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e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning Bros sorry sorry I'm late sorry I'm very sorry had to make my tea I got up too late the kid needed waffles how is everybody welcome welcome to the live stream welcome Bros how are you how how's everybody I I woke up to many like X posts Twitter posts people posting like oh I'm making like $100 on my ks5 L now a day or like you know because of the KRC 20 people like trying to Mint like new coins where's retro mic retro mik said he he'd mint my uh RPM uh and then we'd give away some RPM but I don't think we're doing that anymore um yeah what's up everybody what's what's going on holy crap like uh yeah I I mean this is I hope I I really hope that this can sustain for a while uh you know I I I I hope I hope this this this can sustain I I this is for people that have been buying as6 Caspa A6 over the past the past couple months there's now light at the end of the tunnel essentially but I just just don't keep your expectations like mid all right or like low all right don't expect this to stay like this forever all right I I I don't expect this to stay like $150 a day on a ks5 pro forever I mean that would be great but realistically I mean can that happen like can people be using the network like this like non-stop for the next 30 Years I I don't know maybe is there is there going to be adoption of of of Caspa in terms of it in terms of the layer 2 now that there's krc2 like erc2 for ethereum who knows who knows who knows but we're all here to enjoy the profits my ks5 L's k5m currently says $23 a day I guess that pays for the ks0 ultra that I am giving away today thank you to Asic plug.com we're giving away uh where is it AAS Zero Ultra that doesn't look like is Mr Asic plug here I saw him earlier I don't think he's here but we're giving away a ks0 Ultra okay all right so how are we going to do this how are we going to do the giveaway we need you guys to comment on a video which I'm not ready for any of this I need to find the video Mr lukewarm Miner lukewarm Miner Mr lukewarm Miner good sir which video are want to go St going to comment on which video should we comment on I need a video that has like no comments KS Z Pro came in early today all right let's do this one 110 views two comments perfect let's do this one let me share it in the live chat okay so uh comment comment on this video uh uh comment on this video uh with something positive and how no comment with your thoughts if KRC 20 will sustain Casper profits or not and your and USA Canada all right that's it okay uh you have to be here to win you have and you have to say something in the live chat when I call your name all right what I put DJ mindes there what the pin message DJ DJ what's up man all right you know what I got to pop out the chat so I can read the chat easier here um here okay so get your comments in we'll choose the winner we'll do a random comment picker in about 30 minutes I'm only streaming for for another 45 minutes so uh Dan ker I just saw your message uh sounds good man I'm here we do have ker Ultras in place we create a new category for home 120 volt miners it may have been filtered solely in there but we will fix it ah okay okay okay I see I see ah I see oh very oh you have a bunch of other stuff here as well yeah K ultra awesome um if anyone wants to buy anything on basic plug.com go check it out I have uh gift cards in the YouTube description there's five of them in there it's first come first serve anyone wanting to use those coupons it's $50 off so go for it if you guys are interested in any any miners okay all right so let's talk about let's talk about your guys' profits have you guys been earning insane amounts like what let's see the blocks here how much blocks holy crap half a million cast dude okay these blocks are coming in super fast look at this look at this look at this look each block is like amount transacted is like insane amounts 232 half a million Caspa $882,000 dude wow wow wow wow wow wow that's crazy crazy crazy where's the block details on this one why is it so slow go what does go mean goang oh I see transaction count 310,000 this hasn't updated for today yet crazy oh okay real time TPS transactions per second 209 transactions per second 279 300 400 wow this keeps just going this just keeps going at 1.7 BPS 1.3 BPS wow wow crazy crazy uh Max voltage welcome good sir welcome welcome top chat all right live chat I'm so sorry oh this is crazy guys what is going on what is going on oh my goodness anyone just tuning in please uh