These Kaspa Miners are no longer PROFITABLE and people are turning them OFF…

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[Music] d down [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] yo good morning Bros what's up up what's up everybody happy Saturday how's it going everybody what is up good morning everybody serpent thank you for the raid great stream my friend I was cooking breakfast so I couldn't I couldn't talk I couldn't talk as much but um thanks for the raid what's up Bros Smash the like all right today is only a Caspa stream that's all you guys that's all I hear every goddamn Day red panda Caspa let's talk about Caspa can you can you talk about it can you show something can you do something I can't I I don't have control over over the project what else do you want me to do I can't do anything what do you want what do you want me to do what do you want me to do Casper Network's hash rate continues to climb Casper's price continues to go down what do you what do you want me to do their GitHub seems like they're having some commits here I heard recently uh on Twitter just recently they did some update getting ready for 10 BPS not sure if this is is the one for it but I don't know is this is this all H it's all happening so fast it's it's all happening so very fast schneid schneid good sir red panda Caspa is open on trade ogre again is it now is it is it like actually uh let's see let's see uh let's let's buy let's buy some oh hold let's do it let's do it let's do it hold hold on hold you guys want all right here should I buy some all right what are you sure it's open I don't want to L so if I I have 0.1 Bitcoin on here I could buy 3,431 kaspa do I do it am I going to get am I is it going to get is it going to get stuck I don't want I don't want to I don't want to get stuck shes are you sure it are you sure it's open are you sure I I if I can if I can withdraw this I guess it would be a good it would be a good it would be a it would make for maybe a good video or a good tweet I is that even worth the exact amount so if I uh 0.01 Bitcoin let's go to uh let's go to coin gecko hold on or coin market cap uh let's put this into BTC okay so if I bought if I that' be 3641 Caspa uh 0.1 Bitcoin 0.1 3 43 1 yeah PR uh wait no that's a big that's a that's a huge spread Caspa trade ogre is knocking off 200 Caspa here no no no no no no no no no that's not good that's that that is not that is not good shes I don't think it's good I don't think it's enabled chides I I really don't think it's enabled all right enough about that thanks for the announcement though I'll check it out later okay so hold on I got to pop out the chat I can barely see chat on this side here let's go over here here here all right I can see you guys I'm On Top chat let me go live chat and uh now I can read now I can read better Shades buy a tiny amount and test ah okay I'll do that later I'll do it later all right I couldn't withdraw or add order add to order book but some have gotten uh some have gotten some out really sh okay so some people have gotten some trade Caspa trade ogre out nice nice Max Max good sir Max voltage good sir I am okay with trade ogre except Cas yeah same same Vinnie D Greco what's up my red p m when BPS goes up to 10 does the block reward get cut 110 uh emissions don't increase rewards would have to fractionalize uh that's right that that's right it's uh if you go to the C by Mission schedule uh it you can see that it's going to be done in uh it's it's Caspa per second so it where where where are we right now we are in uh 2024 August right so we're at 92 Caspa per second right so yeah like exactly what you said if there was 10 blocks within that second it would would be it this would be this would be 1110th yeah yeah exactly exactly yeah so uh for that's what I that's what I understand it's not going to be 92 Casper per block if there were 10 blocks in 1 second that would be like a th000 Casp on no that would that that that that doesn't work that that that actually doesn't work so it has to be it's one1 exactly exactly so this would be like this would be like nine or eight eight Caspa per block but yeah 's like 10 if there's going to be 10 blocks a second yeah this this will be this will be divvied up this will be divvied up uh if there's 10 blocks uh per second yeah yeah yeah yeah Max I need to refill my coffee I I didn't have time to make a coffee I was going to make a coffee but then I I I need I need to get I need to get a one of those drip coffee machines Stephen top chat okay I'm not in top chat anymore okay uh so now I I just wanted to go through talking about Caspa miners this is this is the conversation this is a conversation everyone wants to everyone wants to go through Okay I uh I don't know when kaspa's R Russ protocol the krc2 is coming out uh they've been talking about it and uh or apparently it's out but not the uh not the whole thing yet and so the whole thing now for us for miners these Caspa miners have been have been quite have been quite interesting right it's it's been quite a journey I don't know you guys have all been here since the very beginning right the the haspa mining you know when I when I first got that ks2 I was like man this this company it just feels like a scam to me there's no way this thing makes like $12 $1,500 a day and lo and behold when I when I got that thing the very first day it