[Music] he hey guys red Pena mining here hope you all doing well having a really great day this video I just got in the new alphapex hopefully I pronounced that right alphapex dg1 11g that stands for I guess 11 gigahash that this thing mines the script algorithm all right which is mainly for Litecoin and merge mining Dogecoin and Dogecoin is going to be majority of the profits on this DG one I'll show you guys some numbers later but alphapex this is a new company I've never heard of up until I guess this month or maybe last month and when they announced it it was kind of a interesting take I guess that this is a little bit more efficient than bit Main's offering right now which is the L7 and I'll show some efficiency numbers after but first let me just show you guys this minor like we'll just do like a walk around first and then uh we'll get into the nitty-gritty of the number numbers here but thank you to crypto Miner Bros who have sent me this alphapex dg1 to review for you guys to Showcase here if you guys are interested to buy one of these after watching this video Feel Free link down below this thing goes for about $7,200 right now whether or not you think it is a good buy right now or if we're in the brink of the Bull Run everything's going to go up in price maybe later who knows not Financial advice but there's always risks in buying these types of Asic miners I just want to put that out there first okay let's do a bit of walk around here okay so first glance I would say you know typically an Asic minor it looks pretty much like other Asic miners like a bit M except like normally bit Ms like s9s or S s21s even they have the black fan grills but this one doesn't have uh black fan grills it's just like you know metal Fang gr here and looks like you can actually unscrew this part here which is quite interesting this uses two C13 to c14 power cables which I do have here and we'll turn it on in a second there is Chrome fan grills here not similar to bitmain I think bitm has the black fan grills uh the fans themselves kind of look like bit main fans like Delta fans so very similar of course and then going up here okay we got ethernet port we got IP report a reset button very similar that the control board I'm assuming is going to be the same as as like other control Boards out there I will be taking this apart in another video or maybe in a live stream I'm going to tear it apart I'm going to take out a hash boo unscrew the uh I guess the aluminum heat sink and see what the chips look like we're going to do that in another video I'm not going to do it in this one so stay tuned on the channel for that we got the not sure if this is a serial number for the control board uh there's a serial number here for the dg1 so that's interesting there there is a a QC pass sticker at the top here I don't know what the quality is going to be on this alphapex okay like I said alphapex is a new company actually they are going to mining disrupt I did look at that on their website here it looks like they did buy a booth at mining disrupt and when I go down here go to Alex you can see I click on them they are going to have a booth at mining disrupt in June 24th to 26 2024 in Miami so I guess in a sense that could bring a bit of validity to alphapex I'm not sure again I'm not sure about the quality of this and uh I guess I'll keep you guys updated I'll have this running for a while and uh give you guys any updates if this thing breaks but okay let's just go around the Asic here okay so looks like this side here we got a bit of information product server dg1 220 to 240 volts okay so you guys can see there uh made in China obviously okay we got another dg1 we got another serial number up here on this side okay let's keep turning around here let's look at the back okay so this looks quite familiar typical of like bitmain they do have like this button here control board screw uh looks like alphapex has even added instructions on unscrewing the screw to lift the top cover off that's exactly what it says here you guys can see that that I've never seen bitm put that I guess instruction there that's that's new alphapex I guess they are uh they're putting some more information on here looks like the fans uh these are not uh like the typical Maru tech fans uh I can't really see what that is but once I take it apart I'll you know we'll see the inner guts and the fans if anyone's interested in another video power supply yeah looks like you know typical same like bit main the fans come out here I wonder if Alpha PEX is a subsidiary of bit main or something I I don't know just just conspiracy okay going along okay power supply side here okay so this is a alphapex fp101 switching power supply version 1.0 okay input voltage is uh 220 to 240 volt now that's understandable because this thing takes over 33400 watts and they do have some disclaimers here warning select the right input voltage do not disassemble oh well I am going to disassemble this so looking at here warning