we are doing a KS Ultra giveaway uh it's in the pin comment at the top go to Mr lukewarm Miner's video make sure you subscribe to him as well and then comment with your thoughts on kc20 and also if you're in USA or Canada have a a good a good time commenting and good luck commented for the video giveaway Stephen King awesome NDA there were over 13k Castle block rewards in hero miners 13k oh wow jeez that's really well let's check it out I actually have all of my a lot of my uh uh a little all of my little um uh castle miners like K Pros on on hero miners currently so let me check let's check have I found any Big Blocks please have I found any Big Blocks all right oh my God pending balance 108 Caspa oh did I find a block today 108 that doesn't sound nice I've seen some people getting 600 okay so I have in total about 11 11 terh on this solo mining uh um I just started this a couple days ago I have a crap ton of KS Z pros and a KS Z Ultra EK gold shell EK MK box looks like I found okay man my my effort my solo mining effort is just amazing it's just amazing it's just but I I want to find a big block I have 109 casma block here okay 109 Casta block I just found it looks like I just found a couple hours ago uh hav I have not got paid I have not gotten paid out yet uh let's see if I were to pool mine I would get $12 102 Caspa $102 USD a day or 589 cast by day so if in order for me to break I hope if this sustains I just need to find one more block cuz if a block if a casle block right now is what how much are casle blocks right now transaction transaction fee 290 oh what the hell wow 986 ASA per block is that is that right am I reading that right new coins coinbase new coins 8 980 dude I need a solo mine I need a solo mine right now right now I'm pool mining I'm earning like if if Cas okay Caspa pool says I'm getting 1,177 a day uh $24 of CAS a day on these five casle miners if I at least found one block with these five Miners And if I if I found like an 800 Casa block dude 900 Casa block that's crazy wow wow man wow that's nuts 650 transaction value is $258 $258 wow 650 yeah so they're ranging from like 650 to like 1,000 Casa per block NDA red pen M look at hero miners oh yeah uh hero miners I'm on hero miners right here uh right here NOP right here right here where is it here look at the blocks payments blocks here oh God ah okay yeah here's a better represented there's a 13,000 Caspa block right here someone in na Canada got it a 13,000 Caspa block whoa whoa whoa whoa M wow 13,000 holy sh [Music] wow that that is that's that is amazing that is can I all right I'm getting fomo here all right there's been the 1000,000 700 500 Caspa per block 1,00,000 man who man dude 13,000 how is that even possible what what kind of transactions we're going okay I want to know all right let's go see I want to see here what was going through what what the heck was going through this block here let's see uh uh okay oh it said how much was transacted how much was transacted through this transactions ex amount transaction dude wait so this block this okay so this dude got this dude got $2,173 that one block alone was worth over two grand is that am I reading that right am I am I reading that right oh God dark mode ASA ASA oh that was a two $2,300 $2,300 block what that's nuts wow that is crazy wow holy F holy smoke that that literally pays for one k5l right now A L literally one ks5 L that c can you imagine solo what am I I'm all right I I'm ending this I need a solo M I'm ending the stream all right I need this connect all my I need to I need to change all I need to change over to solo mining okay um all right let me see here I'm pool mining like a scrub pool mining like a pool mining like a scrub right now let's see okay so far okay well actually so far so far I've okay normally I was mining about 4 5476 Caspa a day now today just starting I've already mined over a thousand kaspa I've already mined a th000 kaspa wow so if I if I tried my luck if I tried my luck on solo mining I mean what are the chances I mean this is the day is not even over yet like the this just when did KC when did kc20 go online like how many hours how many many hours has it been run your own node I Daniel Colin I TR I tried doing my own Caspa node I did it for 3 days I didn't find any block I was so pissed off I I'm not I I I can't I I don't have fiber internet I have Co axle like it's it's my latency is just crap so solo mining for me at home is running my own node it just it just doesn't work doesn't work for me for some reason I don't know I don't know why H uh started since 5 a.m.