mined like almost 40,000 casma which I think at the time was like $600 or $800 but then the price started going up and then and then uh this is like during uh a May uh April May of 2023 that's when I first got the ks2 I got the ks2 pretty much when it was going down okay the prices of Casa was going down and down and down um so I was making a good you know it was $800 a day $1,200 a day and then it went down to like 600 or 400 and then uh obviously then June August batch uh ks1 ks2 started shipping out and it would all it would all just be it's all it's all it's all the rest is history from here like you guys know like over the course of the past year year and a half now actually now that I think about year and a half Caspa mining has been just insane just in terms of the Asic Miners and everyone has been getting into these because they're number one profitable right that that's they're making good profit okay after your electrical cost right against your your Revenue profit so it's really it was really amazing right but now we're getting to that point we're getting to this point now of like equilibrium and like older Asic miners efficiencies efficiency of these older miners are now coming to that equilibrium now where they are becoming because of how much Network hash rate has how many of these miners have come on the network and uh also factoring in the price of Caspa currently uh which is in BTC right now let me change this into USD for all of my American friends it's now coming to a point where depending on your electrical cost at home most at home Caspa miners now people that have 12 cents or lower 12 cents uh let's say let's to say like what's the General Electric in the US it's going to be General Electric in the US is like I'm going to say 15 cents per kilowatt hour so people with ks0 Pro KS Z ks1 k2s k3s the they are no longer they're no longer a profitable machine and miners have been turning off I heard people have been turning off their ks3 M's uh because they're no longer profitable because how how uh how well there you guys know their efficiency right so this is really this is what factors in to why these things are no longer profitable against casus price currently okay the the the Saving Grace here is is price appreciation right that that's what that's that's the end all be all here with Caspa mining for people that are mining Caspa and holding Caspa is price appreciation that's it that that's that's the belief system here then going back here okay so yeah ks0 Pro ks0 ks1 k2s ks3 M's because of their efficiency and how good they were over the past year they're now being phased out because we've got we've got a lot of newer Cas miners that have come out in the past like I feels like every month a new minor was coming out but you all know ice River they got the notorious k5m ks5 L's 0.28 in efficiency versus uh you know the ks0 ks1 ks3 M's back then are hitting up 0.56 to 0.8 you know 0.7 sorry 0.7 in efficiency so this this here these ones are now phased out they're they're now they're phased out and according to the at 15 cents per kilow hour it you can see how fast because of how fast Caspa emission schedule how aggressive a Caspa emission schedule is along with how aggressive the Asic manufacturers have been over the past year gold shell ice River bit main right they've increment marginally increased the efficiency of these things and you know who you know who's been winning out in this whole thing you know who's been winning the people that sell the shovels it's you know bit M ice River These Guys these are the these are the guys that are making the money right now the the ones that are selling the miners over the past year let me tell you like it's in the hundreds three digigit Millions like it's it's crazy they've made a lot of money okay a lot of money bit main ice River ice River especially they've been coming out with these new miners now so yeah average residential electric on ks0 Pros KS Z ks1 k2s ks3 M they're it's it's done it's done now now of course if you had like 10 cents Electric ks1 ks2 ks0 Ultras are still okay ks3 M's are still okay um if you have 10 cents or lower uh but generally like I I I just saw I just heard someone yesterday they turned off 24 uh 24 yeah 24 of their KS 3M because their electrical rate it's like their electrical rate is like they said it's it's not good they're not Prof they're not profitable on those ones now uh as a pirate I didn't get my Pro and I got the first batch that without power G I didn't Roi I'm a k0 pro and I got the first batch as a pirate um really let me let me see I have a ks3 I have a KS Z first do you have the info on the echo hold on thank you Clinton Q for the $2 do you have info on the echo uh hold on in a sec in a sec uh let's see here okay how much uh how much was the ks Z Pro first batch how much was the ks Z pro pro first [Music] pass uh I was doing a long-term November test it I did not last month 3 months ago wait hold on [Music] 25 255 CA $421 worth what was the first batch KS zero Pro worth 750 okay yeah no this one didn't Roi I shut this one down 3 months ago [Music] so the only saving grace here is Casper goes to a dollar that's it that's it needs to go to a dollar H that's that's that's yeah okay okay okay Z pirate you derailed me I totally forgot what what was I uh what was I talk what was I uh what was I talking about smash the like Bros