If you’ve been Mining and Accumulating well done.

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[Music] e [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] n [Music] w [Music] h [Music] Dr the to everybody know the everybody [Music] the [Music] everybody topbody everybody [Music] to [Music] yo welcome everybody Welcome to the live stream streaming in the afternoon what's up I couldn't stream this morning I had to go I had an appointment this morning so I couldn't stream in the morning so it's afternoon for me I don't know what time it is for you guys maybe midafternoon maybe evening welcome Joker Miner what's up man Z pirate John Germain Patrick Murphy Patrick Murphy black cat Krypto what's up man s sometimes what's up Chris Henley all TR what's up man I haven't forgotten about you hopefully that s19 is still mining for you um automatic beats what's Up DJ what's Up DJ mines what's up I just got off work this is the perfect time to watch oh DJ are you going to stream DJ are you going to stream after we can we can we can do a we can do a Whatchamacallit redirect to you after yes sir yes sir let me know if you're streaming in like an hour or something um hash Rico what's up what's up random Miner what's up jepetto what's up D miners what's up man Patrick Murphy you are banned banned I say DJ mines maybe okay great a good mining what's up man John Germaine Andrew mad what's up he a pirate spent 5 hours redoing my home lab upgrade to Epic server complete I need to chill now nice epic nice shy Z Panda night or day or night we're looking for I pulled an all nighter from work last night but fired up a second set of BC 250 rigs nonetheless bc250 rigs are you talking about the the PlayStation thing how many watts does that take at the wall like the whole set like 11 or 12 of them is it like 1,600 or 2,000 Watts or something um Scott Sheffield everything's in the green look at that Bitcoin is 47600 dude this is this is amazing that is amazing shes yeah dude a lot 2,000 okay yeah but you get a lot of hash rate from it right who knows who knows maybe in the ball run you know your $1,000 investment on that will break even pretty fast cuz you have you get you get pretty decent hash rate from that thing VC 250s are server cases no no they're they're like these PlayStation like gpus uh apus or something um can I mind cast on an RTX 380 non lhr uh visuals by Vlad I would not recommend it you're not going to get very much um I would probably M something else that gives you a bit more more more of the coin in a sense so that oh look at that oh look at this NEX Cella showing up on the top of the off of the charts here for a lot of these cards interesting interesting uh let's see here uh firing up an eight card 4060 TI rig tonight pure crypto boss nice man nice nice uh Vinnie Del gretto Greco did you refinance your house and buy those k3s no I did not no not doing that no I don't recommend doing that either um maella almost double in price is it is it now let's see portfolio watch list okay Nexel where's Nexel oh 43 whoa yeah Nexel went 43% up in the past 24 hours W that's that's crazy Novo is 16% Kalisto conceal ravencoin ravencoin 12% look at this this this is okay it's something but that's that's pretty cool few million doll volume wow wow wow crazy that's crazy BC refinance and buy BTC don't mine it Panda I'm not I'm currently not mining exelia or whatever I I haven't gotten around I haven't gotten the time to swap any rigs over nothing um let's see jepetto are you going to get in hand uh that new Caspa Miner are you talking about that uh is it IB link uh no I'm probably not going to get that in probably not as much as I would like to um it's sold out already the IB link bmk has is already sold out 10.5 ter um max voltage welcome 20 GP rig someone say rigs uh uh man too good too funny man too funny uh IB link sold out yeah great or good mining uh techman dual Mining nelia and kapow is that possible ooh M it's nice to see that well actually yeah it's nice to see generally I think a lot of proof of work coins have been going up aium is $259 now that's pretty good AI power grid up 10% the past 24 hours I mean a lot of prominent Capal coins have been going up the past 24 hours Novo look at that novo's making a little move here that's pretty cool I have a little thing I got a little bag of that ah who's mining this new Coin Vault Vault take the hell is this Vol take kapow already one already a lot of hash rate 1.19 Terra hash call take is that would did that even show up on uh on uh Bitcoin talk oh it did all take yeah there you go launches soon soon launch okay this was January 12th okay that