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hi welcome to bitmart how may i assist you today 
hi i would like to make a deposit please awesome   i just want you to know that we are actively being 
robbed right now so we can't actually deposit this   okay well can i have it back please no well then 
what am i supposed to do well you can send the   proof of your transaction to customer support and 
then hopefully within 1 to 15 days we might reach   back out and send your crypto to you okay i've 
already done that and i've been waiting to talk   to customer support for over a month sorry sir i 
don't know what to tell you now we're just going   to continue to ignore you and send you generic 
emails every time you try to reach out to us great nerdy dude stuff for those of you keeping track 
at home today's beer today is brought to you by   beer tree brew out of johnson new york a 
this is called morning timber and this is   a stout with coffee and vanilla sitting at 9.0 
percent a b v this is brewed with love coffee   vanilla some will it hop and some green wood fire 
evaporated maple syrup this is probably one of the   better things to come out of new york because 
everyone knows right now that the giants suck   and this is a delicious stout this really goes by 
its breakfast stout title and it really feels like   i'm eating waffles with a nice dark glass of 
coffee this is probably about a 4.25 out of 5.   cheers to you guys pink what's going on everyone 
welcome back to another video about cryptocurrency   thank you for subscribing turning 
on the bell notification and liking   this video seriously like this video now today's 
video is kind of uh up and down it's going to have   a bit of a rant in there if i start ranting i 
apologize in advance but here on the channel   we have been using i should actually sit in my 
mirror before i put it down so i choose you guys   now we have been planet watch mining we have 
four sensors we have two we have one here at my   house one of my in-laws house one at my brother's 
house and one at a close family friend's house my   brother's house and my family friend's house i 
pay them 25 a month for their basically just to   have the devices plugged in my one friend likes to 
elect to get paid out in like cash and my brother   likes to get paid out on crypto because he's big 
brain but we have come up with another issue so   right now there's tons of issues with getting 
the ability to trade out our planet tokens to   algorand or what have you and we're kind of at 
a standstill and we're going to show that at   the end of the video option number one is with 
tiny man tiny man just went through like hacking   all their volume taken out with go btc and go eat 
and stuff like that so they're working on another   way to be able to do those swaps and then bitmark 
bitmart now is available to deposit withdraw and   trade on planets but at the time they went under 
a big hack right when i deposited my planets over   there to make some transactions to i was actually 
doing some planet deposits to come up with the   remaining balance to buy my scp miner and then 
unfortunately they went through a hack and now   i have been fighting with them since december 5th 
to get that transaction done and we'll take a look   at some of the stuff here on screen so otherwise 
i still we're going to look at my planet numbers   really touch base on that really quick and then 
talk about bitsmart because i love planet it's   on algorand i don't really have another uh plan to 
go further into more sensors or devices i know a   lot of you doing with the type ones and the type 
threes that are coming out kind of like what i   have they're still making some solid profit on a 
day-to-day basis the profits have gone down which   we're going to take a look at as well and i can't 
really answer why they have gone down because we   still have the recycling bin and i don't really 
watch their amas because they're boring as all   piss but let's just take a look at some stuff 
on screen now all right so the planet token   is lingering at about 34 cents which is really 
nice back when the project was announcing that   the aware element sensors were gonna be going 
live i think they were like four or five cents   a piece and now we're up to 34 cents with some 
potential to keep going really not a tokenomics   or price evaluation video today let's just jump 
right to the explorer and our miners slash sensors   so we have my four sensors are right here we got 
smoker bros at my brother's house we got tim ah   at my buddy timmy's house we got max garage and 
we got fart sniffer 3000 which is the one right   over here behind shenron now i'm gonna be very 
very honest two of these i've actually updated   the addresses two of them i have not and smoker 
bros you can see right here on screen this is   one that still is using the rue gustav eiffel the 
france address and i believe tima is as well so   we actually haven't gone through and updated those 
addresses uh which we really need to but at least   i'm gonna bring these up on screen and not have 
to blur anything out but you can see here that you   can uh as of right now my total planets minted was 
14.99 my total payout was 2208 and then i received   17.66 so they cycled back five into it and it's 
kind of the same across the board for all of my   other sensors so what we're going to do is just 
jump into my algorithm address and you can see this is how much of planets i have since about 
december 5th because i withdrew all my planets   to go into scp which i'm very very happy 
with and it'll be another time another place   but we as of december 5th we're at which is 
you know a little bit over a month ago we're   at another 2769 planet so let's go ahead and do 
some maths on that times .34 so that's another   that's 941 right there and remember we bought four 
of these devices we technically got one for free   so we spent 450 on three devices plus another 
40 times 4 for licenses so we were into the   project for 450 plus 160 for 610 and since 
december 5th we have already gotten that back   plus some and then you're gonna see what other 
uh planets that i have here when i pull up the   transaction when i talk about bitmart but right 
now everyone's really concerned about rewards   going down so before when they started this 
project they were promising us 23 planets a day   that's no longer the case some people are getting 
less planets than i am and i've been consistently   going down we'll see on screen six hours ago 
we're gonna see four transactions for 17.728   17.728 17.69 hat nice and 17.664 and then we 
can jump back to yesterday so we're kind of   floating around 17.6 for today yesterday's 
planets we're looking at oh it went up okay   open mouth insert foot there you go 16.9 16.9 16.9 
16.9 and then let's go back one more day to kind   of see where we're at so we're getting some weird 
fluctuations and again i am a little out of the   loop i haven't been following up because at the 
end of the day i'm just getting a whole bunch   of planet tokens and i'm getting it oh we had 
a day of 11 11 15 at 15.