we got 250 people here 63 likes let's get a 100 likes let's do it now okay I had I had a k3m I bought in January beginning in January 2024 so that one was was able to Roi because of how much hash rate that thing had it was here I have it right here let's go to it let me uh uh let's go to here here all right here I had a k3m 9,000 okay it's not Roi anymore but price of C was price was price Passos price has been coming down but that this thing from January to July of this year it mined 52,000 Caspa so it it has definitely in terms of when the price was up higher when it was at 20 cents it paid itself like in in that way did I sell the casa no I'm still holding it um so in that regard yes this k3m broke even so for anyone that bought first batch ks3 M's at $9,000 got their money back that that's that's yeah yeah first batch um not worry this year Cas will hit $1 B bu buggy vtuber you know I'm I'm all for it uh if if that happens great if it doesn't then well I mean we we we we've all talked about the risks regarding uh ice River Castle Mining and I did do many live streams okay I got many live streams here talking about like two months ago two to three months ago I talked about you know not buying into Casa miners because of how I think at this point like two months ago at that point buying Caspa would be a better investment uh would would have been maybe the better investment than buying the minor because now you can see the yields of these miners are now cut in half because or more than half not only we're getting the 5.6% uh decrease every month from the cast Mission schedule we've gotten over 100% extra hash rate on Caspa over the past month casos Network hash rate has doubled within a month literally from 400 to 800 freaking petahash it within a month literally it's insane it's insanity this website two miners is glitching out um we're at 825 petahash now it's Insanity you know Insanity uh but boogy vtuber if you think Caspa is going to go to a dollar if you think Caspa is going to go to a dollar honestly um I feel like in order for that in order uh for that to happen um really in order for that to happen I like Bitcoin has to be Bitcoin has to be over $2 trillion market cap like yeah like in order for Caspa to have that massive amount of volume to come in it it you know I I I just in my opinion at like Bitcoin it has to be bitcoin's got to go up to bring the bring up the rest of the market like that that's that's my opinion like I don't know kaspa has been you know has been going on its own like in terms of its you know price action it's been going up it hasn't been going down over the past year like it's still in a massive up it's still in a big uptrend right Casp is in a massive uptrend still um so it hasn't like derailed from like you know when Bitcoin goes down everything else comes down Casp has generally been going up but I think in order if you're thinking like that $1 Mark man I mean I mean the Bitcoin has to be like two3 trillion doll like I I don't know that's my opinion you you let me know but okay so now the fact that these things are now not making as much the there's this cedra coin okay cedra has been Making Waves here over the past 30 days cedra coin has gone up 39% I have I should have been mining and huddling this coin the chart doesn't look as great but I mean if you were mining in like accumulating cedra over the past like 3 months and now the price of cedra has gone up 300% over the past 30 days you would have you would have made out real well anyone anyone mining cedra did anyone mine cedra I mean I think most people were Mining and holding Caspa uh but cedra has done very well has done very well so actually in my mind that actually is uh that's a good thing because you know if cedra is going up or bugna you know bugna is another coin that a k heavy hash algorithm that these castle miners can mine it helps in a sense alleviate hash rate from Caspa and people move over to these other coins right sedra bugna and uh helps alleviate the hash rate there so profitability kind of like bumps up in a sense as uh it it it all levels out people are switching over and then you know the profitability changes um so yeah good on good on you good on people that that did uh cedra nice um okay so the the bearish sentiment now ks0 Pros kszos k3m k2s right they're no longer efficient uh mining at 15 cents per kilowatt hour it's just due to their efficiency and now we've got a lot of hash rate we got newer efficient Asic miners for Caspa out now bit main whether or not they are if this we had a little dip here all right from I don't know 816 to 8778 but now it's back up to 833 petahash I don't the bit m i I don't know how many bit is going to release right we all know bit me has a massive batch of ks5 Pros coming out the end of this month I don't know how many that is okay there's a rumor of 20,000 of them and if you did the math 20,000 ks5 Pros is about 420 petahash so if you want to add up another 420 petahash to the network by the end of this month into September we're going to be over 1 x a hash yes we're we're going to be well over One X a hash of cever hash rate by the end of this month going into September our or my prediction earlier maybe a month or two ago was like 700 750 penah hash we've blown way past that we have blown way past that now and it's it's yeah and so you know profitability of like all these all