Xeon 8 Core 5700xt Warthog Mining Build

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and here behind me is a new system It's actually an old system and I revived it I brought it back from the dead come to find out the power supply had died in it and that was all that was wrong with it so let me flip this around and show you what it is what the specs are and what we're mining with it spoiler it's warthog all right so this system had been sitting and I can't even find the side panel for it but it had been sitting over in the corner for a while couldn't figure out what was wrong with it it would boot up and then it would cut off and it just wasn't worth it for me to mess with it at the time but now that I had a little bit of free time I put it up on my bench and I'm like you know what let's try a power supply first and it's been running fine ever since so this is a uh V2 xon uh 8 core 16 thread so this is on the DDR3 platform it's a x x79 motherboard and right now I didn't have a lot of RAM for for DDR3 cuz i' had gotten rid of most of it so I stuck a 4 GB stick in there and I was thinking that might hurt the performance come to find out it really didn't um warthog does not need a ton of RAM and it doesn't need it to run in dual Channel or quad Channel it just doesn't help performance that much on Intel CPUs um so that's the uh the top side down here on the bottom side we have a sapphire pulse 5700 XT um and nothing crazy see there just a pretty standard card 8 GB of vram and we are running everything off of a um USB drive through Hive OS so I'm going to try to find this side panel if I can't I guess it's not the end of the world now this thing is putting off a good amount of heat um so I want to plug it in and see what the electric burn is on this um but this is going to be pretty much a dedicated War hod warthog rig and let me show you what it's earning all right so we'll start over here um this is the system in question it has the 5700 XT and it has the x79 motherboard with the Zeon it says it shows up as a i7 in here but it's a Zeon uh yeah there it is 2650 V2 so that's 8 core 16 thread and we have uh right at 231 megahash so um I did try and change some clocks on this I don't know if any of it helped it didn't really change the mega hash very much um but what's peculiar here is on the calculator it says I'm not making much at all at 200 mahash but uh if I go over here and look it shows the price of wart at 76 C but then when I come over here and look at the where's the calculator at hold on let me find it on the uh warthog blockchain mining calculator it shows the coin price at 47 cents not 76 C so that would lead me to believe that all these estimated US dollar amounts are wrong because 230 megahash is 49 of a wart and 049 of a wart at the moment is more than 23 cents it's actually let's see here um76 * 491 is 37 cents and yeah you would think what that's 13 cents 14 cents difference that's not that big of a difference well 14 cents difference when you're talking about you know 20 to 30 cents is a huge percentage Point difference obviously right now that doesn't make a difference to me because I don't plan on selling wart uh at 76 cents and I definitely am not selling it at 47 cents I'm just going to be stacking this wart every day um and adding some more rigs basically now uh is this a profitable setup no this machine is definitely burning more power um than it's making in wart but I'm going to be moving this inside so it is going to be supplementing my heat um and as it gets colder I will be putting more rigs online and moving more rigs inside so with that being said I wanted to thank you guys for coming out and um now I guess I guess I don't need a side panel if I kind of put it up against the wall maybe just leave it Off the Wall a little bit so it can breathe even better it is vented on the top and it's got a fan out the back yeah well anyway guys hope you have a good one I'll see you on the next one adios want to see a guide on how to start mining warthog um I used rabid mining's guide so go just type it in how to mine warthog um and he's got a good YouTube guide um or a good video guide on YouTube I will I will also be releasing a video on how to mine warthog um in the future but if you need one now go check them out give him a holler let them know where you came from all right later guys

As found on YouTube

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