Mining With HiveOS | Step-by-Step Tutorial & Review

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hey everyone and welcome back to another 
mining chamber video in today's video we   are going to go over hive os step by step this 
video will be divided into multiple sections   so first we will give a little overview 
of what hivo west is in our opinion on   the pros and cons of using it and then we will 
go over creating an account flashing hiveos on   a storage device for your mining rig and then 
after that we will cover most of the important   functionality that you need to know when using 
hive os now let's get started right after the intro hiveos is a linux based operating system made for 
miners so instead of having to install windows   10 on your storage device you can just flash it 
on with hive os and then you'll be able to control   your rig through their web application hive os 
does come with a cost that varies based on how   many rigs you will be running on your account the 
pricing structure can be easily misunderstood so   i will try to clarify it as much as possible so 
hive os has three different plans one of them   is for enterprise which we don't need to focus on 
unless you're running a huge mining farm and then   the other two are basically identical for people 
that are planning to mine on pools other than hive   on so the cost would be around three dollars per 
rig if you're mining on any other pool then hive   on and then you'll always have one rig for free 
so whether you have four or five or eight rigs   on your account you will be paying the same exact 
amount which is three dollars per rig a month if   you're mining to a different pool than have on 
so now if you're mining to have one itself and   you have four rigs or less your account will 
be free and you won't be charged anything   but if you do mine with more than four rigs then 
you'll be charged a three percent fee from their   pool hopefully that clarified it a little bit 
if you think we misunderstood something as well   please let us know in the comments below now let's 
talk about the pros and cons of hive os based on   our opinion and then we can get started with the 
tutorial now for the pros on jvos based on our   opinion i do think it's very user friendly and 
easy to set up they made the process very simple   through their resources they provide and it's also 
great with managing multiple rigs or large-scale   farms as well as running 8 or more gpu rigs 
without any issues usually these types of rigs   are hard to stabilize in windows 10 but with a 
linux based operating system it is fairly easy   and using a linux based mining operating system 
is also great for avoiding the risk of overclocks   resetting which could happen pretty often in 
windows if you crash and get a blue screen   and then finally the good amount of additional 
resources from their blog youtube as well as   their discord server now as for the cons the first 
thing is that the pricing can be pretty costly and   that you can only get free rigs if you're mining 
directly to hive on pool for the initial plan   other than the first trick that you get for 
free and the second thing is transparency   transparency with platforms like this can always 
be taken for granted i'm not saying that they're   doing anything behind our back it's just that you 
can never take transparency for granted with these   and you never know what's happening on the other 
side of the curtains and then another con is that   if someone does get access to your hive os 
account they can jeopardize your profits by   changing the wallet address so make sure that 
you properly secure your account and activate   two-factor authentication and the final thing 
is that hash rates do seem lower on hive os   i'm not sure if it's just a personal issue but 
when i use the same exact overclocks in windows   10 system for example the rx 5700 xts i would 
be able to get 55.5 mega hash on windows 10   while on hive os i would get around 53.5 with 
the same exact settings and same exact setup   so that could just be the minor problem but it's 
hard to really tell since it does happen to almost   all of the cards so now that we have the pros and 
cons covered we can move on to setting up hive os   and then we will go over some possible issues 
that you can run into and how to troubleshoot them okay guys so the first step of the tutorial is to 
first make an account with hive os so we will have   an affiliate link in the descriptions below that 
you guys can use to support the channel or you can   go to hiveos.form which will take you to a page 
like this and then you just need to click start   for free and after that you will see a form you 
can just put in your information so an email and a   username as well as a password and then after that 
we will also provide a promo code for you guys   to use so first fill in the information and then 
after you fill in the information you can click on   have a promo code and then enter mc2020 which will 
fill your balance with ten dollars when you sign   up and that ten dollars can be used to pay for 
your mining rigs while they're mining on hive os so now after you register you will see that it 
will prompt you to do a two-factor authentication   i really recommend signing up for the two-factor 
authentication to secure your account just like   we mentioned you don't want anyone malicious to 
get access to your account and that is a great   way to avoid that as much as possible but since 
we're using a dummy account we're just going to   skip that step and then finally it will take you 
to your dashboard which will look something like   this so you'll see multiple different options the 