these you know Casa miners you know ks5 L just like couple weeks ago it was like at $50 $40 a day you know couple weeks before that it was like $80 to $100 a day you know a month later Network hash rate jumps up 100% right another 400 pah hash these things the profitability has been cut in half so over this next month another you know 400 pah hash comes online I'm thinking and and granted Saving Grace here is kaspa's is kaspa's price okay you know it's all correlated right cast's price hash rate difficulty uh you know that's how it calculates your profitability if if the cas price doesn't go up and we stay relatively the same where we are now and if we we go up and that we cash rate another 400 petahash I mean we're we're going to next month I mean these ks5 LS we're we're we're we may be seeing like you know $8 a day you know $7 a day or something and that's then going to really really flush out this is going to flush out the older inefficient Caspa miners so I think the next ones are probably going to be the uh bit main the this is all sorted by this is all sorted by best efficiency right ks5 Pro ks5 Ice uh ks5 L's ks5 M's uh the next un the the next depending on your electric the next inefficient castle miners are going to be the bitmain k3s yes the k3s or even overclocked ks0 Ultras for for anyone overclocking their ksz Ultras ks3 ks3 ks3 ks3 so now I I'll go into the the bullish the bullish segment now so just because they're not profitable anymore okay and and if people are are are not are not mining with these anymore and they don't want to yield they don't want to yield the the M the the Caspa okay like a k3m it still earns about 58 Caspa a day and I say only it's it's I mean it's G it was it used to be like 600 a day you know 300 a day then now it's 58 a day whether or not you believe that Casp is going to go to a dollar you can think of it as this k3m that is not profitable anymore to mine at residential electric that if you think Caspa is going to go to a dollar then you're thinking that you think of it this way this thing is mining $58 a day the k3m it right now it still could still mine at $58 a day I didn't do that 15 cents electric there you go 50 cents electric this thing is not profitable minus $238 but the the whole argument there is why don't you just buy Caspa and I agree I think and Cas was the only one as a as a crypto Miner myself I'm wholehearted biased you know of of just mining the coin and not buying the coin I never say buy the coin but in this case with Caspa it's it's it's to buy the coin because we have so much hash rate coming on you know not only the aggressive Mission schedule 5.6% it decrease every month I think buying the Caspa at this point is going to be the better uh the better return so instead of spending you know 13 11 12 dollars on electric then you can put that into buying Caspa uh instead so that's it that's it you guys are beating a dead horse with this coin you're telling me you're telling me and you know what you know what it's this is the topic though that everyone wants to talk about this is the topic everybody wants to know look we got 264 people here 93 likes thank you all for being here shows in this market right now where we are with just in crypto in general Caspa has been the one that has been able to sustain and in a way it it's been able to sustain everybody buying these miners over the past year in terms of profit okay make no mistake Caspa has been the best in terms of the ROI or trying to break even on your minor it has been the best make no mistake my k3m paid itself off $9,000 within 6 months ks0 Pro first batch paid it off uh now people said KS Z Pro first batch didn't paid off I I yeah KS Z Pro did not pay off but the big boy ones anyone that bought the big boy miners they have have definitely paid themselves off the k3s um ks3 M's now I didn't have a bitmain ks3 so I can't I can't attest to that one breaking even yet um Dragon Ball I definitely don't think I link I don't think um can't ice Riv can 5l I'm doing a break even test on that one right now so we shall see we shall see okay so guys guys that's it that's that's my little seg that's my whole segment there of uh unprofitable casle miners but um depending on your electricity cost that's that's the biggest hindrance cuz uh we're getting to that point where residential electric these are no longer a profitable minor but anyone that bought first batch or second batch ks2 k2s k1s ks3 M's but I believe you've gotten your money back you've definitely mined the worth back if you if you did the mine and hodle method that is okay all right now all right all right I'm the segment of the live stream you guys uh ask me any questions at Red penda mining me in the live chat and I will answer your question let's go Vinnie Del Greco most crypto mining for me is arbitrage on BTC mine coins sell by BTC except Casa great community and great project V GRE 100% I I agree with that because uh if you look at the if you look at the past I don't know past 60 days Caspa has been outperforming Bitcoin um hell actually I take that back we all should have just been mining cedra coin huddling it and waiting for this price appreciation over the past 60 days 300% up the past 30 days that's crazy but uh Vinnie Del Greco yeah I agree with that because aspa over the past 60 days you know you know hold on you Let's do let's do a better let's let's