Pacific time yeah so it's uh 9:2 9:30 a.m. for me Pacific time so it's been about 4 and 1/2 4 and 1/2 hours that's pretty good that's pretty that's pretty good wow damn Dan ker should be getting fiber at the as6 plug office within the next four to 6 weeks no nice damn it man Dan give me fiber ah so anyone okay we got almost 300 people here smash the like bros we're giving away a ksz Ultra thank you to Asic plug.com we're giving away a KS Z Ultra guys comment on the pin comment at the top on Mr lukewarm miners video make sure you subscribe to him let's get him to 1,000 subscribers come on I want to see 1,000 Subs let's see how much uh comments we got 163 three comments on here amazing amazing amazing good stuff good stuff uh okay so okay good great awesome all right transactions crazy this is pretty crazy pretty crazy to say the least I uh hero Miner yeah I I like the hero miners blocks here it show actually there's a lot of pools that show the blocks too um actually let's go to mining pool stats.

Stream mining pool stats stream so theanu hello Chum change hello good morning hello Bros uh again you have to be here to win when I call out your name we'll choose the winner in about 15 minutes 15 more minutes for the ks Zero Ultra all right 15 more minutes and we'll choose the winner okay so what did I want to see here okay so Caspa dp.org ah so actually Caspa daspo pool statistics blocks Caspa dp.org also has some uh block information here too I think dude this one minor has 400 uh 4.12 petahash the whole network is over, th000 ex aash that's like 1,000 petahash this guy has like this guy has like 04 of the network hash rate 210 workers oh man this guy's this guy is this guy pool mining let's see yeah he's pool mining he's pool mining hardcore let's see here oh yeah he mined 60 okay yesterday he mined 30,000 Caspa today after 4 and 1 half hours after kc20 he's mined 64,000 Caspa that's that's like 6 grand oh this guy this effing guy yeah this effing guy right here this look at this guy look look at this guy look at this guy look at this he's got an F metric ton of like they look like ks5 pros cuz they're all over 20 Terra has uh uh uh oh this this has got to be this is this has to be bit M this this this has got to be bit M there's no way there's like 200 ks5 Pros here this has to be bit man dude this is insane this guy is mining a this my this guyy is mining a lot holy crap m wow Marathon MH says Marathon digital you know what no I think Marathon digital has like 60 p a hash they they even have they even have a lot more don't they I'm pretty sure Marathon digital has like 60 pah hash what they said but maybe they split it up I don't know I don't know effort 48% 809 pass 548 647 403 558 671 kaspa per block man H crazy this is absolutely insane absolutely Insanity can't believe it I don't even know what to think right now I like will this sustain man will this will this sustain like I how many people are going to keep minting and transacting on on uh hold on somebody just drove in my front door hold on I mean uh driveway a second no false alarm okay good um let's hope forever I I mean okay here what what are what are some other examples of coin other coins that had high transactions and you know it went to the miners but it didn't sustain that long another a great another a great example I think is like ethereum you guys remember when like the ERC like ethereum transaction fees were insane but like it was shortlived for a couple days maybe a day you know they were getting like a 100 ethereum or 20 ethereum per block you know but it only lasted like a day or two like is you guys think with kaspa it's going to be the same thing like I feel like I I feel like that could be the same thing but I I don't know like it really depends cuz like looking at like how much right now looking at looking at uh the Caspa transactions active addresses just the metric F ton of addresses started being active again transactions has just boomed over the past one day I wish that it's the 15th now we I don't see any transaction counts it's probably going to be in the multi-millions it tomorrow when you look at this transaction count on like c.