main thing you'll see on the screen is your farm   and your farm is basically just a group of miners 
that you keep in one collection so you can have   multiple farms so say for example you have 
a couple of mining rigs running at your home   and then a couple of other mining rigs running 
in a different place you can just separate   them that way or you can keep them all together 
whichever is more comfortable for you it won't   really make any difference with your payments 
or anything like that you'll still have to pay   if you have for example three rigs in farm one 
and then two rigs in farm two you'll still have   a total of five rigs under your account and you'll 
be paying according to that so now the first step   we want to do is we want to create a worker in 
the farm so we're just going to use the default   farm that's made for us and then we're going to 
go through the process of creating a worker and   show you guys all the information you need to know 
when you're making your first worker with hive os all right everyone so the first thing you will 
see when you're making your first worker is a box   like this so we're going to be selecting the 
gpu for now since we're doing this for a gpu   and then before we fill in this information let 
me just give you a background on the rig we're   doing this for so the rig consists of three rx 
580s one 5600 xt and three gtx 1660 ti so it   is a mix between amd and nvidia and two different 
types of amd cards so that would give you an idea   of how simple it is to do multiple different 
type of cards in one rig with hive os and the   process for amd nvidia is basically exactly the 
same so for the worker name we're just going to   name it mixed rig since this is what the rig is 
you guys can name it whatever you want of course   and then for the password we're just going to 
generate a password you don't need to worry about   saving this since they will give you a config file 
that has it in it and then for the tags this is up   to your preference as well there is an option to 
have it automatically generate tags so the tags   will be like amd nvidia and then it will tell you 
what cards in there as well but the way i like to   do it is just i make my own tags and then for amd 
i would do them red for nvidia i would do it green   and then since we have these three different 
cards in there i will just put them all in   so i made these tags previously that's why they 
are loaded in the system but you won't have any   of these and you can easily just add them by 
just typing in whatever letters you want to add   and then just pick the color and then add the tag 
so now after having the tag for the description   you guys can put whatever you want so for example 
bedroom mining rig or whatever description you   have on the mining rig and then after that once 
you hit add you'll see that you'll get a little   something like this so you'll have your farm 
hash and then you'll have your rig id and a   rig password and then you will also have your 
rig.config file so the first thing to do is go   ahead and download this rig config file and after 
you download it just save it somewhere for example   in your downloads folder and then after you 
download it to your downloads folder the next step   will be installing hive os to your computer and 
then flashing hive os on either a usb or an ssd so when you guys click on the link to download 
hiveos they will take you to a page like this you   can also access this page by going to hiveos.form 
install and then you'll see there's multiple   different images here so the first thing you want 
to look at is the gpu section in the gpu section   there will be a stable image which is the main 
one right here and then there will be a beta image   which is usually good for like new cards and then 
there will be an amd vega image so if you have   vega 56 or 64 cards then this is the image you 
want to use and the beta image used to be good   for 5600 xt's but now they added support to these 
cards on the stable version as well so if you have   5700 xt's or 5600 xt's or any older card i would 
recommend using this table version but for example   if you're using the rtx 360 ti's or 3080s 3070s 
and you're having troubles with the stable version   then i would recommend trying the beta image 
and see if that works for you so now that we   got that out of the way the first thing you want 
to do is you can go ahead and download the zip   or the torrent so for now we're doing the zip 
and you guys can see here we already installed   it here so we have the entire zip installed 
it does take a while to install it's about   three gigabytes and then when you extract it 
it's about seven gigabytes so go ahead and   install it and then extract it and then we can 
get into flashing it on the ssd all right so now   that you have it installed you have two options 
here you can flash your hive os on a usb stick   or you can flash it on your ssd drive i honestly 
recommend using an ssd there have been a lot of   scenarios where a lot of people get many issues 
with using usbs and they are not very stable   so you can do it on a usb stick if you don't have 
an ssd on you now but i would recommend down the   line for more stability to flash it on an ssd so 
now for flashing it on the ssd you guys will need   this little adapter that connects to your computer 
so it's a usb to sata and then you'll be able to   plug in your ssd and flash it through your main 
computer you can also plug it internally but then   there's not many softwares that can flash it for 
you that way so for example if you're trying to   use rufus or etcher most likely they won't detect 
