Solana ETF Applications Show Huge Potential For Crypto Innovation!

Now the cryptocurrency space may be Pulling back a little bit today Bitcoin Prices are down ethereum's down and so On but guys there is so much good news Kind of riling up out there that you Absolutely need to be prepared for we're Going to be going over some excellent News in this video we're going to be Talking about how it's going to affect Cryptocurrency prices and the Cryptocurrencies that are going to get Affected the most are the little ones Little ones like Playdoh so we're going To be talking about it as well in this Video and if it sounds like something You're interested and let's get started What's up everybody I'm clay bro and as You can see we get playd do on the Screen now we're going to go through This in a second but if at any time During the video you find yourself Interested in buying please make sure You use that link in the description Below pull up the correct website here It is very very easy to buy and we'll Walk through that in a second but I have Got to show you guys this article salana ETF applications look like bets on Trump Retaking the White House and making us Friendlier to crypto now there's a lot To take apart in this article and we're Not going to go through every little Detail but two major two key takeaways Just from the headline alone salana ETF

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Applications are in you've got Bitcoin Approvals ethereum approvals you're Going to have salana approvals the Cryptocurrency world is becoming Legitimized I was going to say whether You like it or not but apparently you Like that right apparently whether they Like it or not cryptocurrency is is Being legitimized at an exceedingly Fast Pace prepare yourself the institutional Money that is going to continue Inflowing into crypto yeah we're going To have to deal with their ins and out We're going to have to deal with the Inflows and outflows we're going to have To deal with crypto going up and down But retail retail is nowhere to be found Right now guys if you come out here and You take a look at the search statistics For the word crypto look where we are Retail interest is at a level of 13 Right now take a look at that these are Bare Market lows the lowest levels that Cryptocurrency has seen in in terms of Search volume since when since the bare Market of 2020 and we can't expect to go back down To those lows or we would expect to see Bitcoin at $3,000 ethereum at $80 There's there's just certain steps that You have to take and I don't think that We're going to be seeing ethereum at $80 Per per coin I don't think we're going To be seeing Bitcoin at $3,000 anymore I

Think we've set up pay new minimum and That's it's evident by this retail Exposure or retail interest in the Cryptocurrency but take a look at the I Guess the institutional interest in the Form of these ETFs also if Trump does Retake the White House if we do Embrace Cryptocurrency in a much friendlier way We could be seeing Innovation like we Have never seen before here in the United sorry the United States and that Is going to cause a dramatic rise in Bitcoin yes ethereum sure salana Absolutely in that article but the tiny Little tokens like play Doge stand to Gain the most why simply because they're The riskiest they've got the smallest Little market caps they're brand new and They therefore they're the easily or the Most easily influenced among all of the Other cryptos out there you need to see Tens of billions of dollars flowing into Bitcoin to see a a legitimate price Increase you need to see tens of Thousands of dollars flowing into Something like play Doge to see the Equivalent price increase it is going to Be that much easier to watch fantastic Gains happen in something like Playdoh Which is why I've bought in now if you Guys are interested in buying in click The link in the description pull up the Website and click connect wallet from There you're going to decide how to

Connect your wallet I like to scan this Little QR code with the wallet on my Phone here and then you can go in and Make the decision to buy to ethereum You're walking away with 1.29 million Playd do you can also buy with BNB or Usdt on either Network and if you decide To stake you're going to be earning 120% annualized interest you don't have To worry about launch day volatility you Don't have to worry about the ups and The Downs You're simply going to be Earning that interest by staking your Play do so what is it first it is a Brand new token that is being created It's currently the pre-sale stages right It's not tradeable it's not live Anywhere yet but these guys are creating A play to earn Doge companion game a Tamagachi Style app that you can go in You can take care of your little Doge Here you can feed him watch him uh Eat Play Sleep all that good stuff and You're going to be earning playd Doge by Making sure that he grows up nice and Strong on top of that you're going to Have these sidescrolling mini games and You're going to have these little retro Style arcade games that you can play all While earning playd do you see what You're earning as you're playing this Play to earn aspect is continuing to Grow in the cryptocurrency space right Now tens of thousands of users are going

To turn into hundreds of thousands of Users users which is going to turn into Millions and tens of millions of users As the space grows and as the space Saturates and if plos establishes Themselves as one of the leaders the top 10 play to earn games or the top 10 I Should say gaming tokens in the Cryptocurrency space have multi-billion Doll market caps the top 100 have tens Of millions into hundreds of millions of Dollars in Market market cap and play Doge is going to be setting themselves Up to hopefully overtake the industry Tamagachi and '90s Nostalgia is it's a It's a way of life guys and that's why Play do has been able to do so well Despite the market pulling back the way That it is now if you guys are Interested in the token nomics 9.4 Billion total tokens half go to the Pre-sale 6 and a half% go to community Rewards 11 and a half to liquidity 10 to Marketing 10 to project funds and 12% to Those 120% staking Rewards on top of That if you need a walkth through Tutorial on how to buy stake and claim You can do that and then of course there The frequently asked questions I'm going To answer this one in every single video Because this is the one I see asked most Often when can you claim your play Tokens you can claim your play tokens When the pre-sale concludes all buyers

Are going to be able to claim using the Wallet that they contributed with so Don't lose that wallet and you're going To be claiming on the BNB blockchain When does the pre-sale end these guys Are slated for 40 stages or 40 price Increases They've roughly gone through about 13 so Far which means that if you're thinking It's too late it's absolutely not too Late there's roughly 27 price increases That you're going to see before this Token even launches 27 price increases Plus the fact that you're going to be Seeing ridiculous staking rewards if you Guys decide to stake play Doge has it All and it's selling out in a time when Cryptocurrency is experiencing one of The lowest retail adoption rates that it Has seen in a very long time This is a true Testament to their demand And I believe that play is going to soar Once the market rebounds let me know What you guys think about it down in the Comments below and until the next time Hope to each and every one of you have An awesome day

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