollar value maybe a little bit less than in January but I think that makes sense because there's a bit more hype a lot more gpus are turning on and so it's getting more difficult in terms of the the hash rate on a lot of these GP minable proof work coins going along though okay now talking about my current Farm lot of people like to know what I'm Mining and honestly it's nothing special but I got two rigs on Al lithium okay my radon sevens which is just a low power algorithm so my radon sevens are nice and cool I would love to mine like a like kapow algorithm or something on these cards or you know maybe a memory hard like Ergo or something eash but I tried to do that and the memory temps on my Radeon 7s were just going through the roof so I said you know what I'm just going to leave these cards on a lithium and call it a day nice and low power actually you can see most of my farm here is on pin which is a low power algorithm coin right um it's core dependent coin I got my 307s on them on pan and yeah it's just going to town mining puran but I'm actually mining puran into cardano okay you guys are probably wondering red pen why the hell are you not are you mining into a POS coin or just a non proof of work coin honestly I I already said this before in live streams and I think in another video that I've been over the course of the month or so I've just been getting uh yielding more just cardano because I don't have any bags really of much top 100 coins okay I already have a lot of spec coins got a lot of 2,00 3,000 market cap coins you know that I'm already I have some bags of already and you know what I said to myself I want to have some bags now of like cardano maybe some Avalanche maybe some uh poker dot Dogecoin maybe you know polygon you know any of these top 20 30 50 coins here optimism you know I don't know I don't really know much about these but I I know for a fact not Financial advice that when Bitcoin goes up and if the market does go up that these coins here are for sure a in a in a way a less RIS less of a risk versus the higher spec coins right obviously the higher spec coins have a lot more could have a lot more potential in terms of price appreciation a lot more multiplier in a way versus these higher market cap coins like cardano for instance but for me I just want to have a little bag I'm just getting some bags of these okay $500 bags here of each of these coins just to have them right it's just to have some as I've never really had these before just I'm just diversifying okay am I going to earn much more than maybe if I were to mine into I don't know Zephyr or NEX Elia who knows right neelia could just maybe 100x from here I have no idea but that's a risk that I'm not willing to take and I'm more so going into coins that have a little bit more weight in in the market already you know pretty established in a way I know some people may disagree with that sure some people may agree with that sure I'm just doing something where I'm just diversifying into a few other coins here and uh not the shill but I'm just doing it through unminable which seems to be working out well for me getting about $55 a day roughly of cardano my gpus so uh that's that's not bad so I'm getting about what 87 87 cardano a day so that's going to be yeah $54 us uh cardano has been climbing so uh over the past month so my bag is actually up more maybe like 25% over the past month so yeah whatever I've been mining to in cardano over the past month it's already gone up 25% so I'm already happy about that if you guys want to use unminable I have a little coupon here that's referral code use # RPM you get another 25% off your mining fee so why not if you're going to try this I'm not saying anyone should do it but I'm that's what I'm doing personally and I I like it I really like it so far and also another easy way I like is cardano easy for me I can offramp this coin if I need to in Canada uh the Canadian exchanges that I use have cardano so that's another plus right that's another Plus in my eyes granted for anyone that's maybe want to M exelia you got to use something like trade ogre and to off them that you know it's not as easy and depending on the volume and the liquidity if you try to like market sell your your nelia you know are you going to get that full value who knows if you're trying to really sell it at that time it's it's h i I've had some issues with it not saying you guys will but you know to each his own when it comes time to selling you know these lower or sorry High lower market cap coins uh it's it's you know are you are you really able to sell it at that price no it's it's going to really depends on the volume and the liquidity there for when you market sell or sell over time whatever if people are going to buy at that high price I don't think so but anyways anyways guys that's it that's all I want to talk about let me know what other coins have you guys been seeing over the past really month here I mean there's been also a a bunch of new proof of work coins that have been coming out but more so I'd say a lot of Caspa Forks exelia one that came out more prominent of all take that came out has been showing up on the charts here and there and yeah so let me know what you guys think I will do another comparison for GPU mining profitability really for the next month as we go along but uh generally it looks not bad not bad but as the market goes up then it's it's it's going to look better but that'll also correlate with more people coming in line turning on their gpus for profit I totally forgot to talk about the CPU mining profitability okay let me actually so you know what I'm going to leave this for another video I actually already mentioned it in the very beginning you guys already got a hint of it you guys can go check it out on yourself but it looks to be pretty good and I got to really get my CPUs online okay I'll see you all in the next video let me know your thoughts I hope you all have a good one peace out

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