[Music] [Music] he hey guys ARP here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I want to give you guys an upate update of my whole crypto mining basement everything from I guess my current temperatures right now what I got mining a few different updates I've done around in the basement here and I got a lot of giveaway announcements I want to mention and yeah I've just been doing some Cleanup in my basement here and also I want to explain a few projects that I want to do that's upcoming and as well as a few issues that my wife has regarding me taking over the whole basement literally taking over the whole basement just for crypto mining okay my wife is not happy so I have something that I want to explain to you all that well I'll just tell you right now I am looking into building a shed okay a 10×10 shed so that I can put I guess not mining equipment but maybe we'll explain that I'll talk about that after a lot to go through in this video and I got a bunch of giveaway announcements I want to go through right after a word from today's video sponsor are high energy rates cutting into your crypto mining profits introducing Tera hosting Your solution for first class hasslefree crypto mining at Tera hosting we specialize in hosting Services tailored for gpus as6 and AI machine learning say goodbye to skyrocketing electricity bills and noisy heat producing Hardware our unique service offering combines low electric rates with a community blockchain oriented data center while ensuring your equipment stays safe and secure with Tera hosting you simply set it and forget it contact us today to learn more and get answers to all your questions Tera hosting trust as a service ah great or good mining I love your flag my friend I love everybody's flag veteran Miner the digi crypto nexton mining I see Miner wind over there trillion Capital altered component mine something Yeti good sir we got overboard Tech geek of all trades it's kind of flapping in the wind due to the due to the wind of the gpus got blue moon mining yeah just a bunch of flags you guys probably saw all the ones that are over here as well all the other content creators I got more coming actually more coming okay so let's talk about giveaways first before I talk about everything else I have a now specific giveaway table in my basement now this table here I am designating just for giveaways so whatever I find whatever I have that's around that I I just you know I want to give away to you you guys I'm going to place it on this table okay so I have a bunch of 5700s I'm going to give away an eth mini I believe that's broken I'll explain that later just a bunch of giveaways here an evergreen Miner uh from Bitcoin merch that's in here I have an IB link uh bmk 3 I want to give away I have a a bunch of Library miners I don't know if librar is minable anymore but if anyone wants these I got two of them got some phones I want to give away and of course ks0 Pros so a gentleman just won one recently someone in Canada congrats to you my friend I'll ship that to you but I have two more left to give away and so we're going to do one for this week and I'll be choosing the winner on Sunday all right and they'll also be getting a barrel plug with a six pin power here to power the ks0 pro I can show you right here I actually have four of them running already with the new veteran Miner Barrel plug that goes into a HP server PSU 750 wat with a breakout board that's powering them I've had these running for about a few weeks now no problem stay tuned I'm actually have a big project coming with about 10 KS Euros the commemorative green ones from Ice River I bought 10 of them I'll explain that later I have a big project coming uh for these so to participate in the ksz Pro giveaway there's going to be a video that you're going to have to comment and as well you're going to have to subscribe to Mr Max voltage let's get get him to over 5,000 subscribers link down below to his channel guys make sure you subscribe and also comment on the video with anything positive about crypto mining as well as which country you are from okay and then I'll be using random comment picker to choose the winner on Sunday on Max voltages video I have it linked down below you have to comment on his video and make sure you subscribe to Mr Max voltage for a KS Z Pro and a metal Barrel plug from mrthe veteran minor.com if you're looking for any PCI products power cables go check them out the veteran minor.com thank you to Mr BP who has graciously donated these ksz Pros we giving away already eight of them and yeah it's just been awesome so hopefully you guys enjoy this kso Pro giveaway it'll be this Sunday so get your comments in in Max voltages video and make sure you subscribe okay next giveaway to announce okay this is one for a bitm S21 195 terahash model okay this thing with an RPM sticker I'm giving away this S21 on behalf of Crypt Miner bros.com there's a gleam link down below if you guys want to participate in this giveaway I'm going to be choosing a winner on bitcoin having day and I'm going to ship this out to some lucky winner that's going to win this bitmain S21 195 