Hey everyone welcome back to another miningchamber video in today’s video. We are goingto review the rtx 3070 mining profitability, so we’re goingto talk about the pricing where to buy it fromand how much you should be paying for it as wellas, how much money it makes you and what overclocksettings you should be using for it. So now let’sgo ahead and get into this right after the intrortx 3070 is a great gpu for mining. It comes veryclose to the rtx 3060 ti which we previouslyreviewed on our channel, so they have a verysimilar hash rate. Just the rtx 3070 does do betterin other algorithms. As well so in this video weare going to be using the gaming x trio, modeli didn’t buy this myself, but my roommatebought it and he’s getting into mining as wellso. I ended up using his gpu for this review. Nowthe first thing: i want to say about this: cardis it looks phenomenal. It’S a beautiful card. Andmsi in general never fails in making their stuffready, so it does run off of two. Eight pins and itonly takes around 130 watts power when it’s miningso, it’s not bad at all. It’S a very efficientcard. It would have been great if it had only asingle 8 pin, but unfortunately, it’s running withtwo. So when it comes to building a full miningrig with this card, it does take some cables. Andsome splitters now with the gaming x trio, modelthe back plate is not metal. It’S plastic which isnot good, but since this card barely consumes anypower it won’t be a problem, but if you’re lookingfor, 3080s or 3090s, then it can be an issue so nowbefore we put our overclocks on this card. Andstart testing it. Let’S first talk about the costsand. How much you should be paying for it and whichbrands are good to use. So where can you buy thertx 3070 on amazon? You can barely find any and ifyou do there won’t be shipping anytime soon plusthey will be on a really expensive price. So amazonis not one of the best options for it now, but iwill leave links for amazon below so maybe whenthey do release new ones. On amazon, you can catchthat one right away, so whatever you’re seeing nowit, probably won’t be reflecting all the time. Soif you’re watching this video one year from now, wewon’t know where the market will be heading, so youmight find gpus or you might not find gpus andon newegg. It will be the same thing, so you willhardly be able to find anything here now i do usethe stock radar bot still where it tells you whenit fills out in stock again, but it does go awaysuper fast. So if you want to join this talk, radardiscord the link will be in the descriptions belowso. You can feel free to try your luck in catchingone of these sales. So now the one place i am ableto find these gpus is at aaawave.com. So you guyscan see here. They have the 3070s as well as the3080s and 2 different brands of the 3080s as wellas a couple of other cards, so this is the placethat you can try to buy them from. Although yesthe prices are very expensive, but it is hard tofind these cards anywhere. Now, if you do decide tobuy from aaawave.com, you can go ahead and use ourcoupon code right here, so you will be able to getup to 20 off of your order by using this, couponyou will find these coupons on miningchamber.comstores so feel free to visit the site. Wheneveryou want to find any coupons for one of thestores that we have here. So that’s basically itfor the availability, it’s very hard to find thesecards, but hopefully it will change when nvidiadecides to release some more cards now as forthe brands. Honestly, all of them are good. The 3070s don’t use too much power, so you don’t needto worry about models that have bad cooling. Sinceit doesn’t use that much power. Now you can feelfree to grab any model you like, or any model thatyou find for cheap, so now, for the profitabilityyou guys will be able to find rtx 3070 miningsettings and profitability on miningchamber.comthis link will be in the descriptions below aswell here you’re going to be able To find a lotof information that will be more up to dateso feel free to visit this article as well aswatching this video and, if you scroll down hereyou, will find the profitability. So, with the rtx3070 we are able to get around 60 mega hash andour daily estimated earnings will be around 7
66Now just remember these numbers always change sonow, it’s making really good money, but maybe in thefuture it will make less or more so for making7.66 a day you will be able to make around 230dollars a month which is really good, so dependingon. What price you bought this gpu for so, if it’saround, a thousand dollars or more, your breakeven will be around five months to six. Monthsthat is depending on the numbers, if they changefrom now or not. Now, when we go to whattomind.comyou will find the rtx 3070 is most profitablewith ethereum. As of the date of this video andonce ethereum also goes away to proof of stake. Youstill have raven coin and coin flux and it’s doingreally good on those two. So it’s almost the sameprofitability as ethereum when you’re, miningconeflux and ravencoin is also catching up therepretty. Well, that’s why nvidia cards are prettysafe because they are pretty diverse in whatthey can mine, and that gives you a backup. Planonce ethereum goes away so now that wraps it upfor. The profitability – let’s go ahead and put thisgpu in our test bench and give you guys a coupleof notes on plugging this gpu with power. So sincethis gpu takes two eight pins and you’re tryingto build the rig out of it. I would definitelyrecommend using splitters and since it only takesaround 130 watts you guys can plug in one strandfrom your psu to your gpu, so you can plug into itas a splitter, and then you can power that gpu andthe riser by one cable. So you don’t have to usetoo many cables on one gpu. Now, since i have hereon the test bench, i have two cables and i’m onlypowering one gpu. I won’t be using any splittersbut. You guys can do the method that i just toldyou about. Now we’re going to be testing this gpufirst on windows and then we’re going to takeit to hive os, which will be the equivalent ofa linux based mining operating system. So likethat, you guys will know what overclock settingsyou should be using in windows or hive os thesettings are the same. It’S just the