was literally oh that was a while ago that was a while ago like a month ago well take funds 10% per block reward ooh it goes to the developer ooh okay interesting $50 50 donation 500 uh block reward pre-mine 1% oh that's that's not that's not cool 1% is already is already pre-mined come on not cool already I already discredit this project nope no no no uh just glad to be back in the game hold off hold off the bull run for a bit right I'm still accumulating Chris Kindle I'm you know what I'm I'm I feel the same way but at the at the other side of it you know what I'm ready I'm ready for the bull I think we're I I think I'm ready we we are the we we are ready for the Bull Run I'm ready I'm I'm ready to see massive gains on a few projects and then at the same time with all the hardware that we have all the gpus all the as6 that we all have we just we're just going to start we're just going to start seeing dollar Printing and you know how like ethereum was you guys remember like mining ethereum in 2021 was really profitable throughout like the whole year basically it was it was basically the whole year I wonder I'm curious this next one I'm curious of this next runup if we are going to have um like a whole year of profitability for you know GPU mining I wonder like do you guys think that's going to be the case or it's going to be like shortlived you think profitability for GPU mining is only going to last like maybe a month or two months you know what I mean like as there's going to be that like massive influx of people trying to buy gpus or hardware for Mining and then you know it's that cycle again of like we're going to see ,000 like RTX 370s you know you know $300 $400 GTX 1060s you know like are we going to come to a time like that again like what do you guys think like I feel if at least a couple of these coins start popping off just just a couple like just a couple you know uh couple of these proof of work GP minable coins start popping off what's what's not to say right what's not to say like that would be great that would be great random minor 3 months way too fast for you red pen minding what's the best strategy for preparing for the Bull Run trickle offload into Fiat or sell for usdt and trickle from that as income decisions decisions um it really depends what your what your goal is like what your what like what are you what are you going to do with the money like if you make a lot of money and you're going to sell when bitcoin's like 100k or something what's what's your end goal like what what are you what are you planning to do financially like it just it just depends like for me I'm probably going to sell like probably good like 50 60% as we go along you know not not like all of it like I I I just don't feel good enough to sell all my I don't want to feel I don't want to feel like I want to offload everything you know because it's like that feeling of okay sure yeah I could sell at the high sell higher and then you know if the market goes back down I can buy in lower sure sure yeah that's all well and good that's all that's all fine but am I realistically going to buy in lower I'm not I'm not a person who buys personally I'm not a person who buys crypto I I'm I'm only a a miner I only crypto mine right so my my thought process on that is going to be is different is different I I I I don't I don't I don't generally buy coins I I I mine it so pay off the house black hat team exactly like pay down the mortgage pay off your car pay off whatever pay off pay off this pay off that that's that's really the I would say the top goals for a lot of people pay off your bills pay off your your your Investments I don't the the hardware that you bought I don't know whatever whatever you did whatever you want to pay off whatever your goal is going to be um been mining and holding cortex since 22 nice Mike City nice Alpha Cobra are you planning to migrate your crypto Investments to other Investments after you made a lot of profits uh Alpha Cobra no for me it's probably going to be like pay off pay down bills and then you know continue to do YouTube fulltime you know paying down any whatever highin debts that we all have is probably the best is is is is the best in my opinion way too fast for good perspective mining Viewpoint versus Buy buying Viewpoint yeah way too fast for I I don't have the buy I don't do the buying Viewpoint I'm I'm the mining only mining mining only and and so if everything starts you know everything starts going up exponentially and you know a lot of alt coins a lot of Capal coins or something start going up like crazy then then we'll see like you know $2 $3 a day RTX 370 