I GPU mined $100 of ALEO in a day but it’s stupid.

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hey guys red pen mining here hope you're doing well having a really great day okay this is probably my last video about AO unless it becomes insanely profitable has like an insane pump or something because it's a China coin I don't know but over the past couple days I have been mining AO on basically all of my GPU mining rigs so I want to talk about it show you guys how much I have earned over the past full day here and just just talk about this coin I guess in a sense that I don't think it's a very good coin and the way that it's centralized on a single mining pool right now for GPU miners is kind of stupid all right so we're going to talk about this go through that and uh yeah just I'm disappointed I'm I don't even want to make this video but anyways it the profitability now uh for AO mining right now has been down in the dumps already now you go to Hash rate.

You're not going to see it on the top of the charts anymore because everybody and dog seems to have mined AO or moved over to mining AO and it is no longer in that you know top of the chart range zealous is now I knew this would happen we we literally did the live stream talking about this a couple days ago about mining AO and then at the end of the live stream I moved all my rigs over to zealous because we knew that everyone would be flocking over to it and then you know this is just yeah just how short-lived the profitability was on Alo but on top of that the price of Alo also came down a lot over the past two days so there was uh yeah there was H it was about 7 to eight hovering around 7 to 8 and then on September 18th around in the morning it crashed down to $310 or $410 or something like that now it's hovering around $310 so it's been down quite a bit so the emissions for Alo I think when it first started we saw in that live stream it was about I think $800,000 a day in terms of emissions and yeah it's no longer that anymore so that's why yeah profitability now see the emissions is now uh 286,00 th000 a day so yeah for 600 about 600 500,000 to be wiped off in emissions over the course of three days that's that's why right that's why we are no longer seeing AO uh at the top of the charts for gpus okay just just letting you guys know okay so now it's making me a liar now it shows the 4090 Alo is at the top so I think as of as I'm recording this video it it was before Alo was not at the top of the chart here but now I think people have been catching on and so people are moving off so I've had majority of my GP rigs on Theo over the past couple days I now have I think almost two days full payments uh I know I should be getting my my second full day payment here real soon but I did have a full day yesterday so I got 26.3 AO and at that time when I received it it was worth about almost $100 okay if you just do the math 26.3 AO like if you times it by $310 26.3 4 time $310 10 that it's about $81 worth now but yesterday when I got that payout you know it was worth a little bit more like uh at $4 right so it was a good $100 day that I mined with all of these yesterday and it was good it was it was pretty good but I think it's going to it's going to fall off here shortly as people are catching on that uh since the price has come down the profitability is down people are going to move off now to probably zealous or uh maybe a new coin that you know I am actually mov to it's called ASX Network so uh I'm going to do a video about this another time but I just I'm not going to gatekeep or anything but I'm just you know spec mining this new Astra cash coin on uh mining for people but anyways this AO coin all right I you know I just I don't really trust it in a way as it doesn't show up on you know mining pool stats you know different mining pools the only one that's available right now is F2 pool from what I understand and and so for to having all of that hash rate on a single mining pool which you know F2 pool has had this now for over a year I remember we looked at this and they had a Leo here uh for the longest time you guys remember this when a Leo showed up on F2 pool like a year ago and like you know there was like hardware for it and like you know even bitmain announced plans to launch a Leo at minor so there's been a lot of hype regarding this coin and I just don't know why okay no nobody in North America was ever talking about this coin and you know to have I guess this was mainly released in China and so I don't know if this is like some big ultimate scam but you know having a singular pool centralized on F2 pool everyone's mining to F2 pool I don't quite understand the technology behind Alo you know bit main announcing this back this was back in October 23rd 2023 so last year right like we saw on F2 pool last year they had the Alo pool here already so there's been people probably who've already been mining this like pre-mining this coin way before everyone else has been mining this over the past couple days and another thing to think about is you know people weren't really able to sell uh before for people that were mining with gpus like to be honest like when I was mining to F2 pool here I didn't get this payment like my big full day payment until after the price went down I got it like in in evening time midnight time of uh when IED the Lao from F2 pool with all of my GP pus right almost $100 worth so I know that also coinbase had a release you know with Alo like that that's a whole that's a whole other thing like it it seems so fishy to me that this coin out of nowhere is coming out of the gate you know it was like 800,000 emissions now it's 200 and something like we we just talked about showed you guys here and and and now it's just it's been going down so whether or not people who pre-mine this way before people that got on like us you know people in North America that got into this coin it's it's now just going down okay so in terms of its price now I I don't know if this is going to have any promising future I have absolutely no idea you know the fundamentals of this coin but otherwise just looking at how this is centralized on F2 pool here it just makes me think this is this is not going to go anywhere and now that you know if bitm announced this if they're planning to have an Alo minor I don't have really much confidence unless bitmain is planning to pump this coin for some reason we're not privy to the conspiracies of bitmain pumping coins in order to sell Asic miners so whether or not that's going to happen I don't know so let me know what you guys think regarding this whole coin here I I am going to move all my gpus off of AO now I I just don't believe in this coin I yeah it's it's don't get me wrong though it's been pretty low power for majority of my gpus which is which is really nice but I just feel like there's no you know to it it just feels super fishy to me and so that's I'm just not going to continue mining this coin I'm going to move everything off now and uh probably move to zealous or something actually I'm going to probably just mine a bunch of asteris and just hold it and uh see where it goes but otherwise guys yeah I just wanted to make this video just showcasing to you guys what I earned uh mining AO with like over 31 uh M proofs uh 26 Lao in that single day payment but um a lot of people started moving towards it so hash rate or my estimated reward now shows 4.27 Alo so that's that's underwhelming to say the least okay all right I'll see you all in the next video let me know your thoughts and I'm out of AO have a good one peace out

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