Dog with hat is starting to pump again And here's what you need to know before You buy dog with hat welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I your host Umar Khan And today we're taking a look at dog With hat a coin that is taken internet By storm really crushing in the salana Space an ecosystem and blockchain that Looks like the community is really Learning to love and grow so before we Start the video I want to ask if you Haven't already smash the Subscribe Button to reach your 2024 crypto goals And like the video while you're at it as It helps out the channel tremendously Today we're taking a look at dog with Hat which is up nearly 7% it was up a Bit earlier but looks like there was a Bit of selling off going off in place The community is super excited with What's going on with mcoins we can see The altcoin the captain altcoin mcoins Are pumping nicely with Bon with and Pepe leading the way we can see again 7% On the day is not too shabby with a Current market cap of $3.2 billion and Almost a billion dollars worth of Market Of 24-hour volume which is absolutely Insane making this a top 40 traded coin On coin Mark cap in terms of the week We're up a whopping 30% in terms of Month we're at about 27% we had a little Bit of basin going on but looks like a Correction is being made so again

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There's still some gains to be made so For those on the sidelines who haven't Bought in yet you could still Potentially load up a bag and make a Profit obviously it's not Financial Advice always do your own research and Due diligence but again these dog theme Tokens are they're really taking off the Internet lately especially these salana Coins as well so today I want to make a Very special mention for Doge verse a Token that's really taking the Internet By storm it's a pre-sale token that Launched roughly a month ago hasn't Launched yet sorry the pret went live About a month ago and it's already Raised $10.5 million and about 15 hours they're Going to be raising the price so by now Before the price is raised I'm going to Link this project in the description Below so why is Dover so cool it's the World's first chain traveling Doge and Not only has this have a a nice white Paper and audit but they also have a Great community on X which is very very Important for meme coins we see they Have 8.6 th000 followers the first Pre-sale spanning from ethereum B&B Polygon salana Avalanche and base what Do I mean by that we'll go back to the Website and I'll explain in just a Second Doge goes multichain buy and Claim Doge ver on any of the following

Chains eth binance polygon avac coinbase And salana so it's a multi-chain token Which means you can buy on any of the Following six exchanges it is coming so Into salana but all the other five ones Are currently live now back to their Twitter we can see a very active and Engaging Community embrace the remnants Of Cosmos explosion Cosmos an Exceptional Doge traverses the Blockchain dancing around those six Different ecosystems this is absolutely Insane this is innovation at its peak You're not going to want to miss out on Now it's not just a cool token cuz on Six different chains and it's a multi- Bridge token they also got Sten as well For those want to earn passive income And it's a dynamic range staking meaning The the apy is constantly changing Currently it's sitting at 100% we've Seen this upwards of 600% which is Absolutely insane you're not going to Want to miss out on this puppy but That's all we talk about butons for now I'm going to link in the description Below if you want to check out and grab A bag but I'll load up while it's still At these low low pre-sale prices but Back to dog with hatat it's pumping What's going on let's go ahead straight To Twitter and the source and see what's Going on we could see uh this was Retweeted by dog with hat an hour ago

Bloomberg reports that hedge funds are Succumbing to mindboggling returns of Meme coins so a lot of memec coin whiff And dog with hat is on their radar and Then this is a source we can see from Bloomberg's website seen as the first Cycle where funds are jumping into memes Dog of fat rally attracts attention of Crypto hedge funds this is absolutely Insane so now the big hedge funds want To get in the mix and they want to get a Piece of dog with hat this is absolutely Massive everyone saying the Hat stays on The hat stays on and a lot of exciting Things happening for dog with hat again Lots of memes lots of community building And that's what you really want to see In the meme coin ecosystem in terms of The technical guys we can see the Technicals are showing great indication As well where the oscillators are Showing neutral the moving average Indicating strong buys with summary Sitting at a buy is absolutely insane And in terms of the week as well allers Are in the buy and moving averages are Also in a buy as well people are aping Into this project it's absolutely insane We're very likely going to see dog with Hat hit that $5 Mark if we see crazy Pumps and crazy uh influxes of cash Maybe even higher than that we going to See $10 $15 hey I don't know it's price Prediction so always do your own

Research and diligence in terms of news Again it's been covered everywhere There's a lot of great things happening For dog with hat even on Google News MCO Mania uh referring to dog with hat Search dog with hat sky rockets over 25% salana meme coins Bull Run begin Bong pep dog with hat nearly 40% gains Looks like everybody wants to talk about Dog with hat and guys I've been saying This from the start this is going to be One of the biggest bull runs we have yet To witness in terms of the meme coins Coming back guys this is even better Than last ball run remember dog wol hat Launched at the beginning very beginning Of the bull market some even see the end Of the bare market and it literally took Over the space now if it continues this Momentum we're going to see some crazy Things happen for dog with hat this Could be just a start remember when Shimu was just getting its Buzz this is What I feel like is happening with dog With hat and you're not going to want to Miss out but why is the price sky rocket In over 25% here is why salot mcoin dog With hat price Ries over 20% after Multiple breakouts with potential to Exceed a rally of rally to $4.20 in the Next few days dog with had multiple Breakouts Sal based mcoin dog hat Skyrockets 25% in the last 24 hours with The price hitting a 24-hour high of $355

Cents on April 24th wh has witnessed an Upsurge after multiple breakouts on Wednesday analyst has even pointed out a Possible breakout a day before so again Very bullish indications in the patterns Guys again the analysts are marking the Charts up and we see exciting things Ahead for dog with hat their prediction Is dog with hat to hit $44.20 in just Couple days and that would be solid Games especially for those who got in Early and again remember talking about Those who got in early same thing goes With do ver again the people are going To get into PR early are going to reap The most rewards if you want the latest And greatest crypto news this is the Channel to subscribe to so what are you Doing if you haven't smash that Subscribe button down below that pretty Much drops the video if you enjoy Watching videos like this I will see you On the next one chip boy Umar remember Not Financial advice peace [Music]

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