uh shock hazard okay they just have some warnings here okay so that's pre basically all around the alphapex dg1 in case anyone was interested okay so very typical of an as6 Miner but in my opinion looks like there's some more information um around this uh new Alpha PEX minor dg1 all right enough talking let's plug this in and I'm curious to know how loud this thing is going to be okay so got a decel reader here all right so I have a 240 volt 30 amp pdu it's going to go into a 220 volt 30 amp circuit okay and uh let's go ahead let me plug in the network cable first and we're going to see how loud this thing is and I'll show you guys the web goey of the alphapex dg1 okay so I'm going to plug in all right so this is I normally first plug in the power cables into the miner first and then I plug it into the pdu I find that to be much easier okay so there we go 2 C13 to two c14 cables okay here we go going to plug them in 3 two one all right let's turn it on it's not very loud yet it's it's getting there the advertised decb said 75 DB uh so right now it's not very loud right now my talking is louder but it's probably just ramping up okay turning [Music] on 92 DB if I go back here 82 this thing's pretty loud about 90 DB right here okay all right so looks like it's on looks like it's got an IP address let's go into the computer and see what the web guei looks like okay so I am now remoted into the web guei on the dg1 I got the IP address so I'm assuming I don't know I didn't see any username or password on the manuals I'm just going to do root root and that worked yeah root root is the username and password the stock one okay so here is the web guey of the alphapex minor dg1 algorithm script okay this is cool cool all right we got some interesting like stats here temp fans Network realtime hash rate pool obviously I didn't put any pool yet okay number of looks like there's four hash boards in this dg1 that's pretty cool there's serial numbers on each of the oh no looks like they're all the same oh no they're different they're different serial numbers um okay so fan speed right now it's dead quiet uh it's yeah I don't hear anything decel reading right now is 62 61 okay at 660 uh 720 fan speed right now RPM okay let's go to Miner tab see what this looks like okay we can put the pool mining pool settings here username password okay it looks pretty pretty standard fan speed I think not sure if it's going to be Auto or not okay interesting I'm going to go IP okay so here shows the host name I can change that if I want that's the IP that's the MAC address all right let's go to update there's a firmware update I can change the password tab here uh ntp server H interesting and there's a log looks like we got some log information here which is really cool okay so that's good that's good okay so I guess the first mining pool I want to try is going to be nice hash I'm I think that's the popular one a lot of people do and uh let me get this all set up and we'll see how profitable this thing thing is okay it's been about actually it's been more than about 5 minutes it took about a good couple minutes for it to start ramping up and start mining so I think this is more so like 10 minutes run time after I started uh running the the Asic here the dg1 but I believe this is not working on nice hash all right I'm getting 28 accepted 109 rejected shares and this is continuing the in real time here okay and uh looks like I think all the hash boards are running it says realtime hash rate is 12,281 megahash or uh 12 gigahash here but I am getting a lot of rejection here running on nice hash okay so looks like it's not looks like it's not working it's still climbing in rejected shares okay I'm going to let this go for maybe another 20 minutes maybe it it's going to even out or it's not compatible with nice hash so uh let's just let this go for another 20 minutes we'll come back okay so I've actually been testing this out for the past hour and I thought it could be potentially a nons issue on February 21st there was a blog post by nice hash about uh addressing some incompatibilities about uh xn sub on as6 I I'm not sure if this relates to I don't know any other as6 out there I have never used these extra # xn sub before but I tried it and no it's still giving a bunch of rejected shares here so without the SL xn sub I was still getting pool rejection all the way up until 20 minutes uh rejected now with xn sub here slash I did try the uh # xen sub same thing and I also did try this one as well says please note that some machines may need both hashtag and the slash I did try this and it it didn't work either so it looks like the alphapex is not compatible with nice hash yet okay yet I'll update you guys if that day does come but it yeah it doesn't show up uh sorry it shows up on nice hash here dg1 unmanaged but actual profitability nothing it maybe showed up like for $5 for a short bit uh in the beginning when I got 37 accepted shares you guys can see here but ultimately I'm