Salad earnings down New update fix?

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what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel hope everybody's having a good day um so I noticed the update that came through yesterday uh on salad um it said it was going to help with certain container workloads and it kind of broke well not broke but all my systems are on average making less um and actually today June 5th 2024 a new update came out just now and it says it fixed an issue that impacted some container workloads so I hope y that will fix my situation let me flip the screen around and show you what I got going on all right so there yeah there's the the update notes fix an issue that impacted container workloads um so I updated my my rigs yesterday and then most of them were calculating or they were doing a really low rate so I have not updated any of the systems yet let me remote in and show you what I'm talking about like here's a 3090 let's show you what a 3090 is doing 7 gigs 6% 2% um I can't get the uh hold on I have to change my display settings sometimes in Chrome remote desktop it has a little issue with that right keep changes close that all right there we go so this one says a doll to 235 on a 3090 that is much lower than what I was getting I was getting a touch over $5 today this system does have 48 gigs of RAM but it was holding you know 30 35 gig uh containers yesterday with no issues or well the day before yesterday yesterday is when the update came through and that's when I've had issues all my 390s are on this doll to $2 range so um hopefully this uh this update will fix it to do the update all you have to do is open up your salad just hit update now and it'll roll through and Flash some stuff on the screen you hit next next next it'll update and then you can load back into salad business as usual actually let's let's go ahead and um we'll we'll put pause until Idol update now we'll do it right here and right now in front of our faces but um yeah so and I have heard this sentiment from it's been about 50/50 some people say that their systems have been running great uh other people have said that you know they're sharing the same same issues as me um here we go installing so anyway guys comment down below let me know um have you put the a new update on and how it's running for you and I'll be back probably tomorrow with another update video um also looking forward to getting in touch with Jared he said we can uh do a little interview and and answer some of these common questions that I keep getting asked um so look out for that coming up in the in the near future as well all right ladies and gentlemen have a good night or well have a good day bye

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