all right ladies and gentlemen so I still have some salad rigs up and running I have a couple in the house but it's dark right now and the kids are asleep so I can't show you those but I do have two 309s right here uh a 3090 in my living room and a 3060 in the kids room a 3060 in the playroom and then a 3060 in my bedroom along with a 4060 TI 16 gig uh in my bedroom one on each side so I've just been dispersing rigs into the house slowly over time to add uh heat into the house because it's starting to get colder I'm in North Carolina uh but I haven't been able to move everything in there yet I still have a couple rigs over here that I need to finish that one not that one um and then I probably will end up casing these and bringing them inside as well because my goal is to try to burn as much power as I can for heat off of rigs instead of running electric heat because I don't have propane here um and the only heat that I have is electric so it doesn't make sense for me not to heat off of mining rigs now let me go and show you what my profitability has been it's actually been decent I wouldn't say great but decent all right so over the last 24 hours we're at $6.29 um and we've been holding somewhere in the range of about 7 cents for each bar every now and then it would have dip down down and then come back up um if we look on the 7-Day graph I've been doing about 5 to six bucks a day uh yesterday or day before yesterday it dipped down to 476 but then back up to 5 and it looks like we're going back to six so five six bucks a day pretty steady can't complain um before that we were having like $2 days and $3 days and then it was even worse than that where it was like a dollar and $3 um and I had the same amount of rigs running what I have changed up uh is I took a bunch of my machines offline I reinstalled Windows uh and then I put them back online right in through here um so I have no idea if that lined up with anything uh if it actually fixed anything or if I just got lucky and I'm getting more jobs I'm not sure now there has been a couple changes on salad and uh you still can get paid out in PayPal but there it is you can also get paid out in vinmo uh the fees work out to be identical other than if you get a $200 payout you end up saving uh 50 cents versus doing two $100 payouts actually it would save a dollar cuz that would end up being if you did two 100s that'd be what 2 uh 221 so straight up 220 um I wish they would add that option on PayPal as well CU I would I'd do that to save a dollar heck yeah um so that's pretty much just a rough little quick update uh some people have asked me if I'm expanding on salad and I don't think I am in the short term I'm just going to keep those 309s on there those 30 60s that 4060 TI and um we'll see how things go and see if if they can't stay more reliably rented now you can still remote into a rig and uh see the estimated earning but it's not always correct and let me see if I can get one of these to show you real quick so here we go um so on task manager you can see we have 13 gigs being used so it looks like we might be on a small little job let's run the command and um earnings report as of right now zero so it was on 262 and then zero and then 26 2 and now zero um so yeah we have vmm running it's using a little bit of ram not much but we are not earning at the moment so not sure why that is uh because I do have mining enabled on here so I would assume if it goes long enough not earning on a compute workload it would switch over to mining but I don't know how long it waits before it makes that decision yeah but anyways ladies and gentlemen hope you all have a good one uh I will see you on the flip side and I would love to know know down below are your salad rigs doing better are they doing worse um drop it I wish they would definitely fix the estimated earnings on the widget but you know live and live and learn right
SALAD Earnings NOV 18 2024