do a better uh here let's let's make a oh God it's too bright uh oh it's so broke why is the website broken it won't go to dark mode ah there what okay Co market cap I'm done with you uh customize can I add they don't have past 90 days or year okay anyway past 60 days C has been up 20% Bitcoin is past 60 days as is I don't even have Bitcoin on here oh Bitcoin is down 7.9% so yes holding Mining and holding Caspa has been a better bet than mining in the Bitcoin so people that have their Caspa miners on nice hash in that regard it's not it's not better mining into big coin is not better it's it's actually holding the native coin and I did a video on this to prove that you know mining into Bitcoin mining into Caspa is going to be better than mining into Bitcoin because uh I think and you all think that Casa will have a higher multiplier in terms of the price appreciation that that's it that's the that's the Saving Grace there uh for people mining mining Caspa so um but dang Cedric coin Cedric coin Cedric coin doing really doing real well doing really good doing really good okay uh on with the questions Bros happy Saturday everyone how are you guys you guys what's your what's everyone's plan today what are you guys doing it's nice and sunny today crypto Craig for people who solo mind the gpus just sitting back with popcorn watching the show a lot it was good with gpus as well crypto Craig 100% you know I actually was looking I was trying to find I I was spooling up my VMS the other day and I found a uh I forgot that I had a a wallet a GPU mind wallet with like 100k Caspa on it I was like yes 100,000 Caspa from back in the like back when we were able to GP mine it I actually had multiple wallets I'm trying to spool up a whole bunch more I know I was testing I was I we made a lot of GPU mining videos on Caspa like you know we've done that you know GPU mining C we've all done that like a year two three five years ago not five years ago three three years ago um and it it was it was insane it was it was crazy you know to mine Casa back then uh I don't even I don't even know I don't even know what I typed in there's there's there's tons of videos from other content creators but anyways um picking up cleaning my Den Studio is ridiculous about halfway done Max voltage nice man uh I miss some uh Tech techman is Nexia rugged I tried to load save site and it gave me security error yeah yeah probably rugged probably uh mining what red pad mining zel small pump yeah I saw that mining what I did see zealous pump yeah so good for GP miners I've been I've been on zealous constantly uh let's see here here at Red pend minding me I can read it better uh never mind red pen mining is it bad for the ks Zer to be plugged into USB fan direct in the K zero uh no it's not bad I I still have a fan uh plugged in the USB um uh tell us what coin to mine I don't I'm there's a lot man uh uh uh Clinton Q thank you for the $2 bro my gold shell app won't allow won't let me open open Echo any idea Echo oh oh you're talking about the new Echo yes okay so uh where can I find that gold okay I I don't re okay oh let me say this first let me say this first right now let me let me say this first I I don't think I I don't know I this is not Financial advice but I don't think buying the new gold shell Echo is is is a good idea uh the gold shell Echo uh is already two times worse in efficiency against the bit M ks5 Pro so if you look how you know the ks Zer the ks1 ks3 M's at 15 cents electric you know at at 15 cents electric you know these are three or four times worse in efficiency than the bitmain ks5 pros so in that regard right as more and more of these more efficient miners come online as as the network hash rate climbs the inefficient miners are going to are start going to start being knocked off so I worry this gold shell one I don't think I don't know man I don't unless this thing is 1,500 bucks which I don't think it is I think this thing is at 2500 from what I uh 2500 from what I don through Super Chat my gold sh lab won't let me open that any idea I don't think this is going to be a good buy at 2500 please don't buy this at 20 at 22 $2,500 okay I I really don't think the gold the gold shell is not going to be a a a good it's not going to be a good investment at at 25 unless okay it'll be a good investment if Caspa just mooned Forex from here if it did that then this thing is going to be an extreme ex really really profitable minor uh I I I don't know if that's going to happen but this I don't see it on their site here yet so it's still not it's still not here but yeah the the the the E uh e1m I don't know man I I I don't know I uh I a man I see I rather I'd rather get the ks 5m uh you know these these have dropped down in price quite a bit but even then you know it's we're getting to that point you know it's like is Caspa price going to go up much higher how much more hash rates going to come on you know how how you know it it it at this point I feel like it's just better to buy the coin I think into no more no more buying no more buying castle miners I think it's just at this point you're not going to get as much Caspa Min back versus if you were to just buy the coin you're not going to mine you're not going to mine the same yield back you you may potentially mine the same Fiat value back right for as much as you paid for for the minor but you're not going to get