If you are ready to make money in the Cryptocurrency space now is the time Guys we've been talking about this over The last couple of weeks that you need To you need to have a Savage mindset if You're going to make it in the investing World you literally need to ignore all Of the emotion that regular retail Investors have and that's what a lot of People are doing and they are going to Be successful during this upcoming Bull Run and and really even if we get just a Little retail rally here over the coming Weeks you're going to see major gains We're going to be talking about it in This video we're going to be talking About the brand new layer 2 blockchain Uh Pepe Unchained in this video and if It sounds like something you're Interested in let's get started what's Up everybody I'm clay bro and as you can See we've got Pepe Unchained on the Screen right now and my goodness only The best of the best are getting in guys We are witnessing something very special Right now we are witnessing a time when The fear degreed index on coin market Cap has very quickly moved from a level Of 36 37 40 40 41 46 57 getting ready to tick back up into Greedy territory the crypto stats fear To Greed index is already sitting at a Level of 65 greedy once again if you were out
There buying just a couple of days ago At 25 extreme G Or at 36 EXT not extreme fear extreme Fear starts down here at 25 here um but 20 36 fearful Situation you ignored all of the Emotions that regular retail investors Have and you're already sitting on Phenomenal gains in tokens like Pepe and Shibi enu coin even ethereum Bitcoin Bitcoin moving from 53,000 to $65,000 in a one we period you might be Saying oh my gosh dude I can't believe I Didn't take advantage of that you didn't Take advantage of it because you let the Emotion get the best of you you didn't Take advantage of it because just as Everybody else was afraid you too were Afraid now you might be sitting there Thinking no no no no CL bro I did take Advantage of it perfect so did I and so Did so many other people watching this Video right now because that is why We're in the crypto space in intitutions They don't get fearful because Institutions live forever there's no Time frame that they put on themselves There's no constraint you know they they Don't have a lifespan like you and I do Whales whales don't fear because whales Never run out of money whales become Whales because they essentially are Willing to hold they they go through all Of this and whales have unlimited
Resources so they don't have the same Time concern straints or they they may Have the same time constraints as they Are human but they don't have the same Monetary constraints they can buy the Dip and buy the dip and buy the dip and That is what they do retail investors However they worry they worry about the Timeline they worry about the amount of Money invested and that puts them at a Very large disadvantage so you have to Kick out all of that emotion and a lot Of people have been doing that and a lot Of people are already making a lot of Money Pepe Unchained is taking place Right now this pre-sale is going on at a Time when crypto sentiment is moving From fearful to greedy this is the best Opportunity a golden timeline that Anybody could be offered now if you find Yourself interested in buying Pepe we're Going to go over a little bit more about What it is in a second here you're going To click the link in the description of The pin comment you're going to pull up I like to use wallet connect and scan This QR code but you guys can connect Your wallet however you would like and Then from there you're simply going to Determine how much you want to buy one Ethereum lets you walk away with 41,000 Pepe Unchained so what is it Pepe Unchained is a brand new layer 2 Blockchain for Pepe and all meme coins
It's got the lowest transaction fees in The industry a 100 times faster than Ethereum and it's got its own dedicated Block Explorer so you think ether scan Soul scan poly scan whatever scan I Don't know if it's going to be called Pepe scan or I I I don't know what the Name is going to be but it's going to Have its own dedicated block Explorer Where you can see every single Transaction that takes place on top of It guys four right now if you get in and Decide to stake 500% annualized rewards guys it's 4 98% Annualized Rewards or passive income on On staking Pepe Unchained and you might Be thinking too that's unsustainable There's no way right well there is a way 30% of all of the tokens are dedicated To staking rewards it's actually more Than are dedicated for the pre-sale I Mean guys we're talking about legitimate Being legitimately being able to pay out Those uh 500% staking rewards because 30% of all of the tokens are set aside For it and a little breakdown to the Tokenomics 20% for the pre-sale 30% for Staking 20% for marketing 10% to Liquidity 10% to project finance and 10% To chain inventory it is a very simple Tokenomics and and what is it right it's The future of meme coins it's a layer Two blockchain bill for speeds security Low fees and of course memes baby says
Taking the power pepo token or Pepe Unchain uh token Powers the entire Ecosystem you're early enough to witness A new golden age of meme coins with Pepe In his rightful place as king and pepe Unchained the layer 2 Kingdom and and One of the biggest draws is that you can Earn these insane rewards you click on Staking here you can see that 498 passive income the reward rate is dy Dnamic so if you guys continue to wait Wonder should I buy should I buy should I buy all of that stuff uh you know you Might be forgoing some very solid Rewards there but it's up to you you Know you're going to be getting in Closer to the pre-sale launch at that Point guys the current price Is84 598 you know we're not talking about Some meme coin with 10 zeros where you Got to worry about uh Burning uh uh you Know trillion tokens uh until you can See a penny and so on no it's probably Going to be Penny very close after Launch if not by the launch time coming In there 1 day 7 hours and 43 minutes Until the next price increase or of Course it could PR we could see the Price increase if $3.99 s million is Raised or essentially another $200,000 Here and that could happen knowing that Investors are now moving into a more Confident a more greedy scenario guys
I'm excited about Pepe unchain I'm Excited about the opportunity to move From Fear to Greed I'm excited about the Opportunity to see more retail investors Taking advantage of this situation I'm Excited about the fact that you and I We're going to be very successful in This space let me know what you think About it down in the comments below and Until the next time hope to each and Every one of you have an awesome day