The STATE of KASPA Mining… April 2024

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hey guys rpim here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I just want to go through my thoughts opinions and just perspectives of what I've been seeing regarding Caspa mining over the past month just kind of giving you guys the state of Caspa mining right now and regarding I guess new Asic miners like the ks5 L which was just announced talking about the KA box which you guys have may seen a video of me already doing the unboxing of that and just a few other things regarding Casp mining right now like what is the current block reward you know tied in with the you know Caspa Mission schedule where are we right now in the Caspa emission schedule as well as correlating with that the network hash rate which continues to climb considerably and that's going to go in line with the profitability and also the yields for those that care about you know right now for all these different types of CAS miners that are out in the market right now they're still making a pretty penny but how much longer is this going to last well that's really going to depend on caso's price how much more Hardware is going to come online difficulty and yeah all that stuff but there's a few other things I wanted to give my thoughts on you know there's a few other okay heavy hash coins that have been coming out and being a little bit more prominent kind of alleviating some of that hash rate away from Caspa in a in a sense some other things I want to talk about in this video hopefully you guys enjoy and let's go okay so let's start first with kaspa's price all right so over the course of the month it has been going down from around 17 let's see yeah 18 18 17 cents over the past month down to 13 cents now now whether or not this is a falling wedge I am not a Trader and people have told me that this is a bullish pattern whether that's true or not not Financial advice but just I just wanted to put that out there I thought that was an interesting take regarding you know caspas chart here you know this is a falling wedge and if that's a bullish pattern well that looks to be pretty good but who knows who knows not not trying to uh give you anyone advice here but that's just something I heard from a bunch of trading friends but as well I guess the scenario the positive scenario is if we are on the brink of the bull run here uh with you know Bitcoin continuing to climb or was climbing looks like we're going down as of recording this video but you know if it continues to climb over time here then if that correlates to the altcoin season coming thereafter I think Caspa could do very well but who knows we'll see how it goes uh later on right now Caspa is also 45th Place right now with a market cap of over $3 billion so that's that's pretty crazy so year to date though aspa has been up over 177% okay year to date 90 days past 90 days 15% up 60 days 33% up but the past 30 days here down 23% 11% % 3% 24 hours so that's what uh correlates over the past month here with Casa going down in price whether or not this is sell pressure people getting out looking at the top addresses on cast.

FYI you can see here over the past 30 days the whales there's -12 here in which I guess 12 whales have sold between 10 million to 100 million Caspa so whether or not they probably moved down to shark or dolphin whatever depending how much they sold looks like the past seven days we lost a whale but looks like positively though over the course of 30 days there's been a lot of people who have been garnering some Caspa 1 to 10K octopuses fish you guys can see here so all positive news here regarding people wanting to accumulate Caspa I guess over the past 30 days but whether or not these whales are you know these could be exchanges right I guess Aquaman was I think mexc at one point some Exchange um you can normally tell here is the biggest Caspa holder right now on the exchange mexe is the second top wallet for Caspa you can see uphold mexe has another one here okay so actually in a sense if you combined this wallet and this wallet mexe would be the biggest yes they they would be at the top so I know at one point they were Aquaman right 1 billion to 10 billion Caspa uh so that could have been that probably was them mexc exchange anyways going along guys let's talk about Asic miners now all right so the Hot Topic as I guess I am a crypto mining Channel specifically there is a new ice River model called the ks5 L actually I go with the ice River website which is already sold out it was released I think 2 days ago as of recording this video it was during the weekend so I didn't make a video then but um it's April 1st right now as I'm recording you guys will see this video the next day but it's already sold out ice River cast ks5 L $1299 $133,000 okay so 12 terahash at around 3400 Watts so how efficient is this model well it's not bad it's not bad but it's two times worse efficient against the bitmain ks5 and ks5 pro as you guys can see here the price though okay it does seem to be competitive