[Music] he hey guys Arpin here hope you're doing well having a really great day wow I've had a few issues with my octom miners here or GP Riser R8 as I believe hios went down or they're in a maintenance window or something happened apparently a lot of their data got corrupted or some people were saying they were hacked I'm not sure don't quote me on that but I just wanted to go through some of the issues I have uh in hia West and I mainly I'm doing this video to get comments from you guys down below let me know what kind of issues you guys have had with your hios rigs I'm going to tell you guys a few things that I've had issues with not necessarily with overclocks and such but you know maybe a few other things which I want to go through in this video but first before I do that I want to announce that we are doing a giveaway on behalf of Mr Subs fintech Channel he just hit 100,000 YouTube subscribers so I have donated this IB link BM K3 this is a uh Caden Asic Miner it's like one step below the ka3 not as efficient as the bitm ka3 but it's the second best one that's out there uh right now for mining Caden so I'm giving this bad boy away and we're going to be doing that in tomorrow's live stream I already have it scheduled you guys can see it on my YouTube channel homepage but you guys are probably wondering Renda how do we participate in this giveaway well you're going to have to watch Mr sebs fintech Channel's 100K subscriber video okay I'll have it link down below at the top of the YouTube description watch that video and you will see how to participate in that giveaway and I am going to be choosing the winner tomorrow for this IB link bmk three has all the Mis with mining uh Chum change Pocket Change sticker on it and I will also provide a couple of my stickers as well uh to the giveaway as well okay and it's going to come with Chum changes 3D printed handles and 120 mil shrouds okay there's also some uh on the handle on the back here and also standoffs for the ivy link pretty cool okay so a winner is going to get this in the live stream tomorrow which is again already scheduled so link down below to Mr Subs fintech Channel congratulations my friend if you're watching this congrats bro congrats another quick giveaway to announce we're giving away the final BP ks0 Pro this Sunday 2 days from now as this video is live there's another live stream that's already on the homepage that you guys will see and to participate in this KS zero giveaway all you got to do is comment on Mr veteran Miner's video which I'll have linked down below as well okay you have to comment anything positive about crypto Mining and if you're in USA or Canada anyone outside of North America is going to get $350 USD of the value of this ks0 Pro all right so we're going to be choosing the winner on Sunday so good luck guys good luck and you'll also be getting a veteran minor Barrel plug uh connector here which he only recommends to run on stock clocks and not for overclocking but stay tuned I'm going to risk it for the biscuit and see if it's going to work on a few of my ks0 Pro uh commemorative editions here I have a bunch that I am going to try to overclock and uh mod and thermal paste and repad and a bunch of stuff copper mods yeah I'm going to do a bunch of stuff on those KS Zer so fun times ahead guys okay so two giveaways all right I just explained how all right so now let's go through hios here guys we're going to go into the computer I had a little bit of a scare when I woke up this morning a lot of people said said red Banda hi is down hi is down I'm like okay uh what am I supposed to do and like some people's AMD overclocks went down and the fans on the Octo miners went to 100% so like were these rigs pulling like you know a bunch of power and I was so concerned I came down right away and no I didn't see uh much of my rigs some of the some of these have ASX on them but yeah they're mining all mining a lithium right now and yeah these two are actually uh have an Asic on them so dg1 and an s9j all track this is yours my friend this is this is yours it's still mining to your address and uh this is a dg1 so that's taking power that you guys see there on the other two 30 amp circuits but the rest here all gpus and quick thing I just want to show you guys since the hi maintenance or the you know the data corruption that they had last night or yesterday I don't see my other six rigs here the rigs that I just set up like 2 weeks ago for my other 307s these are octom Miner X8 Ultra some of you may have saw that video I did set up some octom miners here uh with the ssds you know the hos image and everything uh they don't have the 307s in them yet stay tuned I'm I'm going to do that real soon here putting the 307s into uh these OCTA Miners and then they're going to go on the bottom of the shelf and I just hit my knee me that hurt and that's going to go right there okay six of them hopefully two of them are kind of not working I don't know if I'm going to get be able to get those to work we're going to troubleshoot that in another video but yeah I just wanted to show cuz some of you guys may remember uh I was setting up another six you know octom miners here GP risers uh server cases right and uh they don't show up here so that was one of the issues I had and also the fans on the OCTA miners were going at like a 100 okay so apparently it knocked off the octom miner uh fans here Auto fan that was off so when I came down here which was like maybe 10 minutes ago before recording I came down and I didn't know that these were at 100% fan so I was