Salad Earnings 7-1-24

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test one two test one two what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a good day might as well I guess we'll take the hat off because it was making my face look very dark because of the shadow um but anyway yeah glad to have y'all guys uh this is something that I've been this this live stream series is something that I've been trying to do uh for the last I don't know maybe two weeks now or week and a half um every evening just go live show what my earnings are talk about salad and what's going on with it a little bit and uh just kind of rolling off um some people are just like why are you doing this some people were like thank you it's just part of part of the program you know um but regardless let's uh let's dive into it hold on where are we at where is it at there it is okay so need to make this a little bit bigger because it's hard to see on the screen I will read it for you guys as well what's up Nick and harmful effect welcome to the live stream uh so we are looking at uh yesterday um well technically it's a day past that because I'm running late but anyway on the 30th of June the estimation uh from salad was $18.38 but we actually earned $24.50 very very tight earnings compared to the day before at $456 uh looks like a lot of my stuff is riding on uh continual container jobs so if you didn't know I did a video earlier today because uh they are sunsetting or dropping support for versions previous to 1.6 so if you're on 1.5.8 1.5.5 1.5.9 uh whenever you finish your last container on that job it will not pick up another container so if you go to calculating and you're not on the latest 1.6 you're never going to get a job so you have to update but don't update while you're in the middle of a job do not do that let the job finish first and if you look right here my 30 RI 3090 number one rig is still on 1.5.8 and it is on a $6 job so uh it's making some good money I'm going to let it eat as long as it wants to sit at the table 3090 number two still on 1.5.8 eaten way $521 3090 number three I did end up uh updating that one because it was calculating for the last 1 2 3 4 days in a row and now we finally hit a job at $59 C and then this was a 3060 rig I ended up putting a 3090 in it it is on 1.5.8 and I put that 3090 in it yest no no sorry this is not the one that I put one in um this is 3090 number four this one's been on a job for the last couple weeks my bad I misspoke it's on a $522 container 3090 number 5 used to be a 3060 rig so I went ahead and updated it it's on 1.6.0 and it is calcul in so it's just sitting there waiting for a job that rig's been down for a while so it might take a while to get the up time on that one um thanks for the updates very useful data Daily Facts I appreciate it man I'm just trying to you know pull back the Shroud because there's a lot of people I don't want to say gatekeeping but there's a lot of people that just make it seem like oh you just turn them on and they're perfect and everything runs I just want people to know that like it's not always perfect um there's there's days where you're going to be calculating and there's days when my cat is going to bite my leg and I am going to you bite my leg I'm punting you just kidding I love my cat just don't bite my freaking leg um anyway um what's up Chris randio still uh still today here for another 40 minutes yeah okay so I'm I'm I'm at we're time traveling now cuz I'm Eastern Standard Time and it's already the a second but uh Victor you know what I miss those skiing sunglasses they looked awesome I still have a couple pairs of them I think they're in my truck Jr do you enable adult stuff on salad I leave it turned on yes Ursa Miner yes kitty kitty kitty um all right so rolling back to it yeah 3090 rig number five it had been offline for the last uh one like 10 days nine days so it's calculating no surprised there because uh it's not a new rig it previously saw this stuff so it's probably got not a great score I would imagine or not a great uptime percentage now going over to the 30 60s 3060 number one is on the latest 1.6.0 uh and it's on one of those epic rare super amazing 10 cents per 24-hour jobs hopefully that doesn't last long and I get a real one because 10 cents is unacceptable to run for 24 hours um on my 3060 number two it was calculating yesterday it has been updated to 1.6.0 on salad and now it's on a $1.90 job so I'm pretty happy with that and then my 460 TI is still calculating from yesterday it's calculating today and it is on the latest version 1.6.0 so our estimate for today is going to be um right at $23.52 so slightly down from yesterday or actually up from yesterday's uh estimated earning but slightly down from yesterday's actual so I'm hoping our actual ends up being higher than that um Ursa says his power went out yesterday and it screwed you on uptime yeah um I was talking to the mining King and he had uh somebody hit a power line in his neighborhood so he had a power outage or something like that and um all his 490s went down and I guess only one or two of them when he put them back up picked up jobs so he's got a lot of stuff down at the moment Jr why does it still show 100% load while showing calculating reach out to anos or sorry anaros on the Discord um some people are experiencing problems where it is actually working but they're not getting credit for it um I've seen there's probably been handful of people that that's happened to uh then he can take down your username or your email and take a look at your account cuz uh it shouldn't be using 100% uh usage down get down there we go um what router are you using I'm using an Asus rt86u it's not going well needs a restart like every 10 days or so holy smokes it's time for you to step it up I am actually not using anything special I'm using the T-Mobile home internet uh basic router that they give you whenever you sign up for T-Mobile home internet um but uh I did end up using I'm using a WiFi 6 network extender and I I don't know the technical term but this Wii 6 network extender has its own IP addresses and it's running it own DHCP on that device um so and then I have all my salad rigs ethered to a switch which is then plugged into that that Wi-Fi 6 um network extender whatever the technical name is so all my internal IPS are on a different IP range for the salad rigs than my like my TVs and my personal like cell phones and stuff don't know if takes any load off of my router I guess it it would take DHCP load off of my network router um because then then the Wi-Fi 6 extender is handling the DHCP I don't know I'm super green when it comes to network like networking and all that kind of stuff um Ursa Miner it looks like the 3060 does better than the 4060 so the 360s do really good if I could get that 4060 TI to get get on like a longer workload um we'd be good because man those things make really good money they're like four $4 A Day cards on average if you can hit those jobs and keep them uh access point sorry about that yeah who said There Are No live streams at night yeah we we streaming we're streaming DJ mines yo yo how much electricity is everything using so