Analysts predict a 100,000% growth for Sheba enu should you load up on Sheba Enu token now welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I am your host Umar Khan And today we're talking all things Shainu and whether or not you should be Loading up a bag and here's the thing Guys shibba enu has been pumping Dramatically this bull run it's had some Highs it has some lows and currently We're in a low period and honestly I Think loading up right now could be Optimal for those who are interested in Seeing a significant gain in a blue Chipped mem coin what do I mean by Blue Chipped meme coin I mean shibainu yes it Is a meme coin but it's definitely Standing the test of time and is very Very safe or at least on the safer end Of meme coins versus buying random brand New meme coins that are coming up so Let's go ahead and talk about exactly Why you may want to load up on a bag of Shba enu here's how much you would have To have if you invested $1,000 exactly a Year ago today so for Shibu specifically If you invested exactly $1,000 you would Have made $400 which is not too bad a Pretty decent gain if you ask me 40% on Your money I mean you're not that making That kind of money somewhere else now on The other side for Bon we're talking About $58,000 now Bon especially year ago
Today was more what I was talking about In the earlier earlier in the video is How she is a blue chip and what I meant By that is it's a safer BET right versus Bon even flaky where the gains are Significantly higher turbo especially as Well these tokens were newer tokens at The time which had a higher risk right That's a that's a risk you take however When project are strong like turbo like Uh flaky and like Bon you can see some Significant gains imagine investing ,000 In Bon a year ago and having $58,000 Today it'd be absolutely ridiculous Making crazy crazy gains that's almost a 58 uh th% gain which is nuts okay Talking about some crazy opportunities Like this guys if you're interested in Shimo and you like the dog themed tokens Let's talk about play Doge play doge is The best play to earn Doge companion Game play do is the ultimate mobile game Uh to earn that brings iconic doge meme To lifeo tagachi style virtual pet you Can secure some of these tokens now During this pre-sale and in 2 days and 4 Hours are having the next price hike so You want to buy the absolute lowest Price now is your time to buy this Project was raised almost $6 million in The past couple of weeks which is Absolutely solid and going back to this Thing guys again imagine just investing $1,000 into Playdoh what could that ,000
Be potentially from a year from now now It is on the higher risk side as it Doesn't have proof of Market it hasn't Have proof of history as it hasn't been In the market for too long but again if You took that bet could we see a $58,000 Return on ,000 investment potentially a $35,000 return I mean even a $3,000 Return a solid 3x would be absolutely Phenomenal but it's interest at least so If you are on the high-risk maneuver and You like buying into pre-sales as you Know on this channel where're big Advocates of pre-sales you may want to Load up on some play Doge but today this Video is not about play Doge it's about Sheba enu as you seen some pretty bold Headlines analy predicts 100,000% growth For Shinu the crypto Market has been Current currently volatile after its Recent Carnage number of assets have Increased and the demand for mem coins Also went has also not immune uh many Mcoins experienced a sharp decline at Time writing shu is trading at this Price which has increased by about 3% The last day however she be mentioned That in the past few days shib has Decreased more than 15% current Sentiment decid despite its 40 45% of Shib holders hold a token at discount to Uh the going market price meaning that They are in the money and we can see uh Some potential price predictions at
Going as far as 2040 at a 5 Cent Shinu And the gains could be absolutely Tremendous according to tegon a mem coin Could experience a 100% surge in its Price uh to it's much a weighted one C Milestone 2040 following the uh Percentage of shba holders profits will Greatly rise now again if you're willing To stay on in the Long Haul we could Definitely see Shibu hit 1 cent now 2040 Is a long way from now but again if you Have the patience you may want to load Up and hold and that's where we're Getting this bull statement of $11,000 That's not the only article guys she Know is getting pretty bullish headlines Across the boards we see investors sets Price target for 10 top cryptocurrencies Seeing sh hit 5 cents again probably not A short timeline probably something like 2040 as well but the point is made that We are going to see Shino grow over the Long Haul we go over to technical Analysis see what's going on with the Technicals we're seeing a summary of Sell moving averages at strong sells However OC are in neutral in my personal Opinions it's a red is you want to buy On we're seeing chba you know down right We go on the charts right we see on the One week we're down about 15% on the one Month we're down about 15% this is Honestly a 15% discount if it makes just A a recovery you're making 15% right now
Imagine if it hits this alltime high for This year alone now we're talking some Solid gains then we go to the alltime if It hits his alltime high now we're Talking about some even more serious Gains right and again this bu run could Be the bll run to push heu to a new All-time high right we haven't seen a Break as previous alltime High we Haven't seen some crazy uh uh momentum In the mcoin market even though Bitcoin Has broke alltime highs this B run so Far that being said we're pretty bullish On shivu it is again a top meme coin Number two in terms of top meme coins And ter overall uh it is dranked 13 on Coin market cap with a $300 million 24-hour volume and a massive $7 billion Market cap almost $8 billion it'd be Foolish not to hold some ship we go over To Twitter guys and the Twitter is Growing pretty fast as well over 3.8 Million people following uh we could see August 1st we've turned four from humble Beginnings we've soared to over 150 Million per. that's solid we see sharum Adops hits new highs shib ecosystem Thrives as sharum sets a new record of User accounts it's a bullish trend for Shib enu on the horizon that's exactly What it's looking like but again guys Remember none of this information in This video is financial advice as I am Not a financial adviser always your own
Resarch due diligence before investing Any money in the cryptos we cover on This channel I'm pretty bullish on sheu Guys and I think we are going to see Some pretty bullish momentum and bullish Moves in the next cing weeks let me know If you're loading up in the comment Section below and if you're going to buy Some of the Playdoh let me know in the Comment section as well as we're pretty Bullish for that as well that UPS the Video until next time it is your friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]