getting rejected shares like mad and you guys can see it's it's uh it's continuing to go up okay and I did look at the log just to see if there's anything I don't know showing some nons issue I I don't I I I don't know if that's going to be the issue but I'm thinking it's going to be on the uh on nice hashes end or maybe alphapex I did look on their website on their support page page I did look at their manual to see if there's any nice hash compatibility no doesn't work didn't see anything regarding nice hash here on their manual okay so nothing on their website there was a firmware update here looking at the download Center but it's only version 1.0.0 which is the same version that I have here so that doesn't work so if there's anyone out there that wants the my nice hash on this uh dg1 it does not seem to work but let me go ahead and try another mining pool like uh via BTC be right back okay so it seems like it works on Via BTC you guys may notice a bit of pool rejection here but that was very short-lived it was in the first couple minutes uh mining to Via BTC that it did 73 shares rejected then 5 minutes later a couple minutes later started leveling off then after about I would say eight or nine minutes then it started just doing accepted shares okay and it shows up on Via BTC here 10minute average you guys can see almost 11 gigahash I do have my L7 here uh 9.5 terahash model and uh yeah this reject rate will go away after you know 24 hours of going probably less than 1% as time goes on here but just to show you guys it does seem to work on Via BTC so I guess in confidence I mean right now it doesn't seem like a lot of mining pools are supported on this uh alphapex V BTC nice hash I guess doesn't work but vbtc does work I'm assuming F2 Pool Works all the big pools might work except for litecoinpool.org I was reading on the Litecoin mining uh subreddit that someone got there dg1 today and it see it says here that they were not able to connect to L litecoinpool.org so if it doesn't work on litecoinpool.org which is a pretty popular mining pool I mean it's that's that's kind of sad so hopefully alphapex will come out with a former update to fix that I'm confident they will but hey maybe they will never uh who knows maybe I'll contact them and let them know I'm sure they know because a lot of people are unable to get nice hash to work and uh of course litecoinpool.org so if that doesn't work but I'll keep you guys updated I'm going to keep mining this on Via BTC for the next 24 hours and I'll have another video out for you guys okay okay so what is the power consumption at the wall here after mining for almost an hour we're at 3483 Watts so advertise was 3420 Watts okay so I think we're pretty close you know you know margin of error you know 1 to 3% of course I would say the environment does play the part here the fans are a little bit more than uh running a little bit higher than normal cuz my ambient temperature is a little bit more in the this area in my testing area but looking at the sound decel rating right now 86 92 DB so if I go back a bit you guys can see how loud this thing is it's it's decently loud if I go back I don't know another 10 ft it's really not that bad okay all right so yep it's mining uh let's go back into the computer I just want to just I guess talk about this uh in terms of efficiency against other Asic Miners and I guess some other stuff let's let's talk about it okay so according to MTH asic.com uh this is a profitability website for Asic miners most of you guys probably know right now if you had one of these it's supposed to make around $28 a day if you had 10cent electric you'd spend about $821 on electricity so you would be profiting about $20 as of right now okay so majority of the profit though is coming from Dogecoin as you guys can see here and we got Litecoin here as well but it's only about earning about $3 all right $4 or so so most of the profit it is coming from Dogecoin so that's going to be very dependent uh I guess your your buying decision is going to be on if you you believe that Dogecoin is going to have these sustained you know levels if we're on the brink of the bull run here you know it could be potential that Dogecoin could go much higher thus profitability for mining with one of these you know DG 1s or any other Asic Miner could potentially go up so I'm just saying not Financial advice but one of these gg1s you know right now for $7,200 could very well be over a 10,000 maybe 15 maybe $20,000 Asic minor if one day you know mining Litecoin merge mining Dogecoin you know it could be a profitable Venture maybe instead of $20 a day this thing could make maybe $50 a day maybe $100 a day but that's going to really depend on the the difficulty of Dogecoin uh like I the Litecoin Network hash rate here as it's over pretty much over a petahash now for Litecoin all right which is pretty high and uh another thing I want to State here is I think a lot of people are mining to nice has I did see on nice