your internal ssd storage they will think it's   part of your system but you guys can try whatever 
works for you as long as you get your ssd flashed   with the hive os image that you installed now 
if your rig currently has a windows 10 image   and you're using a different ssd and you guys are 
planning on plugging two different ssds into your   mining rig that can be completely fine so you'll 
have an ssd for windows and an ssd for hive os   if you're just playing around and testing them 
but just make sure that you go to your bios   options and set your boot priority to boot through 
the ssd with hive os before the one with windows   so if you're troubleshooting down the line you 
don't accidentally reboot the rig and then it   goes to windows now after you finish flashing 
hive os on your ssd your ssd will look something   like this so if you don't see hive mounted 
on your computer you just need to unplug and   plug back in the adapter that you have and then 
you'll see it pop up here so you want to go ahead   and drag that rig.config file that you installed 
when you first made your worker and then you want   to drag that inside of your hive drive so after 
you have that in there you can go ahead and just   get rid of the rig config example you don't need 
to get rid of it i just like to get rid of it and   then after that you can go ahead and unplug that 
ssd and plug it into your mining rig and boot   your mining rig so now that i plugged the drive 
that has the hive installation on it into the rig   you're not going to be able to see it pop up here 
yet until it gets an internet connection so there   are two methods for this the first one is making 
sure that you have ethernet plugged into the rig   and then the second one will be 
setting up your wi-fi connection   which you can do it through the ssd drive itself 
you will find in your network folder there is a   file named wi-fi so you just want to open that 
up and then put in your ssid for your network   and then your password and after that it will 
automatically connect to the network if you have   a wi-fi adapter connected to your rig and as you 
notice we don't show you any type of screen on   the mining rig since you don't really need any 
type of monitor when you're running on hive os   because everything you'll be controlling is 
going to be on the web app itself so it is very   unnecessary to put any type of monitor on those 
rigs and use additional power for no reason unless   of course later on if you run into any troubles 
or your rig is for some reason not booting up   even though you have ethernet connected and you're 
still not seeing it here then it is worth checking   what's going on on the rig itself so maybe 
have your bio settings not accepting the usb   that you plugged into it or anything like that 
that's where you need a monitor to troubleshoot   and look through what's going on so now in this 
video we are going to use the ethernet method so   i'm just going to go ahead and plug the ethernet 
into the rig and then you guys will be able to see   it pop up in the screen right here all right so 
now that i plugged in the ethernet you guys can   see here we have the rig popped up so if we click 
on it now you will see a couple of things first   is that there is no miner that is set and then 
we have no overclocks at all set to this rig so   now we can go ahead and move on to the third part 
which is setting up our overclocks and then after   that we will go ahead and jump into the flight 
sheet and walk you through the flight sheets so the first thing you want to do is overclocking 
your cards before you set a flight sheet because   if you set a flight sheet it will start mining 
right away and then it will start mining with your   stock settings which is always not good that will 
use way too much power so now for overclocking   these cards we can see here we have the three 
different type of cards that we mentioned before   so you have two ways to do this you can overclock 
every card individually by clicking these icons   right here which will take you to something 
looking like this or you can overclock them   all through this and then after you click on this 
you'll see here there's an amd nvidia and the way   it works is that if you do a number and then you 
do a space and you put another number that means   card one will get zero and car two will get a 
hundred and then car three etc it'll keep going   like that so since we're using the 1660 tis we 
are going to go ahead and put the overclocks for   them right here we still haven't covered the 1660 
ti in a gpu overview but that will be coming soon   so now we're just going to fill in the information 
real quickly and then we can continue alright so   now that i have the 1660 ti information filled you 
guys don't really need to worry about these values   do it according to your gpu so every gpu will have 
different overclocks we do have a library here on   our you guys will be able to 
find multiple different cards so when you click   on it you'll be able to find the overclocks 
for that specific card and then you guys can   just put them in the overclock settings for your 
hive os and then you'll also see here that there   is a tab that says other operating systems such 
as ios miner sat etc if you click on it you'll   notice that in some scenarios you have to put 
half the value that you would put in windows so   these values are based of windows operating system 
and you'll see here for memory it's 1840 to 1860   and in hive os you would be putting 930 if you're 
planning on doing 1860 so it's half the value   because in hive os it's multiplied by two i'm 