That's rough and so i   honestly don't think this has anything to do with 
like where's the screen that i wanted to pull up all right uh with 300 or 334.2 million in 
the recycle bin with 34 000 units online i   don't think this is that over saturation 
that we're seeing take effect just yet   and so i believe what they're kind of saying to 
compensate us for this lack of oh god 4 4 12 11.   and this is nothing to do my sensors have been 
online like 24 7. especially you know if i see   two of them at the same amount of planet rewards 
daily like if it was one that was at four and not   another one and the other ones were at like 11 12 
13 14 15 then i could sit there and say okay well   maybe my internet went down at this one location 
and it didn't send the required streams that   it needed to be i believe they are having issues 
recording these streams which is why we're getting   these lower rewards and i think the compensation 
that we're getting is monthly increases on the   licenses that we purchased which at the end of 
the day if you really want to think about it like   if they are compensating me 
with extended licenses versus   you know the 23 a day i really don't have too much 
of a problem with that as long as i can keep going   my god where's the next transaction i want 
to see what the next day was jeez wow lots   of activity that day so you could definitely 
see that we had all those streams unless we   didn't get any planets that day all right we're 
gonna sip beer while we keep going through this holy crap we might just stop going 
through this we've already gone 10 paid there we go all right so quite some time ago 20 
pages worth of transactions 16 16 16.

pexels photo 730564

So we're   getting some weird fluctuations on the planet 
tokens and let's see if we can do we're gonna   do one more day one more day just to see what 
we're at because we haven't seen 23 planets   in quite some time and i do believe it has 
something to do with the recording but you can   see here how i stated that i had two that were 
actually at the correct addresses and then two   that are still at that french address which they 
haven't came out with any announcements oh yeah   all right there's a transaction i did so 
this is a transaction that's in relevance   to bitmart here in just a moment but we got a 
17.9 17.9 17.9 17.9 so it's nice to see that   we are fluctuating going back up and down so i 
still believe so 17.9 let's just take that day   times four that's still 71.8 to planet tokens five 
days ago times point 34. so that was a 25 day if   we actually include the rest of the decimal places 
on the price which isn't that bad at all i still   am enjoying the fact that we are earning that 
much planets for the long haul especially if   they increase our licenses so all right now we 
are going to talk about bitmart so i'm over here   on bitmart which this is one of the this is the 
only us exchange right now i believe they might   have just announced another one but this is the 
only us exchange that we can use to trade transfer   deposit withdraw and transact on planet tokens 
here in the us if you want to take profit we   will get tiny man back and we could do it there 
as well but unfortunately right now bitmart is the   only one that we can use we are going to hide 
small balances and so the reason why we now   have 156 planets over here well we have a hundred 
because i bought 56 planets just to test it when   it was all hacked and they were robbed and all 
that stuff we had to transfer we had to so we   initially did a big transaction and we're going 
to show that here on the screen in just a second   we did a lot of planet tokens we transferred over 
about 3 500 worth of planets because we wanted to   use that to get scp we wanted to do planets to usd 
so that way we could purchase our ex examiner with   um planet tokens but unfortunately at that time 
they were hacked and my transaction went so we   transferred a lot and one of the requirements 
that they had us do was say okay well we have   the transaction but we need you to prove that it 
was your wallet that sent that transaction i took   screenshots of the transaction from the actual 
official algorithm app on our phone i sent the   old transaction the new transaction and then they 
said okay now we need you to send a transaction   of planet tokens from that wallet to your new 
wallet because they we did all the wallets on   um bitmart that were involved with the hack and 
stuff like planet weren't like i watched the   planets just sit in a generic account for forever 
and we're gonna check that account here in just a   moment so i had to send a hundred planet it could 
have been like five planets i just sent 100 just   in case i wanted to cash out i'm probably going to 
send that off to my buddy for part of his payment   um but yeah so we sent that transaction of 100 
planets just to prove that it was coming from   the same address and that this 3 500 planet 
