what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel we are back in the shop today we had a couple orders come through um we have a laptop that got dropped off for repair so figured I'd roll through that we also have we have a couple people that said they were going to come by and pick up some graphics cards in like in store so we'll see if that happens it normally doesn't whenever they say they're stopping by but I try to be friendly nevertheless um first off I think I had showed you guys this on a previous video this big honken this is a 3060 TI just for reference uh these are the 2060s that I just got in the other day and look at the size difference there this 36 DTI is massive um but regardless I listed it is sold because it's a cool card these you know these these kind of cards just don't last so I'm going to get this boxed up the normal boxes that I like using are the um what size are they they are the 12x 12x 6 and this thing is it doesn't fit in it by like a country mile it is 13 in long so and I know I'm not trying to like put it in there sideways so um had to go digg in found a bigger box to actually fit it in um I don't remember the order number for this one let's see here uh it's order number 1277 it looks like he got this 3060 TI and he also got a 1660 super PNY card so we're going to get this bad boy wrapped up and then roll on to the next couple orders I won't bore you with all of them but uh figure we'll show it couple while we're here um the 1660 super PNY wham bam thank you ma'am these cards are pretty legit um but yeah so on to the next one all right we got another order this is order number 1278 and I noticed I'm running dangerously low on shipping uh supplies so normally I have a bunch of tape on hand I'm down to my last roll about half a roll and then uh my poly mailers I'm down to like the last 20 of those my um my bubble wrap I'm on the last big roll so I'm going to have to put in a big order of shipping supplies I guess pretty much ASAP cuz I don't even know if I have everything to finish today's orders so um if you did order something in the last you know over the weekend CU I don't ship stuff out over the weekend um I do apologize if I didn't get to yours I will get to it um probably tomorrow I know technically my hours are Monday Wednesday Friday um 9:30 to 2 um but whenever I don't have anything going on on the construction side of things I just come into the office and get more done but yeah I just try to have some kind of guaranteed hours uh that way if you're local you can just pop in and stop by and I'm going to be here you know but but um yeah so order number 1278 they got the EVGA 1300 watt it is a uh G2 so nice little power supply got the uh the carrying case in case you need to take your power supply somewhere and then it had a full set of cables for it all I think it was like 15 or 14 pack but all the cables were in that so that was nice um since I'm running so low on on bubble wrap I'm actually going to use some bubble mailers so I always normally like to put the cards in bubble mailers anyway but we'll go ahead and put that power supply in one and we'll put some bubble mailers on the bottom the sides all around it and uh basically be some some ghetto bubble wrap there we go oh goodness man he got a deal on this so I originally had this up for like I think it was like 70 bucks um and then uh he used the 10% off code which should still be active for the next couple couple days I think I ran it till the end of the month but it's 10 off to get 10% off your um your first order in the store um oh goodness I got the hiccups but uh I think he ended up getting this thing for like after after shipping like $60 something dollars so can't complain with a 1,300 watt gold EVGA power supply for under 70 bones cuz power supplies are expensive nowadays hold this up shove that down in there and then fold this up and shove that down in there there we go that will do so now I figured I'll show you that laptop that got dropped in for repair okay so where is it here it is wait where is it somewhere over here here it is Tada it's like a gaming laptop it is a MSI sword 15 and not sure what specs it has but the um the little power adapter where you push it in um is all kind of goober up and pushed in down inside there um I didn't I have not opened it up yet but I went ahead and looked them up online and apparently it's super common that there's little clips that hold it in um and some people like you can rig it up or you can just buy a replacement one with the new style clips and it holds it in a lot better and it was literally like 10 bucks for a new one and the the power adapter just clicks in let's see here I'll show you so yeah here's the new power adapter and then it just plugs in and then this one has metal brackets instead of I guess the plastic ones that that break off so this one should hold in there and be fine um in the past I have like rigged it up and and you know like hot glued them in there and and you know shove stuff down in there even one time on my own personal laptop uh from unplugging it and pushing it in it pushed