The crypto bull market is just around The corner and what do I mean by the Crypto bull market I mean we are Starting to see signs trigger again this Is about to be absolutely insane between Pepe coin pumping breakings all-time Highs and GameStop the stock pumping Again are we going to see some Wall Street action happen a second time Around guys welcome back to the channel Welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I am Your host Umar Khan and today we're Taking a look at some bullish indicators That are indicating we're going to Re-enter a bull market if you remember Last bull run right before we had a Crypto bull run before the crypto having Happened last bull run the AMC stock was Trending GameStop was trending and a Whole other Wall Street B stocks were Pumping now looks like GameStop is Pumping again today we already seen the Beginning of meme man meme Mania is this Going to be the shift that we're all Waiting for and that's exactly what it's Looking like let's go ahead and take a Look at what's going on in the overall Market before the video want to ask if You haven't already make sure you smash The Subscribe button down below it helps Out the channel tremendously and help You reach your crypto goals or we can See the fear and greed index at a 52 and I personally believe after the next

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Couple weeks we are going to enter greed If not extreme greed so just in GameStop Is trending uh and it's pumping 72% on The day now for crypto people it's not a Lot of money for the stock market Investors that's a massive gain roaring Kitty returns to social media platforms Surging gamestock stocks it's going Absolutely crazy not only is it is it Going crazy but we have influencers like And Andrew Tate I guess he's not an Influencer but the online figure Andrew Tate sells $500,000 in Bitcoin and buys GameStop and other meme stock to make Greedy Wall Street Bankers head funds Lose $13 billion now here's the thing This is more than money this is an Entire movement meaning a lot of people Are going to start aping to buy GameStop To you know uh what is it tax the rich Kill the rich I don't I don't know what It is but essentially it's it's to take Money away from these greedy guys right Make these guys lose some money now that Being said we've seen this exact thing Happen back in 2020 early 2021 it went Crazy People Pumped these stocks and What happened eventually it all kind of Crashed because people started to payer Hand which is fine that's interesting Way then a lot of that money trickled Back over to crypto and we saw the Crypto pump happen I'm anticipating We're about to see the exact same thing

And I remember vividly back in January Or December uh 2020 uh January 2021 when The shift was happening and I think the Shift is going to come now if you want To make a bag and get into an Opportunity that's absolutely crazy Let's talk about for a second the chain Traveling Doge buy now before it Launches these raised over $15 million All right what is Doge verse it's a World's first chain traveling Doge Doge Goes multi-chain buy and claim Doge ver On any of the following six chains e Binance polygon avac coinbase and salana Uh it's a multi Bridge it's been Featuring on a ton of different articles Utilize Superior bridging technology Doge verse will be seemlessly Multi-chain in just a few clicks they Have a solid road map in place guys Great tokenomics and also to add the Cherry on top of the cake they they have Staking currently paying a 61% AP it's Dynamic range meaning the staking is Going to change if you want to load up a B on Doge R guys and again we've been Covering these successful pre-sale gems I'm going to link in the description Below and in the comment section make Sure you grab a bag as they're blowing Up over 16,000 followers on Twitter very Active engaging with the community I can Only imagine when this goes live it will Go absolutely insane so stay tuned for

More updates but now back to the crypto Bullish news we see the overall Market We're seeing some green across the board Uh Bitcoin in the green up 3% on the to Day we're seeing salana up uh Dogecoin Up mhba Inu up again all great but let's Talk about Pepe coin for second cuz Pepe Is absolutely mooning we can see on the One day we're up 16% on the week we're Up whopping 20% however we go to alltime Chart we can see Pepe has officially Beaten its previous all-time highs That's absolutely massive for this token I imagine this bullish momentum is going To continue currently sitting at a $ 4.31 billion Mark cap meaning this a top 24 cryptocurrency I imagine there's Going to a pullback so if you don't Already have a bag of Pepe probably Wouldn't be the best time to buy if you Have a bag of Pepe you might want to Take some profits but again not Financial advice even technical reports On bitcoin are indicating a buy moving Averages are on Buy Los are neutral and That is obviously great to see when we Go to the 4 Hour we can see a strong buy As people are starting to load up on Crypto so even though we're seeing Figures like Andrew Tate sell some some Some Bitcoin to buy um the stocks we're Not necessar seeing a crash we see the Legend is back roaring kitty is back and Really causing a a a a a craze in the

Wall Street bet scene we can see just in Els Salvador releases a new website that Tracks their Bitcoin treasury that's Pretty awesome they're currently holding Almost 6,000 Bitcoin which is roughly $350,000 we see Switzerland's largest Bank UBS owns shares in Black Rock for Their Bitcoin ETF that's absolutely Massive so many bullish things happening Ahead guys and literally I feel like This is a point a critical point where History is starting to repeat itself Again just like we saw in last ball run We had like the GameStop and the AMC The Wall Street bet pop pump and then we had The crypto pump now is history repeating Itself that's what it's looking like so If you haven't already loaded B in Crypto you might want to start getting In before everything pumps to the Moon Make sure you check out do I'm going Link in the description below phenomenal Project and that up the video until next Time remember not Financial advice Always to your own research and due Diligence it's your boy Umar peace [Music]

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