terahash model just insane link down below if you guys are interested okay so yeah that's the announcements of those two giveaways and I got another giveaway I want to do in today's video if you watch this far I know a lot of you guys like watching looking for giveaways and stuff so I want to give away first this 1660 I believe it's a 1660 TI and or super one of the too and uh there's I did do a giveaway of this previously but the winner didn't contact me so we're going to do another draw for this 1660 TI along with an RPM sticker for this video okay so get your comments in in this video here okay different from Max voltages video just what you guys think about anything regarding today's video as I go along explaining you know what's going on in my basement here and or I don't know about this giveaway table I don't know anything regarding about this video and also if you're in USA or Canada okay so get your comments in down below of those two requirements and I will choose the winner after 24 hours to the loyal viewers loyal subscribers of the channel so good luck guys good luck hope you guys enjoy my little giveaway table here it's going to keep building and building as I do more videos and you know I'm going to give away more gpus bunch of 5700s and you know this big boy Asic here a a lot of stuff guys a lot of fun a lot of fun ahead make sure you watch all my videos to participate I appreciate the whole crypto mining community so much I just want to give back to you guys as much as I can okay guys now let's go along talking about the basement I think the biggest thing I want to talk about first is that I've taken over this whole basement literally like literally taking over everything my wife's car she's no longer able to park here because I've been in the proc process of trying to get you know as you all know I got a bunch of RTX 370s and I had them all laid out on the floor here and I'm still in the process of building more 3070 rigs you guys probably saw the video yesterday in which I need to bring over those octom Miners and a few of them are broken but I have about 32 I believe 32 370s here and I got a bunch more so in total I I need to make six more octom miners eight each to fill up on the GPU rack so they're going to be at the bottom of the shelf right there okay so I'm going to be filling up this with more 307s I've already filled up the top rack with about 80 307s as most of you know but anyways going back to the talk about I've just my whole basement I've taken it over my wife can't park her car here kids stuff I don't like none of this stuff here is in the garage you know I have a bunch of like just miscellaneous stuff like like I have like a portable barbecue I have like a leaf blower I have my miter saw here I just have a bunch of stuff that's I need to place in another area normally I would have this in something like my garage here but you guys know like I've taken over this room this room is just a mess just a bunch of crap bunch of boxes bunch of mining stuff a bunch of projects I need to get done and of course you guys know this room here is already full like it's just full of stuff you know and I I don't want to have a leaf blower or miter saw hanging around here it's literally all mining right you guys know my server rack here with my servers and my ubiquity setup and you know for my whole house Wi-Fi everything security cameras I have the mining cave Tower the 48 6600 XTS here and yeah so like I've just taken over everything so I have a plan I've already been trying to get a quote to get a 10x 10 or uh 8X 10 there is a maximum in which you know uh I think it's 10x 10 and which I don't need to have a permit okay so I can install a 10×10 shed and it's going to be about either 10 or 15 ft uh from this wall outside okay there's two options here and I want to just gather some feedback from you guys so either okay either that shed is just going to be for all my crap on my wife's stuff my son's stuff just you know miscellaneous garden tools all that kind of stuff is going to go in that shed or okay or I convert that shed into a mining shed and I take out all of my as6 here or you know my 3x 30 amp circuits and move them to the shed which is about going to be about 20 ft away so in total though 20 ft plus another I'm thinking another 30 40 probably a good 40 ft so 60 ft Al together in order to get a 100 amp sub panel to the shed what do you guys think about that currently my 3x uh 240 volt 30m circuits are here for the as6 so you know in theory I do have three spares here um this panel is pretty maxed out so if I were to take these out and get some electrician to install a you know 100 amp sub panel you know going all the way over there 6 60 ft that way I know that's not going to be cheap that's going to be really really expensive and you know another concern I have is is there going to be resistance and uh voltage drop like a lot of voltage drop if I'm going from here to over there 60 ft you know they're going to have to dig into the ground do a lot of work go all the way out there to the shed what do you guys think about that they're probably have to put some conduit