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Customer Trades in More CPUs

what is up ladies and gentlemen um I just got up out of bed it is 11:00 p.m. um I've been in and out of bed all day I don't…

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Behind the Scenes Computer Store Cleaning

what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day um just had a customer stop by and pick up…

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First Customer in New Computer Shop

so I was editing this video and um was not happy with the video quality that the camera that I put in there in the shop so uh I apologize…

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A Bitcoin Miner Heatstroked In His Sleep. This Is What Happened To His Organs.

A Bitcoin Miner Heatstroked In His Sleep. This Is How His Organs Shutdown CW is a is a 23 year old man, presenting to the emergency room, unconscious. His mom,…

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Bitcoin Mining in 4 Minutes – Computerphile

Sean> How do Bitcoin miners mine? Mike> There's no actual digging involved. Think back to our video on hashing – so a hash function takes a message of any length…