[Music] Not the best man not the best but [Music] [Music] 400 yeah that's a 280 that's a 280 that's a 280 4.5 minut Whatever happens I stop at 4.5 But why you have to Miss yeah this is Done the thing is that why I'm not Getting like a retri you Know that's the thing like why I'm not Getting retreat Still [Music] Profit well I'm not getting retri that's That the thing that it's it's It makes my Mind okay this is a good Start please one what one more time Connection like this can we get one more Okay that this is Good this is Good you see this is good I ask you for Ret trick it's Coming just mess it up somehow Nice we nearly all this [ __ ] wait that's that's like a double Each double drop multis 9 20 nice this Is this is this is money this is what I Call Money so Now okay so this is the problem the Multiplier it had to be on the end okay
Good can somehow connect all the Way can it land one More or it's okay the actual 10 L so now Full multipliers in the end Okay okay that's not bad Right 18 33 42x Nice 42x another one 66 good Up 105 315 36 This is [Music] What 3,32 this is what I was waiting for all Day man this is what I was waiting for All day AK prop GG this is what I was Waiting for all day man 000 eggs bul Champ so the question is Like let me do some spein of 50 because even the the test Potential somehow you get money Back somehow I said Somehow imagine we have bigger Multipliers