I started plugging in my new rigs uh onto a me a smart meter power strip where each individual plug uh is monitored uh I don't have everything switched over yet because I'm waiting for the ones that have container workload jobs like 30901 and two uh and then also number four to drop those jobs before I power them down and plug them into the uh the metered connection but I will tell you right now uh on average I'm it's not burning as much as mining like I can go over there and um here let's just remote into like 3090 number one I'll show you guys so 3090 number one what's Up DJ mines by the way how you doing bro glad to see you glad to have you in the chat so this is 390 number one it's using 41.9 gigabytes of memory if we open this up it is sitting at $613 per day and the GPU is at 23ยฐ C the load is 2% 8% basically the load is is just running um this this remote connection uh right now um we're not we're not burning no power every now and then you'll get a container workload job that'll hammer it but I'd say on average you're getting jobs that are not hitting your cards hard so they're not running anywhere close to full TDP a lot of people are like oh my God my cards you know it's running you know through the roof and it's 100% TDP um I I think think that's rare as of right now I don't know what kind of workloads these are but they they're not they're not hard at all um yeah so just to clarify that a little bit uh did I miss anything else snarks domain what's Up snarks DJ Ms 22 in the chat yeah yeah 22 uh have a link to that definitely need to step up um I don't have a link to it but hold on it is I think it's the TP Link um Wi-Fi 6 um access point I guess is what Shay mining is saying AP but um it's basically it's it's like a white box it's got like antennas on it uh you plug it into uh the wall and then it's got a ethernut port in the bottom and then you can remote into it and you can turn you know DHCP on on or DHCP off so then I guess it can handle or not handle um Network routing the guy you need to really talk to for this is the mining King because he's the master of networking I am literally just over here like rubbing sticks together hoping that my network connection Works um salad Frank what's up Mr Frank how you doing Mr scarecrow Punk no containers for me had one for 1 hour and that's it man sorry to hear about that you got to got to uh hope for the best right same all day best I've seen is a 10cent job bud Larson all weekend really well guys make sure you since you are calculating and you're just waiting for jobs make sure you're updated to 1.6.0 uh because they are in their word Sun sunsetting the previous versions Daily Facts thanks we look into it the mining King dot dot dot that's how it goes sometimes that is how the cookie crumbles but anyway we're at 13 minutes uh I like to keep these short and sweet whenever I can so I'll give it another two minutes if you have anything go ahead and drop it in the chat otherwise I want to thank everybody for coming out by the way Raptor mining holy smokes I keep forgetting to turn on live chat and I have it on top chat so I'm missing so many messages my bad guys if I didn't call out your message Raptor mining what's up welcome to the live chat DJ codus what's up what's up Jr see here endless mining what's up bro glad you can make it sorry I was just scrolling up to see what messages I missed I don't know why it doesn't default the live chat Bud Larson's he says I am on 1.6.0 I just wanted to clarify just to make sure and by the way uh I said it earlier I'll say it again if you currently have a workload and yourent ly making money on salad even if you're not on the current version don't update it um they did confirm that it will run on the older version it just won't pick up a new job so but you may end up having a job that might last days or even weeks or months so you don't have to upload it until that job's done you don't want to give up one of those gravy trains if you don't have to there has been also confirmation that there are indefinite workload jobs on the network so if you get one and if you can stay up you'll keep it I'm hoping that's what my number two or one and two card are on in definite jobs and they'll just keep eating away Daily Facts looks like I'll be hunting down mining King streams yeah mining King you need to do like a like a salad or a networking setup guide probably already have one Trevor hey Brandon do you know much about getting the funds out with PayPal I am in Australia so it if you have a PayPal account and you link your PayPal account to salad whenever you go and redeem your salad balance to PayPal uh it literally just goes to your PayPal balance um hopefully that answers for you uh and then once you're in PayPal you can link either a debit card or a bank account and you can do a direct deposit to your bank account or you can do a direct deposit to a DE card for a fee there's a fee if you go that way um Chris finally have a $1.85 job on your 3060 that's that's pretty good been calculating for the past four days oh well you put that time in you waited and you got there Rapter mining got this old smiley face J Santos 77 can you use WSL sorry about that sheesh dash dash install to start WSL or will it go against you um I don't know why you're opening or you're you're doing WSL install are you talking about when you're first setting up salad cuz you shouldn't have to if you fully update Windows um I use Windows 10 Pro for all my rigs but if you fully update Windows 10 WSL will be installed and up to date uh Amin RS is there going to be a crypto payment anytime I've asked them about this I know countless people have asked them about this um they're a legitimate company that doesn't deal in crypto so it's I don't think it's going to be anytime soon but obviously I don't want to speak for them they kind of have like beat around the bush on the topic snarks I claimed a $10 Amazon card was fairly straightforward yeah I don't I don't think they're they're trying to pull no shyy business that's for sure sure but anyway guys it we're at the 17 minute Mark what if PayPal is not work for me Raptor mining um like you don't have a PayPal account is that what you're saying if you don't have a PayPal account and you just want to get money out um I know they have Amazon gift cards and I know they have prepaid Master cards Dude I keep yawning it's getting late um so I think you can use those to actually spend your money but um as of right now that's the only way to get money out other than like gift cards for games but yeah so anyway like I was saying we're at the we're past the 17 minute Mark almost at the the 18 minute Mark wanted to thank you guys for coming out um I'm going to try my best to keep the daily live streams of the evenings talking about revenue and what's going on with salad while I'm on my you know Fourth of July trip we're leaving for that here probably in the next couple days I'm going to bring my laptop just wish me well on quality I'm going to I'm going to try my best so anyway oh my gosh I keep yawning y'all have a good night and uh I'll see you on the next one peace

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