FYI I bet you anything tomorrow this is going to be like I'm going to say I'm going to guess like upwards to 30 million transactions I'm going to guess 30 million what do you guys guess what I'm my my guess is going to be 30 million plus like like it's going to be Insanity oh my God Ontario Miner thank you good sir for the five gifted Subs bro Ontario minor how are you man rzj uh Iota pie MH mangled remains and exlo congrats on the membership Pros me congrats congrats keep the stream alive DJ what's up man welcome welcome welcome uh people just tuning in we're giving away a KS Z Ultra on behalf of Asic plug.com if you want to participate please comment on today's uh the comment at the top of the video uh on the top of the live chat uh Mr luk warminer make sure you subscribe to him as well and uh give your thoughts comment with give your thoughts on krc2 and if you're in USA or Canada and you have to be here to win okay you have to comment so let's see lukew Miner did you get 500 uh 1,000 Subs yet oh you're at 817 that's better you you gained like 100 Subs nice I want you I want to get you to a th000 maybe we can maybe we still can uh 213 comments nice nice nice nice hey uh we'll choose the winner in about 12 minutes another 12 more h no sorry another 35 yeah 12 more 12 more minutes uh 9:45 I'll choose the winner ah thank you all for being here thank you all um Rizzo red pen money I just used the code to buy a kso on Asic plug thanks to both Rizzo awesome man thank you thank you um David Jackson hey buddy what's up man what's up how are you vinid Del Greco what's up man DJ mines update Casper the ghost is officially 50% sen mined oh okay you know what I've been uh uh there DJ just had a post here um I better be careful on what I open up on uh on X because I I'm for some reason I'm getting I'm I'm seeing a lot of like nudity stuff so I I better I better I better not show Twitter as I'm browsing through this cuz it might something might come up um uh uh okay KC 20 uh like who's how many people are minting stuff right now like who's actually like utilizing the whole the whole KC 20 Casa right now like who's minting stuff like I want to I want to I want to Mint my like can I mint how do I mint RPM way too fast for you way too fast for you okay he's got a he's got a post here been stuck at 85% over an hour now KC 20 cast nacho what is nacho mint nacho tick nacho 85 token State 85% minted cast balance 24 Natural Balance 2468 2.4 million H how do you mint I want to Mint all right how do you all right I want to can I create my like RPM token is that possible how do I do this cast main Le uh C black okay cast man started uh uh C Flex like how do you I I have not even looked at like minting what's like what's the process of minting I I've never I've never done that before uh okay C the DAP possibly the first dap of Caspa caffin PX cff PX Caspian kc20 Caspian da first to interact with cbx protocol interesting okay all right DJ I dm' you the top 10 red Pand Min okay let's see uh who who is this post from DJ hold on who is this who is this post from Top trending krc2 tokens to Mint not Casper go SS cbot Kats k p p c k and caspy uh Andrew is the dev for Casper go oh okay he's the developer okay all right nice nice nice nice nice that's awesome that's awesome Andrew everyone we are 50% minted all right so how do I join in on that how how how would one join in on minting like that's that's what I want to know Nao all right you know what let me just type in like hold on I shouldn't I shouldn't again I should not show Twitter in case uh some I mean I know I know most of you guys wouldn't care but I just don't want YouTube to like demonetize me you know I don't want I don't want to get I don't want to get wrecked um nacho nacho follows what wh which nacho which nacho is it is it this guy architect dripper pre-rich he follows me what that's not a good sign is that the actual nacho guy or no Nacho the K oh okay oh nacho this one official X of Nacho okay there it is nice all right X account is getting over 10K followers in the last 24 hours minting day is here all right okay all right all right okay all right well I'll I'll look at how to do that then offline um I didn't see anyone in the live chat Brad Johnson go watch a red Pand tutorial video on minting well yeah right I've been trying to M Casper all day but I can't get even send Caspa to my cwar wallet the toxic minor why would you need the cwar wallet H okay interesting Boomer minting you I am trust me I don't talk to me about nfts or defi or minting cuz I've I've I have not done any of that none of that all right well let's go uh let's see here are the castle blocks still insane let's see I mean yeah I mean I think uh mining right now is still is looking pretty good dude this guy's mining like insane amounts of Casa a day that is just that is that is that is insane insane to me but okay what time is it all right five more minutes we are choosing the winner five more minutes we are choosing the winner for the ks0 Ultra Bros five more minutes uh thanks to Asic plug.com if you guys are interested in buying anything there's five coupon codes in the