the same yield if you were to buy the coin just because the simple fact and I've only said this about kaspa just because of the aggressive Mission schedule and just yeah just everything else it's just it's not a good idea I don't think it's a good idea anymore Clinton Q two thank you for $2 again bro I I have S cents electric and I have solar panels okay okay so okay so then you know then the gold shell may be good for you it's quiet it's 1800 watts though I don't know 0.7 Electric solar power can your solar handle can your solar panels handle 1800 watts you know I mean at that at that rate then you just buy a whole bunch of KS zero Ultras which is much more efficient and and and it's better it it's going to be uh how much are these things now oh this is if this is going to be 2500 that's going to be a 0.5 uh .45 per gigahash PS Z Ultra is still uh 0.57 uh dollar per G so a little bit worse right your Roi is going to be a little bit longer but if you have solar uh this is going to be a little bit more efficient as well 0.25 versus 0.32 the gold shell so I would rather get I would rather buy the Ultras 100% And I think uh let's see here 400 gigahash time 10 that's 4,000 so uh wait 225 229 * 10 how much 22 yeah so you could buy maybe 11 you can buy 11 uh KS Ultras for the same price as one gold shell EA e-k if you had solar then I I would I honestly I'd rather go I would rather go k0 Ultra I I I would I would run I would run ksz Ultra uh on solar yeah um yeah oh it's oh it's $200 now okay I just saw that actually yeah ice river.

Has them for $200 now yes yes yes yes yes so uh if you are going to buy these on ice River or anywhere else uh use code red panda you get another 1.5% off on Ice River uh and uh or any other website use code RPM RPM or red panda I just I got I got codes everywhere you guys can save percentage on every every website uh Rizzo 529 529 donated $5 through super chat can salad jobs reboot our computers I was on a 4-day long job and then my computer randomly restarted are disa I'm on a UPS uh Rizzo 529 um I don't know I don't think so but I know sometimes Windows updates can like or Windows in general can just shut down your computer so could be an update it could be solid I'm not sure I don't think it's solad but I think it's a Windows it's a Windows thing so but yeah that this is the unfortunate thing with solid it it's in Windows we're we're using Windows and you can't completely shut down everything and there's always little quirks with you know using Windows um it's it's Windows yeah it's it's it's it's it's 100% Windows like just you got to unfortunate thing with solid is you got to keep watch you you you have to keep watch of those machines because they're on windows so yeah okay uh Robert E Wilson got the ultra when it was on $100 and received it when they dropped to 400 so I bought a second got both on solar they're doing well nice nice I I feel like I should just should I buy like should I should I do like do the whole BP thing again buy 10 of these and give them away uh oh wait no I want to give away a whole bunch of my KS Z Pros I I've been wanting okay since we got a lot of people here smash the like Bros I'm going to be doing a I want to do a Starcraft 2 tournament you guys have to play against me in Starcraft and who if you beat me in a single game you win a KS zero Pro a Caspa Miner I I I I I I'm I'm are people interested in that or no I I I tweeted that out and uh some people were some people were interested in that so you guys should I do it or no no black sales no random Miner no why no why no why no I always do always do the r like I want to do something different all right we like we always give away you know Common picker you know doing this I want to do something fun you guys have to earn you guys have to earn your win not just like comment on a video and then I just choose a winner that's boring all right I want to I want to I want to I want you guys have to play a game against me okay pubg tournament oh dude I yeah dude I would 100% do pubg I love pubg okay I I'll just watch the show not good at video games Okay I okay I understand majority people here are not Gamers all right I understand I understand 1 V one CS goo I can I would I can do s go you know first one to 20 kills wins yeah I'm I'm down for that one V one yeah CS go is CSG go is another good one granted though I'm I'm I'm a pretty good I'm a pretty good CS CS2 player so you know global Global Elite level you know just kidding I'm not Glo I'm not Global Elite Poker Tournament H that poker tournament takes way too long poker poker tournament takes way too long Vinnie Delco donated $4.99 thank you Vinnie Del Greco good sir Vil Greco thank you for the $5 Super Chat good sir thank you um Steve Smith are you Aquaman also why when when can I Canon rush you for that sweet kiss your bro Steve Smith you bastard uh okay I need to plan this out um the the tournament and I need to figure out how I'm like do I just choose random people to play against me or like I need to do like a Excel sheet and then do a numbering system and then like but people need to be there in the live stream in order to win so yeah that's going to be hard like can I get a list I can get a list of everyone in the live stream and then for people who want to play against me they have to join up I have to add them can you do a new video on mining cedra using ice River