transaction was us let's take a look at those   once we sent all this information of course 
we've got the hash we've got the transaction id   here is the transaction that we did on december 
5th that was a sunday 9971 planets times 0.34   so that's i mean with the sense and all that 
stuff as of right now that price is about 3 390   that is just sitting locked up this is the 
receiver's wallet here so one thing i want   i did as soon as i did that transaction and 
saw that they were hacked was go to make sure   that this account had planets in it because if it 
didn't have planets in it then obviously we were   we were out were screwed out of the water as of 
now it doesn't have any planets in it i believe   they changed all their wallet addresses so with 
this one not having any planets in it let's go and   take a look at the one where we did a hundred 
okay so we did a hundred planets here to this   account which is this is also um bitmart this is 
actually mine i believe yeah so you can see right   here this is their algorithm address and if we go 
to where all their planets are all right so this   is where they moved all their planets so there's 
what 2 million eighteen thousand six hundred fifty   three planets here this is where my 9971 planets 
are sitting and i need them to send that to me   damn it i need it but this is that transaction 
where they asked me to do 100 planets to the   new wallet address to prove that this was coming 
from me so you can see here my address is d7l6   and then it ends in c7 z4 let's go back to that 
initial transaction sending 9971 planets d7 l6   ending in c7 z4 i think we can all agree that that 
is the same wallet address now what's pissing me   off is you can go to bitmart support and you can 
get down into a live chat which would be behind my   fat head here and it'll put you in a cue to talk 
to someone i've been hitting them at the business   hours and once they see that it's me and my email 
they immediately close the chat and send me a   generic email on steps that i have to take next 
and they just don't give me any responses and so i   joined their telegram yesterday and i know there's 
a lot of people on telegram that like i reached   out to an actual admin on the telegram and then a 
a scammer that copied that admins name and did a   different account reached out to me and i i wanted 
to record the whole conversation but they deleted   it as soon as i told like you know told him the 
jig is up which sucks but i'm still going to be   aggressively pursuing my 3 500 that i need to get 
back because three thousand five hundred dollars   if it was a hundred bucks okay fine fifty bucks 
okay fine hundred planets whatever fine i'm not   going to sweat it but i'm going to be sweating 
3 500 especially if planet jumps up double in   price triple in price i have 3 500 sitting there 
which would then be 7 000 or like you know 10   000 doing nothing it's pissing me off beyond 
belief so if someone at bitmart is watching this   you have all the information in the data 
that you've requested and i've sent to you   you said 1 to 15 freaking days and it's now been a 
month and six days get your [ __ ] together i sent   you the proof anywho that's gonna do it for me 
today guys the video got a little long-winded and   a little ranty i'm kind of sorry but we're trying 
to make some waves and get people at bitmart to   recognize the [ __ ] that's going on sorry i 
dropped the s-bomb twice i know a lot of people   have to be like this is what you get for using 
the central lines exchange well it's like but   this was really my only option and at the time 
december 5th i wasn't familiar with tiny man   which i'm kind of glad it wasn't because then 
i'd still have some volume and liquidity locked   up over there from their hack but it this is 
crypto it is what it is it's a scenario where   don't be afraid to invest or utilize whatever 
you're not willing to lose if i do lose the 3 500   i'm going to be a little butt hurt 
about it but at the end of the day   i transferred it over there knowing the risk of 
the game it's just it is what it is if you're   doing the crypto space this stuff unfortunately 
happens there's stuff you can prevent like a   scammer reaching out to me on telegram and me 
wasting his time and having fun with it saying   that they were bitmart support and i knew they 
weren't and they never would reach out to you   that way but other things like this where you 
go to a centralized exchange and it gets hacked   is completely outside of your control but there is 
always that risk so if you guys have any questions   comments or concerns feel free to reach out to me 
on twitter or discord links for that stuff is in   the description of this video otherwise thank 
you for liking commenting subscribing turning   on that bell notification all that good stuff 
i'm oprius and we'll see you guys next time

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