Opening a Computer Shop Jan Roundup

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what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and if you're new here this is going to be a January Roundup of my computer shop we've only been open for a short period of time now and I figured I would do almost like a uh a recap at the end of every month just showing you guys kind of what we're going through what we're experiencing talking about some things and um if you guys have any comments concerns questions criticisms please drop it down below because that's how I can learn and grow from here so um let me show you the current state of the shop which it is a mess I know that uh but I'll show you what we're working towards as well all right so as you come in the shop right now it is overwhelming because there's way too much stuff in here um I got more storage racks and they're going to go floor to ceiling one right here um and then I'm taking this chair away and doing another one right there so we're only going to have one chair um that desk and 3D printer is going to be moved cuz there's going to be a storage rack right there um I'm I'm going to finish going through all this hang that shelf up and then the 3D printer is going to go right there this is still going to be a little test station but for right now it's literally just been I've been piling junk on it so I need to get that all cleaned up um still been going through a lot of stuff trying to get it cataloged and in entered into inventory but that's kind of how everything's going right now um got to break that rig down get that thing off the floor I hate that it's on the floor right there but uh we're I don't have square foot footage so I have to go vertical got to start stacking everything up um figured out a way to actually still box up some graphics cards so that way I don't have loose graphics cards sitting everywhere um these flat rate boxes I think they're the medium sized I'm not sure uh they're 11 by 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 they fit most fullsize graphics cards so that is nice so I can box them up put a little picture on it put a price on it and it's out here and open so cuz I was was running out of real estate in the box and running out of real estate up there it's just not realistic to have every single graphics card out in the open um just trying to make it user friendly for when people walk in and and they want to see like oh what is this 5600 oh what is it 100 bucks some's got bad fans yeah okay uh 6600 175 bucks okay okay yeah yeah just trying to make it you know walk in ready so to speak but still got a lot of lot of work to get there let's let's go outside and um I'll keep keep talking all right time to get a little air little little breather um going to go pick my son up from preschool but regardless anyway back on topic so for the month of January we ended up doing pretty good um we paid our rent so that that's like the number one thing if you can't pay rent uh for your shop then your shop can't can't really be open um had some people ask me on the last uh recap video sorry getting this stuff out of my pocket uh that you know they were asking how much do you pay yourself how much are you paying yourself well this isn't my first 4A into owning a small business or working for myself um and in the beginning I'm not paying myself uh from the computer shop I still do work part-time um for my other company and the other company does still make a good deal of money which is great uh but I don't want to take away and I'm reinvesting the money I'm making back into more Hardware um so I can have more inventory and it has exponentially grown because in the beginning I barely had enough stuff to fill that place up um outside of like personal items that I already owned and then now I can't even fit everything in there I have boxes of stuff back at my house that it's just it's like overwhelming which it's a good problem to have to be busy so um financially January we did good technically didn't make a lot of money because we spent a lot of money but we have significantly more Hardware in stock and available for people for either Walkin or online now I have been very heavy online and my walk-in has not been very heavy because I've done no advertising hold on one second I'm getting a phone call let me be right back there we go okay so um hopefully the audio is not too bad I'm in my my little dump truck right now but I figured I could you know do some Dual Purpose stuff here don't worry my guys are on the road I'm just talking to you guys as we're driving um so yeah I haven't done any local advertising I haven't done anything other than post on Facebook Marketplace uh some of the items I have for sale I don't do a lot of them because I'm going to be honest I don't like dealing with a lot of people on Facebook Marketplace it seems like you just get a and this isn't for everybody on Facebook Marketplace but you know what I'm talking about if you've ever used Facebook Marketplace it's like a whole another class of individual that wants to to send you automated messages is this still available never reply back um or just have like unrealistic demands oh can you bring this to me and then that's when I explain no you know it's at my computer shop it's on a public location you know are you able to meet there and and they're just like no I'll give you $10 extra to bring it two hours away or can you meet me halfway and uh for certain things it makes sense um but you know for like a $100 graphics card to drop at 2 hours it's just it's not realistic so that's the only problem with using face Facebook Marketplace but I do use it as a dual purpose so I put my ad up for the item and then below that in the description I'll be like uh by the way I also have a computer shop here's the uh the website and the address if you put the phone number in there A lot of times they'll mark it out um if you have any other