not quite sure why but it seems like it's how   it is for all radeon cards but for polaris cards 
like the rx 580 you will not have to do that and   then you'll also notice here that there is the 
enlargement pill for ethereum so that's for gtx   1080 cards and then there's also further command 
line parameters and then delay before running the   pill and then all these values you can just mess 
around with them until you find the perfect spot   for your cards so now we are going to go ahead and 
save the nvidia card parameters and then that will   automatically update it for all nvidia cards on 
the mining rig and you'll notice here on the top   left as well it will tell you that the command is 
applied successfully sometimes you'll get invalid   or something like that that means you've put 
a value that's wrong or an unacceptable value   so now let's move on to the amd cards so we have 
the three rx 580s and the 5600 xt so we're going   to overclock the 5600 xt separately first and 
then we can overclock the three radeon rx 580s   by themselves all right now so that we overclocked 
the 5600 xt for the rx 580s we are going to click   on all and then we're going to click on the amd 
tab so then here you guys can see that we have   0 and then 1300 which is the 5600 xt and then two 
more zeros that's referring to the other rx 580s   so we are going to change the zeros based on 
the actual values we need and then we will be   good to go okay so now i'm going to show you a 
couple of examples so as you can see here we put   all the values for the rx 580s and then in the fan 
percentage we just put 50 and what that means it's   going to apply to all the cards from gpu 1 to gpu 
5 but if we did for example 50 60 etc then that   will apply separately between every card so now we 
can go ahead and remove that and we can keep it as   50 and then you guys can also see here there's an 
amd mem tweak right into hive os overclocking so   you can do the rx boost basically through here and 
then for the rx 5600 xt since it doesn't work with   it you just don't need to put anything here and 
then you can just put the 20s for the rx 580s and   now we can go ahead and save these settings and 
you guys also can make different templates and   save templates so you can load them automatically 
as well that is completely fine and you guys can   test it out and see which way is preferred for 
you so now that we've finished overclocking we   can go ahead and start working on the flight 
sheets which is basically just like your miner   so now for the flight sheet the first thing we 
want to do is go ahead and click on the flight   sheet tab and then you guys will see here to 
start mining click on create flight sheets and   then before you'll do that you first need to have 
a wallet so the wallet is basically what the miner   will send the money to and i do like that about 
hive os so you don't have to store your money on   ios itself instead it goes directly to your wallet 
which is safer in my opinion so now for the wallet   you guys can just pick whatever type of wallet 
it is so since in this guide we are going to be   mining ethereum we are going to go ahead and 
select ethereum and then here we will put the   address for our ethereum wallet and then we put 
the wallets name and then as well as the source   so you don't need to really put like exactly where 
this is from these are just information for your   wallet to be stored on your ios account so you 
guys can put whatever information you want here   it doesn't need to be accurate except of course 
your address make sure that your address is   correct so now we are going to go ahead and fill 
in the information alright so now that we filled   the information we were just going to talk about 
these two little switches here so saving it as a   global wallet would just mean that you're able to 
use it through different farms so right now we're   on mc user farm but let's say you make a different 
farm like a different group of miners you will be   able to use that wallet there so you can just go 
ahead and do save it as a global i don't see why   not unless you're managing someone's farm then you 
guys can separate your different wallets and then   fetch wallet balance is basically just going to 
tell you how much is in your wallet i don't think   that's necessary since you can just open your 
wallet and check we can go ahead and keep that   unchecked and now after you created your wallet 
you'll have it saved in your wallet section so   that is good now we can move on to flight sheets 
and finish up the flight sheet setup so the first   thing is you pick the coin that you want to mine 
so in this case we're going to be mining ethereum   and then you select the wallet so you will be 
putting your ethereum in your ethereum address   make sure that you're doing the right address 
and then there's going to be the pool so the pool   there's multiple selections and like we talked 
before on the pricing with hyvon you can run four   rigs for free using their own pool but in our case 
we have only one rig and we're just going to run   it on ether mine since i've had a really good 
experience with ethermine so i'm just going to   stick to that and then you'll see once you select 
a pool you'll get this selection right here so ssl   will just increase your security which i recommend 
turning on and then you'll have to select the   servers so just select the ones that are closest 
to you in your region in our case we're just going   to use us east and us west and now we can go 
ahead and do apply and after that we have the   pools already configured now the last thing will 