though versus the bit main ks5 so whether or not you know you can buy two of these ks5 L's for the price of one ks5 pro or ks5 you know you can get 24 you know terahash or 24 gig 24,000 gigahash versus you know 21 but you're going to be using double the power okay because of the efficiency here you guys can see the bit main one is a lot more efficient but also another thing to consider you know ice River doesn't really have a great track record regarding their I guess quality control okay there's been you guys know I had a k3m which I do want to update you guys on my k3m here which once I hit $9,000 including electric I'm going to be giving this ks3 m away we're going to do some fun theoretical math on the total amount of Caspa that I've Min thus far we'll come back to this but going back to okay ks5 l so the efficiency is not as good as the ks5 but looking at a bunch of other models here okay gold shell a Ka box right came out two three weeks ago but it sold out that day but when this came out which was announced on Twitter okay which and also if you go to the official gold shell website there's no like announcement here of the KA box and when you go to shop it doesn't show up here because it's on its own web page which I had to get from Twitter from their Twitter from their uh X account gold shell gold shell Miner so I clicked on that link and it brought me to here right which is it says you cannot add the gold shell K box cart because it's product is out of stock out of stock everywhere even Crypt Miner Bros it's out of stock here1 1799 uh gold shell $649 so it's people are buying these all right it's people are buying these I have already tested the KA box and uh I did have an issue though it's whether or not it's an issue or not I think the temperature of these things if you are in a hotter environment I would be very wary and I would try to add another fan to it somehow I don't know just keep it cool because 82 to 86 you know degrees Celsius Celsius not Fahrenheit is quite hot for a little machine like this so just just beware okay and uh actually the meter box hit me up he is going to create a solution to make you know a shroud for this so I thought you know that would be really cool once I get that I'll make a video about that okay to keep it a lot cooler but I also got in contact with gold shell uh James I messaged him that you know this thing's running pretty hot is there any way we can change the fan speeds and he said yes they're working on that right now thank you for the info and you know they're going to see if they can open up the fan control for the KA box because I initially can't do that in the web goey uh right now so anyways though going back here okay this list right looking at the efficiency you guys can see so ks5 L 0.28 Ka box 0.33 k0 Pro all right 0.5 and the reason why I highlighted these three is because these I would say are kind of still prominent these days right the bitmain ks3 and the ice River ks3 they're already they're already out of stock nobody can buy them uh the iang bmk max same thing already out of stock like nobody can buy these wind Miner is trash I wouldn't recommend it anyone to buy it their quality assurance their quality control is really bad okay like mop.

Gunst had two of them and they broke down so highly recommend no one to buy the wind Miner K9 but is ice F going to turn face and have the ks5 L to have a little bit better quality control I don't know hopefully they'll have better thermop paste I'm I highly doubt that probably going to have to retherm paste the ks5 L we'll see um I am trying to work on getting one of these for review so we'll see about that so but the decision now for people maybe trying to buy these things which obviously Ka box is sold out the ks Pro is sold out ks5 L is sold out so no one can buy them but anyways just looking at the fact that the dollar per Giga hash here okay as of right now I did update a lot of these prices here okay so looking at the k5l it is one of the best okay dollar per gigahash as6 out there so the number that is the number that's lower okay like the dollar value as it's lower per gigahash it means that you'll be able to pay it off faster in a sense okay the amount that you're spending on an Asic minor because the amount of hash rate you're getting versus the dollar you're able to basically Roi or break even faster on this okay so you may notice though I have a KS Z Pro PB farmer OC here so if you do overclock this to 360 gigahash you can see though this dollar per gigahash is actually a lot better on the kso pro now this was a pretty popular I guess argument or uh I don't know just a a situation where people were deciding should I get the k0 pro or the KA box the KA box in in of itself is a pretty cool unit 400 watts 1.18 one 12 1.2 terahash right it's pretty pretty cool a lot better than the ks1 right the ks1 is well no no one can get these anymore uh but anyways just looking at the K box right it's a it's a lot smaller footprint 400 watt you know you can run it at 110 if you wanted but I highly recommend again getting like