like what the hell so everything was extremely cool I mean it's still cool in here right now uh but I yeah I was just shocked that the whole place was just super loud and I didn't hear it upstairs but I came down and then I put everything to uh I put all the autofan uh octom miners on now they're all at like 30% and uh that actually happened to my other mining Farm on hi I'll show you guys in the computer I I just want to read some stuff and then uh I want to get your guys's like opinion like some people had like their some mining rigs go on fire melt or something because uh their fans went off or went on too much or their overclocks went to stock on their AMD cards that didn't happen to me but let me know if that happened to you guys all right uh this is just yeah something something big went down and uh I want to know what happened to you guys mainly but I'll see you guys in the computer there's a bit more I just want to explain here okay so here are my hios rigs but before I talk about these I wanted to just skim through the X tweets all right from hion here okay so the first one they posted they said what happened okay our systems encountered an unexpected error affecting the Integrity of workers data this incident was quickly identified and our engineering team immediately initiated a comprehensive inves ation to understand the scope and remediate the impact and what information was affected the incident specifically impacted all data related to workers uh including the workers with all related information tags overclocking profiles it is important to note that uh of this data can be restored while unfortunately some portions may be permanently lost and so they say here next what are we doing we have initiated a data restoration process for devices online within the next 3 hours we anticipate partial data recovery the remaining devices will undergo restoration processes within the next 8 hours despite our best efforts we regret to inform you that a portion of the data particularly some data regarding offline workers and specific overclocking profiles may not be recoverable so hence uh this part here uh regarding offline workers pretty much corresponds with my six missing uh rigs that I was just about to get online this this weekend but uh looks like I'll just have to you know add them again at a worker which is which is really not a problem I just have to I think I would need to um just copy the rig config over to the ssds and and that's it really but anyways specific overclocking profiles I really never Ed these I already had them in the flight sheet so it didn't affect me and my rigs I'll show that in a sec uh may not be recoverable our team is currently access assessing the extent of this loss and we'll provide as specific details as soon as possible what can you do well please ensure that devices remain online for the next 3 hours to facilitate the restoration process I'm going to read a couple tweets here from people I I did post an x uh like a response to see just to get some responses from people it was pretty funny but next next steps here we are currently committed in regaining your trust and also taking concrete steps into enhance our systems data Integrity uh an in-depth investigation is underway we pledge to keep you informed with regular updates additionally we'll be reviewing our policies and pro procedures to prevent such incidents in the future um maybe some sort of like you know Disaster Recovery which is a pretty big thing to have implemented and it's not easy to implement for sure but anyways we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or disruption this may have caused our team is working diligently to resolve this data swiftly and ensure the security and reliability of your data okay so that was the first tweet there the next one is uh 17 hours ago as a recording says update the system is available your devices have been mining while the visibility of some work datas may be affected maintenance is still in in process further updates to come we apologize for inconvenience thank you for your patience all right so I wanted to now go to my X account okay and uh there is a post that I did 13 hours ago I said my hion official rigs I guess kept their overclocks I still have all my flight sheets and wallets the octom miners kept the same fan speed and still have uh the auto fan on okay so now this was a lie I realized that it wasn't I was actually looking at the GPU fan okay so just looking at this rig here I it was Auto fan for the GPU and I mixed up the octom miner one which wasn't on it was actually off and I normally have this on because all the fans were at 100 right okay so that this is uh yeah so anyways my AMD cards were still running the same yeah the overclocks uh were still fine on mine I did hear reports of some people's s so or vdd uh overclocks uh got wiped out so that was a thing um the only thing missing are my six new rigs I made a couple weeks ago for my six new 37 rigs which I explained earlier which is uh you know the six new rigs aren't there anymore I don't do anything insane with hi other than the basics let me know what issues you guys had all right so let's read a couple of fun things here yeah retro mik said he had the S so vdd max set on AMD cards and those did not get restored I also noticed that the rigs I deleted the other day got added back to my account H interesting mind something says during this time time my rigs were unreachable a couple of them lost 75% hash rate at the pool I couldn't reboot them until today AMD OC's are all jacked up and they