right a lot easier to I don't know Port whatever how big the cabling is going to be you know I don't know what gauge that would be for 100 m breaker service going to the shed but if I were to do that that that would cost a lot right and a shed is not cheap I already looked at prices for like a you know a 10×10 and uh to get someone out here to build it it would not be cheap and doing the electrical for that would not be cheap either but it would alleviate in a sense I could then turn this part of the garage okay this other side of the garage here just for all the miscellaneous stuff garden tools uh I don't know kids stuff wife's car the back of here could just be that I I would hate to all the work I did here previously would just be gone I would hate that this fan would go but another Pro would be I would alleviate the fan noise Asic noise uh in this part of the house which honestly hasn't really been a big deal um I can barely hear it upstairs anyway but you know that's just another thing to consider if if I am going to uh you know put a shed out there then maybe uh depending on how much the electri electrical is going to cost to run out there it's it it may not you know yeah who know let me know what you guys think I want to get some thoughts I guess from you guys uh that's go that's going to go along with the giveaway comment as well so uh that's uh yeah let me know what you guys think about the shed uh honestly I'm leaning towards just the shed being for all the miscellaneous stuff you know barbecue tools garden stuff kids stuff it's all going to go in that shed and I don't have to worry about running power over there that's kind of like my feeling right now but let me know what you guys think I I know a lot of you guys are probably going to say red panda do it turn make a make a shed you know get power run out there and uh have some fun I would love to but it's going to it's all going to be dependent on how the power could be run and I guess getting a quote for a you know a certified electrician company to come out and you know see if they they can do that I don't know I don't know how they would do that to get a 100 Dam service out there it's going it's probably going to be very expensive but uh I am going to get a quote and see how much it cost okay so that's the end of the shed talk uh just letting you guys know uh right now it's you know yeah I I have a lot of stuff that's outside of the house right now that's just it should be inside and but I can't because I've taken over I've taken over the basement it's just it's just really funny it's just really funny okay moving along guys moving along so I recently just put up like this husky shelf system here um I just I don't know I wanted something where I could put tools I don't know stuff for the cars whatever just random stuff and I did have the word BP Behind these uh shelves here the gentleman who has donated all these ksz Pros but you guys know that already going along though okay I have a project of uh I have a brand new s19 K Pro uh 120 terahash model here so I'm going to be doing videos on this one regarding uh using brains OS I'm going to try different voltages and megahertz overclocks and kind of stuff getting more efficient on the s9k pro because we have the Bitcoin having is coming up all right so you all know right Bitcoin having is going to cut the rewards in half and so efficiency is going to be the name of the game when it comes to you know these types of as6 miners s19 K even hell even s9s s9j Pros I'm actually I have two here um s9j Pro and an s19 these two I'm going to testing I guess post Bitcoin having and just seeing how efficient I can get these on like brains Os or Luxo Os or I don't know hion even and you know see how efficient I could get these as6 miners as well as the s9k pro because yeah it's it's going to come down to efficiency really because if the rewards are going to be cut in half and the Bitcoin price isn't going to go up you know it's going to be very competitive and I I have my my fear is that there's going to be a lot of Bitcoin miners that are going to shut off you can think of it as a good thing or a bad thing depending if you want to play the game of you know buying mining hardware for cheap or playing the game of if the Bitcoin price is going to go up and appreciate then miners like the s19 K is going to be fine maybe the s19 JS and s9s are going to be fine as well depending on the Bitcoin price if it's over 100k 150k it'll be profitable depending on the difficulty and network hash rate of Bitcoin of course fun times ahead less than a month the Bitcoin having is happening so stay tuned got a more videos I want to do on Bitcoin mining it's I think it's something pretty big and a lot of people are you know Bitcoin mining right so anyways just a little update project on that I will be doing pretty soon okay now let's talk about the update of my gpus that I have in this basement okay so in this general area Okay unfortunately I do have 2 as6 there I'm sorry Blasphemous pych religious I know but here okay let's talk about the gpus so I have a 80 307s here I'm going to have 48 more at the