some cooling solution for it because it can get pretty hot so the dollar per gigahash is a little bit higher all right so paying it off would take a little bit longer versus let's say a ks5 l if you can get your hands on it okay anyways stay tuned I have a ks0 pro like the commemorative one I am planning on overclocking it because I have already done all the mods to it the copper heat sinks uh the uh thermal paste the thermal pads 1.5 mil thermal pads and as well as the Shroud and I have a no to a fan 110 CFM 3K RPM fan on it and it's cooling it really well it's really good but I want I'm very curious to know if it's going to work with the veteran minor metal Barrel plug and also doing PB Farmers overclock so stay tuned for that video I'm going to do that real soon all right so that's a little bit regarding I guess some new Asic miners out recently K box and uh the ice server C Cass ks3 ks5 L um I wonder if this is going to be overclockable or not I don't think so kind of similar to the ks3 L that was out for a short time but let me know what you guys think about that all right going along so Caspa mining profitability wise has been generally good it's still up there in the double digits for I guess the big boy miners like the ks3 you know ks5 which is over $140 $150 still um you know these miners still are making pretty decent amount of money ks3 M this one's been around for I I'd say yeah five months now and I have one right which I'm keeping track of since January 7th all right it's now April 1st so it's been a good yeah three months since I've been mining with this thing this thing has already earned back $4,200 or $4,300 roughly or $3 2527 Caspa which I'm holding by the way because I believe that Caspa will price appreciate in the future not Financial advice and so this k3m that I have here mining by itself to its own address and as you know I did replace the thermal paste on this guy already most of you guys know I plan on giving this away all right once I hit that $9,000 Mark all right including the electricity which will calculate you know when I do that giveaway this amount of Casp with I mine thus far okay okay which I'm holding okay I want to see how long it could theoretically pay itself back all right this is going to be totally dependent on the price of Caspa if it's going to go up or not all right so how much I have here okay let me go to coin gecko okay so now that cage price is down probably not a good time to look at this as the price is down but just we can do some theoretical math here okay so Caspa have about $4,300 worth all right so what if okay what this is just a what if Caspa goes up you know higher in price later down the road so how long do you how many more months do you guys think it'll take me to break even on this you know $99,000 k3m back in the beginning of January all right which thank you to coin mining Central who sent that to me and I'm doing the giveaway for so let's do some fun math here so 32527 Casp I have right now mined with this thing since January 7th I times this by not 13 cents we already did that so it's about 4,300 doll what if I times it by let's say what if Castle went to 20 cents just let's just do some realistic thing here okay so the current bag I have would then be worth 6,500 all right what if you know Cas went to 30 cents oh we're getting I think this would be breaking this would be break even including electric 9700 okay so if the price of kaspa Tomorrow went up to 30 cents I would be able to break even on this and give it away away but I'm still thinking it's probably going to be a couple months maybe maybe 8 months less than 8 months to a year away until I hit break even that maybe sooner I don't know I don't know but just giving you guys that theoretical there right but another thing what if Caspa went to a dollar that would be $2,527 right each Caspa right because I have mined this much thus far and so what if right all these wh ifs that's why I'm doing this theoretical test here actual test of how long like how many months or years it could take to pay off this k3m all right the uh uh this model right here k3m 6 terahash 3400 Watts $7,000 now but it's it's sold out no one can buy these uh it's at the time when I got it it was $99,000 okay but so far you know more a little bit less than halfway there which is pretty good after 3 months so you know breaking even on it I think is going to come pretty soon pretty soon all right so that's that one now going along guys talking about the Caspa emissions schedule where are we now in the Caspa emission schedule so looking at the casa explore just looking at the Block reward currently and uh how much Casa's total mind right now on the network is 80% 80.8 4% of Caspa has been total mined thus far that just reading that blows my mind and looking at how the network hash rate is out looking at how many of these you know potentially how many of these miners that are out in the wild right now how much money people have poured into Caspa mining when Caspa is already 80% 80% mind that is mindblowing that is mindblowing so I