How to Mine crypto on Ios Apple iPhone iPad! How to Mine Cryptocurrency Easy on Mobile!

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hello my friends today i want to talk to you about 
cryptocurrency mining for an apple ipad um or an   apple iphone now i don't know why this is still 
available on the app store um be aware that it   might hurt your device it might hurt your battery 
but hey maybe you want to try it anyways maybe   you have just a junk iphone ipad and you just 
want to like try it out so i'm actually mining   monero right this second so um you can see my 
total hashes and then there's my accepted shares   now basically you're going to need a wallet from 
maybe like conomi or somewhere else but i want to   go ahead and show you how to put this on quickly 
um i don't want to sit here um let's just show you   quickly so here we go uh you go into the app store 
and just type in basically it's like crypto miner   for monero xmr and then you hit search and then it 
shows up on the top right hand side it says monero   xmr coin cryptominer for monero xmr go ahead and 
hit open and when you do this you're going um   you're going to need to put your wallet address 
in see right there and um you should be able to   you're also going to have to pick your coin and 
you may be able to do different coins you can   actually get bitcoin this way through an indirect 
method because you could mine uh you could like   most likely mine other coins and 
then exchange them for bitcoin   um but um this is a cool way and then some people 
may be confused and so they may have like rated   it wrongly because they didn't really understand 
how this works but basically this is check your   payments and right here this like website right 
here you basically go and you can look up and see   more information about what you're doing and you 
you have to put in your wallet address right here   and then into this website and then you can kind 
of see like more like along along the lines of   like what you're doing um your progress and stuff 
so i want to go ahead and show you that but please   um sub turn notifications and uh let's go 
ahead and look at the website so when you   go to the website this is kind of what you you 
see right here so you kind of want to scroll   down and it says default pulls over you check 
your mining stats payments on following websites   so um since i'm um actually mining monero right 
now you just basically take your wallet address   and my wallet address and you click like monero 
and then um see here's my wallet address up here   like right here and then um you see basically 
come here and it shows you kind of like what   you've been doing your pay hash rate your raw hash 
rate you can click that um you can kind of click   different like different things and you can kind 
of see like here's like x xmr total do right here   now this might not be like the most amount but 
hey if you have something laying around and you   just like want to like maybe just want to try it 
out and see it um and you also might be able to   do web browser too you might if you're interested 
you can maybe like hit that web mining and then um   maybe like kick that off in the high gear as well 
so it says i have like one worker here but then um   there i just started that um so you know if you 
want to try kind of try it out but you know just   be aware it might hurt your battery but if you 
have something you don't care about then whatever   and you also want to make sure it doesn't get 
too hot and stuff so anyways let me know what   you think and um you can like set your amount just 
like when you get paid and stuff like your like   your payment threshold you might want to do that 
and stuff so anyways um love y'all you're amazing   please subscribe to our notifications let me know 
what you think in the comments love y'all and bye

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As found on YouTube

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