Clinton Q thank you for the five bro can you do a video mining cedra using the ice I mean sure I I can but it's it's the exact same it's if you go to mining pole stats you you type in sedra coin I mean you you just go to the you just go to the same you go to a mining pool that you like and then uh you put in the pool address and then your wallet you need to get a cedra coin wallet um yeah I mean Clinton Q I can uh but it's it's the exact it's the exact same as like you know mining casar like any other coin you just you just need to get the wallet and uh or M yeah mine get get the wallet set your coin wallet choose the pool you like put the pool in it's it's the exact same as like Caspa yeah cling Q fortnite uh uh no I don't like fortnite I mean we could I I mean we could but that that also takes a bit longer too Max voltage wow I guess my comment Max what did you say Max like taking candy from a baby I don't want to see you cry wow Max wow wow wow random Min I can send you m and clean now I found my1 SC1 CD dude Starcraft 1 oh Max that was the best I remember getting my Starcraft 1 CD from from Costco that those are the those were the days techman are you keeping the green ones still yes techman I'm keeping the green ones I'm only giving away the black KS Z Pros which I I think I have five uh I have five KS U five of the black K Pros thinking of buying ice server Ultra to mine cedra and bugna good move uh Northern Miner yeah uh I mean we we look at this like cedra coin over the past 30 days is up 34% so anyone mining cedra coin over the past year and huddling it I mean you're you're doing you're doing well maybe not the past year the past like couple couple months cedra's yeah yeah maybe past couple months actually sedra cedra's price is is going it's it's mooning going up yeah so we're probably going to see some Network hash rate drop off for said ra and bugna you know probably going to happen um Durst sorry to ask again Hawk how are you good Hawk Mr Hawk crypto mining welcome to the live stream Mr Hawk did you just wake up welcome good sir welcome man welcome um so dur sorry to ask again how was your experience with hosting on Ice server I'm planning to purchase because the electrical rate in pH is 21 to 24 cents oh that's a lot um Durst not going to lie I've had over the past month I think four times the ice River hosting has gone down now not for the whole day but a good 3 to 7 hours I've had that happen about four times over the past two 3 weeks now so take that as you will they do though they they do like Pro rate I did see on the like if you go to the The Ice server hosting you know I'm going to make a video about this but I believe they do pro rate it so it's they're not going to factor in your your cost of that day in or something of those those hours so that I'm going to yeah I'm going to verify that cuz they have their payment systems within host with it for hosting on Ice river is it's all in there like you can refill your funds uh for your hosting in there online on their platform so and uh the reason why it went down I can give you Durst I can give you uh they I actually just got one of those emails let me see uh I server here here here here here here here let me copy this hold on hold dear C this is from I server like 5 days ago this is from uh their hosting their hosting email dear customer we wanted to provide you with an update on an issue affecting the hash rate of some machines after some thorough investigation our technical team has identified the cause of the network issue we are currently in the process of restoring affected machines rest assured we are working diligently to solve this as quickly as possible we'll keep you informed etc etc etc etc etc so yeah um do it as you will uh people have told me that ice server is hosting depending on where you get it hosted majority of it it's in the US and they said it's been okay for some of them but it they're all in different hosting facilities there's a lot of they have apparently they have a lot of different hosting facilities so you're I got people telling me ice server hosting is great and then I got some people telling me ice over hosting is terrible so it it really depends which hosting fa facility they they put it in and yeah so really really really depends and forget ice hosting host with Tera hosting yes of course 100% check out Terah Mr hot crypto mining from Terra hosting is here already how many slots left for hosting what's a good cedra wallet probably the the the core uh the core wallet Clinton Q you you always want the you always want the native coins wallet the trustworthy trustworthy wallet Haw 35 spots left wow that's that you're getting that's we're getting pretty filled there almost you're almost out that's pretty good nice nice nice well fill them up fill them up just put 19 on yesterday nice nice I know nothing what is core wallet I use tangum uh okay yeah I know nothing I use tangum as well for all the popular coins but there's going to be coins like cedra that are not going to be on tangum and you're going to need to download the their core uh their core their core wallet you got to go to their you got to go to their GitHub right like Caspa for instance you got to download their their Casp the the full node uh wallet or KP K KDA K KPS wallet whatever it's called not K not not cpad is it this one hold on is this their wallet this is their