the barrel Jack in and I took um Legos and had cut them in half and shoved them down in there and then hot glued it all around so it couldn't move and obviously that would work but we're trying to be a little bit more professional here so do it do it the right way and do it one time then I don't have to worry about it right um so I'm going to get that pulled apart here in a second and um we'll show you what she looks like all right ladies and gentlemen uh time has got away from me and I actually have a appointment to go meet up with a guy to pick up some gpus uh not super new stuff but not super old some 2080s and 2080 TI uh wish me luck hopefully that goes through I'll probably work on that laptop either this evening or tomorrow I probably need to come back this evening so I guess just bear with me and we'll see if I have any new gpus in my possession so see y'all here in a little bit all right so I'm going to recap this video um I was going to work on that laptop I reached out to the customer and I let him know that hey I had a lot of stuff come in do you need this thing right now I can still get it done for you uh and he was like oh don't worry brother I'm actually out of town and I was like yeah that's what's up okay so um yeah got a little bit of time with with that mainly due to the fact that I've had so many orders come in lately and it's a good problem to have I don't want you guys to think I'm complaining I actually love the fact that the the shop is is gaining raction and that kind of thing um but for reference today is Tuesday um I think that's a sales call um today is Tuesday the 23rd 2024 and or April 23rd 2024 I my normal hours are Monday Wednesday Friday but I've gotten so many orders over the past couple days that I had to come in today because I'd be getting behind so I I thought to myself I need to probably step it up to four days a week um but I don't know if I'll be able to do that until after summertime coming into like the next winter because I do have a good amount of uh contractor work that's popped up for my construction company so uh I'm just keeping that on Tuesday and Thursday uh I didn't have any for today so I came in the shop but maybe for next year or in this winter time we'll step up the days that I'm in here regardless though man I'm I'm enjoying it I really am we're enjoying talking to you guys don't be afraid to give me a call or give me a text message especially on Monday Wednesday Friday if it's not on those days you can still send me a message um or leave me a message I just might take me till a little bit longer to get back to you um but yeah I'm I'm having a good time I'm glad you guys are having a good time uh some people were reaching out to me and they were really happy with like the the prices and stuff I try to be competitive uh try to you know pass some savings along if I get good deals you get good deals and so on so hopefully we can just keep this ball rolling and um yeah I'm I'm I'm stoked I uh there was something else I was going to bring up I'm not sure not sure oh um also I'm looking for a little bit of help on Discord uh so I have some um I have one moderator on there well two moderators on there uh but I'm looking for a little bit of help with like Discord backend setup um I have a couple people that were decent but I I can't get up with them anymore so if you have any experience with Discord and like setting up like Auto alerts and and Integrations and that kind of thing um shoot me an email my email is down below and um if you're looking to sell any of your items because people I get comments all the time hey will you buy this this and this um hit me up on my email down below in the description as well so yes ladies and gentlemen um and I think that's pretty much it I I think I am going to do a live stream here soon like ask me anything AMA live stream uh just don't know when I'm going to do it but we'll get there um oh also B uh let's see here where is it oh no it's around here somewhere hold on um shout out to here we go okay shout out to Hawke he actually did a live stream a couple days ago and he did a giveaway for a bunch of stuff so I jumped in on it and I told him hey um I got some of these PNY 1660 supers and let's give away one on your channel because I'm never good at doing live stream giveaways and he's awesome at doing it so I was like you know what let's just let's keep the energy and let's keep it going good so here's this PNY 1660 super it's going out to that winner I don't necessarily want to put his name out there but I think his YouTube channel was i e I believe yeah so congrats buddy this thing's going to get wrapped up and and shipped out today so you should see us here soon um other than that though I'm going to go ahead and we're capping this video off it is done oh I'll see you on the next one and um yeah if you haven't checked out Hawk's YouTube channel Hawk crypto mining Hawk mining crypto he like plays with birds and stuff and um he's a really nice guy so go check him out let him know that Brandon sent you and you're looking for the birds so peace
Small PC Shop Selling used GPUs