How to Mine SHIBA on any Computer 2024

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all right just making a short and sweet one I actually made this video a couple years ago but this is how to mine Sheba cuz I keep getting the question you can't actually mine Sheba it's not a minable coin so that's why you got to go to a website like unminable obviously you can mine another coin put it on an exchange and exchange it for Sheba or sell it and buy Sheba but that's essentially what unminable does I'm not sponsored by him you don't have to use a referral link for me this is literally just me showing you what I'm doing so you can go to unminable click get started download the UN Miner once you download and install the UN Miner you'll have an application that looks something like this it should start off at this this screen right here click continue click next then you're need going to need to click on the drop down and type in shib Sheba we'll BL that out and we'll put in your Sheba wallet address now make sure your wallet address is correct uh if you're using it on the ethereum network or the binance network and if you don't know what I'm talking about um you can look on typically it'll tell you what your Sheba wallet address is so like on coinbase it runs on the ethereum network on uh binance you have the choice to choose either the ethereum or the binance network uh and go from there I prefer using the binance network uh because it's a lot lower transaction fees and I'll show you that here in a second but we click Start and it will get started here in a second I'm actually hold on we're going to go to stop we'll go to back choose my mining hardware and we're going to click on this settings page and we're going to switch this over to CPU because I only have a 2060 in here and the CPU actually does better um mining on here and more CPUs are are more compatible like if you're on any random computer you can use the CPU so to change that from GPU to CPU that's where it is right there settings um next start and then it will fire up Windows and threat protection we're going to allow on device start action it looks at and sees the mining software as a virus it's not actually a virus uh it's just other viruses have used mining software to mine for other people not for yourself so that's why it gets flagged very often so let's see here all right it's loading up and essentially you can click right here these are the logs for the minor and it'll you can keep going down it'll show your accepted shares all that kind of stuff hash is at 3,000 a little over 3K hash right now that's not great but I do have a ton of stuff running on this computer at one time and this is an older Zeon let me show you right here for example on CPU old 26 70 V3 I know these chips will do almost about 5k if you're just directly mining with them um but in this setup I'm going to use this whenever I'm not actually using my computer to generate a little bit of sheep so my payouts are at 150,000 Sheba cuz I'm using the BSC or binance Network right now uh let's see here she to USD 150 um 150,000 Sheba are $452 and we are mining on the old CPU so that is going to take a little while because I don't let's see here let's go back um where is it we'll go to sh 256 um we're going to go to what is it CPU our hash rate is we'll do 3500 right now 3500 enter so I am estimated to make about 7,000 shib a day or 212 ,000 shib a month on this one computer um if I had everything closed and I was getting my full 5,000 hash I'd be 10,000 a day or 302,000 a month doesn't sound great but if the price goes up on sheep it could be good uh price goes down it could be even worse uh obviously you can mine multiple computers to the same address so you get your payouts faster that is a thing that they you know is possible um so if if you have any spare computers laying around and you need to generate a little bit of heat and you want to generate a little bit of shib it is uh it is an option so um obviously there is a referral code system it is going to be down below you definitely don't have to use it though um if you do that's awesome if you don't I understand uh but likewise y'all take it easy have a good one keeping it short and sweet tonight wow right under 6 minutes all right later got later ladies and gentlemen

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