were all fan settings were causing several to overheat oo I also have uh a couple of workers I deleted a month months ago showing up O Okay so that's a that's a pretty big one here where the fan settings causing several to overheat well let's keep let's keep reading here uh 's flight sheets and wallets not affected this schedules have been removed and the rigs have been drained my batteries H that's funny Raptor mining uh second TL says rigs that were on the during the drama octo Miner autofan disabled yeah okay so this is what happened to me all right um next part here rigs that were off halfway through the drama lost tags scheduled settings removed octom Miner autofan disabled rigs removed that hasn't been used in a bit all right so yeah tags and scheduled settings yeah that's a that's a pretty that's a pretty big one uh let's see here going down here just wait they'll probably come back and double check the andd cards yeah uh Steven cister says Fox protocol says you got that Platinum Hive account on special server disclaimer yes I do have free hios account I have been creating content on hios for over the past 5 years uh since I created this YouTube channel so it's it's kind of a it's kind of a perk I guess being the content creator don't don't hate on me guys but anyways some other ones here all my rigs are AMD the auto fan was off otherwise everything was restored glad I was home for it a few rigs were throttling from temps for a bit before I noticed the and I turned the auto fan back on okay so some people with AMD cards especially if the overclocks were gone okay this huddle Moon guy says AMD uh tweaks were gone more than half my rigs rted to stock clocks and power draw overclocking templates gone schedule's gone tags gone still waiting for an update from hion oh did they get hacked will they compensate miners for downtime I don't know I don't know some power settings have dropped off card running hotter and more power being used paying the a h yeah so the general consensus here is a lot of people with AMD cards were getting wrecked okay so I you know I actually have a couple AMD cards here my Radeon sevens thank God none of them died but the big issue was I I didn't have actually no not an issue I didn't have the autofan on on this one because uh my radon 7s do run hot and so they're at 100% fan speed so this one's this one was okay um my overclocks yeah didn't seem to be affected here especially my uh 6700 XTS as well the autofan was off okay but I was mining a lithium on these gpus so it wasn't I wasn't affected that much because uh these things were not pulling that much power and so they weren't hot so the autofan was off on all of my octom Miner so I simply just highlighted all of them selected all of them and and turned it on for for all of them uh they were all running at 100% fan speed so I didn't notice that until afterwards then going down I do have a rx5 5700 rig this one seemed fine I didn't overheat because it is mining a lithium yeah but generally overall my rigs the only issues I personally had just so that you guys know was mainly the missing offline rigs uh that I just made maybe like a couple weeks ago and as well as uh The octom Miner autofan was was was not on on all of my R8s and octom miners so really it wasn't that big of a deal for me but it was uh I guess in a way kind of noticeable from the fans being at 100% when they didn't need to be that was really my only issue I didn't have any like weird overclocks or anything happen or high power draw uh most of my Nvidia cards were just fine because you know yeah the the overclocks were handled in the flight sheet uh for the minor so anyways let me know what you guys had had happened to you and uh yeah I just I'm curious to know and I'm sure a lot of people like to read um as well and maybe this will probably help hion um look at what has that broke on their system and it it's really unfortunate you know hi hios is is a really big mining platform for you know gpus as6 whatever everything so you know they have a lot of moving parts and you know I don't I don't really like blame them for something like like this that happened it happens to all types of companies out there even like the AAA companies where you know they get hacked and I'm not saying that hion got hacked hios got hacked but I'm you know I'm just saying that companies get compromised all the time and for hion to have something like this happen to them I mean as big as they are I feel like it was bound to happen I you know don't wish that on them I don't wish that on anybody but to each his own I mean I I've seen a lot of people's comments and a lot of people were not happy about it I mean yeah I yeah I mean you have AMD cards and they all went full bore like mining that that sucks that really does suck and and yeah I feel like you know this to my recollection to my memory I don't think this is ever happened uh in In My Memory uh over the past five years something this crazy where overclocks are just wiped out and all your rigs just go back to stock clocks or stock power consumption uh for AMD cards that is I didn't see anyone that happened to Nvidia cards but anyways guys just rambling let me know your guys' thoughts I thought this would be a good video to talk about and gather some more information from uh not only from me but I guess from you guys as well so let me know uh how H hi on the maintenance window uh data loss affected you guys on your mining rigs this would be fun fun to read in the comments all right I'll see you on the next video have a good one peace out