How to Setup and Power an Iceriver AL0 to mine ALEPHIUM

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[Music] [Music] hey guys red pen mining here hope you're doing well having a really great day well I have another alzero here and I received this from coin mining Central thank you to them and what I want to do today in this video is mainly just go through setting this up as well as giving away 7day hash rate for this Al Z okay so one lucky winner after 24 hours after this video is uploaded all you got to do comment down below your thoughts on the AL Z as well as your alium address down below okay I will choose a winner using common picker after 24 hours and you will get pinned on the comment all right you'll be posted at the top here uh in the comment section and then you will win 7 Days hash rate for this al0 which we will be mining it to my pool of choice which is going to be cryp thanks to them for also sponsoring today's video all right so a lot of you guys have probably seen the AL Z Already In the Flesh here and this minor here has been one that I'd say a decent amount of people have purchased so looking at the alz here it's very similar to an ice River you know the ksz k0 pros I mean even the ks0 ultra really has the same heat sink look here but yeah the alium network uh Network hash rate has actually been climbing as of recently because there's been a lot of these models coming out okay so a lot of people have been receiving them turning them on and thus the the profitability actually has been decent because alium has had a bit of price action uh a bit of appreciation over the past couple weeks so I do have a another alzero here and also a gold shell Al Box 2 that are mining right now and I do want to show you guys the results and payouts of those over the past week or actually the past couple of weeks for those and at the same time I'm going to set this up so I will see you guys in the computer I'm G to plug this guy in and I just realized the power brick that came with it is I believe this is a uh EU or a UK plug so this is not going to work uh for me so I'm going to test out a new veteran Miner uh pcie to Barrel plug connector okay you guys may have seen these before uh go check check them out either at veteran or GP I have a link down below it is a six spin to a 2.5 in uh Barrel plug okay so this is how it's going to plug into the ks0 on this side here okay this is where the power is and then on a typical you know HP server PSU with a breakout board this is where I'm going to plug it into here okay so like this then I'm going to plug get into the al0 like this and we don't need the stock 100 W power adapter mind you okay just a disclaimer this cable is not for overclocking okay so anyone that is thinking about overclocking this alz in the future if that does come about just be mindful that this is only rated for 100 Watts that is what the veteran Miner has made this cable for okay so I'm now going to plug in the power for the HP server PSU we're going to do 240 volt on this one and this is how I'm going to set I'm going to set the AL zero like this and I should have uh made it like this so it's not going to Kink okay like this and I do need a network cable okay we need a network cable to plug connectivity for the AL Z which is going to be ethernet okay this doesn't have Wi-Fi or anything like that okay so it needs to have hardwired internet okay now let's turn her on the HP server PSU and anyone's looking for an HP server PSU like this with a breakout board go check out parallel I'll have a link down below for that so let's turn it on 3 2 one okay there we go power button on the breakout board okay and this thing should be on now yep there we go okay so let's go into the computer now and set this up on cryptex pool okay so we are just on a simple Windows computer I am going to use something called Advanced ip scanner to find the IP address of the alz that we just plugged in so it's 100 uh 101001 10029 so I'm going to take that IP address and plug it into a web browser here as you guys can see and it should prompt a web guey or usern and password to log into this so the normal username and password for this is going to be admin and then uh the password is going to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 through eight okay that's the stock password to log in now you should be let through into the web guey of the al0 so now we need to set this up to mine to your own alium address now you will need an alium wallet okay to you know essentially receive your own alium so on wallets I've ever used for a mobile wallet preferably use it on a phone like an old phone that you have nothing else on and just install this mobile wallet okay so iOS Android or desktop top wallet okay so get once you get that installed you can get your receiving address for your alium receiving address so now once you have that we're going to go to mining setting and we're going to paste that into here okay so this is where you're going to be able to then mine to your own address then once you have that here okay you're going to want to make sure you enter in a period and then also the name the worker name that you would like for your Al Zer so I'm just going to call was Al one all right 01 so in case I have multiple of these I go Al 02 and so on so then you want to copy that whole string and you're going to want to paste it into uh number two here and also number three okay so make sure they're all the same and that should be good next now you're going to want to choose your mining pool in this case we're going to be mining to cryp they have a bunch of other mining pools here not only alium but they got Caspa cedra zeis Carlson perion Bitcoin of course but in this case we're going to be mining on aium okay so they do have a get started here uh get started button to showcase the uh the mining pools that you will need to input into the web guei of the alzo so greatest thing regarding cryptex here they have a bunch of different mining uh pools around the world so they have one in USA Asia Brazil brail okay so in this case I'm going to take the USA one all right so there's a copy button here that you can see that you can just simply copy it go back to the web guey of the AL Z and we're going to just simply paste that into here okay and actually you want to make sure you get the stratum plus TCP here so we're going to remove this pool the stock pool on the AL zero and paste that in the pool number one here now there's pool two and pool three you want to make sure you have the other pools here Asia and Brazil just as backup pools okay so we're going to paste that here and also paste the Brazil one uh on the third one here okay so just in case any of these pools any of these stratums goes down that uh you'll be able to mine to the other backup pools just in case then that's it we're going to hit save and you're all good it should now start mining to cryptex pool here which now you probably want to see