wallet right okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is the this is their this is their wallet um not not this is for Caspa not for cedra sorry sedra cedra coin wallet sedra coin I mean the best thing to do go to their website go to their website okay SRA looks like this is their website uh let's see links let's go we want their wallet so looks like they're on trade over as well okay it looks like they got a web wallet and then they also have a desktop wallet so obviously the web wallet is going to have some you know do it at your own risk CU if they take down the web wallet then you're screwed uh of course you can probably take out you can you can get the private keys but the desktop wallet is like going to be the better one it's going to be the much better one cryp when Terra Canada oh that would be nice that that would be nice okay Bros uh it's been about an hour streaming I believe Mr rabid mining is going to be streaming here shortly is there any final questions or remarks I appreciate all you guys being here today thank you for tuning in to the live stream we had a lot of fun talking about some Casa mining today um no longer profitable for the ks Pros the ks3 M's if you had 15 cents Electric uh Tera hosting anyone looking 100% at Hawk yeah and tell them RPM sent you use code RPM for 50% off hosting uh hi do you have coupons to Gold Shell thanks for our videos uh Miguel Gord BR Braga um I don't know let me see actually I think I might let me check that do I have a sh account let me see I I really I let see I'm trying to log in I think I do I think I do uh no I don't but I have a specific link click on that go to the website see if it gives you like 1% off or something I have no idea i' I I've never used this code at all so I don't know if it works I don't know if it works or not um random Miner how about a command and Conquer tournament oh I would dude that that would be so much fun but I think that would take yeah we can I mean we can do that but people have to buy the game don't they actually no that's that's the same with Starcraft too you have to buy Starcraft uh random Miner maybe maybe maybe cedra on Zex lower fees I think than M mexe okay nice okay Bros any final any final words any final remark Hawk have your units ever gone down Hawk what's the foran what's the link where's my foran link can I log into what's the foran crap I don't know where the link is I don't have the link Hawk how do I see my asex again Hawk Forman uh where's I lost I don't have that I don't have that link saved crap I haven't looked at it forever H what's the link H send me the link in this Hawk send me the link in Discord I'll show it right now but but yeah my my as6 have never my my as6 have never have never gone down never knock on wood Forman okay uh how do I log in log in uh my my login is not saved crap what was my login what what uh uh oh I'm in oh I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm in is there anything incriminating can I show this or uh hold on let me just is there a dark mode as well uh hold on hold on hold okay okay hold on uh there's the local IP addresses which is fine okay I can show it I can show it I can show it I'm showing it all right this is my amazing platform hosted at Tera look at this both s9k Pros 24 25 days my what's Miner I think at one point was like 60 days or something it's at 8 days now so look we probably just had a restart but oh yeah look at that beautiful just beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful thank you thank you hawk thank you awesome awesome is the hosting price at Tera 8 cents per Kil uh I believe it's I believe so or is it 9 at the moment talk convention uh red P I'm a Noob how do you see 24-hour mission on mining pole stat please it would be helpful I love your other videos C2 you just go to mining pool stats and you just open up you go to the homepage and you can see 24-hour emissions right here right here 24-hour emissions right here some coins have it some coins don't [Music] so sh red P have a good day you too buddy have a good one Leon red P what do you think about Casa's future uh I think Caspa has a bright future the community is massive everyone loves it I I think it's great hope hopefully we're we're going to go to new all-time highs that's the that's the whole that's the whole thing about that's the whole thing about uh kaspa and hopefully their Tech fundamentally fundamentally is going to change the game kc20 rust implementation rust protocol hopefully we get there hopefully they do it looks like they've been updating their GitHub so I mean two days ago yesterday they updated the rusty Caspa the rust rust node so hopefully hopefully hopefully okay all right guys I'm going you guys have a great day thank you everyone you guys have a beautiful Saturday I appreciate you all for watching you guys have a good one thank you for being here smash that like on the way out 250 people here 134 likes hit that like guys wife is calling my wife is calling as well we got to go I got to go peace Bros peace peace out peace out appreciate you all have a great day see you guys in tomorrow stream we are going to talk about GPU mining tomorrow GPU mining on the up and up on the up and up peace out Bros peace out peace out peace out peace out [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music]

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