nice that you are here in this tutorial I'll show you how to mine bitcoin can operate or terium mining that whole works with a gaming pc but you can also choose a weaker 14 use i have been looking for a method for a long time find out with the the whole relative the subject just works is a bit more complicated and in you see or learn this video from me like you just step by step step can take the steps with it yourself with a graphics card or your processor means bitcoins otherwise I wish you mega have fun with the video and happy mining ok then let's start right away and open the website of my highschool come point i have tested a lot of men and I came to the conclusion that here is the simplest and most effective I'll say mine for beginners now just fine and my point com enter then we lock ourselves in here or let's land says count on the side click his up and download then we register here with our google account or how can also do this by e-mail I'll skip the flib for a moment when you have created your account and registered your e-mail and you have logged in then you know you end up here here you can get yours select operating system windows ubuntu or an extra mine I recommend you of course windows if your time on windows then simply here click on continue then the whole my download and yes we should of course yours Deactivate virus scanner beforehand I mean that quickly now [Music] because one of mine is unfortunately often called virus seen and that's why it's from virus scanners have been detected unfortunately a shame but many viruses do mean in the background and because of how this will be mine as videos recognized well then once we save then click on it once once with yes confirm the right one enter click here the village stable version and then once on install then something will be done again downloaded and the whole thing runs and alone if the installation then is complete then we see here down the co domain the once double click on it then it opens whole and now we need the user here enter name this is the username at the top of the website So now we can just as easily click continue and we see now here the username we can copy and paste here ctrl v and click go here then you are we connected here and we can here continue or that works automatically and then what it is here too already now we can do well white go and we see our mine running here already he means monteiro and terium and yes we can also configure the whole thing here we just need it here we see everything is going well can we go further okay we're here on the now website and we now see one here small overview shown graphically how much bitcoins and grip there we would be have already meant the toshiba is converted into sat division of bitcoin and we see here I already have a couple of models and Criterion meant to be able to do everything we also represent it differently here to let then we can do the whole thing here cash out by clicking here go distance here we can then from if which currencies we want to withdraw and how much of it here we see how much we have and here we can adjust how much we want to take off then we pull here also the ski transaction the fees sometimes there are some here, sometimes just not and here we can then Enter the address to which we will send the whole want to send that works with every clip rating that we just meant and I'm very cool that it's here relatively easy then let's see each other here again the devices for us so my computer work here is already working again 17 megahertz per second is what graffiti means um and yes three minutes ago he did started now we can get on here click configuration and that set again more precisely because here on click the preconfiguration and just please tell someone else procedure to use many will but does not support the most important are enabled by default and will be also supports but exactly when I'm here now detail would go then it will be the blow the frame just like that it is set then in any case don't do anything wrong if you know your way around better you can possibly also optimize this here then we'll have another look at wackers and here we see our pulse we also do the ones on the rwo again ours yes who do I say here are all of them pulse and mine because work is in progress then we saw the truth here we how much I meant and the transactions again and then we can do the payment again here to make them pay automatically are more likely to be paid off and a activity log when something should be the whole surface is relatively simple kept simple and now let's look at the software again more accurate ok when we have all set up then we will see ours here too overview our dashboard and see here we are already running mine is running already worked out we see running can do that too disable whole when we get here click on the same thing so we see the manns trainings as much we get that's about Of all things, I'm going to say now again briefly explains what it has is a kind of crypto currency anyway or is to be a crib better said the subdivision of one bitcoin so a scientology is 0.0001 Bitcoin worth and there is also one for that about calculator once or sochi around the computer and here I just have the way now taken which he displayed to me here and your inserted into the satori calculator like much that his euros could be here with my pc 72 euros with mine gaming pc deserve if he is healthy and night runs the link to the computer that comes of course also in the description and so you can find out how you can make a lot of money with the pc then we see our maximum temperature and omission too very important to maybe later calculate whether the whole thing is even profitable and yes how much electricity is have to pay then we see them here cpu reckons that it is working on month also a crypto currency and here is status running then we see here which mine is used 6.8 and the heart rate this on the processor of course lower because it's not so for it is well laid out with my vinaigrette or so good to my viennese graphics card we see the processor here as many cores and the clock frequency exactly then at nvidia that's already that brings us more money I say the graphics card I do have a 10 60 with 6 GB and the can best mean itellium because of that it is already set here and we will see the minister again phoenix and yes that prevails here we see a lot higher we are here in megahertz Area and here we have 17.65 right down here we see again how much used temperature how much the fans run and again the power consumption that gives us that complete overview here that it is on most interesting for you how much you then probably in the month will earn we also see the statistic like here many sentences we earn a day with me not so much now that is going on right now even for a few minutes I say now times how much we earn per hour and how much we already in the minute we see here in the minute we do about 50 with the cdu and with the gpu graphics card we yes 25 now I say relatively Interesting then we draw the benchmarks here which mine produce how much salt can per 30 days and whichever herschfeld the whole thing then have the jobs find that I am very cool here too we see quite exactly which projects from next works off the cool it is at kuno just that he has different currencies means and thus the maximum success taken out I now show and that just made by having different currencies doesn't just mean monroe but also terium or bitcoin gold let's pull something here too rheintal billsten is exactly then to see we all of them yes jobs we have already done done a few tests annually and in the We can do a few more settings here set things as many of my as virus is recognized there as well as by beers can be installed in the background can it can happen that your virus scanner next door shows yes that's us but it is not a virus she also sees with me i am now just not protected i have mine Otherwise, virus scanner deactivates this problems are exactly what I have here enable cert party masters are coming better mining software from third-party providers on your pc that would I also recommend you then you have better mining performance and yes I would overclock you for may not recommend not that something gets too hot and expensive graphic card smeared or something and yes automatic lee enabled workload yes can also be activated we will see something here again now everything is activated which mine you can activate all of them here but not crashes yes then we also see sketches here it is visible or minimizes that should start my pc and so on further exactly that is the surface and yes that's how bitcoin opinion works in any case very cool if you do it yourself want to try it out you now know how and this is how said one of the easiest methods and most effective methods with your normal gaming pc to mean me I wish you a really nice day see you in the next video and not forgot to subscribe and direct until then peace