bottom really soon I'm going to do that probably tomorrow and then the ambient temperatures right now some of you may know want to know it's about 75 fah intake okay the temperature is pretty good here pretty low as I am mining uh whoat a p it's a pin hash algorithm uh coin so it's it's a generally lower coin I I would say lithium is lower but you guys can see my power consumption here okay 3500 that's one Asic on it 16 watts and 5400 okay so that that includes the the two as6 at the bottom there but this general area it's it's pretty cool it's doing really well my Vore uh 22-in exhaust fan is doing really well and another thing regarding this area I've done a little bit of uh Quality of Life Update here I bought a like a 30 $40 USD like a laptop uh table that's portable I can move it around and I have my laptop here in which I can you know look at my hios yeah you guys can see I'm mining nice hack sorry nice hash on this laptop right now just for fun I have my laptop here just a station in which I can look at my hios right I can look at my my accounts whatever I'm mining here instead of going back to the computer uh you know and you know my as6 here as well I can also look at the whatever is going on here with a station here so I'm really happy about this just just to have it here rather than the desktop which is which is over there so yeah that's just the update here going to be adding more gpus very soon to fill up more of the capacity and actually that's a good segue into talking about how much power am I using right now and my electrical rate is now lowered because I am now hitting that threshold so right now on the left 200 amp panel I'm using about 17 kilowatt the other panel the right one is using about 23 so in total I'm at almost yeah 40 kilowatts right now usage okay per hour I guess that's the calculation there so I am now at 7.2 cents USD that's going to be about 10 9.8 cents Canadian but I think Allin though I do have a a little bit of a demand charge all taxes and all that kind of stuff Allin is going to be about 7.5 7.6 cents uh USD for this location all my A6 all my gpus and all the other stuff I have mining in this house 7.5 cents USD I think that's really good I'm happy now to just churn out more miners here I mean how much more re in reality can I really run you know much more on these 200 amp panels I don't think I want to run too much more then I don't think combined I don't want to go past I don't know 46 k maybe 50 Kow um 25 each you know that that's good enough I think Max you can go on these you know 200 M panel 80% rules what I think 35 34 around there so I don't want to go really high I also have to consider my other services oven range dryer Tesla charger um heater whatever other stuff I have mining upstairs on the 20 amp circuits uh that are in each room I got to be mindful right I got to be mindful of that and yeah my Emporia system you guys just saw on the app is doing really well I really love this system I actually heard there's a new uh Emporia V3 system I have the gen2 system so there's a gen 3 now so I just bought this and they they just came out with the Gen 3 so I'm kind of I'm kind of salty about that but that that that's okay that's okay okay so let's talk about this room now all right so I have a project I have in mind that I want to do and I'm thinking to convert this shelf to all the CP miners okay I know this is like my low power shelf I I do have a bunch of like I have like an x16 Q here which uh uh BC if you're watching man I'm going to ship this to you I do have like KS zos here I have Evergreen miners I got an X1 Here solo Bitcoin mining stuff here um V1 mini Ip poloo I poloo V1 mini which I'm probably going to give this away I'm going to put that on the giveaway shelf and uh yeah I'm going to take all this off I'm thinking I'm going to take all off I'm going to put wood boards wood MDF like a 1 in on each of the each of the sh shelvings here and then all the CPU miners that I have which you guys know I I have not been you know setting up at all but I do have five here currently and I do have another 10 or so over here uh 5950 X's 3900 X's all these guys right here I really need to get going I really need to get set up in mining I hate that they're sitting here but you guys know I've been pretty busy doing my gpus and all that kind of stuff and all right 20gp rig it just keeps staring at me we're going to come back to that but anyways I'm going to get rid of this table I don't like it here and I think I'm going to move all my KS zero Pros to the other basement okay my other basement where I have more gpus there because I'm going to add another one or two more 30 amp circuits and I'm going to add another red shelf over there and I'm going to put all the Kos zero Pros over there and maybe all the other miscellaneous maybe maybe all this other miscellaneous stuff I'm probably going to you know what I'm probably going to give all these all these away think about giving away all the phones just everything I see here I'm just thinking about giving away but yeah so I actually have 10 more uh green those commemorative Caspa ks0 Pro miners coming