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hey guys red p running here hope you're doing well having a really great day oh man this Barn it has been ravaged by I think a squirrel there's a bunch of insulation randomly on the floor here anyways guys this is just a vlog I came into the barn here because I wanted to take some power supplies uh ATX power supplies specifically from a lot of my open air setup rigs here that I've had over the years and I'm going to be UTI in those power supplies for something as some of you may have watched my previous videos I am converting a lot of my like CPU mining rigs into these like singular frames where I'm going to be testing like a bunch of platforms a lot of you guys may have heard of salad or vast. a or nodes aai or hashai a bunch of those different platforms which are obviously not related to crypto mining well it is in a way as some people use those platforms to you know rent you know mining rigs on those platforms for crypto mining anyways just a quick update before I just talk about which power supplies I need in the barn here maybe I'll give you guys a little update so some of you guys may have known that I am wanting to upgrade the 400 amp Ser uh the 200 amp service here into a 400 amp service so I may revive the barn here because that that's on the same uh 200 amp service right now and there is a 100 amp line going back to that 200 amp panel so right now I only have two 30 amp circuits in here which I could probably bump up to three if I do go up to a 400 amp service then I can revive the barn here and do something here whether it's GPU mining Asic mining or something type of mining you guys may remember my my red shelf set up here I had a bunch of my X8 Ultras here I got my 22-in exhaust fan out there it was great I made a makeshift like hot and cold aisle type of thing all the heat was going out this way it was great I loved it I loved it I miss this Barn so much and of course I miss the fish as well you guys remember my my fish I know I don't have any friends anyways I need to go through these rigs here and take out the ATX psus because there's no use for them just sitting here doing nothing I should really use the these on those singular rigs there with uh I'm going to be placing gpus on them of course and have some fun with it okay two 12200 W p2s oh these are much older power supplies hopefully these will work they should I got another two over here I got another 1200 watt or 1300 watt G2 yeah that should work I have a few seic platinums here and the 850 W ther take RGB power supplies another 1200 W P2 yeah I'm going to take all these power supplies and uh build them on those rigs all right I'm just going to do this off camera here and uh put them all in this box so three two one okay oh man that was Dusty as heck okay so I've pretty much and pillaged a lot of the mining Rigs of the psus I have I think 12 ATX psus in total and I did find this one here I I just don't know if this one works or not this is a older Corsair PSU ax6 860i this is quite the baller uh PSU back in the day uh hopefully I don't know if this work actually honestly I don't know if a lot of these work I mean a lot of these EVGA 1200 wat p2s are also like five or 6 years old I even still do have the boxes as well I am missing a few of the CPU cables on a lot of these 1200 W p2s because I chained two of them together for one motherboard so they are missing some you know PCI cables some uh CPU cables as well so I will have to search for that hopefully I still have the boxes I mean I still do I don't know if they're going to have you know these pouches with the extra cables or not so that will be fun after I try building the these uh these builds okay so I'm going to be doing live streams of building these so if you guys are watching this video today I may have a live stream already pulled up I might be building a rig every single day actually and just I don't know testing all these psus for the singular GPU Rigs and yeah going through all that and and I am going to pair a lot of these psus with like 3900 X's uh 5950 Xs and I did buy 64 gig kits of ram as well for the builds and also 1 TB nvmes for all them as well so that I'll have hopefully that should be enough for whatever I try to go in on for a lot of these uh rig builds here okay so oh man guys just reminiscing about the barn here this really brings me back here a lot of work has been done here but it's also been ravaged now so I'm going to end off here with doing a giveaway I'm going to fill up this GPU risers uh box here GP box with I don't know a motherboard Bo and whatever else I can fit in this box because all this stuff here motherboards cables risers just fans even you know everything I'm I'm going to just give all this away you know I I don't see myself maybe in the near future will I ever use these open air frames ever again maybe there's a possibility I might use these frames in the future even my old aluminum angled wooden frames that I built myself buying the aluminum angle and wood from Home Depot oh wait I got a ATX PSU here uh cx450 okay that's not going to be enough I'm going to couple a lot of the uh 3900 x's and 5950 XS with uh like 309s and uh 3090 TI actually some 30 60s actually I wonder if this would be good enough for 3060 anyways if you're watching this video all the way to the end here okay I won't tell you guys what I'm going to put in here but it'll be definitely a motherboard risers and whatever else I can fit in here and uh I'll give it away in this video so all you guys got to do is comment down below just your thoughts on anything I talked about in this video and if you're in USA or Canada I will then choose the winner after 24 hours I will pin your comment if you have won and I will get this shipped out to you this exact box and I will fill it up with as much as I can okay so get your comments in bros man I really yeah I really need to clean this place up if I if I want to use this Barn again like I truly do but actually I need need to get the internet up and this has been something I've been talking about forever so I actually already installed the other end of this ubiquity Bridge already on the outside it's already sitting out there like on the side of the barn and I need to install this on the house side where my other basement is so that I can get network for this side I was using like a hot spot before but that was horrible right I was paying like a 100 bucks a month for this hotspot and it was only good for like 5 GB of bandwidth month which I hit like every like 15 days and so the next 15 days I had to pay like another $5 per gigabyte or something stupid so summer time is coming I probably will you know revamp retrofit this area again I will get it up to par clean up everything give away everything and just clean it up get it all ready for mining this summer is is probably going to be pretty hot and actually in the summertime the barn was perfect for mining because it's it's a pretty big space and I was able to have exhaust in this in this regard here for the I guess my OCTA miners that I had here but I don't know I don't I don't think I'm going to GPU mine here it's probably going to be A6 as I'm thinking about it I already have a lot of gpus already but if I were to you know bring up the barn again I would need to I need to buy more octom miners or server cases to to fill up here that might be something that maybe who knows maybe maybe I might do that I don't know you guys let me know all right I'll see you all in the next video stay tuned a lot of fun ahead just vlogging my way here a lot of stuff is happening I'm just going to start doing stuff because time is money and I need to all right I'll see you on the next video have a good one peace out peace out man so many EVGA p2s so many I hope they work

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