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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys arpm here hope you're doing well well having a really great day this video got the new bitmain ks5 Pro well it's not new actually they've had batches of these before like I'd say a couple months ago so now it's the end of August as of recording this video and this is their big batch that has been coming out so if you've been following kaspa's Network hash rate over the past week it's been climbing like mad because people have been receiving their bitmain ks5 Pros also ice River ks5 LS k5m those have been notoriously being shipped out over the past couple weeks as well so kaspa's Network hash rate has been exploding but this is the new ks5 Pro to me here and I've actually been solo mining to a gentleman who we did a Caspa hash rate giveaway to this address and so this guy has actually found two different blocks over the past 24 4 hours okay as of recording here so 24 hours he found two solo blocks with this ks5 Pro congratulations my friend it's about worth about $32 Worth or $189 Caspa okay so if I were to go to the profit calculator right now for ks5 pro 21 terahash it's pretty much the same as if I were to pull mine with this thing okay so it'd be about yeah $31 $32 a day so pretty good right pretty good just a disclaimer though you know crypto mining is a zero sum game so not everyone is going to be lucky on getting solo blocks especially if they wanted to Casp a mine okay some people may be lucky some people may be unlucky it's a zero sum game okay so if you're going to risk trying to solo mine especially with the rising difficulty of Caspa with all these machines coming online it's getting a lot more difficult so if you plan on solo mining taking your chances risking it then go for it but solo mining is not always a success story and I'd have to say for me if I were to solo mine Caspa I had actually a bad experience doing a solo node posting my own node and trying to solo mine to that but I didn't find any blocks for a couple days which really sucked but anyways thank you to Crypt Miner who sent me this ks5 Pro if you guys are looking for Asic miners go check out their website use code red panda for $50 off all their prices on their website are all in pricing link down below all right so I already did a live stream unboxing this thing and just one thing to note for anyone that has these or is going to buy this just take note that this does have the new bit main power interface right which is the p14 like female side and then on this one the plug here is a p13 cable okay which goes into a c19 the C20 end here okay that goes into a 240v 30m pdu but thankfully it does come with the cable okay so if anyone's you know wondering about that it does come with it so you don't have to worry about you know having to you know buy another cable from somewhere else anyways what's my plan with this ks5 Pro well we just did a hashr giveaway 24-hour solo so congrats to Mr Miner Hut on the two blocks by the way but yeah I want to mine to a new Caspa address by itself okay so with this ks5 Pro 21 terahash at about 3400 Watts okay give or take all right it's been fluctuating a bit and just to show you guys the debb the sound coming out of these fans which is actually not that bad it's actually pretty quiet like 70 DB like this thing it's not loud at all like I don't have to raise my voice like if I go over here it's not it's not loud at all it's been mining for over 24 hours now and my ambient temperatures in here are over 85 so it's it's generally warm so I'm going to mine to my own red panda mining tangum if you guys are interested go check it out link down below use code RPM for 10% off I'm going to mine to a singular tangum address and I'm going to see how long it takes to break even on I think around $10 to 11,000 okay this is what the current cost of this thing is now as of I guess for people that ordered this batch like maybe a month or two ago so it'll be interesting uh give me your guys' comments down below how long do you think it'll take to break even on this ks5 Pro give me some give me some numbers give me how many months maybe how many years will it take you know is Caspa going to have price appreciation you know that's the whole thing regarding you know why I do these tests of Mining and holding because I am waiting for Price appreciation cuz right now if this thing is mining like less than 200 Caspa a day this means you know and if Casa goes to let's say a dollar you know maybe maybe that's hopium but if that if that's the case then you can think of it that this thing is mining at $200 a day right now right of course the hash rate still climbing difficulty is climbing thus I'm going to be getting less and less of the rewards as time goes on right I mean if we're comparing it to right now all the other types of castle miners that have come out over the past year the ks zos you know the ks Zer Pros even you know KS 1's k2s ks3 M those are being phased out already because of how high and efficient these newer models are right the bit Main ks5 Pro here is like four times more efficient than those other models that I just mentioned so also because of how aggressive the casa Mission schedule is and just you know how many miners are coming on the network the profitability has been dwindling week by week like literally it's been going from like I think when this thing was first announced it was like $300 a day and then it came down to $100 a day and then over the past like month it's now down to like $30 a day just just this past week and so this thing it's it's you know as time goes on here if we're going to be hitting over I think one xah hash of Caspa Network hash rate over the next week here as these things are being released like just when I did this live stream like 2 days ago the network hash rate was I think 844 petahash and now as of recording I think it's 940 950 petahash so the same time as I was receiving this ks5 Pro that all these things have been coming online and you know turning on obviously I mean that makes sense bit Main's been shipping all these things out now I we don't know how many of these are going to be turning on but over this next week or two we're going to be finding out I'm going to keep track of you know all the network hash rate that's been coming online profitability of course but you know that's why also I want to mind to uh singular address as you know I am wanting to see you know the cost basis you know the daily you know Caspa that I'm getting and I'm TR to try to make the payouts low so that I can import it into coin Le then I can see you know the differences of you know maybe if I were going to sell every day or you know put it on nice hash in the Bitcoin or something you can see the cost basis there but our whole thing for me and for a lot of you guys probably Is Mining and holding for future price appreciation so that is what I am going to do on this thing but yeah this thing is you know it's taking a good amount of power it's pumping out a good amount of heat right now 3,400 ws and uh it's it's not that loud actually really it's it's pretty good so anyways guys yeah this is right now as of recording this is the king of Casa mining right this ks5 Pro and uh yeah it's it's a typical Asic Miner bit main you know of course they're the big dog they come out with the most efficient Asic Miner for cast of mining but hey in the next month maybe less than a couple weeks is there going to be a new announcement of another Casa Miner that seems to be the case but more so these days I guess over the past year this just seems to be like a new model coming out marginally more efficient as we go along it's like if you compareed to the Bitcoin Asic miners it's like they're going in increments of like one or two in efficiency the Next Generation so is that going to be the same idea with Casa mining going forward and you know considering how aggressive the emission schedule is how much less of the yield we are getting you know pretty much week by week on these things it's just been going down the yield has been going down further and further but if in the bow run if Caspa is going to have you know massive price appreciation knock on wood I don't know if it's going to happen or not but we'll see right that's the risk that some people are willing to take when they are buying these types of Asic miners so but I'll be doing a actual Break Even test and uh mine to uh brand new Caspa wallet address and I'll do it that way but anyways my friends thanks for watching that's all I wanted to talk about stay tuned I'll give you guys a week update of how much we've mined over the past week or month and uh I'll let you guys know but let me know what you guys think about Casa mining over this next while here it does seem to be pretty dire in terms of how much we've been earning for anyone that's gotten into Caspa mining it is getting a lot more difficult but the Saving Grace there is going to be kaspa's price appreciation if uh for those that are wanting to get their initial uh investment back okay that's it I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out peace out

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