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all right ladies and gentlemen so there is a new version of salad it has been this might have been the longest span of time they have not updated salad um in recent history I don't want to say forever but anyway so 1.6.4 is now old and 1.6.5 just came out literally minutes hours ago I'm I'm not sure but it came out today um so let's go here hold on um is that where we wanted to go uh why is it not showing up technical difficulties um there we go okay sorry about that ladies and gentlemen um and then let me slide this on over so you guys can we can read it together so salad 1.6.5 came out at 409 that was about 20 minutes ago um fixed in an improvements fixed an issue where chefs could not scroll through the widget interface when theun State drop down menu was open I hadn't experienced that um fixed an issue with some text animation calling undo vram usage I hadn't I don't think I've experienced that one as well uh added a prompt to update to latest NVIDIA drivers when they are below a minimum support level that's actually really nice because I know a lot of people will go ahead and they'll F they'll build out a new system they'll flash Windows on it they'll let Windows pull its updates down and windows does not pull anywhere near a latest driver for a graphics card and then people are wondering why their system isn't acting right it's because it's using a driver that's potentially year or years old um so that's really cool that they they added that in added a new log added new login trees to debug issues with heavy processes added a new option to disable the salad overlay in the case where it causes issues with a game or other applications apparently some people said uh salad was triggering the anti-che on Call of Duty I play Call of Duty but I don't I don't run salad at the same time so I hadn't run into any of those issues uh when disabled all actions related to heavy processes being detected while chopping will be communicated through these system notifications instead also note your GPU will still be disabled this only changes the notification system um updated container environment components to the latest version most notably to Nvidia container toolkit 1.16.2 which is a bug fix and secur release uh changes to salad new minimum storage requirement for containers is 70 GB so that means ladies and gentlemen if you built one of those budget systems that only has a 128 gig um drive on there or even potentially a 240 gig drive you might need to go take a look at them I think now um from what me and everybody else has talked about a minimum requirement to run on salad because it is a little heavy at times on the storage side of things I'd at least say a 500 gig uh preferably a 1 tbte um and I'll check on a couple of my rigs that have 500 gigs in them and show you that sometimes these these containers just use a little bit extra um they were supposed to be limited to 30 or 40 gigs but uh yeah 70 is now 70 is now the new basis which means they're probably going to use somewhere in the range of more than that um anyway uh you can read all about the updates right here thanks again Chef see you in the kitchen is that it yeah I think that's it on there okay so let's go ahead and take a look at I think my 3090 number one system actually has a um a 500 gig in it it has a yes it has a 500 gig in it and let me show you what kind of disc usage it's doing it actually looks like it has a container um so yeah it's got a $3 and 46 cents a day container this is a 3090 and the specs on it is 48 gigs of RAM I actually need to up that um this is one that had a bad stick of ram so I just pulled it out but let's go to this PC local dis we need to go to um what is it program data yeah program data salid you have to type that in by the way capital P program capital D data no spaces uh after local dis se you know SL you see you see what's going on there um because this is a hidden folder not normally go into WSL and this is using 131 gabyt and I have not updated this one yet so um yeah don't know what's going on there if it's you know WSL container Flo I I don't know what's what what's happening but it's using way more than 30 or 40 gigs and it's using way more than 70 gigs so that means if the new minimum is 70 it's going to use potentially even more I only have 200 gigs free uh out of the 465 just for reference um now let's go over and find a system that is not on a workload and let's update it live why not well not live but right here right right here and now um this one it's showing an available update and it's calculating so that means we are going to pause this we are going to update now yes you doing buy dogs in here getting into stuff all right we're going to finish that and click run now we're getting the glitch where it says four out of six set up your container environment even though it's been set up hit enable we'll probably need to do a restart on this probably oh there we go next step finish chop now so I did not restart this computer uh I was told that it doesn't need to be restarted after doing an update I normally always do it but you know what we'll give it a chance uh this one has 64 gigs of RAM just for reference and um yeah Bam Bam it's like it's not currently pulling anything down but I'll check and see if any of the other systems uh need an update and I I would suggest and I heavily heavily stress this do not stop a workload if it has an active workload which means it gives you a little price range Down Below in the in the bottom do not stop it let that run as long as it will once that is done running then you update that's that is very crucial a lot of people will be like man I stopped my job I updated and now I don't don't have a job yeah you gave up that job you didn't let it finish that hurts that hurts your de you know your account your score whatever you want to call it um it's not good so finish the job then update you don't have to update while you're working on a workload job you can't I mean you can but it drops the job you don't get to keep the job anyway I'm going to jump off here love to see your comments questions concerns Down Below in the description aduse

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