has algorithms about a good I'd say oneth of the Litecoin Network hash rate is on nice hash so that's about a good 10 to 12 133% that's right now mining to uh nice hash right now for Litecoin merge mining Dogecoin of course but just interesting I just wanted to point that out for you know for anyone deciding to buy one of these it could be good or you know if we're not in the brink of the bll run this is a mini little spurt here you know Dogecoin did go up recently quite a bit over the past month but if we are going to keep going up here then you know then this dg1 is probably a good buy now but not Financial advice we'll see how it goes but how is the efficiency of one of these dg1 right now compared to others okay so the bitmain L7 is obviously the notorious most popular I'd say as6 minor over the past year and a half and uh this these get an efficiency of 0.36 uh roughly 0.36 watt per hash or Jewels per Tera hash if we go up here the alphapex dg1 gets about yeah 11 gahh at around 3420 Watts I'm getting about 3480 but realistically advertise I've about cooler temperatures I probably have around 0.31 0.30 watt per hash but there are rumors and I hate talking about rumors but there's a rumor of an L9 okay 17.6 GH 3260 Watts I I'm going to say I don't know I I don't know okay don't quote me on this this is something I've been hearing around the space here I I'm going to have to say yeah it this is something to be be aware of okay for the future all right whether or not it's going to make a dent in you know how many of these are going to be produced and how much more the hash rate is going to go up to take advantage of the profitability for Dogecoin especially if Dogecoin goes up in price you know it it may not even matter all right the L9 if they you know how depends on how many they produce I don't know but another one is the local Tech hash blade which I I don't really have high hopes for I we have not seen a fully built I guess pre-production unit to Showcase to the community uh no one's no one has had one yet uh they had they did have apparently the USB miners for display and some content creators did apparently go test it and stuff but I'm not convinced until I see a hash blade in my hands and or maybe in someone else's hands uh to review on YouTube so right now as of right now the alphapex dg1 is the best Asic Miner for script mining okay Litecoin Dogecoin Mining and other script algorithm coins I'm sure but I mean as of right now we are having a bit of connectivity issues to a lot of a few different pools like nice hash and Litecoin pool according to this gentleman on redit a day ago so he just got his people are getting them now and that kind of makes sense that goes along with uh the uh Network hash rate for Litecoin is you know generally generally going up over the past 3 months here especially especially with the market going up Bitcoin over 70k Litecoin generally going up in price you know we are seeing an increase here in the network hash rate and uh of course the difficulty for Litecoin Litecoin did have a having August August 8 2023 so the next having is going to be in about another 3 years or so so another thing to consider but again that goes along with the profitability really most of it is coming from Dogecoin as you guys can see here so I guess it goes hand inand if Dogecoin goes up in price Litecoin goes up in price then the profitability of this dg1 could be a lot better okay so yeah all right guys I think that's it that's all I wanted to talk about I can say this Al aex gg1 is pretty cool I am going to open this and another test I want to do is with my pfSense router I want to do PF capture and use wire shark to read the file see if there's anything nefarious I don't know coming out of this alphapex I don't think so but I think that would make for a fun video uh for anyone that's interested but overall guys I uh yeah I guess I'm not too confident right now that it's not compatible with nice cash as much as I wanted wanted it to be but it does seem to work on Via BTC I'll do another video of I guess mining with this for more than a day of course and uh give you guys an update uh how that goes but if you guys have any questions or concerns or anything else you want me to do I'm going to have more videos uh on this model I'm going to take it apart do some pf capture Network traffic monitoring on this dg1 see if there's anything nefarious and uh yeah open it up as well and yeah let me know what you guys think thank you to crypto Miner Bros once again if you guys are interested in this I hope that they'll have support for more mining pools I guess they'll have a firmware update I'll keep you guys posted on that I'm sure they will but we'll see in the in the coming week or uh coming months maybe I don't know if alphapex are good developers or not uh you know getting the mining pools to fix like nice hash we'll see we'll see about that okay I'll see you all in the next video thank you guys so much have a good one peace out