be the miner so there are multiple of different   miners and you'll see here it says nvidia amd 
and cpus so that means you can mine with those   type of gpus or cpu and in our case since we're 
using a mix of both cards we're just going to   use phoenix miner it's always been great to use 
and it barely has any issues so once you select   phoenix miner you guys can see here you can set up 
the miner config which means you can add different   parameters for example you can add here dash amd 
which means you will only use amd cards for mining   and then you can also add dash nvidia which 
means you'll only use nvidia cards for mining   or dash gpus123 which will be like using gpu 
just one two three the first ones in your rig   so this is useful if you're planning on mining 
two different coins so i can have the nvidia   cards for example mine ethereum classic while the 
amd cards mine ethereum but since ethereum is the   most profitable right now for all the gpus at the 
time of this video we're just going to leave it   blank and then finally you can also see here 
in the version you can select what version of   phoenix miner you want to run the latest is always 
the best so i would recommend keeping it this way   and now we can go ahead and do apply changes and 
then we can name the flight sheet so for naming   the flight sheet you guys can name it whatever 
you want it's up to your preference but in my   case i will name it eth slash ether mine slash 
phoenix miner so i know the coin that it's mining   the pool as well as the miner itself so now 
we finally finish the flight sheet we can   go ahead and do create flight sheet so now we 
can see here the flight sheet is ready and the   only thing you need to do now is you want to set 
your mining rig on it and to do that you can just   go back to your workers and then click on your 
mixed rig or whichever rig you have on there   and then you guys can just click on the rocket 
and then it will start mining for you so now with   phoenix miner it should take a couple of seconds 
to configure to auto optimize all these cards   and then you guys will be able to see your wattage 
on the right side just remember all these wattage   reading is not accurate the best way to actually 
count how much watts you're using is to get a   power meter that plugs into the wall and then into 
your rig and then on the left side you guys can   see the temperatures as well so for the radeon rx 
5600 xt there is memories reading as well so this   is the memory temperature and then for the other 
cars you only get the core temperature since they   don't have the memory sensor now generally with 
all these temperatures you guys will see them   change colors if it's getting too hot so for 
example the 5600 xt if it passes 90 degrees on   memory it will start getting red and then you'll 
know here that you have a hot card running so now   if we refresh the page we're most likely going 
to be mining so let's go ahead and check it out   all right awesome so we went ahead and refreshed 
and then we can see here we're starting to get   some numbers so we have the 1660 ti's at almost 
31 mega hash all of them and then the rx 580s are   still optimizing so if i refresh again you'll see 
a jump in the numbers all right there we go so we   have now every card other than the 5600 xt they're 
all at 31 mega hash with a little bit of change   and then we can also see here the wattage 
increased a little bit but again it's not   accurate and then you can see its total system 
consumption here but it's also not accurate and   then on the right side you can see your os version 
for your hive os and then you can see your nvidia   drivers version and your opencl which is your amd 
drivers and then your free ram cpu temperature   as well as the load average which is how fast this 
rig boots and then also the specs for your system   so here is the motherboard cpu and then i know we 
said you should use an ssd but we're here using an   usb just for the sake of this video but i still 
recommend using an ssd so now it looks like we're   mining and if we go back to our farm we can see 
here that the rig is on and it's mining on phoenix   miner for 229 mega hash total and it's look like 
it's being pretty stable so far so that is it for   setting up your flight sheet guys if you have any 
questions please let us know in the comments below   and also one more thing you guys can notice 
here on the top left side you guys will see your   accepted shares and if there's any invalid chairs 
you'll see them popping up here so later on in the   video once we reach tips and tricks we'll show 
you guys how to fix up your wattage make it seem   more realistic to your rig and then you'll also 
learn what to do if you get a lot of failed shares   and things like that so now we wrapped up the 
flight sheets we can go ahead and talk about ssh   which is basically remote connecting for hive os 
and how to interact with your mining rig directly so the first thing you want to do for remote 
connection is you guys want to go up here you'll   see there's something that says remote access so 
this is like your little toolbar you can shut down   your rig or you can reboot it through this here 
and then you can also upgrade it to a different   version of hive os and you can run a command and 
select a flight sheet you have different multiple   functionalities here that are pretty useful and 
one of these functionalities is remote access so   if i go ahead and click on remote access i want to 
select hive shell start what that would do is you   guys will see here it will say a hive shell which 
will initiate and as soon as it's done initiating   it will give me a link that i can click on 
