Home Mining Rig – Why Building Your Own Bitcoin Mining Rig Is A Bad Idea

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Hello viewers, welcome back to another video. 
With bitcoin and other cryptocurrency prices   skyrocketing again, crypto mining is all the rage 
suddenly. And we are sure you get suggested a lot   of articles and videos on how you’re missing out 
on something huge if you are not a home miner of   cryptocurrency already.
But, are you?  Well the short answer is NO. 
a BIG no. and here's why.  But first, what exactly is crypto mining?
In the most basic terms, you use a   computer (or computers) to solve cryptographic 
equations and record that data to a blockchain.   Miners verify the hashes of unconfirmed blocks and 
receive a reward for every hash that is verified.   The process is computationally intensive, requires 
state-of-the-art hardware and many more things.  For example, in case of bitcoin, 
these transactions provide security   for the Bitcoin network which in turn 
compensates miners by giving them bitcoins.  Sounds not so complicated right? Right?
Actually, it is.   There are some conditions attached.
Miners can profit if the price of these   cryptocurrency exceeds the cost to mine 

With recent changes in technology   and the creation of professional mining centers 
with enormous computing power, as well as the   shifting price of bitcoin itself, many already 
exisitng individual miners are asking themselves,   is it still profitable and worth it? 
And in today’s video, we discuss some   of their valid concerns.
Let’s start!  There are several factors that determine whether 
building your own crypto mining rig is profitable   like cost of the electricity 
to power the computer system,   price of the computer system, and most importantly 
difficulty in providing the service.

This   difficulty is basically measured in the hashes per 
second of a valid transaction. For all of you who   don’t know what hash rate is. It basically 
measures the rate of solving the problem—  the difficulty varies with miners because since 
the network is designed to produce a fixed level   of coins every ten minutes, increased number of 
miners in the market only lead to increase in   difficulty level as level has to remain static.
Now lets discuss what are the other major   factors that might push you to not 
pursue building your own mining rig  1) Electricity costs can be significant 
: Crypto mining is remarkably energy   intensive. That has been made 
clear so far by many experts.   Research shows that Bitcoin energy consumption 
has now reached levels roughly equivalent to that   of Sweden.

Elon Musk, who openly vouch 
for cryptocurrency on every platform,   as of this week, has abandoned his plan of 
accepting Bitcoin for Tesla purchases after   the company received a lot of criticism for the 
environmental damage created by Bitcoin mining.  2) Etherium 2.0 launch impact on Etherium Miners :
The current version of Ethereum also known as   Ethereum 1.0 runs on a Proof of Work (PoW) 
model requiring physical computing power and   electricity to generate blocks on the Ethereum 
blockchain. Experience shows the PoW model is   complicated and expensive, reducing the 
efficiency of the network in general.  Enter, Ethereum 2.0 , that is designed to work 
under the Proof of Stake (PoS) model, which is   a decentralized system that guarantees improved 
security, energy efficiency and scalability.   Basically an upraded and better version to 
Ethereum1.0 . And one of the defining features   of ETH2.0 is that it relies on validators i.e 
decentralized miners thereby making the jobs   of ETH1.0 miners go extinct.

Given how popular 
ETH coin is for home mining, the impact will   be tangible and long lasting.
3) Electronic waste problem:  We are familiar how a bitcoin network works. All 
participating mining machines are basically just   competing with each other to generate a new 
block for bitcoin’s underlying blockchain.   And this is directly proportional to mining 
machines’ computational power. Since its all   a game of generating hashes efficiently, 
the hardware used should be of top notch.   The more computations per unit of energy, the more 
profitable a machine can be. This has led to a rat   race to develop more efficient mining hardware 
thereby resulting in more electronic waste.  Generally, mining equipments are expected 
to become obsolete in roughly 1.5 years.   This would follow from Koomey’s 
law, and the observation that only   the most cost-efficient machines can 
remain economically viable for mining.  Continuous increasing energy (cost) efficiency 
of these newer iterations of mining devices   ensures that older ones will inevitably 
become obsolete on a regular basis.   Less efficient mining devices will be always 
be pressured out of the market sooner or later,   as they simply cannot compete with newer (more 
cost efficient) machines.

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For ASIC mining machines   there is no purpose beyond the singular 
task they were created to do, meaning they   immediately become electronic waste afterward.
4) Increase in Capital equipment cost:  The total costs for miners 
can be divided into two heads:  Operational costs (mainly electricity which was 
discussed earlier) and capital equipment costs.  Regarding Capital equipment costs, Industry 
experts predict GPU prices will continue to rise,   which will leave little to no 
profit margin for crypto miners.  There’s no doubt that cryptocurrency boom has 
made mining an incredibly profitable endeavour   in last few years, even as the difficulty of 
mining continues to increase exponentially.   Only few years ago it was possible to build 
a mining rig with a single computer but now   it requires large operations with hundreds 
of computers networked and pooling processing   power to solve hashes more effectively and 

Additionally, regular CPUs do   not have the dedicated memory capacity to 
process hashing algorithms quickly enough.   GPUs, on the other hand, have built-in dedicated 
memory that makes them ideal for mining.   Which probably explains the skyrocketing rise 
in demand and price of GPUs for quite some time.   Miners rush to purchase every GPU available 
in the market as quickly as they can. Even   lower-tier graphics cards, and many stores and 
retailers have had to establish measures to   prevent single users from buying out their supply
For example, Nvidia’s GeForce GTX 1070 had a   suggested price of $690 in Jan. 2021, and 
Nvidia’s GeForce GTX 1070Ti, for example,   is out of stock already.
5) Climate and other variables:  To be able to successfully build a mining rig, 
climate does matter a lot.

Some setup allows   for the miners to run safely and successfully in 
ambient temperature environments of up to 30°C,   depending on how many miners you 
are operating within the unit.   But environments that are regularly warmer 
than this will struggle and will either require   additional climate control equipment (which starts 
to impact the viability of mining profitably)   or a more industrial setup at higher cost and 
certainly not suitable for residential premises. Lastly, when it comes to crypto mining, it’s 
not just the BTC market value that is volatile   and needs to be considered, total network hash 
power, mining difficulty, volume of transactions   and transaction fees paid constantly change too.
As more and more miners come on to the market,   and with ever increasing hash rates, the total 
hash power of the global network will increase.   The current Bitcoin reward is 
at 12.5 BTC per block mined,   until the next reward halving 
(it halves every 210,000 blocks,   which is expected in about 2 years time) and 
blocks are mined on average every 10 minutes.  Therefore, this proves that if everything else 
stood still, as the global hashrate increases,   your share of the reward, as a 
cyrpto miner would decline over time.  Well when we think about all these factors and 
consider how much it takes in todays economy   to setup a mining operation, have a home 
ownership in an ambient environment with   reasonable electricity costs and not to forget 
the ability to make adaptions, it is definitely   not that profitable in current times to build 
crypto mining rig at home.

It can certainly be   done but it’s harder compared to initial days.
One can rather simply invest in the right   crypto currency and make more returns by 
holding of their rewards in a down cycle   and extracting them as close to peaks 
as possible, to maximise their return.  With this we have come to the end of our video 
and we hope that you have enjoyed it thoroughly.   We have tried to provide what was essential to 
say and we hope that we haven’t missed out on   any essential information. Let us know about your 
views on mining rig in the comment section down   below and do not forget to subscribe to watch more 
amazing videos like this. See you in the next one..

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