profits or something like can you can you can you can you feel it but then again the question is how long is that going to last how long will that last that'll be the big that'll be the big question um Joker minor red pen whing I don't know if you saw it or not and Misfit uh but Chris Henley got his metam mask and Trust hacked oh no we are mining and donating to his tum he got oh my God Joker uh Chris Hanley what happened is he in the chat right now what happened Chris Henley what happened DJ mindes disable the heart [Music] please done smash that like 240 people here 63 likes let's get to 100 at least 100 come on 100 likes Bros 100 likes there you go I I removed it I removed it the stupid heart yeah the stupid heart ah uh Chris Henley possible Sim swap possible email hack possible click link oh Chris Hanley bro I'm sorry Chris Hanley I'm I'm I'm sorry bro was it a pretty substantial amount I guess depending I don't know I don't know if you're a huge minor small minor or uh Chris Hanley I'm sorry man I'm sorry [Music] damn um that heart is so annoying great a good mining yeah very very very annoying ah okay uh Chris Hanley over 3K 2 years of mining oh my God Chris Hanley no bro I'm sorry dude that's a lot that's a lot 3K two years of mining dude that's a lot of work that is a lot of accumulating ah I didn't uh I'll I'll look at it and Miss with mining I'll I'll I'll I'll see what you uh I'll put some hash there I've been mining my uh where's Steven cisero Steven I got to stop mining ckb to you win on that that ckb minor to you I got to stop that mining for a week now uh Chris Hanley I'm sorry bro that sucks that's uh that's unfortunate hopefully uh you got a tangum wallet now so that's nice that's good um if you had only one rig what would you point it at Pete that's that's for you to decide I there is so many coins you could probably mine right now if you had a rig of something you're going to have to do your best in figuring out which coin you think is going to go up a lot in price if that's your ultimate goal I mean that's pretty much everyone's goal I can't I cannot I cannot give you the advice of oh hey yeah you should just put that rig on nay cuz I have no idea if n is is going to go up you should just maybe put that rig on neoa like I don't know if neoa is going to go up much more or more than neoa or more than narai or more than Game Pass or more than DX you don't know you just don't know you're you're going to have to do your your own research on that there's there's many coins in which you could mine so um so uh what else what else guys what else what else what else okay one second to check something um Patrick Murphy I'm on narai at the moment so please tell people Raven or something else please uh radiation Zone top three coins to mine right now guys don't ask me those questions don't seriously don't ask me those questions you guys guys know you guys can go look for yourselves it's it's not hard there's there's many there's seriously like 50 coins 50 GPU minable coins you could probably you could probably mine right now and it's there's a lot like there's there's a lot I I can't I can't just say top three because there's a lot of top threes see like I I I I can't I I can't persuade or like influence in some ways like oh yeah you know I think uh I think uh meow coin is the best coin to mine right now you know I think meow coin look at that retro mic damn it big fan thank you retro mic thank you for the donation you bastard are you still in Vegas retro mic uh end of forever thank you for the $5 donation please make a Time Lapse video of you installing 108 370s oh God damn it I got to run the power I got to run the power for all those it's it's it's slowly coming it's slowly coming um I'm dual mining hypra NEX [Music] Celia retro mic Tech donated to through Super Chat big fan retro mic terrible narai meow coin DJ mines are you going to be uh are you going to be streaming end of forever thanks for end of forever donated $5 through Super Chat please make a time-lapse video of you installing all 8 370s H that's great uh that's fair I apologize I'm minding Carlson was just unsure been trying to do research on it nice um yeah I mean either a lot of people are going to start mining OG coins cuz a lot of like flocks or like Raven coin conlux Ergo a lot of like the OG maybe 2 threey old G uh GP minable coin not a lot of people are mining those people I would say are mining more of the uh like recent ones I'd say in the past year be like you know like radiant or you know there's people on Sato you know there's people mining Game Pass there's people mining theoa there's people mining uh