description uh it's first come first served $50 off if it's if it's used already then try for the other ones if you haven't ordered but go for it go for it all right DJ mines good news there's still more kc20 tokens to launch they are spread apart ah okay well I I'll check that out can I mint my own kc20 token like I can do that myself right like can anyone just mint their own like if I did my RPM like it says this is a top trending so it doesn't I care see tokens like what if I did my RPM one would you guys also want to get in on the RPM token all right I got I got to look at I got to look at that I have to look at that I want I want the RPM crc2 token to be trending at number one all right I want I want RPM at number one this needs to happen right now nope scam token wait wait wait can I can I first let can I mint 99% of the token first and then 1% of it can can be you know minted for the rest of you like can I do that like can I get 99% first and then you guys can get the other 1% win-win right win-win situation right no what the hell is go yeah Andrew mad I'm also questioning this name here who that who is minting go 99% against 1% yeah that's it's to what's wrong with me having 99% of the token is that wrong what's wrong with that better include RPM bath water man too funny Joker Miner hi Joker Miner what's up what's up everyone smash the like Bros we got three 353 people here 165 likes smash the like we're going to give away the kscr ultra in about 3 minutes if you haven't commented get on the live chat and look at the pinned comment the video is there for you to comment on your thoughts of about of KRC 20 and uh if you're in USA or Canada and you have to be here to win all right you have to be here to win ah caveman cannabis I watched several videos just yesterday on how to do it okay nice nice interesting interesting man very interesting well I if this sustains over the next week I mean it's like I'm mining a KS Zero Ultra every day that's how I'm thinking about it right now I'm mining I'm I'm able to mine one KS Ultra in terms of the dollar value every day or about 1200 Casp a day that's actually that's Insanity that is that is actually that's really crazy really crazy to think about um I want to see if I found any block yet on my on my no I've only found four blocks in the past I've only found four blocks I I did find one KC 20 block but it was 109 casa I got 108 passw on that block so H I want 10 million RPM coins how does anyone add liquidity to their a krc2 token I don't see how and that's a fundamental that's fundamental for token home BR crypto your guess is as good as mine again I have never been uh I have never I have never gotten into minting before so uh Dam it Dave says red P Min Cat Daddy crypto did minting instructions video two days ago okay I'll check that I'll check that out Cat Daddy crypto Cat Daddy Cat Daddy crypto uh how can I oh is that two months ago or two days are you ready for prepare now all right this gentleman here nice okay I'll check it out damn he's getting he's getting good views for only 4K subscriber uh uh granted he's talking about Kasa so of course it's it's going to get views but that's that's great that's great sounds good I'll check it out all right uh it's 9:45 are you guys ready are you guys ready for the PS Zero Ultra uh pick a winner.

All right I got the website here let me get Mr lukewarm miners video Let's see share copy all right so he was at 1719 subscribers when we started he is now at 8:43 he is 150ish away from 1,000 Subs come on guys make sure you get him to 1,000 subscribers come on let's get him to 1,000 subscribers at 843 now okay all right all right Bros casos price going up let's see nope it's kind of it's it's kind of going down here hopefully it can sustain but let's let's do it are you guys ready are you guys ready very rigged how is it I cannot rig this okay this is act an actual website I cannot hack this website okay picka winner.

All right this is this is an actual website and I I cannot I cannot fake this okay I I don't know how to hack all right I'm not a hacker I can't I can't rig the giveaway all right all right here we go here we go we're going to fetch the comments here we go let's see how many of you guys commented all right 240 legit comments are you guys ready are you guys ready Max voltage what did you say what do you say Max what do you say to me the more more defensive you get the more they will troll you about being rigged [Music] Max how dare you how dare you Max how dare [Music] you what what's that say what's that saying the more they get defensive the more it's true is that is that is that the saying the more they the more defensive they get the the the more truer it is is that a word truer the more true the more true it is oh man uh Nick Sino red P it just looks like the site it's a redirect like scammers in India H all right here we go here we go hold on let me Let me refresh it there's probably still some people getting some comments in all right refreshing here we go smash the like I want to see there's 344 people here we got 186 likes I want to come on 250 likes on this live stream 250 