Iron Fish Mainnet Launch and Miners Comparison
[Music] what’s going on everyone welcome Rabid here and today is iron fish mainnet day. So depending on the time when you’re watching this, iron fish should be on mainnet now, unless a delay happened last minute. Some miners have emerged with 3x the hash rate. Now we do know that about SRB minor only works on hero miners. I’m going to try that out right now just to see if it does work on any other pools and we’re going to kind of compare a bunch of these miners together. It sounds like bz minor released an update as well. It’s currently in beta phase, so you can test that thing out as well. It should be released at the time of watching this video but we’ll do some power consumptions versus that off the Hop here we do have SRB minor in hero miners.
SRB Miner Tests
It’s looking like 7.328 gigahash on an RTX 3070 at the wall. We’re using about 92 Watts subtract my system of 22 Watts, that’s 70 Watts at the wall and a gigahash to Watt ratio of 0.104. Now I’m going to try this on another Pool and see if we do gain that hash rate. So, I am now on SRB Miner at Flex pool and as we can see, we’re only doing about 2.304 gigahertz so we’re not gaining the Boost. It only seems to work at the hero miners pool so I’m not sure why or what’s going on. Something’s happening in the background, no idea. But we are only seeing 2.3 now. If I spam the refresh button, there are some times when it does end up hitting like four gigahash, six gigahash, or seven and then right back down. It’s almost like it’s on a leash and then it says nope don’t do it. Going back to 2.3 so there goes, see look 7.3 confirmed right there you can see it. It’s not up here but it’s right there and I’m going to hit refresh again and we’re gonna see it’s gonna disappear here in a few seconds. So, I’m actually glad I caught this.
I had a failed recording earlier or my mic wasn’t working and it wouldn’t duplicate it but now it looks like it’s working there goes see right back down to 2.3. So, I don’t know what’s going on in the minor logs. It’s not showing anything differently but it is doing a spike up and like I said it just gets like hey no don’t do that. It’s like an Nvidia lhr thing get back down here we don’t want you to work anywhere else type of thing so I’m not sure what’s going on regardless I caught that little bug there.
BZ Miner Comparison
Let’s jump into bz minor because it is supposed to work on all the pools allegedly all right and here we go bz minor version 14.2.1 B1, so beta version one. Let’s see how she performs. All right guys so here we are in bz minor and you can see we’re at Flex pool, not hero Miners and we’re rocking 8.345 gigahertz. That is more than what SRB minor was doing. At the wall, we’re doing about 91 Watts. It is in the higher 90s and so sometimes it’s 91 so I’m going with 91 Watts here. Take away the system that is 69 Watts that works out to be 0.120 gigahash per watt.
So far we’re in the lead here with b z minor so I jumped on over to Hero miners with bz minor and we are still getting the same hash rate so it’s working on Flex pool as well as hero Miner so I’m assuming it’s going to work on various all the pools out there so it looks like just from being able to move around all you want bz minor is a clear winner here over SRB minor. Now one thing I did notice hopefully it’s fixed in this version but in a couple hours I did lose my overclock settings within bz minor and my rigs went from like a thousand Watts upwards of like 2500 and my fans ramped right up. So keep an eye on it, maybe you want to set a power limit or something just in case or maybe it’s fixed but always be mindful that overclocking your gpus within Miners and stuff something could happen so just be very careful guys.
So, that was a pretty quick one but it don’t take long to get to some results. Thank you for checking out this video. This is going to be a crazy week because I do expect more miners to release a lot more optimizations and updates to happen so we’re gonna try to stay on top of all this. Thank you for checking this out. I’ll see you on the next one. Rabid Out.
What Miner Are You Using? Pumped For Mainnet Today?
Rigel best
Thanks for this video. But this coin is over hyped
How can you mine without wallet? There is no wallet to download
What is its profitability? Its the main question
Strange I have 3 Rig around 200gh/s on herominers… in last 30 minutes 2 rigs don’t see online in pool…
I cant add my extra config arguments to BZminer.. its giving me an input format error?
There is big problem with power spikes.
Can you make a video to mine to a mainnetnode ironfish?
Well, just added for my RTX3070 non-LHR a powerlimit of 150 (SRBMiner), and hashing shoots up to 9.761 GH (EVGA) (edit: then they take the full 150watts…)
Bzminer 14.2 and 14.2.1 breaks overclocks in windows. Needs to be fixed ASAP
Upgraded to the newest BZMiner, but it causes random heat spikes. Have set power limits in the flight sheet and Hiveos settings (makes no difference). Makes sense why it hasn't been officially released yet.
how did you install bzminer v14.2.1b1 its not showing in hiveos ?
lolminer > bzminer
So is this what I should put my old 570s on? lol
I am still getting like 5ish on my 3080ti using BZ. SRB gives me about 14 GH per 3080ti.
Can you post the link to download the beta version?
Wonder how many people actually read the "IRON FISH" white paper and had a very close look at the genesis block distribution and the 12 months distribution lol
Thanks for the video
7x3060ti….47.7 ghs on srb…now 58.9 ghs on bz….doesn't matter the pool
anyone have any overclock settings for AMD cards? 5700, 6600, 6700 and 6800 xt?
It seems to me that only LHR cards give that crazy high hashrates. At least in my rigs 🤷
My RTX 3070's are varying between 8.9 GH and 10 GH using SRBMiner on Herominers. 2 x 3060 + 2 x 3070 + 1 x 3080 = 46 GH
TeamRedMiner is the king, not lol, not bz, not srb.
clSetKernelArg error on AMD
when running betas can you pin the link to that miner's git in the comments??
as it is test so the herominers try to gaver as much as possible miners!!!! once the IF starts it will down to the normal figures)
Yeap 50Gh on 4090
So right now we're mining for nothing until the mainnet arrives. That's right ?
I am trying the Srbminer for now.. Hopefully the price of iron will be fair.
lol just released there version for ironfish
No longer in beta