I NEED MORE ELECTRICITY! What is the BEST Crypto Miner hosting companies to host with?

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hey guys ARP him here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I wanted to talk to you guys about my current power situation in which I am pretty much maxed out in my house here I am using about seven different 240 volt 30 amp outlets and they are all pretty much over 5,000 w BS so I am unable to add any more gpus or add even more as6 obviously cuz as6 you know these guys take over 3,000 Watts sometimes 35 3600 Watts so I need to send out a bunch of these for hosting and so this whole video I just want to go through which as6 I'm going to send out and which hosting companies I am going to send them to so great segue to today's video sponsor perah hosting do IO as we go along here I will talk about them and tell you which Asic I'm going to send them but also I have a few other Asic mining hosting companies I want to send other as6 to so I'm going to talk about that as we go along in this video so before I begin I want to give away 24-hour hash rate from this alphapex dg1 plus this thing makes over $30 a day right now on the script algorithm so just comment down below your guys's thoughts on or if you have any Asic miners hosted from any company and let me know your experience bad or good let me know down below and also like this video okay so I'll choose the winner after 24 hours a random common picker in the comments whoever wins you guys have to contact me contact at RedPin mine.com with your uh mining pool of choice and your worker name and address from this alphapex dg1 plus okay oh oval boort Tech I miss you man so guys my basement here my crypto mining basement okay this is where I have two different like garage Bays where I am crypto mining okay as you all know so I have my gpus and then some as6 on this side which I have four 240 volt 30 amp circuits and then on this side I have three 240 volt 30 amp circuits okay so you guys can see right here and they are I mean this one's not Max out but yeah pretty much at 24 amp I don't want to go above the 80% rule on most of these I mean I think I am on some of them but that's okay they've been running just perfect so I'm unable to add more hardware and stay tuned I am you know I am going to start getting rid of a lot of these like smaller Miners and that's going to be for another video so we'll talk about that in another video okay so in this area in this garage Bay I have three big boy as6 I have a ks5 l KS 5 m and then another ks5 L right here these three miners I am not going to be sending out for hosting because I think in the short term or maybe within the next 6 months here I'm probably going to be getting rid of these as uh as you all know like these are really not making much anymore and especially at my 8 cents electric I mean I'm I think I'm just breaking even on these guys so I foresee myself probably getting rid of these in the next couple months who knows unless Kasa decides to like three or 4X then these things will will be fine for mining but at the meantime I'm keeping these with me just in case I am going to like I don't know get rid of these or sell these or whatever so I just want to update you guys on my castle miners here but now I have three big boy as6 here which are on my GPU mining shelf which they are not supposed to be on my GPU mining shelf because I have actually been wanting to eventually add more OCTA miners going on the bottom of the Shelf here just to have this whole thing as an octom Miner all GPU mining wall okay even though you know GPU mining is dead I still believe that GPU mining is going to come back one day but that's going to coincide with like the whole altcoin season and Bitcoin going up and everything let's talk about the A6 I'm going to send off for hosting so the first one I want to talk about is my bit main ks5 Pro okay this thing here is a castle Miner and is the only profitable Casta Miner because of its efficiency so I'm actually going to be sending this off to Tera hosting.kr doio tell them red panda mining sent you for a discount all right so if you guys are interested in hosting they opened up 4 megawatt so I'm going to be sending my ks5 Pro here this one to Tera hosting and that's going to be awesome and some of you guys may know I actually already have five other Asic miners hosted with Tera hosting right now and they have awesome Forman software where I can see my as6 I can change the pools all that stuff it's really great I've had amazing uptime with them and really no downtime at all and if I had any issues I just contact them and they'll be able to take care of it right away so this guy is going to terar hosting and just a quick update I am keeping track of the mine and hoddle on this ks5 Pro just to show you here okay this thing is M about 2200 bucks worth of Caspa or about 199,50 Caspa over the past four to 5 months here 4 months I think four months since I've been running this ks5 Pro have I gotten the initial investment back of I think $9,000 or $10,000 no definitely not but we're Mining and holding for the future price appreciation or hopefully future price appreciation not Financial advice of Caspa right now it's 12 cents so in order for me to break even on this ks5 Pro I need to see Caspa at least you know do a four or 5x you know also equating my electricity that I've been paying for this thing out of pocket cuz I'm Mining and holding all the Caspa you know for the future all right so but I'm going to be sending this off the ter hosting so thank you Terra hosting.com if you guys are interested use code RPM for 1% off or contact Mike at contact Terah [Applause] hosting.org model at I think about about yeah 3950 Watts takes a lot of power but I'm going to be sending this off to Iowa mining.

He is a fellow content creator as well Iowa crypto Mining and also a good buddy of mine I play games with him and he owns a container with I think about almost 2/3 available hosting left okay so if you're interested check out IAM mining. I'll have a link down below he's also got YouTube videos on YouTube showing his journey in starting up his hosting Journey essentially and his container so uh go check him out I'll have his YouTube channel linked down below okay so this alphab Pex dg1 Plus is going over there that should free up pretty much like 4,000 watts for me okay and then lastly I have the ice River al3 now this one here I am going to be sending off to metered mining you guys have probably seen my tour of metered mining a couple months ago and so yeah this ier al3 I'm going to send off to them for uh hosting uh but not yet I don't believe they have available slots right now uh but they will so they are full but I will eventually send this away to metered mining unless alifia mining is not very good anymore so I know right now the price has been depressing and also the network hash rate for alium has been climbing so I will play by ear regarding the ice over al3 but I do want to send this away for hosting as well when that time comes so that should free up like a good like I think if I equated all three of these together like 10,000 Watts you know that I have right now Mining and that should then free up my GPU mining shelf for me to be able to uh run more gpus here now you guys probably asking red panda are you sure you want to add more gpus and that's something I have to play by ear I have a lot of other GPU mining locations already as you all know the barn the basement and uh yeah but if I can add another six more I think six more you know octom miners this way to fill up this whole area and then just have all gpus then yeah that's that's yeah that's some I have my tower rigs here that's something you know I want to do but anyways guys that's all I want to do in this video links down below to all the hosting companies you know why not get your Asic miners hosted especially at a lower rate right that makes sense because for people that higher than let's say 9 or 10 cents electric you might as well get them hosted because you don't have to worry about the power infrastructure you don't have to worry about the noise and they have the support and the ability to service them and all that stuff as well if you had issues so that's where I find a lot of value in hosting Asic miners with you know people I trust like Tera hosting you know Iowa crypto Mining and meter mining of course okay so those are the three companies I trust I do have another hosting company I trust in Canada which is named D Central which is on my website red pandam mining.com you guys can see my list there also my trusted links and coupons for all the different companies if you want to buy Asic miners but I don't recommend D Central for the gas flare okay they have gas flare which is very very unreliable and goes off like every like every day or every other day so I wouldn't recommend gas flare even though it is cheap but I recommend their other hosting side which is in Ontario I believe which is uh which is all on hydro okay which is a lot more reliable and I I haven't had any downtime there so yeah links down below to all the different basic mining hosting companies if you guys are interested all right thank you guys for watching let me know your thoughts have a good one peace out peace out peace out oh man I hope kaspa's going to make it Caspa you better make it

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