Ambient TEMPS matter a lot…

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[Music] hey guys red pend mining here hope you're doing well having a really great day man I really need to wear ear protection today's video I just wanted to acknowledge the low power mode on this new bitmain ant minor S21 Pro I have been keeping track of the different temperatures pretty much my environment in my basement here okay through nighttime and then like afternoon when it's really hot right now and uh it's afternoon as I'm recording this video so ambiently my temperature in my basement currently is around 100 F or for my non-american friends it's about 38° C so low power mode on this S21 Pro is very efficient but it depends on your environment So currently I am pulling about 2987 Watts okay 2,986 watts and so I'm just going to talk with you guys regarding the efficiency numbers which I have been testing out here over the past day or so okay this thing has been mining successfully over the past 2 days okay a day and 18 hours as of recording average hash rate has been stuck around 193 on low power mode okay not the uh standard normal mode and also then testing that out but right now it's on low power mode okay so the efficiency that we are able to achieve on this thing is varying from 14.9 to about 15.75 Jewels per terahash okay so that's just what I want to talk with you guys about and man I yeah I can't hear myself right now as see is very loud you guys can probably hear it on the mic as well but before we go through and talk about more thank you to alter tech.

For sponsoring today's video they sent me this minor to review for you guys if you guys are actually interested in one of these miners go check them out on alter tech. I also have a coupon code for 1% off as well all right so go check them out guys link down below just real quick the ant Miner S21 Pro is the new revision of I guess the S21 all right and so this new model which just released in July of 2024 just as a recording now it's July 2nd this is a brand new model that's out and available now okay available now and so I know that there's newer models that are coming out but those won't be coming out until another 6 months from now I believe the S21 XP which is going to be incrementally better in terms of efficiency but that's of course going to be dep dependent on the ambient temperature which I have been testing out here okay this is where I want to get into it now all right so advertised the S21 Pro on normal mode was supposed to do about 234 ter at 3510 Watts okay that's at 25° C or 77 fah so 15 Jew per terahash but in my testing here okay when I tested it at 91 f 33° on low power mode I was getting 193 at 2,885 Watts so that's a 14.9 jewels per terahash so my my ambient temperature was 7 or 8° more than what's advertised against the S21 Pro normal mode from bitmain all right but I did test the normal mode my ambient temperatures were 91 fah 33° C that's about I was getting about 236 terahash but at 3,000 764 Watts so that was an efficiency of almost almost 16 Jews per terahash okay so I had much higher ambient temperatures now I unfortunately do not have a lower temperature uh environment at this point in time when I do I do want to see what efficiency I can get at let's say you know 77 fit 25° C actually I may be able to test that in my Asic area but at night time so I can I can try that that that'll be for another video for normal mode but this is just for low power mode I just want to show you guys here incrementally as I went up in ambient temperature so 94 all right 34° CSI still 193 trash average I was going up in power consumption so 2925 as a 15.1 Jew per terahash but then as we went up 99 F and then 37.5 de C right you can see here I was using about 2,991 Watts but that efficiency of 15.4 then also when we get up went up to about 100 fah 38° C we were at 193 ter but the power consumption was 3,40 so that was an efficiency of 15.75 so you guys can see as we went up in temperature the minor started to have I guess more resistance as it was getting hotter and so the power consumption was getting higher because more resistance from the Heat and so power consumption was generally gradually going up okay so I just wanted to point that out for anyone that was going to buy you know an S21 Pro or even the s21s I've also tested that in my environment as it really depends if you have a much hotter environment it's going to use a lot more power obviously because yeah it's it's hot creating more resistance voltage and going to use more power okay so I just wanted to point that out uh in this video uh for you guys for those that were thinking about getting into you know Bitcoin mining especially the newer models I've definitely found out that your environment matters a lot the ambient temperatures matter a lot on this but if you're in a cooler environment then you're probably going to have better uh a better time and also lower uh Jewels per terahash in terms of uh sorry higher Jewels per terahash and efficiency because your ambient temperatures are much lower so as a home residential Miner such as myself in my area here I'm testing in a a pretty hot day right now that's why my efficiency not as great right not as ideal so for anyone that's you know going to mine at home like for me for instance I'm in my basement now this is where I have a lot of my you know 240t 30m circuits I have a 24 in exhaust fan and I have a bunch of Asic miners here that I have running right with pdus and I have generally a bit colder temperatures that's coming through this side of the house coming this way and all the cold air is going through the AC basic miners just you