meow coin narai iron fish Casp is all as6 now Nexa still GPU minable prominent uh let's see alium has been around actually lithium has been around yeah for a bit more uh previous bull run a previous bear ravencoin of course but more like CLA is newish Nexel is obviously new and uh I mean there's there's a lot of a lot of new coins a lot of new uh a lot of new coins people are mining um whether or not they're going to do well or not that's that's the big risk that's that's the big that's the big risk [Music] um uh retro mik stop tracking me I'm tracking you but so I mean I think people that have been mining now over the past year over the past year and maybe holding I mean I looked at my portfolio the other day and it's just like all these coins have gone up a lot of GPU minable proof of work coins have gone up um and so yeah I don't think I don't think it's the time to sell yet it's definitely not the time to sell um if we're on like the precipice of the bow run here coming up I mean we'll we'll see but it's it's good to see these numbers bitcoin's 47 475 47600 pretty awesome it's pretty awesome hey chump change I'm going to go at some point check out these KS zeros and start repasting yeah just use that software it's on my Discord I'm change you can download it for free um kapow melted my solar oh that's not nice um jock Miner have you tried PB farmer OC for K Pro no I have not I've been wanting to I've been meaning to yes I've been meaning to um let's go 50K by the end of the stream I had man that that would be nice I would be really nice uh just go live after RPM DJ mindes what uh yeah you going DJ can you go live in like 30 minutes DJ can you go live in 30 minutes and I'll redirect everyone to you all right you guys ask me anything just at Red pent mining me in the live chat and then we'll we'll go through whatever we'll go through questions topics whatever anything what do you guys thinking about these days what are you guys what are you guys interested in these days I mean we're all just mining away Mining and holding away and uh waiting for that bull run I mean that's that's really that's all there is to it there's really nothing else that we're all just stay in the course really we're all staying the course everybody um okay uh all right okay here we go Panda slow no chump will I'm going to go live around eight oh oh chump you're going to stream after this chump change you're streaming after this what now I mean going live to repaste okay okay good okay chump good all right chump change stream in chump stream in 30 minutes uh Moy hack when the ca ACA giveaway uh it starts Monday I was thinking of giving one away on this Sunday live stream I'm still thinking about it I I may give away one live on Sunday well well we'll see we'll see I got I got I got to figure out I got to figure out um Andrew mad what gpus you going to sell none I'm keeping everything keeping all my gpus no matter what what do you have your E300 pointed at RPM John English Tech I don't have an E300 yet uh Joker Miner chump change is going live first then DJ mines come on R well I didn't read that okay I didn't see that in the in the in the live chat God damn it going to ban you Joker Miner Joker Miner why are you a mod that I don't I don't I didn't agree to that remove as standard moderator okay I'll do that later J uh do you have a good spreadsheet for keeping track of electric usage for the year for taxes uh Jason roie I just for me it's easy for me cuz I my electric my electric bill actually comes every two months so six times a year and I just you you just you just yeah you just copy the invoices uh the amount and put that in I put that in fresh books in my accounting software um I don't have any special way to do it other than uh there's no spreadsheets I put it all in uh fresh books fresh books is my spreadsheet Rob mindes have you made a decision on the 108 370s or quand Rob mines yes I'm getting the 370s yes I'm getting the 307s um hold on hold on let me see here uh oh it's it's an excile sheet never mind I did it in Excel I was going to bring it up but okay um going down more questions um it's really nice on him to GI 10K as that's like 4K yeah BP has donated and gifted four or 10 KS zero Pros yeah was about $4500 worth actually he gifted 14 of them and we sent uh one each to Hawk chump change Max and mining King they're also going to give away a KS Z okay uh concentrated Tech do you think if you quit YouTube you can go you could do crypto mining fulltime I'm thinking about doing it myself since I have a computer background concentrated Tech at my electrical rate I could in theory yes I could in theory