numbersare different because of the way that they areimplemented. So before we start overclocking thecard, let’s first mine with the stock settings. Soyou guys can see what it can do in stock settingsso, i’m going to go ahead and run my phoenix minerso. This is my current script. I don’t have anythingextra here just my address and the pool which isflexible and then a couple of commands here: thatare not required for your nvidia card, so youdon’t need to worry about it. So now, let’s goahead and run phoenix miner as an administratorand, see how much hash rate and power we’re using so for hash rate we’re getting around 52 mega hashand for power, we’re drawing around 250 watts whichis crazy amount. It’S a lot of power that is whyyou should always overclock your cards for miningso. You don’t use that much power now, as for thetemperatures, you guys can see here. It’S climbingsteadily, it’s almost at 50 degrees celsius. Andthe fan speed are not kicking in at all becauseit’s set at auto. So if i go ahead and removeauto and then i put the fan speed at a certainnumber for example, 71 and then i can run thisyou’ll see, the temperatures will start droppinga lot more. So always try to avoid auto, because itbasically never moves and it’s only going to kickin when the core temp is getting pretty highand. Usually when you’re mining ethereum yourmemory temperatures are getting hot, not yourcore temperatures. So now that we’ve tested thestock settings, let’s go ahead and get startedwith overclocking the card so for overclockingyou guys will be able to find that on the websiteas. Well, so if you scroll down, you will find theoverclocked section and as of now, we just haveit for ethereum, which is on the eth algorithmso. What you can do is you can use these overclocksand, then you can fine tune them based on your gpuso. These are just a base for you to go off ofand. Then. If you know how to fine tune, your gpusyou can go ahead and fine tune them, but ifyou don’t know you can use this video righthere for overclocking and then it will teach youthe basics of overclocking and what values youcan mess around with to be able to get The maximumperformance now this doesn’t mean these overclocksare bad. It’S just that. If you want to push itto the limits, then you can’t feel free to do soso we’re going to be using msi afterburner tooverclock in windows 10, and once we go aheadand put in all the settings that we need. We willbe able to see here that we are getting around 60mega hash, which is pretty good and then we’redrawing off of the wall around 160 to 170, wattsand 30 of those watts are for the system sothen. The rest would be just for the gpu whichwould leave us around 130 watts for the gpu soit’s, a really efficient card and not a bad cardfor mining at all. And since, at the time of thisvideo, the most profitable coin to mine is ethereumthat’s. The only one i’ll give you guys an examplefor, but then eventually, when a new coin comes outthat’s more profitable than ethereum. I willbe making a video on that as well, so now let’sgo ahead and move on to testing it on hive osso to be able to run your rtx 3070 or any rtx3000 series cars in general. You need to upgradeyour drivers to the 455 version, so just go aheadand run a hiveos shell and then from the hive osshell. When you sign into it, you can use the nvidiadriver updater command and then do the version455.So after that update finishes. You’Ll be ableto see here, your nvidia drivers are version 455now. If you already have these drivers, you don’tneed to worry about it, but if you have lower than455, then please go ahead and update your driversso now to apply the overclocks that we used inwindows. Here all we need to do is go ahead, andhit on the overclock settings and then wecan go ahead and add our overclocks, so forthe core clock, we’ll do negative 500 andthen for the memory clock. We will do 2200because. It doesn’t take it as an offset here. Soyou guys can see here from the tooltip it saysif in windows, it’s plus 800, then here it should be1600. So, therefore, in windows we had plus 1100 andnow. Here we will be putting 2200 now, as for thefan speed, i’ll just go ahead and put this as 60and for the power limit i’ll do 130. Wattsyou can leave the rest of it. Blank and nowyou can go ahead and do apply so now that ouroverclocks are in place. We can go ahead and runthe flight sheet, so i’m just going to run thisone, which is on phoenix miner and flex pooland. Then here we can see that we’re getting around60 mega hash and we’re pulling around 130 wattsso. It’S pretty good, where it stands right, nowand, that is the overclock settings for hype osnow. We went ahead and tested the overclocks onwindows, as well as on hive os, which applies forany linux based mining operating system. We can goahead and talk about the conclusion. So what aremy opinions on this card as of performance wiseand? How about the price? At the time of this videocoming out so for performance, this gpu is great. Itdoes. Give you a good amount of hashrate for a lowamount of power, which is great for efficiency. Andit does do pretty well on other algorithms, as wellso now from a pricing standpoint at the date ofthis video being recorded, which is february 21st2021. We can see it at very expensive prices, but wedon’t know when the prices will go back to normalso. If you are eager to get into mining and youdon’t mind the cost, then you can go for it. Buti would recommend being patient with it, andtrying to scour out for good deals and nvidiasaid that they will be restricting the firmwareso that they can’t get the maximum hashrate ofthe gpu, although we don’t really know where thisis heading, but eventually i will be making a fullvideo on That topic, so in a nutshell, this gpu is agreat card. If you can find it for a decent price, iwould say around 800 usd would be acceptableeven, though that’s almost double the msrpnow. That will be it for the video guys. If you haveany questions, please let me know in the commentsbelow and if you enjoyed the video, make sureyou hit, that thumbs up button and if you’re newhere make sure to hit that subscribe. Thank youguys again and i hope you have a wonderful day.
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