Deals on used pc gaming hardware
welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody everybody is having a great day and um I got a lot of new inventory coming in so I…

Budget Christmas Gaming Computers
what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel we're back in the shop today and we're doing something that I haven't done in quite…

Building a Starter Gaming pc for Giveaway
what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and we're back in the shop today we have some orders going out um sold some…

Building a Starter Gaming pc for Giveaway
what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and we're back in the shop today we have some orders going out um sold some…

$200 Budget Gaming Build for Customer
what is up ladies and gentlemen we are back in the office today what is going on with my camera is it dirty that's a little bit better we are…

Sorting Through old pc junk
all right so what is up laddies and lassies um just going through and trying to break down some of all of my tech junk that I've accumulated over time…