Revealing The Next 100X Potential Meme Coin?! (HUGE Potential)

Welcome back to the 99 bitcoin's YouTube Channel in this video we're going to Unfold a new play to earn meets mcoin Out there which has not yet gone live But is already boasting huge appetite For many investors across the globe so Just want to uncover really what's going On with me Market at a moment we can see We're down from 65 billion to 57.6 Billion in terms of the overall meme Coin valuation here that covers every Single chain out there we can see on the 24 hours some m coins are dipping ever So slightly but it's nothing really to Actually worry about in my opinion it's Just a small corrective phase in the Markets and if you've spent enough time In these markets you understand that Post Bitcoin harving does indeed take a While to see the Catalyst to really see Things pick up and move so we could be Looking at another three four five even Six months before we see that happen and I do think it'll be towards the end of 2024 that we do see the entire Market Boom um at the moment tvl wise chains Are still looking good like ethereum tvl Is up binance smart chain the tvl is up Arbitrum also up so many chains that are Also you know seeing meme coins get Built on and deployed on they're still Growing in terms of their total value Locked and also the volume and Transaction fees are being generated on

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Them so this is overall good this means Developers are building new projects are Launching and money is staying in the Industry as opposed to coming out of the Industry so the coin is play Doge right Here play Doge the best play to earn Doge companion game they just hit $3.6 43 million raised which means the price Of this coin has just gone up to 0.0056 how awesome is that in one day 22 Hours the price will Spike up again so If you want to get that best price point You got to be quick but remember this is Not Financial advice now play to really Cool project you can buy it by Connecting your metamask wallet your hot Wallet convert either ethereum binance BNB or tether into your play tokens and You can actually swap between erc20 and B20 networks here so fantastic vibrant Fun looking ecosystem you can actually See you got the snippet here a little Teaser of the application of the game Itself because it is going to be a game Ultimately the heart of this is a game But it also has that Dogecoin flare to It that Doge character giving it that Sort of meme sort of pump mental factor And you can see phase three here Suggests a marketing pump with the first Centralized exchange listings happen and Then miname beta will happen and then Phase four you're going to see the app Release launch of mini games and then

Further centralized exchange uh listing So it really does look good the token Itself has play to earn um utility it's Got functionality it's got earning Mechanisms it's got utility it's also Got staking with 347 PA at the moment And 54.1 million of these tokens are Currently staked in so 54.1 million Tokens with uh 4.7 7 billion being sold For the pre-sale that's quite a large Chunk you're you're looking at an okay Percentage of the total Supply already Being staked in because people are Choosing to compound those rewards of Course not Financial advice locking in Liquidity is obviously a risky thing so You know really be sensible if you're Staking and consider the risks that you Come with it but this is a really cool Ecosystem it's simple it's colorful it's Straight to the point and they have a Good road map and overall it looks like A good project here you can see 3,820 Followers play do your PL Tam got you Them Doge companion embrace the 90s Nostalgia so oh yeah look at that we Have a new tweet over here from an hour Ago finally oh we have a few other uh Funny tweets going on yeah you can see This is good um would honestly like to Just see this coin go absolutely crazy When it launches obviously getting quite A lot of hype' got Zelda here that

They're also spinning on and just having A little player with and over $3.5 Million raised here for Playdoh which is Huge really really huge um now Techipedia I saw an article here kind of Doing a price prediction on play Doge And the potential price that it could Hit so 0.0052 is the current price they think That the potential High could be up to 0.12 so that's delivering a 20x of Course that's all subjective 2025 they Think up to 25ish X and then a 50x I Think that is by 2030 which would be Absolutely insane to see definitely Would make it one of the top plates earn And meme coins out there in the Cryptocurrency space and of course you Just doing research on the token you can See there's a lot of people talking About it people like Matthew Perry as Well big influencer well respected sort Of key opinion leader within the space Um also talking about play Doge and kind Of going on how it's a bullish thing and Uh it could be something good to be Looking at so check out the playd Doge Project down below if you want to Consider grabbing some tokens you know You never know what can happen with Crypto you can flip 1K into 10K Sometimes and sometimes you can flip 10K Into 100k okay you just never know what Will happen and um yeah of course do

Your own Dil do your own research make Sure you understand what you're getting Into and exactly what the utility and Fundamentals are there is a white paper That you guys can read write uh here so Make sure you do also read that white Paper so you can understand exactly what The project is about the storyline and The opportunity that you are seeing here Thanks for watching stay gr for safe and Bye for now remember this is not Financial advice and always have fun and Respect the crypto volatility see

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