live off just crypto mining I could I could yes it would be it would be hard but I could do it but yeah am I going to do it no um fresh books sounds like a madeup thing what fresh books is not God damn it Patrick bmy uh greater good mining I thought the 307s were a group by greater good mining they're all mine all of them they're all mine uh okay um let's see here uh let's see have you heard about NEX Celia being pre-mined by their team and even mining YouTubers such as maker tronic before the official release uh watermelon I have no idea I've never heard of that I'm I'm personally I have not mined NEX Celia yet or may not even get into it so I mean there's a lot of there's a lot of that there's a lot of potential of some project new project coming out and they pre-mined they pre-mined it so I'll take is one of them okay what is this Panda coin what is this June 10th 2017 holy crap this is like before I was mining Panda coin is a decentralized digital currency released in 2014 Panda coin originally Fork from Dogecoin launched fairly without a pre-mine or Ico conducted oh my God there's a there's already a panda coin already who who commented on this let me go read the last oh my God who what's the last post here oh my God July 9th 2023 this meant to be a wall I us okay today at 6:34 p.m.

Hello I started up my wall again I'm buying and depositing does it take a certain amount of time for new deposits in the wall to show up for the market probability area oh my God who is mining this coin Panda coin oh my who is this person pyramid 22 hero member activity 2500 posts holy crap this is this there I don't know who this guy is but he is mining Panda coin that's pretty funny that's pandac coin. Tech doesn't even open up let's see oh my God it still works honest and fair cryptocurrency for everyone okay no nope not even not even going to go there not even going to go there BC Panda coin is useless need RPM coin well 2017 yeah probably way too late who knows though uh Scott a red pen have you ever used any of those pre-loaded debit crypto cards meaning you send crypto you can send it crypto and you can use it as a debit for USD uh Scot a no I've never used those types of uh those types of things I know in Canada I think Shake pay has like a debit credit card something like that crypto crypto debit card um uh let's see here uh Panda what form is that uh Bitcoin talk uh for the alt coins right here this is where if you want to generally find new coins this is where they come out of just just be careful though okay uh if you decide to install like these core Wallets on your computer don't do it on your main computer don't do it on a daily driver do it on the totally separate machine or something that's separated on your net like a different subnet vland like totally like if you don't know how to do any of that like get a Hotpot buy another internet service uh plug in a laptop and keep it totally off away from your ex your other network where you do your daily banking your other crypto stuff you know to keep it totally totally separated different router okay you can even use a different router and uh have it own subnet on that as well you know different IP address so it doesn't communicate with your other computers you know keep it totally separate keep it totally separate um new uh yeah okay okay all right what other what other uh Chum change confirmed Chum change are you streaming in uh 30 minutes 28 minutes chump change load it up I'll get the redirection to work um okay uh let's see let's see here just send in paperwork to cash out at old 401K that was losing like $4 every quarter I'm going to put that to work I love G Chris Hanley nice man uh Trump change nah probably five maybe what five how far is that like two hours away trying to finish a video okay well then I can't redirect people to you emk your thoughts on 6 00 XT yeah great card for mining yep 6,800 XT granted if you can uh if you can get it for a good price gpus are going up Bros G dude gpus are going up in people are buying cards for higher prices now okay some some of these some of these are are going up some of these are like who the hell who the hell paid 351 386 God damn p i and stay live till 5: I don't mind I cannot stay live till I actually have to go in like 30 minutes DJ so yes cheap times are behind us yes 6 months ago like half a year ago 307s people were some people were selling them for 200 bucks 175 lowest I saw on like bulk was like 175 um what's a good price in your opinion 6800 XT uh well you can generally see you know how much they're they're selling for now on eBay so I don't know if you can try to get it for