PC Shop Thread Ripper is Dead

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what is up ladies and gentlemen I apologize about the lighting in advance um I do have some lights coming from my garage because I am going to be doing more videos in here right now I just strung up some RV lights but uh we are over here at the workbench I don't know if I had shown you guys that video or not uh but I made a workbench in the garage outside of my cubicle so that's my cubicle where I do like streaming and stuff um and recording videos this is the workbench outside of it and we're going to be using this to clean Parts go through them kind of break them down and also packing and shipping stuff whenever we're not in the shop which is a majority of the time like over the weekend so I got a couple orders in it's Sunday right now if I can get everything up and running I could start printing them out they'd be hunky dory but I don't have a computer over here and I don't want to pull the computer out of there uh because that's a you know pretty decent computer I I game on it that kind of thing it's my daily rig so figured I'd use one of these servers cuz we have tons of them I bought a bunch of them see there's a stack of them over there like 12 or 13 of them I'd use one of these to just you know pull orders print orders that kind of thing do work activities that's what these were built for for work um these are older zons I don't know if they're four core or six core we'll get it booted up and check it out the issue I just ran into it does have the quadro 2000 in in there which I don't really care about the graphics card uh but it only has DVI and display port out and I'm using a i mounted a TV up up here and it that one only has HDMI and of course all my like adapters and stuff are at the office so um I SC I I sced through some things and I had to find a GPU this this whole power supply that's huge and massive right here only has a six pin for power it doesn't have a 6 plus2 um and I tried to find like a six pin to a 6 plus2 or like 8 Pin adapter and I just a finding any so I I scoured and found a what seems to be I think this is like a 1060 maybe a 3 gig anyway the Fan's ripped off of it but it only takes a six pin in the top so we're going to throw this in here um I did boot this machine up and I do know that this machine does work because I was able to get video out on this guy right here going from a DVI to VGA cable adapter um I just don't have one to get it to HDMI and I really want it to be on the computer screen and not this little 7in tiny like little diagnostic screen that's that's not ideal so yeah let's get this graphics card swapped over get her fired up see what we're working with see what the the the uh we'll call this the Prep Station hold on so there we are let's see what the Prep Station computer is going to going to look like all right so we got her open and uh the good thing about uh this case design is this card being passively cooled AKA The Fan stripped off of it this card's not normally passively cooled is there's other things that are passively cooled inside here as well because this whole case uh blows air through it so um if I don't do anything to taxing it should be fine maybe with a lot of dust right there some dust bunnies oh yeah there we go that's good for it all right um yeah got it plugged in I don't know if this card works so this could be an epic fail from the beginning all right now let's plug this in and this computer boots up right away normally I did boot up right away a second ago guess a okay sign let's go to HDMI how do we do that um home HDMI 2 how do I get the HDMI too you're kidding me right maybe it doesn't pop up there because it doesn't see anything yet um you know what let's change it to HDMI 3 which is the oh gosh this Mount oh no this mount's seen better days I need a real Mount okay so HDMI 3 it's right there oh get it in there I'm leaning over okay all right taking you guys along with me this painful Journey so this is HDMI 3 Arc or ar in okay so now let's do it we're on I don't think it likes it I don't think this card's going to going to do the deal all right be right back all right this card doesn't work no signal nothing kind of nothing like that so I was like oh maybe I'll just throw a card in there and plug the six pin in and you know it doesn't have the extra two pins it's whatever so I had one of these crusty 260s that work it's a rusty one powered it up please power down and connect the pcie power cables for this graphics card so yeah that doesn't work um let me keep rumaging through and see if I can't figure anything out this is Dreadful all right guys so I went digging um I thought I was going to be able to use this one it's a Radeon 6870 nope too many plugs um 6850 this one only takes a six pin but no video out so yeah that's not great but I put the PNY in GTX 1662 gig so I got this in a mystery box along with those other cards and some other ones um plugged it in and I'm like hope this thing works because I kind of really like this card boom we have video display so that's awesome we got HDMI out uh I'm going to go grab a keyboard a Windows install USB and then I found me a little 120 gig SSD cuz we don't need we don't need a ton of storage we just need a little bit just a little bit so I'm going to power this down plug it all there's that Quadro 2000 I think these are think these are 1 gig cards so I think technically the 660 is an upgrade from the quadro 2000 so it only took a handful of gpus to finally find one that works in this situation this C does work it just no HDMI out B all right let's continue onwards all right so the card is in there and working we're running off of the uh uh USB Windows 10 installer oh there's my kitty cat hey buddy this is not the same one that I had the other one he had he's passed away but um this one was just a little stray and we picked him up he's he's skittish we brought him home we uh we keep food and water and stuff and we keep the garage door cracked so he always hangs around but he just never gets like super close to people um that's okay that's okay um but yeah I don't actually see them very often I just fill the food up fill the water up regardless though this is all running everything's happy uh I need to hit accept for this and I can't find a mouse that works the mouse that I had as my little test Mouse is not working so guess I'm going to go grab the one off of my main computer but um yeah we're we're getting there got the little PNY SSD all right so we're going to let this thing install and I figured um it might take a minute it's not exactly the fastest thing I did look up the specs of this actual unit so it does have I can get down in here uh I guess triple Channel Ram is what they were running back then it's got three 2 gig sticks in there and it's got three unpopulated slots so I could go and grab some more RAM and get this thing tuned up I need to look and see what the max is for this board but 6 gigs of RAM for a little you know office computer not too