so now when the command is finished running   you guys can click on it and then once you 
click on it you'll see here there's a link   that will take you to the shell and this shell is 
basically a command interface to your hive os rig   and then here you guys can see all your different 
cards as well as multiple different commands that   you can run on your rig so every command has a 
little description next to it which is great you   guys can use this to navigate through this little 
terminal and a couple of really important commands   are the first one is that you can do miner which 
will basically take you to what the minor looks   like right now which is the phoenix miner so you 
guys can see here the hash rate of all the cards   as well as the accepted chairs incorrect chairs 
and exactly what's going on on phoenix minor end   so this is great for troubleshooting a crashing 
card you'll see that it goes to zero mega hash   that means the card crashed or the overclocks 
are not good for it and then to exit you just   want to click on control plus a and then d so 
now that we disconnected from the miner you guys   can type and help me to see that same list that 
we've seen in the beginning but the second really   important command is hive replace for example if 
you ever want to upgrade your existing hive to   a different image instead of having to go through 
the process of disconnecting your ssd plugging it   into your system and doing all that again you can 
just go in and type hive replace and then that   will show you a bunch of different commands so 
the easiest way to do it is just do hive replace   dash dash list or dash l and then they will give 
you multiple images so you just select them with   a number and then it will proceed to flash that 
image on the ssd itself which makes it very simple   and very easy to do there is also a command to 
update your nvidia drivers which is great for   the new gpus the rtx 3000 series and such and 
then there's also a command to detect which gpu   is which which is really awesome so it basically 
spins the fans of a gpu and then like that you'll   know which gpu is this and which one is that so 
it's great to troubleshoot physically which card   is giving you problems so in this video we are not 
going to go through all of these commands since   it will take a really long time to cover all 
of them but you guys can just mess around with   them if you do think you need a video to cover 
it all step by step you can let me know i will   look into making one like that but now that we've 
finished this part we can move on to the tips and   tricks for troubleshooting and then after that 
we can give you guys our conclusion on hiveos   whether it's a good option to use or you should 
just use windows for mining your cryptocurrency   so for tips and troubleshooting i thought i would 
be able to give a good amount of value for it   but i don't think there is much to cover since 
the main things are in the commands which are   very useful when you get stuck sometimes so make 
sure that you use those commands wisely and if you   ever need to test your cards or anything like 
that you always have those commands to do so   so now for getting more accurate wattage 
consumption reading you guys need to go to   your settings tab and then once you're in your 
settings tab just scroll all the way down you   guys will be able to find here multiple of 
different settings you can mess around with   so if you ever change how many cards in the rig 
you can change them here as well so it reflects   on the web app so if you got rid of one card and 
then you have it still at seven it will always   show you one card that's offline so you'll just 
need to update it to six and then like that it   will show you that all of your cards are online 
and now let's go back to the wattage thing so here   you guys can see the hardware power consumption 
watts and then the power supply unit efficiency   so you guys can put in your power supply unit 
efficiency to get more accurate readings over how   much you're actually using to power your rigs but 
for this video we're just going to show you how to   do it with the hardware power consumption i think 
that's honestly the main point so if we scroll   back up we will see here we are drawing around 539 
watts and we know that this rig off the wall draws   around 840 watts so now we're just going to add 
300 as a fixed value and then once we save this   and then when we go up we'll see here that we're 
about 840 watts for system draw and then that is   accurate enough for us to know that this mining 
rig draws around 840 watts with all these seven   cards plugged into the rig so now that you have 
your wattage set as close as possible you guys   can also go to your farm settings and then you can 
also put a price for your electricity so here it   says electricity price in kilowatt hour and in our 
case we will be using point 10 cents so now if you   guys point at your wattage consumption you guys 
will see here it will tell you what's your average   daily cost and it's saying that it's 1.92 cents 
for all these gpus that are connected to this rig   and then also changing the values here this will 
apply to all your workers so if i do 300 here   it will apply to every single worker i have 
connected to it i don't recommend doing it   this way i recommend just doing it individually 
per worker so you can be as accurate as possible   so this is a pretty nice way to get an idea of how 
much you're going to be spending on electricity so   now another great thing that hive os has is the 
way to bios mod your cards it's very simple and   easy to do through hive os so all you'll need 