like under 300 bucks is a good price just cheaper the better obviously cheaper the better um I got a 3090 for the win for like 600 bucks about 6 months ago uh brosy yeah 309s were 600 bucks average half a year ago now 309s are like 800 bucks oh 3090 750 749 so it's it's gone up yeah these have gone up a good 100 150 to 200 bucks 250 bucks over the past 6 months Yeah Yeah Chris Henley still kind of low around here word hasn't gone out yet yeah already 9s man it's it's an interesting it's an interesting one for sure for sure um what else what else what else what else I was looking at nerd gears I was wondering if they had anything fun for sale I saw these hard drives I saw this $150 8gpu mining case uh granted great D so it's like a little bit looks to be a little bit rusted dirty comes with the PSU server case motherboard I was like hm H 150 bucks for this setup I mean I feel like that's not bad that's that's really not bad GTX 1066 GB card 70 bucks uh a little bit a little bit too much I feel like 1060s I mean are done first gen Nvidia cards it's it's it's kind of done um uh crypto pounder 4 what's up man what's up welcome to the live stream jock Miner when RX 580s hit $400 we know we have made it yep jock Miner yep I I agree when we see RX 580 selling for $300 on eBay that's when we know okay you know an rx580 is obviously making $5 a day GPU mining $3 a day you know mining kapow I get I bet bet you anything it's going to be some kapow coin and it's it's going to be like an RX 580 we're going to see an RX 580 making $32 a day at least watch watch it it'll happen it'll happen not Financial advice uh jock Miner how are the Pico cables so far so good so far so good they're still going they're still going you need six P 106 renite techman no more I'm not buying any more older cards or generally older cards I'm going 3,000 or 6,000 RX series are up now um Patrick Murphy that's not happening again not that much I don't see it fam well Patrick Murphy well we'll see we'll see man we'll see I'm going to we got to screenshot this somebody needs to screen screenshot that Patrick Murphy you need to screenshot that I I foresee myself 2025 maybe more where I'm going to make a video called the rx580 is making $5 a day [Laughter] again I bet you anything cuz I was also very skeptical in like 2018 2019 like a these RX 580s are done and then boom 2021 came about and obviously that was for ethereum but they were selling for 500 bucks they were selling for 500 bucks um what else what else what else oh look AMD bc250 is here oh this is the uh theum classic 50 Mega hash 84 Watts um Joker Miner shot and screenshot need Discord what what did you send me Joker Miner uh I love it saved there you go Patrick bvy um okay so um uh yep and 49 TI turns out to be a d joire uh the only thing I just don't like about the 40 series is going to be that that 12 pin whatever I feel like that's a downfall now because a lot of people are having issues with the adapters the cables people not plugging them in all the way I think that hopefully the 50 Series is going to go back to I don't know e pin uh Power you know what I mean eight pin pcie or whatever uh monster Pro you saw Casper today uh no what what happened what did Casper do where's kaspa 8% kaspa's up 33% over the past s days 13 cents there you go it's pretty good that's pretty good it's pretty good ckb also up lithium up 46% the past seven days yes yes this is good this is good yeah it's good Bitcoin up 10% over the past Bitcoin is up 10% the past seven days year to date so since January lithium is leading the has been leading the way the lithium has been leading the way so if you're reminding over the past year to date Al lithium it has gone up 170% look at this past 90 days th okay I was reading that wrong this the past 90 days year to day would be a year previous year 90 days yeah lithium still very strong helium mobile hi mapper 700 900 900% that's that's also really good um jock MC Miner do you think there's some manipulation somewhere for an age AMD were just second best to Nvidia now all the profitable coins suit AMD cards uh well jock MC Miner I mean I think it's it's the algo right kapal or progpow it's it's a it's an algorithm which I think I know that a lot of people don't want to mine they don't have the environment to mine with those cards with that algorithm because it's it's generally hot especially on Nvidia cards but you know AMD cards are so great on kapow also nice and cool generally so and then when it comes to like how AMD cards are are so profitable now it's because of yeah it's because of that algorithm but I think another thing that coincides with