Dog with hat token has plunged down 25% This week what we see dog with hat hits $1 before it hits $5 that's what we're Talking about in today's video Welcome Back to the 99b YouTube channel I'm your Host Umar Khan and today we're taking a Deep dive in dog with hat before we Start the video I want to ask if you Haven't already do make sure you smash That subscribe button down below as it Helps with the channel tremendously and Will help you reach your 2024 crypto Goals as you can see on the on the Charts guys uh dogi still holding his Position at the top four cryptocurrency At a $2 billion Market cap but it is Down 25% this week however we're up 6% On the 24-hour and 2% on the 1hour Charts which are great to see overall Crypto Market's kind of recovering from Yesterday at least we're seeing up 1% on Bitcoin up 5% on eth eth holding Position of 35,000 right now uh fear and Greed index is currently at a 52 neutral Which again not terrible uh we are still Slowly creeping more and more towards Fear anticipating this week we might see A recovery exciting things ahead for Sure talking about top meme coins we are Talking about dog with hats today Currently trading at $2.7 with a $2 Billion market cap still making this the Top 50 cryptocurrency across the board Of the the coins and we look at the

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Charts guys we see the one week we're Down 25% the one month we're down 16% And we go to the one year we're seeing We're kind of going in this downwards Direction now guys this might be an Interesting case where it might continue To plummet unless we find some supports Or reasons for people to be loading up With dog with hat cuz right now the Community alone is not doing it however Again the these are the markets are the Way the markets are we are going to see Some days where we're dipping and we are Going to see some days where we're Popping off we see there are some red Candles and uh when you know looking at The the the grand schem of thing right When we go to the actual uh the Longevity here right we haven't seen a Dip like this right last time the strong Resistance lines were right about here At the 140 Mark and then we saw same Thing over here at the 135 140 Mark same Thing over here unfortunately we broke Past this level in downwards Direction Which is getting analyst to worry that Is this potentially a sell I want a Fearmonger here guys I think there's Still a lot of potential for dog with Hat token as it's built something Massive right in the in the meme coin Space uh growing over 990,000 followers Actively engaging posting memes just you Know doing their thing right you can see

This is just a beginning for whiff uh we See the the bit stamps and then also an Act to the Robin Hood we can see bit St Posted this this is just a beginning and They post a dog and they post a hat uh We saw NE uh Nix uh a new a new exchange Listing so they are definitely still Growing in the SCH scheme of things so If we do get that Robin Hood listing This would obviously be massive we get a Binance listen would be massive help Push the project upwards to $5 but until We don't get a massive exchange listen Guys we're kind of plummeting in Downwards direction right um when I was Looking at I want to show you guys a Technical analysis technical analysis Right we're seeing very very bearish Right a are neutral but the moving Averages are in strong sell G us summary Strong sell we go to the one week and Same thing still strong sell a we're in The buy but the summary is telling us uh That it's an overall sell right and we Go to the news tab top over here we can See there is some some bearish news Right now right dog had to Tumble analy Sets a $1 Target for whiff right if we Are we going to see one a$1 whff now Here's the thing the reality is people Who got into dog with hat early they are Going to be reaping their rewards right This is a typical Market projects go up Projects go down it's kind of how the

Game plays out those who getting early Obviously reap the most rewards talking About getting early guys I want to talk About presale gem uh play do which has Nothing to do with dog with hot but it's A similar token in sense that it's dog Team token and also has some utility It's a play to earn token uh play doge Is Ultimate mobile play to earn game That brings the iconic doge meme coin to Life of a tagachi style virtual pet Secure your play Doge tokens to earn Crypto while playing the nostalgic 2D uh Retro Adventure game we see they already Raised 4.8 million they're about to Break the $5 million Milestone and in 19 Hours at the time I film this video They're going to have a price increase So if you want to get in the absolute Lowest price now is your time to buy Link in the description below uh one Play equals 0.051 cents and we can see Uh clean website they featuring a ton of Different places rep reputable places Right like the economy of Times uh FX streets uh they've been Pretty much on all major crypto websites Have a solid road map websites designed Perfectly great tokenomics and the Cherry on top is they got staking as Well earn up to 155 51% right now the Dynamic range staking staking is Changing over time uh or the rate is Changing over time we see they already

Have 5,000 followers on X pretty active As well engaging with the community and Getting things involved as for dog with With half guys what's my personal Prediction on this I don't think we're Going to see this hit $1 I don't think It's going to crash that much we' seen Similarly with turbo token earlier this Week I actually yesterday was it was Plummeting a bit and then saw a nice Strong reversal the same thing as it Dumps over here there are going to be Some whales and and investors were going To buy in at these low prices I'd Imagine like $1.99 if it even reaches That price we see an absolute bounce I'd Say that's a strong opinion of my thing But again none of this is financial Advice always do your own research and Due diligence before resing any money in The cryptos we cover on this channel That pretty much DRS the video let me Know what you guys are thinking in the Comment section below until next time It's your friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]

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