computer parts buy sell trade upgrade um please just contact me so then and I get a lot of people like contacting me through my items about other stuff or other items um and then I also uh I got I got smart and I put that banner up behind me so a lot of times whenever I take pictures of items behind the background of the item is the computer shop the bcpc it's got my address the phone number and the website so then it's like subliminal advertising like on almost all of my pictures um kind of got a little got that honestly from another another YouTuber that I watch he does tennis shoes and he puts his logo and stuff and his website in the background I just thought that was like genius because it's something that once you put it up on the wall you never have to worry about it again it's always there and then when you take your pictures it's always there so um just pretty smart on that end um now bad things that happened in January unfortunately we had an issue with our t-shirt supplier um he delivered the the t-shirts for uh for January twice both times unacceptable quality uh and then the second time they wreak of like straight up vinegar which I guess that wouldn't have been a huge ordeal um but the second time they weren't screen printed they were uh vinyl press on and I paid for screen printing um I know press on vinyl can be good in a long like but from my experience and it's it's not what I paid for but and also from my experience vinyl like press on it's just kind of cheap it comes off it's just doesn't last as long so um we had a disagreement about that uh I ended up having to file dispute with my credit card company I told them I told the t-shirt company where do you want me to send these shirts back cuz I am not accepting these and um now they won't reply back to me so I'm giving them a chance to try to remedy this but regardless uh I have uh reordered the January t-shirts so if you ordered a January t-shirt I tried to send out a memo to everybody that ordered one I don't know if it all got there cuz some people said that they found my email in their spam folder so um yeah regardless if you had ordered one and it hasn't been shipped out yet that's probably why or know that is why because we don't have them yet um other bad things that happened in January um had a couple returns honestly not like a bad thing um a couple people sent some CPUs back cuz we we've been selling a bunch of CPUs one of them is a ryzen 5 5650 Pro I believe it is which is basically like a 5600 but it's got some like low power features and some some stuff that your average gamer doesn't need but uh the person that got it said that there was a vent pin and he didn't want to accept it no problem I told him go ahead just uh send it back once I get it back I'll check on it and then you know get you a refund um I have been talking to some other small business owners and they said you know you're going to get a lot of people with like the hammer that refund thing um so you need to do like a restocking fee I don't know if I'm going to do a restocking fee I hate paying restocking fees as a customer so I don't know if I want to do that as a business owner I guess we'll just kind of play that by year and see how bad my returns end up being but figure if I can control the items going out I shouldn't have that many returns or at least give people a good idea of what they're buying you know if they're buying a used graphics card and it's hasn't been clean uh or if they're buying a used graphics card that hasn't been you know has bad fans I just make sure to uh to to note that you know this is a graphics card that needs needs repasting or a graphics card that needs fans so on and so forth um originally I wanted to spend the time on cleaning all those up and pasting them I don't even have nowhere near the amount of time for that so maybe I need to scale things back a little bit we'll see how February goes sorry about that got another phone call but um yeah so as things progress and um things that I want to get done for February better organization better Showmanship for walk-in like retail wise and then I want to make myself more available for Walkins um I know I've been really really slack on that my my hour are super limited uh right now we're doing Monday Wednesday Friday and it's only 9:00 a.m.

To 2:00 p.m. it's I know it's it's tough um it's tough to be able to like fit in that window cuz some people are like you know oh I work oh I this oh I that I know I I understand um so we're working on that we're working on that other things for February that we're that are hopefully going to be better um I'm not sure oh we're working on four uh CPU motherboard combos so I talked about a bunch of people I've done a bunch of combos everybody seems to love them um I've done like the xeons I'm working on getting the ryzen combos in so like B 450s b550 motherboards with ryzen CPUs already strapped to them um so then you have the option of buying a CPU motherboard RAM and a cooler already ready to go or CPU motherboard Ram no cooler all the just more options essentially um what else what else I think I think that's about it so I'm uh I'm trying to make sure that I grow at a pace that I can keep up with uh I don't want to get too big too fast uh and not be able to keep up with it as for help uh I've had some part-time help from a couple friends of friends uh that now they became friends but that's always tricky because hiring friends comes with its own set of issues so I I don't know I don't I'm not there that I need somebody full time but I think once I get my inventory sorted out and if I if I can find the right person it may be beneficial for me to put somebody in there um you know Monday through Saturday something like that or the days I'm not there all right well anyway I'm getting another phone call so I guess this video is over later adios ladies and gentlemen bye

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