Pepe coin is down 15% this month will we See Pepe coin break alltime highs in July that's what it looks like it's Setting up towards before the video I Want to ask if you haven't already make Sure you smash that subscribe button Down below and welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I'm your host Umar Khan And today we're talking about none other Than our fan favorite Pepe coin this Coin everyone just can't get enough of It's crazy how much this coin grown from Just starting off in the bare Market to Now being these crazy levels breaking Alltime highs just a couple weeks ago And now we're looking like we're setting Up for its next big pump so we're taking A look at the overall crypto Market guys We're currently sitting on a 51 uh in For terms of the fear and greed index uh We're slowly I feel like creeping back Towards the uh the green as greens are Starting to cross the board Bitcoin Sitting at $64,000 ethereum sitting at $3500 and pretty strong there we're Seeing a little bit red on the week However on the day we're looking green And that's what I like to see I'm Anticipating this weekend to see some Pumps all right now we go to the Trending tab guys and we see Pepe coin Is not trending it's interesting to say That because pep pcoin has been holding Its position in the trending for weeks

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And weeks now and the fact that's not Even here it's interesting is pet Bitcoin fading away are people just over Our frocking token I don't think so uh Especially when we're looking at the News of things guys pep Bitcoins bounced Back from critical support levels it's a Do or Die ahead and we're feeling like It's going to pump pepcoin again Critical uh support level so all the Support levels are pushing that it's a Great chance in July we see this poppy Pump to some new all-time highs talking About pumping and talking about frogs Let's talk about this pre-sale gem Pepe Unchained layer 2 so breaking news Pepe Releases its world's first meme coin Layer 2 blockchain Pepe unchain so Pepe Has his own blockchain congrats you're Early to the party buy now and stake During the pre-sale to max out your Rewards before it skyrockets and one day In 10 hours guys the pre-sale is going To have a next price hike so you want to Buy the lowest price now is your time to Buy Link in description below better Speeds better games samean delicious Pepe flavor instant bridge between e and Pepe lowest transaction fees high volume Capability 100x fast eat and dedicated Block Explorer um what the f is pepu Pepu is here to make a change in the Pepe space so if you love Pepe and you Love mem coins uh you might want to load

Up on this one the AP reward is insane For the saking it's absolutely insane But let's go back to pep Bitcoin that's What we're watching today that's what We're talking about should highlight This pre G has just some crazy potential Here so we look at the all time guys you Know when you zoom out we see you know Pepe obviously first pump had a nice Rally then kind of just continued Trading sideways during the bare market Then we saw an initial pump in the Beginning of the year pull back massive Pump just a couple weeks ago and now We're seeing a pullback now it's at These critical support levels and we're Anticipating right here the zone to Break either above or below but all this Volume guys we're imagine it's going to Break above and break alltime highs Again in July currently has a $4.8 Billion market cap me top 23 coin on Coin market cap and even on X guys Growing massive following almost 650,000 People following pep B which makes it One of the top meme coins in terms of Social gains right a victory for for all Pep Bays ethereum service at the SEC Were happy to announce a a major win for Ethereum developers technology providers And in Industry participants so this Obviously going to be great for Pep Bay Uh we see also just a couple days ago That they had a massive uh winning uh or

Massive giveaway right send some crypto Uh with binance pay uh um stand to win 100 million Pepe by sending just one Cent in crypto to a friend or family Member so as easy as it sounds you send One cent and you get enter to chance to Have a massive bag of a m million Pepe Tokens we're talking about technicals Guys and we're seeing technicals Officers aren't sell some reason sell Moving averages are and sell but here's The thing guys when everyone ziggs we Zag if we're seeing a lot of selling Pressure that means this could be Potentially great buying opportunities Obviously it's not Financial advice but We got to find Opportunities remember we Make our our profits when we buy not Necessarily when we sell so we see a lot Of people are are dumped on the coin a Lot of Reddit that might be an optimal Time to buy in but again remember none Of this is obviously Financial advice Always your own research and due Diligence but we're seeing between a Critical support level that we're about To hit we're seeing some some bearish Oscillators in the technical analysis I Think however because the moving average Are neutral we are going to see a Recovery and see Pepe flip but like Always guys none of this is financial Advice always your own research and due Diligence before investing any money in

The cryptos we cover on this channel let Me know in the comments section below That are you bullish for Pepe are you Bearish and let me know what you think About Pepe unchain this new pre-sale gem That has crazy potential back the video Guys until next time it's your friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]

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