shabby it has the w3530 CPU so that is the it's feeling if it was hot on the heat sink right there that copper n she's running cool that is a four core 8 thread and a turbo up to I think 3.2 GHz is what it said base clock is around low 2 GHz range um so it's not a power house especially with a GTX 660 uh 2 gig installed in there this is probably semi period correct um we're just she just needs to print things and open up Shopify and maybe play a YouTube video every now and then so um wish me luck and we'll let this Windows install do its thing and um yeah while we're waiting on that I figured we can start going through some of the other stuff here let me clear all this off all right so starting to go through some of the boxes I got this back from uh silver Knights I sent it off to him because I didn't know what the heck was going on uh this is a x399 board thread Ripper uh 1950x so decent little setup anyway I sold this to a customer he he sent it back to me and he's like hey man this thing's on the fritz sent it to Silver Knights and he tested it and came back uh board error like 16 something about like the BIOS chip being corrupted and he was like you know you can um you know put a new chip on all that kind of stuff and I'm like look I just needed to know if it was like a simple fix or or not I'm not going to go and dump money into I don't even know how old you know first gen thread Ripper is now but it's it's not like it's current gen by any means so um yeah I'm going to just let that ship sail but he did pull my 1950x out and put it into another board and it booted up and so that's that's good to know that the CPU is good and for the time being I'm literally just going to use this board to hold that CPU um just to keep it safe so yeah just got that back he I also sent some other stuff for repair so shout out to Silver Knights PCS um in fville North Carolina I believe yeah it's fville um reach out to them if you have any repairs they do uh motherboards um graphics cards I sent off a 2080 super uh RTX uh Quadro 6000 um 1080 ti so a few things and apparently they were able to get most of them done and they're just waiting for parts on one of them so that's that's always good to save some of those dead graphics cards that are worth saving um yeah let's continue onwards I got a bunch of power supplies to go through all right so going through these power supplies looks like they're all 2400 watt 94% rated looks like they came from parallel minor so they've been quality control check so that's nice um shows they're only 200 240 volt so no plugging this into a 110 outlet it ain't going to do nothing for you output output is 2 2400 WT Max looking onto the back it looks like it takes two HP 1200 W um brakeout boards and I noticed this is the same box that they were in there are tons of these you know the HP 1200 watt breakout boards so I ask you guys before I plug this in and break something is that correct like you can put two of them on there is that how these work I'm I've never used these before they also take a funny cord which I have some of those right here boom and it looks like it goes straight into a uh Nema what is that 30 yeah 30 l630p it's a 30 amp plug for 240 um yeah yeah so that's interesting I'm going to look these up and see what they're valued at see what they're worth uh and then kind of go from there I was going to look them up on the shop computer but um the it doesn't have integrated Wi-Fi I know imagine that so then I found I had a little Wi-Fi dongle and the Wi-Fi dongle is one of those those Cheapo ones that I vowed myself to quit using one of these like little noname brand I plug it in uh it connects it disconnects it connects it disconnects and then it'll sometimes say connected but then I go to use the internet and it doesn't work so like unidentified network no network access that's great so yeah it's I I need to get a a good Wi-Fi adapter so uh the shop computer or the um dang what did I call this this is the staging computer the workbench PC uh situation has currently stalled um I did notice I have an issue because there's a big black border this is still screen that's the Border that's this is still screen so I'm guessing this GTX 660 um I went into display settings and changed the resolution nothing will get this away I guess it's limited to whatever that you know resolution is so that's not ideal I will be changing out the graphics card because that will drive me absolutely nuts uh and I have some other stuff at the shop so I'll probably just grab one of those and go from there um but yeah yeah so that's that's currently what we got going on at the moment um I do need to do some research and see if these breakout boards do go with these power supplies if they do um I will be throwing these up on the website and I'll I will should I include them should I include the breakout boards with them or should I sell offer them separately I'm not I'm not sure about that uh other stuff in this box oh my God we got risers oh look this we got some GPU uh hangers not going to sell those just going to give those away um tons of power cables tons of risers got some ethernet cords thought about running ethernet for the shop computer I just don't have a long enough cord to get there currently ooh look at this so these bad boys I think these are the zsx breakout boards if I remember correctly doesn't have the name on it uh yeah it is okay zsx so you you can take in a 24 pin and that will turn the 24 pin ATX power supply on at the same time as these go on you have not only a voltage readout but you have a current readout so it show you know volts and and uh amps so then you can figure out your wattage um these are really cool and these go into the same you know 12 or 750 and 1200 W HP power supplies and I assume they also work with these 2400s I'm not sure though so just take that with a grain of salt um more breakout boards more power cables basically everything to what I would imagine facilitate these 2400 W power supplies okay so you know what I think this video got long enough um actually too long let's go ahead and call it thank you all for coming out tonight I will see you on the next one peace love all that kind of stuff these are currently what I'm about to go research and then this Dreadful light situation I have the light on on my camera but right now just working in this dimly lit environment I even brought out like a little LED fan I have it's driving me nuts I like to have super bright light so I ordered in some of those LED tube it's like two tubes I think they're like 4 ft long and I'm going to hang one over top of the here and then maybe like one over there and then you know maybe another one and one cuz I ordered a pack of four to try to light this place up um yeah yeah so I also have to pull some of these empty these are all empty totes um and I have to pull those down and we're going to start going through inventory and and organizing it I'm getting a phone call yall have a good night

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