what is up ladies and gentlemen how's everybody doing today hope everybody's doing well I'm back at the house uh I stopped by and a friend of a friend had a bunch of old mining stuff and they were like man I'm going to throw it away you know make me an offer and it's always it's always funny because it's like you're going to throw it away that's zero money so that means basically any offer gets it and I was like I can't even look at it you know threw him a couple you a couple bucks here and there there's a couple other things he didn't want to sell but I did end up buying um that'll be for another video but this was the bulk of his extras that he was just tired of dealing with so I figured I'd dump it out we can go through it together see what's good see what's bad go from there all right so I just dumped everything out and it looks like there's tons of these like pdu cables bunch of these short ones not necessarily super useful but I guess they could be used for something if the PD is close to the power supplies so I guess I will we'll throw those to the side more pdu cables this uh yeah another pdu cable I wish those were all like regular you know power cables that would have been a lot more useful but I guess he was running all his stuff off of pdus so more pdu cables obviously you guys can see there's a bunch of like six pin stuff in here he said he thinks he got most of these like yellow and black ones from parallel minor and I'm like well that's pretty good because they had some of the the decent ones let's see here o I see actual power plug right there power cable I no maybe that's just that's another it's another pdu cable never mind false alarm so yeah lots of power lots of pdu cables some six pins oh yeah there is a server power supply buried down in here little 750 watt the breakout board um risers looks like ubit version 009c risers oh some different risers over here that's um version 103e o this is a the old one version 7 so all kinds of risers mixed in with here here another version 10 I might just uh I don't know on the website I had been Des or like designating them as like if it's a Molex R Riser and you can only plug Molex into it and you can't plug six pin then it's you know obviously less valuable than a riser you can plug a six pin into that's kind of how I was separating them I think I'm G to probably still keep it up like that and then it's random like what kind of Riser you'll get but um I'm definitely going to do a sale on them cuz I have way too many risers chilling at the shop there's just boxes of them I can't even I don't even know where to put all these risers at looks like it's all the little bits and Bobs what is [Music] that oh look at that okay hold on so it's got a pdu plug but instead of it going straight into a power supply it is a female end then you can plug a regular power cable into so yay we did get some power cables so I'll set that over there to the side and that's a it's kind of a peculiar pdu plug I apologize some people are like it's always a branding coin video if there's a notification in the background I have no idea what these are worth but that's pretty cool so you can reuse some of your old plugs um oh yeah yeah we had this big funky power spot I used to have one of these like years and years ago yeah it came from he got his from parallel minor too look how the uh positive and negatives hook up M super sketchy but this is an 1100 watt unit and yeah I believe it does I don't know if this one does 1100 Watts at 110 or not but um yeah that's a little big mama right there I guess I'll just leave the the cords on that and sell that as a as a hole um random power adapter let's see what's the output on this 22 volts that is that's a random output I need to I'm on the lookout for a oh it's a drill charger of some sort okay A little bit of good with the bad oh look at this got a little baby noctua that's pretty cool what else is in here um micro SD charger there's just uh some kind of old looks like a maybe Intel cooler of some sort oh brand new in the packaging a this is that's SATA to six pin don't know why anybody would ever buy this do not try your hardest not to run pcie power through SATA that's that's a no no that's bad double six pin to pcie 6 plus2 I mean there's not much in here that's like worth really much anything all this stuff is going to be like one or two bucks ethernet cables I'm probably just going to throw those in a box so I got them at the shop that server power supply is worth a little bit I think I got them for like 15 bucks on my website they sell pretty good oh we got another power cable yes yay that's good so two power cables so far looks like a a proprietary CPU plug for a uh some kind of power supply that is going to be going into the trash cuz that plugged into the wrong power supply will damage things and we don't need to be damaging stuff so here I'm going to start throw all the risers and Associated bits in that box I think that's about everything oh fan oh very nice these SE are the I call these the giblets for the risers cuz nobody else I don't I don't really know the correct term for him but those are the giblets oh we got another this is a version 6 C that's an older one USB cable oh another ethernet yeah so not really anything too interesting oh no way look at this hold on that is a like I don't even remember what kind of USB that is but famously used for printers and they never include them with the printer so always good to have one of these guys laying around because it's so like I don't want to say I mean old I guess it is old uh but it's a standard that's still being used on a lot of printers but um it's just one of those plugs that I don't have a lot of these cables laying around so have a ton of typc you know obviously ton of uh micro but not a lot of these I don't think they're T like type A I don't remember what they are but printer type whatever that means um all these are going into there this is like a this could be like a ASMR wires video you know no probably not oh another power cord that's what I'm talking about no no that's not a power cord that is a pcie or sorry a uh pdu here's a power cord yay power cords are always a good thing to have on hand all right let's unplug the power out of this riser if I can get it out of there there we [Music] go sometimes it's nice to just sit down relax a little bit look at some cables definitely not not my typical video that's for sure but you know what changing it up every now and then never hurts what is this guy USB extension okay that's cool these things are like horrible depending on what you use them with cuz like you get uh loss of voltage over length so if you already have a long USB cable and then you extend it and it could do wonky things kind of cool to have for for certain applications though certain applic certain things just won't work like I have a um have a webcam and if I put it on a USB extension cable longer than a couple feet it just like doesn't even power up thought it was broken at first and then I plug it in directly and it works try got another extension cable same issue looked it up online and that was my problem holy smokes sorry about that guys oh yeah another one of these little guys the pdu to female very interesting into a pdu cable I guess I need to probably do a sale on cables I'll include it down below in the description and it will be on it's going to be on uh Power Supplies cables risers pretty much I guess really everything in the power spot category or the accessories category that's what I'll put the uh the discount on just so I can try to move through some of this stuff cuz this is only tip of the iceberg of what I have not only at the shop but in my My Personal Collection look at this oh it's a big daddy let's see the output on this bad boy 12 volts at 1.4 amps I bet that moves some here tiny little wire though very unassuming what is it a Molex Wire yeah oh there we go found that one and is is in there pretty [Music] good I can get this somebody who's using Molex for mining I never suggest that this is a horrible riser in my opinion for anything other than like a super low power card you're asking for trouble over time s De Molex it's like what bad standard do you want to use try to push power through all right oh there's a giblet over there ethernet cord wrapped up and all that mess all right I think that's uh what is this USB to oh micro okay it's like a braided cable very nice very nice set that over there with the other one um yeah I'll pull all that apart off camera just because it's all like zip tied together and stuff but um yeah so I guess ladies and gentlemen thanks for coming out really really appreciate you hopefully yall appreciated a chill little sit down session with your uh with your boy and um I'll see you on the next one also uh I did want to ask what do you you guys think about me doing like a coin challenge like hitting a certain amount of of coins um like for example oh I want to hit you know a million you know of Sheba obviously a million Sheba is only like what 20 bucks or something $25 I don't even know at this point but um you know or hitting I don't know a c a certain amount of coins of of like a a I guess probably a meme coin would probably be funny but I I was thinking about it maybe just having like a little video series on the side about it maybe I won't do it maybe it will who knows maybe a billion Sheba what's a billion Sheba that'd be a lot that may not be feasible it's like 50 Grand 30 grand 25 Grand something like that I don't know all right anyway guys peace out I'll see you on the next one adios
Picking up Junk box Crypto Mining Gear