AI Rental Rig Common Questions Salad

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel today I'm going to go over some questions that I got on doing some AI rental situation so uh just to start off with some people said they followed my guide they threw their system on there and it's not making nearly the money it should make or something's wrong well the first thing I've noticed is I had some systems with only 16 GB of RAM this is one of them and unfortunately it only has two slots so I'm going to have to go buy some new Ram so I have two 8 gig sticks uh the jobs that are getting placed on the the systems that only have 16 GB gab of ram are lower than the jobs that are getting placed on the 32 GB systems and that is also the same as 64 GB but there is a line of diminishing returns from what your RAM is to what your vram on your card is uh so right now and this is all fluid and all could change and today is uh June 1st 2024 um this 12 GB 3060 on 16 GB of RAM is only doing a little over a dollar a day but with 32 GB of RAM on one of my other systems I'll show you here in a second is doing almost $2 a day so there is a significant difference um because there's not enough system memory um there's enough vram not enough system memory but now if you give this device 64 GB of RAM you still will not get much over that $2 a day because the the vram on the graphics card is now the limiting factor so you have to take that all into account um and then also there's just a couple things people are like oh it's just mining on my system you have to turn mining off if you want to save the power so being that this is a in a rental situation where it's being used for who knows what AI process in that kind of thing um it does not run as hot as mining actually right now this system the fans are not even spinning and let me pull this system up on remote desktop real quick to see what it's doing and I'm going to do this while I'm actually not even going to do a cut here so I'm logging into it right now and then I'll move the camera over once once I'm in so all righty so this system is running and it the next 24 hours it's at a117 and this is the ryzen 5600 system um and having the 16 GB is is now I believe the limiting factor now if we go out of here and let's disconnect and let me go into um for example like the 3060 Eagle rig this one has 32 GB of RAM Ram I'm pretty sure we'll double check once we get in here so yes this one's got 32 gigs and look at that it's using 29 out of those 32 gigs um gpus is barely being used but if we go down here and take a look at what we're making wham bam thank you ma'am A180 a day so that is huge to take into account uh some people are like how do I know if I got a container job um a container job is one of these where it shows you the next 24 hours payout um and it'll also on Windows 10 Pro you'll have two ethernet you'll have your regular ethernet and then you'll have ethernet for WSL the WSL is the container having its own I guess virtual ethernet connection um so that that will also be noticed cuz some people are like oh this is just mining this is just mining it's not mining it is Computing and that is being used in different ways so from my experience so far um I need I need to get all these rigs swapped over I'm doing case swaps on them and then going to be placing them all on a rack and then I'm going to be doing uh Power meters for each individual system to see what they're burning how much they're burning but I can already tell uh compared to mining versus uh doing the rental situation they're burning less power overall they're not running Full Tilt 24/7 they're being hit they're coming off they're they're they're processing um now is that always going to be the case they're going to have different workloads so I know it may vary and that's why I want to have the power monitors but I figured I would get on here and address some of those concerns that people were having and you know oh my system is showing 10 cents for the next 24 hours that's a huge one if your system shows 10 cents for the next 24 hours and it has a container job so if you open up task manager it shows that WSL just let it run um it may want to do one or two lower end cheaper jobs that doesn't mean you're going to earn 20 10 cents for the next 24 hours uh if you actually watch it it'll earn significantly more than that and then after a day or two especially once you get verified which is becoming a star Chef I think it happens after 50 hours um in in one week so basically once you have your dedicated rig up and running just let it run it may take a little bit of time and it may take um you know a few days and you have to get verified before you start getting those good jobs uh and you have to think about it from their point of view they are selling your compute power to customers if you are unreliable and constantly turning it off or losing connection um or just not a stable system and it's you know crashing for example or or cutting off um by the way I recommend a fresh install of Windows uh go ahead and do all the updates uh then drivers and that's when I install salad on top of that and then nothing else basically uh but yeah so if you're not stable and you don't have have good internet that kind of thing um you're not going to get good earnings cuz as soon as it goes down and comes back up uh you're basically you lost the job it's like oh you didn't show up for work you lost the job so just to give you guys another way to think about it you have to change your mindset this is not mining you can't throw a system on it for 6 hours and then pull it back off and expect it to be all hunky dory you might make some money uh but you won't make as much as just leaving them run 24/7 I will be doing more videos on this kind of stuff and I will be comparing other platforms I'm actually reaching out to one of my moderators shout out Aragorn Strider and um and also the mining King we're going to be building uh one or two of these into a vast machine cuz I want to do vast versus salad because uh I think vast does make more money in certain situations but then salad is so easy to get set up uh but who knows it may run dry so I do need backups and I do need um you know alternate platforms to run on and to go forward with but anyway guys just wanted to jump on for that if you have any other questions concerns for future videos please let me know Down Below in the description we're going to so previously we did the buyer guide um and I put together a playlist I'll put that down below in the description as as well it's going to be all like AI rental uh guides and information and that's where I'm going to put all these videos so they're condensed in one situation also you can join our Discord and it's under the link section if you need to find that so you can go through and you know keep up to date that kind of thing uh and also if you've not noticed anything that's different please let me know down below but I have been testing 16 GB 32 GB and 64 GB right now I only have 3062 gigs I have six of them running but I do have 390s coming in I have 3080s 3080 TI and then I think I'm going to go ahead and get me some 40 series as well to put in the mix oh and then I also did turn on 1370 with uh less than Stellar results but I'm going to give it a little bit of time to level off before I do a video on it that is one of the unfortunate things you could review a card for mining after like literally you know a few hours throw it in there see how it hashes tune it mess with it uh and you could do a video on this stuff you have to let it run you have to let it run so take that with a grain of salt this is not for everybody um this is not for every situation but it may be a good option for you anyways if you do end up using or trying salad I do have a referral link down below as well well it's a link and a code so you got to put my code in there but if you use it awesome if you don't that's cool too I understand you know Stick it to the Man I guess in that situation I would be the man but whatever don't stick it to me later guys yall have a good one good night

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