I’m still mining with my Radeon VII’s…

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[Music] hey guys red pen running here hope you're doing well having a really great day I got a GPU mining video today I'm going to be talking specifically regarding about my Radeon sevens these Radeon sens have been the probably the bane of my existence you you guys all know or for those that been with me for a long time over the past six or seven years I've had many great times with Radeon 7s I've bricked Radeon 7s code 43 Radeon 7s you know it you guys have seen those videos but more so I'd say this past year I did make a 12 by Radeon 7 rig here and I think I initially made it for DX okay I did have them split up into different rigs before uh but now they were all normally on DX but more so over the past couple months I have changed them over to mining Ergo more so the past couple months and then now I have them on block X because block X just changed their algorithm to Auto lyos V2 okay so pretty cool and so is it profitable I'll just straight straight away is this rig profitable for mining uh block X on this radon 7 rig no it's not okay I'm actually at my around 8 cents kilowatt hour I'm losing about 59 cents a day okay but I'm yielding about 32.844151 lockart Texas they provideed the latest Asic miners directly from the top manufacturers today with years of Enterprise level experience their US based team ensures you get highquality Reliable Hardware at the best possible prices their mission to empower you in the exciting world of cryptocurrency Mining and to provide you with Stateside service of Peace of Mind visit Asic plug.com today and start mining with confidence okay so my Radeon 7 rig such a beautiful rig it's probably one of my favorite cards in the whole world in terms of its looks and I guess you could say I have a LoveHate relationship with these cards the Radeon 7s haven't really been that great over the past year in a bit you know ever since of course ethereum days the Radeon 7s were you know 100 megahash monsters right mining ethereum back in the day but that's obviously long gone for like 2 and a half years now but I am still mining with my 12 Radeon sevens here okay so I have a bunch that are HX memory and a few of them that are Samsung memory so why am I on block X okay well I'm on this coin because they just changed algo recently and yeah only supported on a few mining pools right now right now I'm on woolly pully okay.com not sponsored but here's the rig you guys can see on the web gooey here I just joined block X about yeah a couple hours ago before recording this video but before that I did have this rig on mining Ergo and I was getting about 1382 Mega has for the whole rig on Ergo but I'm getting the exact same on block X so which is more profitable at this point in time and do I care about profitability not really but right now which is more profitable looks like Ergo would have been more profitable right now I should have just stayed with Ergo but no I want to try to accumulate some block X now I have a decent amount of Ergo already so I'm already holding that but now block X okay for my AMD cards now I probably should move over some Nvidia cards but this is just mainly about Radeon 7s okay so I have my Radeon 7s right now on woolly pulley mining block X and then as well as my overclocks now this is something some people may I I know not many people here have radon 7s or some of you guys do um here of my overclock settings here I'll just show it on the screen here uh that I have for uh block X for the Auto lyos V2 algorithm these are overclocks that our beloved overboard Tech set up for me about I think half a year ago he he's played around with this rig a lot and so these core clocks core voltage memory clock that he has here uh these were like really efficient settings for autoly GH algorithm as well as the uh AMD mem tweak we have these enabled as well it's dependent on if you have hyx and Samsung so you're going to have to add the config between those so I have six and seven are my Samsung cards all right and then the advanced AMD config you'll just have to click on the Samsung uh if you click on the little I uh dot Circle here it should come up with the uh memory timings here where you can just click on it and it will go into uh into here mind you there are a few different parameters here that are different from this I think overboard Tech did change uh some of it here uh but you guys can look at it here and then of course the HX uh memory tweak here he has them for uh here which I believe is the same as what hios has uh par as the parameter here for the AMD M twe okay so that's for the rest of my uh cards all right so that's what I have here so it's been pretty it's pretty efficient I'd have to say on uh mining with these AMD cards or Radeon sevens on block X or even Ergo for that matter but it's just nice to see that that you know I'm under about there's 12 cards here the octom miner takes about another like 150 watts for the fans motherboard Etc so generally each card I think is pulling like 100 Watts give or take so this is a really nice low power coin that uh Radeon 7s can mine which is great I did try mining like kapow on these cards but it's they just burn up I I have to repad repaste or no they don't have a pad it's like a a thermal pad I think for all of them so something where I don't want to open these up because you guys all know or most of you guys know that these cards are glass cannons you touch them take them out move them 5et they'll die okay I've had that many times you guys have you've seen those videos but anyways let me talk about now okay so SRB minor um is the one that I'm using here I'll show you guys the flight sheet I forgot to talk about this I'll show you the flight sheet that I have here uh for a block X so they have a coin okay and then uh I just specified block X and then the wallet I just have the blockx wallet and then the pool um they don't according to hios right now they don't have many pre-populated I have a Fen mine here I didn't choose that I just did configure in minor and I chose SRB minor currently for the radon 7s and then setup minor config here and then this is what I have okay there's are parameters there there is um I did have an issue initially where it was set on aoos 2 uh but it wasn't mining to woolly pulley because the hash algorithm was the wrong one even though it's it says Auto Leos 2 right but SRB minor they have the the specific parameter for Block xor aoos so that this will you will need to make sure you change because it doesn't Auto hios doesn't automatically change it for you so if you're having errors which I did wasn't connecting to the pool make sure the hash algorithm is correct okay so Wallet work name the pool which again I'm trying willly py and seems to be seems to be working pretty good so that's yeah save and apply the changes and you're Off to the Races already of mining block x uh whether you want to or not um is it profitable well according to as I'm recording this video um looks like uh Ergo is a little bit better but I'm still losing money but I'm I'm okay with that I'm okay with that so now I want to quickly T touch on what I'm excited for hope Y is that one zero minor comes out with the AMD implementation okay so uh hopefully with my radon 7s and heck even all my other AMD gpus uh like my 6700 XTS which are on chore right now and as well as I do have some uh 5700 XTS these are great cards I am hoping that I can then move majority of these cards to zealous and if one zero minor comes out with a zealous optimized zealous minor that would be awesome right so that's what I've heard um through the zealous Discord just reading through there one zero minor is working on getting a AMD minor okay so that's going to be really cool but for now right now as a low power coin I'm mining on my Radeon 7s it's going to be block X okay so I know if you go to Hash rate.

You're not going to see blockx you're not going to see zealous or you're not going to see even Ergo on this list right hash rate Dono doesn't even have Ergo and I've been mining Ergo on my Radeon 7s for the past like for the past like 6 months okay they've been going on Ergo for the longest time and the reason for that again is because low power low power algorithm I didn't want to run my cards hot on a kapow algorithm which is quite hot okay 150 watts plus but you're getting like 35 megahash on on the Radeon 7s which is pretty cool and I did have a thought of moving my Radeon 7s to test Ai and uh but it's essentially like a kapow algo I believe so it it's again a hot algorithm which I I didn't want to move my radon 7s to currently but anyways guys that's what all I want to talk about in this video let me know uh what you guys think and if you're excited for the the one zero Miner update I think it's coming pretty soon for AMD cards for zealous mining okay so that'll be exciting but in the meantime let's uh I'm going to I'm accumulating some block X here here and whether or not if it's going to have price appreciation who knows but it's awesome that they moved to a GPU minable algorithm from I believe uh the dash uh D9 or the dash algorithm okay so I'll see you on the next video let me know your thoughts let me know if you guys are mining blockx or zealous or let me know what you're mining down below I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out

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