what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel if you're new here welcome as well um if you're having an issue uh where Windows Defender is killing your minor then this video is going to be for you this is specifically for unminable but uh this will work depending on whatever setup you're using um so Windows Defender does not like XM XM rig uh for CPU mining um and it constantly will try to keep killing it over and over again so you'll get a error that looks like this on uh un unminable hold on doesn't have my my display capture here correct um there we go there we go fix it on the fly so you'll see it seems that XM rig is no longer located in see users Brandon app data blah blah blah blah blah so you can copy this and then open a folder file explorer and dump that in there hold on I will have to call him back um and then it brings you up to this folder where this is inside of your un minor folder and XM rig should be in here but you notice it's not in here that's cuz Windows killed it um and it will pre periodically kill it and you can click allow on it but then later on it'll delete it then automatically so you can close this um and I believe actually on unminable if you go back to start and then continue next it seems that it's no longer there we may have to redownload it let me let me see if we relaunch unminable I've had it where it'll uh it'll actually reload it into there let's see here continue random X next um yeah it doesn't find it so we will have to actually download XM rig again all right so continuing onwards we're on XM rig.com on the download section so we're going ahead go ahead and download uh XM rig the software is a cryptocurrency minor it might be flagged by your antivirus it definitely will I understand show the link boom all righty so there it is we'll open this folder we'll go ahead and rightclick extract files a zip file so you have to unzip it there she goes and if we go back to our other directory this is the one and unminable you can see right here um and this was 6.19.18 so this is actually a newer version um I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to go up one folder so I just click right here so I can see the XM rig 6.19 I'm going to delete that one and then I'm going to drag over this uh this one right here to there you don't have to do that you can just point your um unminable to like your downloads folder I just like keeping it clean all inside the same folder with the other miners so now we have XM XM rig or XMR I you know XMR rig which is technically there's not two RS there um but it's in there so if you started unminable uh it would start mining you do have to go to the settings page and locate the file so you'll click on un Miner you'll click on actually can we just copy this uh oh sorry miners 132 XM rig can we just yeah can we copy that and then going to say it's not going to let us put backspace that okay so we actually have to go to it so we go to resources miners win32 XM rig there she is open okay so it's got that um just to double check it we can hit next and we can hit start and yeah look at that she starts uh doing her thing so I'm going to stop that right now just because we are currently recording um on the same computer now to keep it from killing it again sorry my discord's going off um to keep it from killing it again you're going to need to exclude it inside exclude this folder inside of windows Defender so you go down here type in Defender uh Windows security so then you're going to go to virus and threat protection by the way I am on Windows 10 Pro so this your mileage may vary depending on what version of Windows you're on um down at virus and thre uh threat protection you click on manage settings and then see this realtime protection that's what nukes it constantly you can turn that off but it will turn back on automatically um so you're going to need to go all the way down to exclusions click on add or remove exclusion and we're going to add an exclusion and the exclusion is going to be this win 32 folder so that way it'll exclude all these miners so just click up there copy add exclusion it's going to be a folder and we're going to dump this address right there boom and and select folder so now it is right here and that means windows will exclude it that's why it's an exclusion uh from its its uh testing methodologies when it goes through and tries to Nuke stuff on your computer so then you can mine and you don't have any problems it's amazing it's crazy so that's how to replace it and to exclude it so you're good to go um if you have any other questions let me know Down Below in the the settings but if you're running an external antivirus you know mafy aast AVG all those different ones Norton um I imagine they have a way to add exclusions in as well I just don't know how to do it because I don't use any of those so anyway y'all have a good one I'll see you on the next one adios ladies and gentlemen