guess fundamentally with Bitcoin as well in their white paper right with Caspa supply and demand you know when you are reducing the block reward that in a sense is supposed to push up the demand and also then increase the price of cast in turn increase the price so I mean that's supposed to happen is that going to happen I don't know I don't know we we'll see if you believe in Casa you believe in the fundamentals you Caspa solving the trilemma whether or not you believe in that that's that's that's the goal right there that's the reason um block reward right now is where are we right now in the Caspa admission schedule all right so 123.456 for for or from 130 to 123 Caspa per second okay it's not per block I keep mixing that up so it's every second um there could be multiple blocks all right I just just want to put that out there but it's per second in which right now 123 Caspa per second is being put out there could be multiple blocks but it's per second here so next block though the next uh reward reduction is going to be which is about 5.6% every month okay is April 7th 2024 okay so it happens every month there is a reduction 5.6% another 5.6% reduction another 5.6 you guys can see here it is going down and down and down right we're to be having less and less and less so there's like you know diminishing returns here as more and more of these basic miners coming online as more of these models right you know in terms of you know let go efficiency uh is going to be oh let's go here here okay so as more big boy Asic miners like ks5 the monster 21 terahash model I don't who knows how many bitm can produce here right I'm sure they can produce you know hundreds if not thousands of these it's going to bring up the network hash rate incredibly now who is spending 35,000 33,000 on these Asic miners not me I I don't have that kind of money I know most of you guys here watching probably don't have that kind of money but there are people out there who are obviously whales have millions of dollars who are going to buy these things and you know they they are probably doing it because they one believe in Caspa two you know in a sense you know business-wise you can depreciate this Hardware if you have other sources of income this could be a very good way to you know lower your taxes in a sense not Financial advice I'm not a tax professional but I'm just speaking out of my head here from what I've heard from from people you know that are doing crypto mining as a business such as myself right I do all that as well any crypto miners that I buy or you know all that kind of stuff I'm able to depreciate on my taxes help lower the taxes that I have to pay but anyways going along okay so this is quite insane that right now we are hovering over 194 petahash it looks like we gone down a little bit but I think that's to be expected because potentially you know maybe I server is now packaging up the uh ks5 L's or you know bitmain's been shipping out the ks5 pros so a bit of hash rate is coming off the table there similar also gold shells shipping out the KA boxes now um I just received one I did a video on that you guys saw already but it's you know it's it's it's crazy it's just it's just insane I wonder how much more the network hash rate for Caspa is going to continue to climb you know with ice over k5l they did announce that shipping is end of this month or beginning of April 15th to uh end of April probably beginning of uh May that these will be shipped out so you know not sure how many of these are going to be shipped out how many they've sold they've already sold out so that right there is a good indication that you know the demand for these Asic miners are already there are still there K box sold out that day it sold out in within the span of a couple minutes right when they announced it on Twitter instantly show sold out the ks5 L sold out you know these things people are mining these like crazy right so as of right now though just looking at profitability right you know the KA box for instance is making about $8 a day but the yield is 64 Caspa a day man this you guys remember when the ks Z Pro was making like I think seven like over a thousand yielding over a thousand Caspa a day for those that bought like the first couple first batches that's crazy and now we got like this Ka box which is you know almost $2,000 you know yielding 64 Caspa a day in a sense you can think like oh this thing's making in a sense if you believe Caspa is going to go to a dollar it's like you're mining $64 a day if you're holding the Caspa that is this is probably a good segue into these other coins now you guys are probably seeing Oh the KA box can mine cedra or on nice has or Buna okay such a funny name there are now a few it's been for a while for past couple months or past couple of month or two cedra coin bug bugna just came out recently I would say these coins here um they are available to mine on your ice River A6 your Caspa A6 okay this has been interesting because it's helping in a sense alleviate some of the hash rate on Caspa okay so looking at how