likes let's see it 250 smash it let's go choosing the winner here we go three two one Mr Pringle 55 are you here you have to respond in order to win so he hasn't won yet uh he says KY 20 profits I think will boost for a while but will die down drastically USA is Mr Pringle 55 here Mr Pringle all right I'm looking at live chat Mr Pringle yes he's here Mr Pringle congrats you have won a ks0 Ultra from Asic plug.com congrats bro congrats email me email me contact red pandam mining.com with your shipping address please contact at redpanda mining.com and I will ship to you a ks0 Ultra wait am am I shipping the one I got or am I or Dan are you shipping the one that you got just kidding I'm shipping the one that you gave to me I am giving it away it was from Mr Asic plug Mr Dan kler himself congrats Mr Pringle Mr Pringle congrats email me contact redpen mine.com with your shipping uh Dan Coler says red pen of mining still three codes left all right there's four $50 coupon codes if anyone wants to buy anything from Asic plug.com guys go go check it out looks like two people have used the codes already that's great that's good good stuff um okay great um I mean I was going to say should we give we give away another thing or is it over I see people leaving so people are leaving so they don't want to they don't want they don't want giveaways anymore all right well that's that's fine no more no more giveaways that's it all right I got to go I got to go in like 10 minutes anyway give your life away if so if someone wants to take my I mean that sounds bad I was going to say someone wants to take my life oh that sounds bad that sounds very bad uh all right um uh Mr uh Mr Pringle I need your uh phone number as well please email I think you just emailed me I need your phone number as well I need your phone number uh for the shipment as well uh Dan ker just got some exclusive price discounts from our supplier on the nan3 just dropped our price this morning and still includes shipping and taxes import nice man nice Luke Miner uh thank you for the bomb and LW someone tried when they went through your door earlier H oh man too funny man uh Nick sisneros you've been reported to perogi at scammer payback so we will see about these giveaways sounds good sounds good and Mr Pringle I got your phone number thank you thank you so much and it seems like you are an American so that that that's good that that sounds good perfect uh home BR crypto thank you for the five good sir red panda I did a test launch of a token on alium called just buy the coin it was incredibly easy to launch lock funds and add liquidity through Super Chat at Red Pand I did a test launch of a token on rfm called just by the coin jbtc jbt that to laun Lu funds and add liquidity uh that's on you said that was on Alum okay oh I'm going to have to check that out I know alium you can uh you can uh you can dude if I was dude what hero miners is showing the daily if I were to pool mine right now I'd be earning like $113 a day on all of my older older K wait so how much is a KS zero earning right now A KS Z pro at 10 cent kilowatt hour is earning a179 on KC 20 the kc2 bump today 11.75 Caspa this is that's yeah that's I mean there you go the bricked ks0 pros like just a couple days ago are now profitable oh that's too funny Krypto KJ you can mint 100 million RPM on kc20 for 1,000 only 1,000 Caspa I'm down to do that how do you do that Krypto KJ message me on Discord let's do it I'll mint 100,000 right now I'll do it I'll do it live well maybe not live but I'll do it I'll mint it and then I'll I'll give I'll give it all I'll give a lot I'll give it away I'll give I'll give away the RPM token Mr Pringle congrats again good sir congrats congrats again ah I just hope I just I just hope that this is going to sustain I I just I guess when people start stop transacting or stop minting I guess is the term people stop minting then the transactions are going to are going to start going down right like so uh I mean like how how like until the coin until you can't mint the coin anymore uh someone just said like nacho is at 85% minted so if it gets to 100% minted the transaction stop essentially right am I am I wrong there or I'm just trying to think like you know when when people stop transa when people stop minting is the transac transactions going to stop is that I'm just trying to think like just trying to think like crypto KJ you can't do it live it will take a while to do oh okay Dan kusak says it's taking almost 5 hours to get 87% through okay only 5 hours to get to 87% so I'm I'm going to say like another another hour is it going to be at 100% like like if we're going to see like 30 million transactions by tomorrow I just I don't know how much how can you is there is there a website is uh transaction is there one that shows like like it just calculates the total is there is there a Caspa explorer that does all the all the transactions here let's see uh like is there is there is there a part in here anywhere that shows like the current transactions for the day like it's got to be in the millions already like it has to uh [Music] uh transaction cast.