that is a lot of like core core coins like El Le you know purin Carlson all the like core dependent a lot of core strong prominent coins are kind of falling off in a sense because fpga have have also been uh fpga have been taking advantage so kapow is very it's a very um memory and core dependent so utilizes both both core and memory so fpga in in a sense they're not as efficient compared to a GPU it's not really um it doesn't really blow gpus out of the water so that's why we're seeing kapow being so uh so prominent these days and uh I mean that corresponds with the price too of a lot of those coins too so yeah I mean I think if the bow run comes about right and Bitcoin starts going up more so then if ravencoin you know CLA naray uh what a lot of a bunch of a bunch of kapow coins satox Game Pass I mean neoa another prominent GP minable coin kapow I mean all these Capal coins if they start popping off it could it could very well be uh kapow season AMD mining season yeah yeah AMD cards really good yeah y for sure for sure uh I'm not touching kapow even with 6 rxs the power usage is insane compared to other stuff Z pirate wait can you say that wait can you say that again I'm not touching capow even with 6600 XTS the power usage is insane compared to other stuff can you say that again Z pirate I I don't quite I don't think I understood what you just said there as a pirate can can you can you say that again I I don't quite understand what you just said there I I I don't I don't think I understand what you just said there a pirate I have high electrical cost Capal makes no sense if power is over okay okay okay okay okay yes in that regard okay you're you're you're talking about power uh price okay I mean temperature- wise it's on AMD cards it's it's amazing it it it it's really extremely efficient but yes okay if you granted you had higher power cost then obviously mining for anything doesn't make sense for you um but I mean I think that the the idea that yeah I know I know where you're getting at yet like you're probably saying like I should just buy the coin instead instead of mining because I'm paying so much more in electric when I could just buy the coin yeah I get it I get it I get it you're not you're not like Mining and holding or something or you know you don't believe the coin's going to go up or the coin's not going to price appreciate yeah I get it I get it it's a pirate I get it I get it um a pirate you just have the wrong cards well 6600 XTS one of the most efficient gpus for mining great gpus great great value Great Value I love I love 6600s any 6600s if someone offered me 100 6600s or 6600 XTS I'd buy them right now I'd buy them right jepetto 75 watts each um I think the PMD was like yeah I think it was a good 70 75 yeah around there yeah the software watts is is off I I don't I don't remember I don't remember the power uh 6600 XT mining hash rate I don't know who has videos on this let's see tuning of this recent kind like for reent ethereum 74 Watts okay that was ethereum um ravencoin ooh 77 oh that that 93 Watts okay that was not that was pre like 17 yeah okay that that that's better now efficiency is better now oh what's this flux 31 Souls on a 1660 TI look at that okay good times okay all right Bros What's Happening Now 50k 50k Bitcoin please that would be nice yes that would be very nice okay all right anyone has any final questions final remarks New England crypto good to see you bro good to see you what's up what's up man what's up man um Dante's CL I have mining rate of with 8 gpus Intel Arc A380 and AI power grid I am making $173 in a day nice man Intel arcs for the win nice very nice uh emk your price for 6600 non XT uh um I don't even know I don't even know I don't even know I haven't looked at these prices 147 172 175 147 for non XT I don't know what what what prices do you guys see these at 100 bucks 110 I mean that's I remember seeing them for that before now nowadays no no nowadays it's it looks like it's a lot uh uh Ty guy rip mind thoughts on eash B3 like hyp hypra um it say it says eash with Blake 3 or something right it's essentially almost the same uh where's hyper here hyper car Carlson on a on a 3080 what is uh what is what is uh I don't know typical 3070 get on hypra by itself I I have not I've never I've never mined hypra ever hypera radiant hypa by itself on a 3070 is Hash rate 59 Mega hash so it's like it's like ethereum right 124 Watts yeah it's basically it's basically a yeah it's a eash coin yeah memory um I'm going to build one with AMD 5500 XT 6G nice red caveman mining red panda who this Cav caveman mining what's up man good to see you good