much hash rate right now it say 196 pet a hash on Caspa but we got 3.96 p a hash on cedra coin isn't that crazy a good what is this let's say 2.5% I'm just head paper math in my head is this 2.5% of the Caspa Network hash rate you know a good four four petahash here on cedra coin and then we got bugna all right a good 1.78 petahash on bugna so maybe a good 1% of the casa Network hash rate roughly is now is mining bugna which is you know it's not as profitable but it is in a sense like maybe a dollar less than mining Caspa so you know it's interesting that is Casa mining going to be a bit more I would say lucrative because are there going to be more K heavy has coins coming out to help alleviate and spread out the hash rate uh out of Caspa you know I thought that that's actually pretty interesting so as we are now heading into you know you know it's like with Bitcoin right Bitcoin has a lot of other um you know Bitcoin cash Bitcoin SV uh Digi digite you know other shot 256 algorithms that can mine um with your S21 s19 right it's just like that so it's just with with Caspa here right we're we're now seeing a few other coins that are coming up and helping to alleviate some of the hash rate here and you know maybe helping also the the profitability right in a sense it's looking pretty good but it's all going to depend how many more of these Asic miners are going to come out on the network right for you know the bitman K5 uh the ks5 L I don't know how many of these were sold on the market because you guys can see it's sold out on the website already so yeah that's sold out within less than the day for sure because I I when I saw this come out I was like okay this is going to be one that people are going to buy because of the uh essentially the efficiency which is not bad it is two times worse than the ks5 but it beats everything else but and of course in terms of the dollar per gigahash it's up there it's it's priced competitively very well okay compared to all the other models and uh yeah so in terms of uh getting your money back this looks to be pretty good looks to be pretty good okay all right guys so that's enough of that I'm just giving you guys some of my thoughts and insights on this thing here with other kavy hash coins coming out maybe you know it would be nice if there's a few more coming out um over time and you know all these A6 won't become bricks because you know tons of people have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on these things I'm not saying Caspa is going to fail I think Casa will probably do very well not Financial advice but we're going to see as time goes on here and if we're in the brink of the bow run it bodess very well it's probably going to bode well for Caspa Miner for those that are bu are mining Caspa right now or even buying Caspa um we'll see we'll see how that goes if Bitcoin is on the brink of the bull Ren here okay last thing I want to talk about guys um so I am going to overclock my ks0 Pro I'm going to do a specific video on this uh I'm going to be using PB Farmers overclock okay here it is I'll just show it right here I have a link down below um but they they do support all the other KS zeros ks1 ks2 ks3 um k3m but on my ks0 Pro I'm using the um veteran minor cable so I'm going to be very mindful about how I got to watch the temperatures uh we're going to watch just everything I have the heat heat uh thermal gun to watch that so anyways I just want to do a little bit there for this and uh fun times ahead and uh that's it guys I think that's kind of like the state of the union for Caspa mining I mean yeah there's it's it's been an insane time it's been an insane year past year since the you know ice Rivers started coming out and Caspa mining is still profitable to this day it's not like you know a lot of people like to refer the kadana as6 like when the K Asic came out the profitability profitability only lasted like 3 weeks but it's been a year and we've still seen double digit triple uh double digit triple digit you know profit numbers off these Asic Miners and uh it's still looking pretty good if uh if you believe Caspa is going to go much higher right that's that's really the end goal here okay and it's looking like if this is you know whatever people have been saying to me if this is a falling wedge and it's a bullish pattern time will tell I'll keep you guys updated right if this is going to be something that is going to be a positive thing for kaspa or or not so if anyone's taking that risk to buy these Asic miners that's the risk you're willing to take that's that's a lot of money that's a lot of money and uh if you guys are interested uh they're sold out anyway if you guys are going to buy on Ice server.

I do have a coupon code red panda you get 2.5% off if you're going to buy from cryptominer use code red panda you'll get $50 off uh any a each ASC Miner if you decide all right that's it my friends thank you guys for watching let me know your thoughts I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out.

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