FYI shows transaction count but it's not updated to the it's not updated to the the next day it's the 14 it's the 15th today this is September 14th uh maybe use Cas politics okay let me check let me Google Let Me Google That castic C politics home oh I've never seen this site before oh here we go oh there we go yeah this is better oh yeah okay transactions hourly by the hour by the literal hour 650 thou 658 th000 transactions 670 698 699 658 so we're get we're averaging like 650,000 transactions per hour let's do the math let's do the math let's do the math Six 50,000 transactions per hour times 24 hours that that'd be about in a in a single day we should okay in a single day it should be like 15 around 15 million thank you Khaled alj Sim thank you for the Caspa litics bro thank you for that bro um so total day should be around 15 million transactions okay my guess was 30 so I'm I'm probably way off unless this is wrong but I I mean this this this this is this has got to be right so if this is 15 million transactions per day so yeah that that's that's pretty good yeah that's that's that's amazing that's that's amazing this is per hour 12 UTC time 13 UTC time 14 UTC time 15 UTC time yeah okay amazing that's that is yeah that's a lot that's a that's a metric F ton I mean compared to before right 11,000 transactions 17 12,000 10,000 16,000 per hour you know and now that KC 20 is out boom 650 6 almost we're hting up 700,000 Caspa transactions per hour that is that is absolutely insane absolutely insane insane transaction count all right let's see here uh accepted transaction count what's this what's this what's this what's this accepted transaction count unique senders all okay this is uh probably not updated yet yet okay hash rate difficulty chart I like that you know what oh this is the first oh is this include the price oh yeah the price is in here as well including the hash rate ah man this man I wish I had this for my videos this gives a good representation of you see you can see you can see like the price of Caspa during like November 19th all the way up until like this month it's been you know mid like Cas has been hovering around 10 to 18 20 cents you know during around this around this time this time frame over the past year but the casic hash rate has grown like considerably so you can see we're over ex aash it started going up almost double by July July we were at 04 of an ex aash now we're at 1.13 exh in a span of like 2 months in a span of 2 months we've gone up more than double4 to 1.13 x a hash so the price of Caspa hasn't even look the price of Caspa hasn't moved hasn't moved up yet not saying it will but if it does then I mean then profitability will be even better but look at that that's yeah that's that's that's why and people are wondering like why is my profitability going down well caso's Mission schedule and as well the price of Caspa hasn't really hasn't really done anything over the past year it's still hovering around between 10 and 20 cents but the Caspa hash rate has ballooned up to 2 3x so H yeah that's crazy yeah that's that's crazy yeah pretty nuts pretty nuts man man I can't believe hero miners hero miners hit that um freaking 13,000 13,000 Casa block where is that right here look at that 13,000 two grand that's two grand right there looks like somebody in Canada got it in the North American CA Canada server 13,26 3 casa dude wow crazy okay all right Bros uh hobus and rabid streaming at the same time yeah I think I just saw rabid uh go up on stream um okay thank you all thank you guys for the live stream uh thank you for the giveaway Mr Dan ker Mr Dan ker thank you so much uh looks like there's two more coupon uh two more $50 coupons at uh for Asic plug.com you guys go check it out there's two coupon codes there uh r3d power up or hash for panda 50 uh for $50 off if you guys are interested go check it out and uh Redman CP red pin of Mind Casa pool has hit at least to 8K Casa blocks jeez that's crazy man that's that's crazy that's nuts all right thank you all so much you guys have a great day thank you for the fun um congrats to everybody that's uh still mining Casa oh excuse me oh congrats to everybody that is still Mining kaspa and uh I hope it sustains and uh if not well either way I will keep you updated and we'll do more live streams and videos about this over the next week um but uh we'll see how long this will last for sure for sure I you know what I think I'm going to move all my stuff to solo I'm definitely going to move my stuff to solo uh thank you everyone thank you uh Ontario Miner for the five gifted Subs again home brw crypto thank you for the five as well thank you so much all right peace out Bros you guys have a great day peace out Financial failure you you no man you are you are thank you peace out Mr Dan Coler thanks again Peace Out Mr Pringle congrats on the win Mr Pringle congrats all right peace Bros peace Bros peace Bros PE peace PE [Music] f [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] f [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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