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How To Silence Your Bitcoin Miner

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If you have ever tried Bitcoin mining, you know how noisy it can be. The constant whirring and humming of fans can make it impossible to work in the same room with your Asic Miner. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way! In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the steps of how to silence your Bitcoin miner, and turn it into a home miner.

Before we get started, we want to give a shoutout to Fruit and Associates who sent us the kit we are using for this tutorial. The kit comes with a manifold for both the intake and exhaust sides, attachments for different sizes of ASICs, an AC Infinity inline fan, and optional ducting and silencers. The instructions for the kit are well-written and easy to follow. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Remove all power cords
Make sure nothing is plugged into your Asic Miner before you begin. Turn it around so that the back is facing you.

Step 2: Remove screws and fan plugs
In order to reach the control board, you will need to remove two screws at the top and one in the middle. Be careful when unscrewing the top screws, as they have two little washers on them that are easy to lose. Then, push the button and lift the cover to reveal the fan plugs.

Step 3: Remove fan covers and cables
You will need to remove the fan covers and cut the straps holding the fan cables in place. Once the covers are off, you can unplug the fans and remove them from the machine. Carefully route the cables out of the way so you can remove the fans cleanly.

Step 4: Flip the machine over
You will need to flip the machine 90 degrees so that the power supply is on top and facing you. This will allow you to remove the fan guards on the front of the machine, which you can replace with the manifold from the kit.

Step 5: Remove fan guards and install manifold
After you remove the fan guards, save the screws as you will need them later. Install the manifold using the same screws. This measure will help keep the machine cool and quiet.

Step 6: Attach silencers
If you want to make your machine completely silent, you can install silencers to the exhaust side of the manifold. You only need one silencer, but using two will make it even quieter.

Step 7: Install the AC Infinity inline fan
The AC Infinity inline fan is the key to keeping your machine cool and quiet. Connect it to the manifold and place it where it won’t disturb you.

Step 8: Route ducting (optional)
If you want to further reduce noise, you can install ducting to the exhaust side of the machine. This will allow you to send hot air out of the room, which will help keep your work area cooler.

Step 9: Power up and enjoy the silence
Now that everything is installed, it’s time to power up the machine and enjoy the silence. You should notice a significant reduction in noise, making it much easier to work in the same room as your Asic Miner.


Silencing your Bitcoin miner is a relatively simple process that can make a big difference in your working environment. By using a kit like the one from Fruit and Associates, you can turn your noisy mining machine into a quiet home miner. Remember to be careful when disassembling and reassembling your machine, and always consult the instructions that came with your kit.

Happy mining!

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  1. It's great stuff they made. Keeping noise low while having lower power consumption and better cooling is just great. One thing bothers me tho, I think they can make addition not so hard imo.
    Those fan emulators should be connected to big fan so if fan started misbehaving ASIC should shut down due to signal sent through fan emulator. Like fan not working or all fans not working
    I don't think it should be hard to make, and it keeps ASIC safe from destroying it's self.
    Good video man, thx 👌

  2. Just check for the full installation kits , total cost over $1000aud , I would rather buy immersion cooling C2 for a long term, thanks for sharing the video

  3. Noise always be a problem, this is very impressive my man! My farm is remote to where I live and work. I use PLC, relays and contactors and frequency converter to control system like these, it made sure if my master fan and local fan(miner's specialized fan like yours) is off, the ASIC and Server cases won't get power at all. Also PLC can control each individual of ASIC's and server case's power circuit, which I need to reboot of them physically, I can do it like 800 kms away and won't affect whoe farm's operation. That can be a fun side project as well, I learned PLC myself thru youtube videos. Normally Simens PLC 1214 only cost about $400 in US. Now I hooked up thermalcouples to measure farm inlet/outlet air temperatures and feed it to PLC, then PLC can auto control speed of my master fan. now I only go to my farm at quarterly basis just to dust them off or adding new hardwares.

  4. Great video! Should have unplugged the PSU fans but left them in and just have the inline fan spin them. And you can turn the S8 fan speed down to 6-7 dots and still be fine on temps (lower than 75c outlet is good). Would be even more silent that way

  5. Try install ur ventilation fan back on the window. Tie/install the end of the ducting to the back of the ventilation fan. The ventilation fan will remove the heat from the room and hot exhaust from the duct out the window.

  6. Rabid Mining wow brother awesome 👏 review of the shroud and overall setup, the only thing I wish you did was check how much watts the fan use at setting 4 and 5, including the noise levels because I never run more than level 5 during the summer and 4 during winter. Very cool review.

  7. sorry mate but with one fast calculation, someone will need like 400-500$ i think still it doesnt worth it except your wife/neighbor are ready to kick you out of your home 😀

  8. Also maybe you could mine and grow something profitable at the same time, that heat would work for your plants or living creatures. Miner + Farming = Profits, or at least free food?

  9. this is awesome, i heard in computex there will be airjet froresystems. If they can scale up to pc their technology it would be revolutionary, i hope it doesnt use more watts, but if it does it is worth it either way… They are 0 decibals, also their chip silicone vibrates, that create very strong air presure. It is like an airjet, and airjets cool alot more efficient as they disrupt heat molecules close to heat source, meaning anything can go very low temperature very fast.

  10. Nice Setup! Love the Fruits and Associate Shroud System.
    How are you adding Intake into that Room? As that Inline fan is exhausting 800 CFM constantly if on High.
    Do you believe the siliencers are worth it? Or do you believe you can get away without them? As i know the inline fan is rather quiet.

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