to do is go to your cards and then in the cards   section you guys will be able to see have multiple 
different cards here so if i would want to bios   mod the rx 5600 xt i would click on here and then 
i would do download b bios so that would just save   the original bios on the computer and also on hive 
os's storage so you'll have it stored online as   well and then after that you can just manipulate 
the bios on your system so you can download   red bias editor or whatever you want to use to 
manipulate it and then you just need to upload   the final version of the bios to the v bias rom 
storage and then after you upload it here you'll   be able to select the bios to flash it on the card 
by clicking on the three dots and then do select   b bios which will then show up here and then you 
can select it and flash it on the card itself you   can also do it to multiple cards at the same time 
which makes it very easy and very simple to use   so you don't have to go through the struggle of 
doing it on windows 10 and now for another thing   that helped me personally a lot is that i use a 
smart plug for one of my rigs on hive os since   it keeps crashing and every time it crashes it 
doesn't start mining at all unless i shut down the   rig and then turn it back on after like an hour 
or so it does seem like it's just having some type   of hardware failure but since i couldn't get to it 
and replace whatever damaged part it is i can just   easily shut it down through that smart plug and 
then turn on the smart plug again and then it   would start working without any issues this is 
also useful in scenarios that for some reason   your rig is not responding at all to your commands 
through the web app so shutting it down through   the smart plug and then turning it back on we'll 
start it on a fresh page and then you can easily   just mess around with it and get it going again 
and then also another tip for rejected chairs i   do see a lot more rejected shares on hive os than 
i would see on windows when i had a couple of more   mining rigs on windows so on hive os to get rid 
of the rejected chairs just reduce a little bit on   your memory most of the time that fixes the issue 
so just tune it down instead of 920 you can go 910   you can even just drop a single number so instead 
of 920 you can go 919 and then somehow it just   fixes it so just give that a try mess around with 
it a little bit and then hopefully you have it   going so that is it for tips and troubleshooting 
now we can finally jump to the conclusion and tell   you guys what i think about hive os should 
you use it or should you use something else i do think in general any linux based 
mining operating system should be a   go-to for a large-scale mining farm since if 
you run them all on windows it will be nearly   impossible to maintain everything and it will 
waste way too much time when you can just log   into the web app and tune everything 
up just through the website interface   without having to individually remote connect 
to every rig and then deal with them that way   and for the small scale home mining i still think 
it's a great option maybe you can just run one rig   on it to get it for free or you can run a 
couple of rigs on there on high bond pool   it's always good to learn more through testing 
different applications and different mining   softwares so this is going to be a new series 
that we're going to start we're going to review   different operating systems different mining 
software one click miners and everything like that   and as far as hive os so far like i mentioned 
it's a good option you can give it a test but   i also recommend testing in windows and testing in 
different systems as well just to get the feel for   it and then like that you can pick whichever 
one you like the most i hope you guys enjoyed   this guide i know it came out to be very very 
long i thought i would be able to go through   everything in 20 minutes but it seems like it was 
not possible so if you guys like this long type   of videos please let us know in the comments 
below or if you want us to try to compress it   more next time also let me know and then i will 
do that and now let's talk about the giveaway   so we've done a giveaway on our video from two 
weeks ago where we showed how to cash out your   cryptocurrency mining revenue and that giveaway 
was spawning random wallets in a video for example   this one right now that you're seeing on the 
screen so if you're watching this video like   one day later you probably missed out on the 
prize these wallets are just 12 seed phrase   that somebody can open and then they will get the 
reward in it by sending it to their own wallet   before someone else does it so i thought this 
was a fun idea for a giveaway but i know it's   unfair for many people so i want to do something 
different and thanks to you guys we're almost at   10k subscribers which is insane i thought reaching 
1 000 subscribers in a year is crazy but you guys   helped us reach almost 10 000 subscribers in 
a year since our video was on december 26th   and i really want to thank you guys for getting 
us all the way here i really appreciate it and   hope you're enjoying the content if you have any 
requests for the upcoming year just let us know   what you want to see in our content and then we'll 
try to make it happen so thank you guys again and   if you enjoyed this video please leave a thumbs up 
and if you have any questions let us know in the   comments below we hope you all have a wonderful 
day and stay tuned for the 10 000 subscribers giveaway you

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