know naturally if I put that S21 Pro here I bet you anything I would have a better time and much better efficiency on the S21 Pro here you know what let me put it here now and uh let's test it out let me let me okay so I got the S21 Pro here on low power mode the temperatures here are a little bit lower but it's still a generally hot day outside so I did take a reading at the wall here it's about 2849 uh of this S21 Pro so how's the efficiency now so looking at the numbers here we got a little bit more efficiency because the ambient temperatures are obviously lower so you guys can see the difference here as we were going higher we were using more power and uh getting less efficiency but now that we're getting lower in temperature about 86 Fahrenheit over there it's now dropped down to 14.76 jewels per terahash okay so pretty good pretty good you know what I want to do one more test I'm going to wait till it gets around night time and I want to see my ambient temps drop below 70 or 77 if possible so I will be right back all right it's midnight as of recording and it's dark outside as you guys can see I am recording this where the temperatures in my Asic area is much cooler now 74 fahit uh 24° C so pretty much one degree Less in terms of what bit main advertised this at though we are trying low power mode and I wanted to show you guys the efficiency at these temperatures which is much better so let me show you the power at the wall uh which I did turn off uh two of the bomback easy 100 c's for this test also my E9 and as well as the coal engine P2 that was on this pdu so everything is off except for the S21 Pro I wanted to show you guys this example here so this is the power consumption right now of the S21 Pro 2764 at this ambient temperature so what is the efficiency now okay just to show you guys I have been running this for the past 8 hours here 193 terahash on average on low power mode so we have an efficiency of 14.32% three okay 193 terahash 2765 Watts all right so so that is definitely yeah better than the obviously better than the low power mode on the regular S21 um 160 Tash 2590 Watts that was an efficiency of 16.1 so if we're getting yeah 14.3 on this one it is obviously a incremental increase here in terms of efficiency so pretty good pretty good you know what I'm going to quickly try normal mode at these temperatures give me one sec I'm going to switch this to normal mode and we'll see what power consumption if uh it should be pretty much roughly what was advertised on you know on bitmain here which is uh 77 fhe 25c so they said they got 234 terahash 351 Watts okay 15 Jews per terahash so let's see if we are going to get the same thing so be right back all right it's been about 40 minutes I'm on normal mode on the S21 Pro we're using 35 18 20 wats okay 35 20 watts I'm going to say that and the temperatures right now in this place is 72 F or 23° Celsius okay so normal mode and it's yeah it's going really good really efficient let's go to the computer see the numbers okay just to show you here let me refresh the page 40 minutes run time we're averaging about 237 terahash okay it's been like that like pretty much since the beginning and so what are the numbers here okay so normal mode all right that I'm able to achieve here and I forgot to uh sort this A to Z so okay so here we go this one right here all right 237 terahash 3520 Watts we're able to achieve at around uh 72 f height 23° C so about 3° c lower than their advertised bitmain numbers but uh bitmain advertise at 3510 uh 234 granted I'm getting 3 terahash more and using about 10 more watts but I'm getting uh 14.85% that this model that I have is you know getting a little bit more uh terahash I did test this out a couple days ago when we were at uh normal mode 91 f 33° c much hotter and where we were at 236 terahash uh on average okay but 3764 Watts so that was a 15.9 jewles per terahash so you guys can see here my testing here over the past just two days here and you know just testing out the the S21 Pro the environment matters a lot okay so I guess this is a really good test like for me as you know where I am up in Canada the temperatures you know we have summer and then wintertime which it's really cold and then summertime it's extremely hot so I have a varying range of ambient temperature which is going to affect my Asic models especially this S21 Pro so whether or not this is going to be in a hosting facility most likely then you know they're going to have uh potentially a little bit hotter ambient temperatures as well so at least this gives me an idea or gives you guys also an idea of you know how ambient temperatures play the part on these models and uh probably future models as well the bitmain S21 XP uh their air cooled one which is SL to come Q4 2024 or q1 2025 so yeah take the efficiency you know Jewels per terahash with a grain of salt it's probably you know again depending on environment ambient temperature it's going to play the part and probably you know be a lot better or a lot worse in terms of efficiency again depending on your environment all right my friends that is all I wanted to do in this video you guys let me know your thoughts of what I just tested today again link down below to this efficiency sheet if you guys want to check it out and thank you to alter tech.

again for sponsoring today's video sponsoring the this S21 Pro for you guys if you guys are interested in checking out their miners he sells all types of Bitcoin miners as well as parts and accessories for them if you need all right I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out peace out.

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