from Ice River I bought 10 of them and so I also have uh I think coming pretty soon 10 kits from the meter box in order to do the 120 mil F I also ordered a bunch of the uh thermop paste that I'm going to redo on all of them I have thermop pads 1.5 mm thermop pads as well as the little copper uh heat sinks for the uh mosfets and yeah I plan on doing all that on the 10 k0 pros and also I want to overclock them and also utilize the veteran minor Barrel plugs okay I'm going to be using those as well as with the you know server psus I want to have some fun doing that so stay tuned for that project those are coming in pretty much next week so that's going to be that's going to be fun but the 20 GPU rig okay this obviously deserves deserves its own video and uh you know I've I've I have a LoveHate relationship I truly I I've done like these big builds before you I think this is like my fifth time doing the 20 GPU or you know 16 or 21 GPU rig whatever you know these things It ultimately I know that I'm going to have an issue come 15 or 16 GPU but here's the thing guys I didn't have enough Splitters okay in order to run the veteran minor cables and you know all these 50 hxs that have been sitting here you guys know I have like 20 of them that yeah I'm I want to try to populate on this very interesting mining motherboard so that's the whole point that I'm trying to achieve actually to be honest I'll be honest with you guys I haven't been trying um I didn't order the Splitters yet I've just been so I don't know how do you say it maybe I'm just scared you know I'm fearing the fact of building this actually actually I did order eight p106 100s From Nerd gears so I'm thinking just in case it doesn't work I do have the p106 coming that I may need to utilize on this motherboard in order to get 20 gpus to work because the p1061 100s are like the mining specific cards I guess there's something about them that I don't know in the micro code or pcie uh generation that makes it work on these motherboards to have more than you know 13 14 15 16 regular gpus so we'll see how that goes but I know you guys have been going after me regarding the 20 GPU and it's coming okay guys it's it's coming just you can hear it in my voice I'm very distraught all right very distraught regarding this 20 GPU rig but it's coming okay I have a 3X 3090 rig here that I'm going to be trying with flux core okay flux is I guess uh proof of use will work operating system in a sense or software so the biggest thing regarding this I guess it has the x16 PCI slots and also the ribbon cables so I'm curious to know if this will actually you know actually be x16 when I try the flux core okay on this uh thread Ripper system it should work in theory but we'll see we'll see okay so I'm going to probably have to put Windows on this I think FX runs on Windows some of you guys can let me know uh but this will be a project for later down the road you guys probably saw a bunch of 30 series cards here 370s 360 TI 360s 3060 ti 370s so the 370s I explained before I'm going to be putting those into server cases so stay tuned for that but the other open a rigs here 360 TI 360 TI and 36s I I'm not sure I think I may switch these out into the server cases or keep them as is and run them somewhere else maybe around the house for heat it is a little bit cold still but summer is coming so I don't know I'm going to decide that later on later later on okay now this room here it's just a it's just a graveyard of things gpus shrouds for KS zero Pros just I got a like I just have everything here I I hate showing it cuz it's so messy I am doing a unboxing live stream tomorrow I guess today if you guys are watching this video before the fact I'm going to be opening a bunch of stuff here that I I'm going to be setting up I got some stuff from M shop meterbox stuff I order on Amazon going to talk about that but uh yeah I I'm just I'm just in the process still always of trying to clean up this place and it's a mess it's it's literally a mess I I I've shown you guys everything here being super transparent of the whole basement but it's it's a lot guys but I'm getting there I'm really happy about this setup here I really do truly love this I can now start filling it up and uh my giveaway giveaway table hopefully you guys like this but okay that's it guys that that's that's really all I got to do here I'm going to be just cleaning up this base this side of the basement soon so my wife can park here and uh yeah my as6 are as6 they're doing just fine nothing really to update about you guys about this one but uh yeah okay so 1660 Ti giveaway for this video just get your comments in about anything that you like regarding this video or don't like and uh you get a sticker and a 1660 TI I think this is a TI or super um so get your comments in I'll choose the winner in 2 24 hours I'll pin your comment and then you just have to uh let me know uh your shipping address into my uh to my email okay so I appreciate you all I'll see you all in the next video have a good one ah and peace out peace out oh man so much so much to clean up
My WHOLE basement is dedicated to Crypto Mining…