Bitcoin is absolutely dumping it's lost At $60,000 Mark should you sell all your Bitcoin now welcome back to 99b YouTube Channel I am your host Umar Khan today We're taking a look at Bitcoin a deep Dive technical reports price analysis And all of that as we're seeing Bitcoin Prices dump is this the end of Bitcoin The end of the bull run the end of the Mem coin Mania before start the video I Want to ask if you haven't already make Sure you smash the Subscribe button down Below to reach your 2024 crypto goals And also none of this is financial Advice always your own research and due Diligence before investing any money in The cryptos we cover on this channel now Let's go ahead and take a look at what's Going on with Bitcoin as you can see the Overall crypto Market is down 2.4% on The day and we're seeing right across The board Bitcoin down 10% on the week We're seeing e down 5% on the week Dogecoin down 14% on the week we're Basically seeing red all across the Board in terms of the fear and greed Index this is pretty much an all-time Low since the beginning of this bull Market we are seeing uh I guess we're Entering just neutral which again it Might sound good but in reality we're See entering fear because if we're Dancing around extreme Greed for so much Time now again let's just go in the past

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Month right uh if we're dancing around With extreme greed and greed for for all This time now and we're entering neutral That basically means there's a lot of Selling pressure going on and we are Lowkey entering into fear which is Normal because people thought post Happening we're going to see some crazy Prices with Bitcoin Bitcoin pumping $100,000 which at one point it will but Unfortunately that hasn't been the case Just yet and it's been causing a lot of Panic selling and I don't think Bitcoin Is over just yet again people are Analyzing it people are looking into it I know the miners are suffering as well There's a lot of political issues going On but this may be an opportunity to Load up so someone suppos this any 20 to 23% correction on bitcoin bull market is A gift we can see ah if you want you Look at that way yeah it could be a gift In the sense that you're buying and low But also when it spikes pre higher than Its previous high like if we take this Example over here if someone bought it Over here not only did they make up that 21% but obviously they made all this Extra gains so same thing could be said Here now unfortunately for the investors That are not so Savvy this is a big Signal to start dumping right and then For the investors that are Savvy they're Going to buy in the dip so again just be

Careful and be cautious now do you want To learn more about cryptocurrency and Make money at the same time this is a Mem coin that or a utility coin that is Exactly doing that this is a 99 Bitcoins Uh Learn to Earn coin so 99 Bitcoin Pre-sale is live and in 5 days and 10 Hours the prices will be raised they've Raised almost a million dollar in Sp of A couple weeks now this is very cool so If you want to buy a token it's going to Help you you earn some money this is it So 99 Bitcoin token is the future of Learn to Earn launching a new Learn to Earn token 99 Bitcoin is designed to Reward individuals to learn about Cryptocurrency the classic 99b platform Is integrated with brc2 to Pioneer the Learn to Earn model on the Bitcoin Blockchain with a massive Community Master subscriber list and lots of hours Of course content this is a great way to Learn about cryptocurrency and also earn A bag talking about earning a bag they Are doing a massive giveaway of $100,000 So join our 99k uh Bitcoin aird drop We're airdropping 9 99 so $100,000 worth Of bitcoin to 99 community members who Join the Learn to Earn Revolution early These are all the ways you can enter I'm Going to link this down the description Below now back to bitcoin Bitcoin is Trending so that's pretty cool as well So even though it's dumping right now

When we go to the trending tab on coin Mark cap bitcoin's trending at number Three this is a spot usually reserved For meme coins but just goes to show how Much interest and influx is around uh Bitcoin right now that so many people Are just want want to constantly be Coming in and checking and taking a look At how Bitcoin is doing in terms of Technical guys we can see for the day we Are at the moving averages are at strong Sell as a at sell and the overall Summary is at sell as a lot of people Are selling Bitcoin but again I think This is an opportunity to load up the Bag obviously not as Financial advice But that's that's just a a signal uh of Definitely fear in the marketplace right Even when we're looking at news we can See Bitcoin Falls technical signals Flash red with crypto could have a rough Week Bitcoin Traders are uh Bitcoin Trades around 57k crypto Market dropped 6% in the run up to the FED decision 300 Billion Perfect Storm Bitcoin price Crashed under 600,000 so again there's a Lot of crazy news going around with the ETFs the news but there's just a couple Of ones I really want to highlight so The Bitcoin trades around 57k crypto Market dropped 6% in the run up to the Federal decision so BDC down is 6.3% the Past 24 hours having dropped below the 60k support level late Tuesday the

Closer to the spot price of Bitcoin is The average entry price the greater Likelihood of further ETFs unwinding 10x CEO Marcus thus wrote on Wednesday there Might have been a lot of trade fight Tourist in crypto pushing long until the Havening this time is now over he wrote We expect more unwinding as as a average Bitcoin ETF buyer will will be Underwater when Bitcoin trades below $57,000 this will likely lower the price Of our Target levels caused by a minus 25% to 29% correction from the $73,000 Top hence our price target of 52,000 to 55,000 during the last 3 weeks so again People I mean there's obviously going to Be Bears you know loing into market and Then we also have Bulls right Kathy Wood This is also from today Kathy Wood Raises her Bitcoin prediction by $2.3 Million what $1,000 investment could be Worth in 2030 so she's basically Predicting to see a $3.8 million Bitcoin By 2030 I don't know you guys let me Know what you think about that also There's a bunch of noteworthy coin to Post I've been posted on my account like The Kathy Wood one as well and also this One as well the Hong Kong opens his ETF Business and it causes a slight pump Just a couple of days back a breaking News Australia to approve spot Bitcoin ETFs before the end of 202 before so There's a lot of bullish news about

Bitcoin as well but again there's still That Bearer sentiment as well again the Main thing is you got to trade with Caution and trade with a plan none of This financial advice always your own Resar due diligence but let me know how You has feeling about Bitcoin in the Comment section below also if you want To load up a bag on 99 Bitcoins a Pre-sale gem that has crazy upside Potential I'm going to link that in Description as well that pretty much Wraps the video until next time it's Your Bo Umar peace [Music]

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