it mining to the mining pool okay so back on cryp here which link down below uh you guys will have to all you have to do is when you go to start mining you should see here where you can enter in your mining address okay this is where you can copy that in and once it starts mining you should see the AL Z show up it already shows up well that was really fast so look at that it already shows up on cryptex here okay and it's already getting valid shares showing up the hash right here okay it shows the minor software version but the greatest thing here it should start populating the average hash rate your unconfirmed balance all that kind all that kind of stuff here as well as your payout information here okay you can see by day I guess daily rewards which I can show you here I have an Al Z and then albox 2 okay that are mining to a singular alium address I have here on cryptex and uh just showing you guys the payouts here okay so just talking about the current profitability of these things okay so combined with these miners I've been making over about six alium a day but specifically though we're talking about the current profitability of this alz as a recording it is the first week of September of 2024 this thing is currently profiting about $3 .32 a day or about 2.08 alium a day okay and just looking at the current price of Alum did have a bit of price appreciation over the past week but it has been coming down here a little bit over 30 cents down over the past week okay so but it was more so more profitable during this time but it fluctuates right aliums price you guys can see over the past half year here it's been quite volatile so whether or not you want to buy one of these machines take on the risk to purchase an alz and you're hoping for future price appreciation especially in the bull run then that's that's your own prerogative but looking now okay so it looks like it's just connecting here going to refresh the web goey and I just realized that some I think there is a little bit of an issue with the al0 in terms of its mining pool that it connects to so looks like if you look at the web guey of your alz it may be connected to the number pool number two pool here okay it says connected here and it looks like it's not mining to the US Pool first so we're going to fix that okay so just a little bit of troubleshooting here which is a good thing to understand so we're going to we're going to copy this number one pool to number two okay and then just keep the Brazil one on number three and then we're going to hit save okay it it doesn't T change really not that much uh in terms of which pool you're mining to it just it's going to have a little bit more latency because because we're mining to the Asia pool but depending where you are in the world where I am in near USA I want to mine to the USA pool so that my Shares are getting to the pool at a faster rate right so yeah let's see here I'm just going to refresh this and yeah looks like it's see look it's connected to number three now okay so I think it's because I saved it so what I'm going to do I'm going to just give this a reboot and we'll see if it then connects to the first uh US Pool all right so I noticed this on my other Al Z as well so be right back we're going to make sure this connects okay so after about a couple minutes it is now showing on Priority One on the first pool so maybe a reboot will just help fix that issue if you are not connecting to the proper pool of your choice on the first pool okay so looks like that is connected here we're finding shares and it's connected to cryp okay okay so actually a few real quick things regarding cryptex they also have a monitoring bot a telegram monitoring bot so if your minor goes down you will get a message I guess to your phone uh if you have telegram then you will know if when your minor goes down as well as they also have uh payouts in Bitcoin okay so you can actually make an account on cryp and you can get paid out into Bitcoin so that's really cool as well but yeah I've been using cryp now for the past week on my two alifia Miners and they've been performing really well I do like all the information that cryptex portrays here you can see top miners on their pool all the different hash rate the the hash rate of the pool itself Network hash rate of alium which is which is definitely climbing right as we've as we've noticed and also the network difficulty chart here which is really cool so they got a lot of cool metrics here here on their mining pool and a lot of FAQ as well so that's really great so now I want to go back out to the AL Z here there's just a few more things I want to talk about with you guys regarding other stuff regarding uh using this minor okay so the AL Z is mining away now and look at that it's powered by the veteran Miner cable so just real quick these alzer they run hot and they like to run hot so just be mindful some people put fans on them to lower the temperatures but I think in this case if you do that you're going to also lower the hash rate okay so ice River talking with them the target temperature on these things are actually quite high so they're supposed to be hot and supposed to run hot therefore you're supposed to get more hash rate in a sense so just be mindful of that okay if you're thinking it's too hot it's meant to be like that so that it can run at that certain certain Target temperature to achieve that higher hash rate so how much power consumption does this thing take well it's about give or take it's about 100 to 120 watts I have another Al zero that's on this side here that's on 120 volt power right now I do have the AL box and also this Al zero uh together on 240 volt or 220 volt power so it's about 465 WS combined for both of these miners okay so yeah seems to be performing just 400 gigahash actually if I go to the web guei just refreshing here do we have yeah 48 gigahash so we've seen from many other YouTubers and also from myself I've tested adding a fan on you know the AL Zer it actually lowers the hash rate so just be mindful of that but otherwise leave it alone and it's mining just fine so thank you to coin mining Central if you guys are looking for any types of as6 go check them out link down below use code RPM for I believe $100 off each Asic Miner ordered okay my friends that is it that's the how to set up a al0 ice River Al Z to mine and I guess to power it as well I mean you can also do it power it with again I showed you that we had the 120 volt power but I didn't have the correct connector this is for I think EU or Asia plug and I'm in North America so I need that type of uh Nema plug but again if you've commented down below your thoughts of the alzero as well as your alium address I will choose the winner for 7day hash rate of this Al Zer after 24 hours after this video is uploaded guys so good luck and I'll see you guys in the next video have a good one peace out peace out

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