to see you how are you who's CPU mining right now is CPU mining dead or what or is it still good I really got to set up my other I only got like 10 more more CPU rigs to set up 5900 X 7900 7950 x120 over bortex still hitting Varys raptori hardest some random X nice hash nice I think I'm I'm still I'm all in like accumulating Ze yes I'm all I'm all I'm all mining Ze zeper right now New England crypto 6600 XTS locally are 2115 For Me 2 $15 wow 6600 XT for $215 jeez man that's expensive yeah prices are going up across the board over the past couple months yeah for sure for sure the market keeps continuing to go up I mean it's it's going to be could be crazy things could start going up more that's for sure but the whole idea is to mine and accumulate now and as prices go up I mean that's how you that's how you win out in the end concentrate attack set up the phones I'm running 45 phones only four wat per phone making $5 God damn it I got to set up those phones I really do yeah yeah mining on Raptor hash some of the best some of that sweet RTM bag nice uh I build my first mining rig with money with Sim cash okay okay that sounds interesting that sounds very interesting okay all right couple more minutes Bros anything you guys have anything else you want to ask any any final remarks well how like how's everyone like mentally everyone's doing good like are you all doing good let me know in chat let's let's see some is everyone doing okay what's like is is it like I'm hearing some I'm hearing like some people being laid off but I feel like that's happening all over the world generally my mental capacity is good over Tech you are banned how dare you use my word that's my word mental capacity how's yours it's it's okay it's okay very good BC excited same same stressed jock mcer stressed Emanuel veroni very good nice man travels travels good to see you bro just got home for lunch no worries man welcome to the stream we're just about to end uh waiting for the havening yes the havening it's coming two months uh buying Cards doing well sports betting going well paying for cards nice Joker Miner uh New England crypto I I got two cids and my wife is PR I am exhausted happy but exhausted oh New England crypto I can't I can't even I can't even fathom having three kids I can't I just can't Joker Miner paying off the house this year nice Joker Miner I hope I can do that too if if everything goes up in the next this year I I hope I hope to pay off the house as well that's the plan that's the plan that would be nice 20 GP rig I've been better but I want a real boy please pop up Panda God damn it Scott Sheffield you're banned I know that's you Scott I know that's I know that's you God damn it Chris Hanley right P much better out the community help me pull through rough time I was ready to throw in the towel and one of my new members reached out to the right people I'm ready Chris Henley I'm going to go help you bro I'll help you too bro just just hold tight okay I'll go I'll go read I'll go read what happened in Misfit uh after this um uh let's see uh let's see here exciting times number go up having cominging H hang in there everybody Bri days ahead greater good mining hell yeah man hell yeah hell yeah uh 3 mil hoping to pay off debt that ain't much so I think I'll pull it off let's go 2024 hype yes doing good power bill 7K holy crap Kim s Kim s ma that's that's a pretty big that's a pretty big power bill tus how are the Pico psus for this CPU rigs doing doing good yes no issue they're still mining away yep still mining away uh let me get my hi here where's my hiest uh where's my CPU rigs let's see I I have not looked at my CP rigs forever okay all right here oh no one of them went down no but the other three are up so there should be four on on that one rig so looks like I got this is my oh my ryzen 7700 is down okay two days ago okay two days ago my C okay what which one's this my 59 ryzen 959 50x went down oh no okay well I'm going to it was up I'm going to figure out why okay but otherwise it seems like it's doing seems like it's doing okay uh um Travelers travels what sht shirt size do you wear um like a medium medium Travelers travels you don't need to send me a shirt travels travels please no no more you sent me enough bro you have sent me enough um only four you're losing money build those other CPUs live domg I I will okay once I have the mental capacity to build more rigs I'll do it I'll do it crypto pounder bought a red panda stress squeeze toy to help me to helps with the stress oh that's funny and and sad at the same time um travels travels I got the FK 33 yesterday now have to learn how to use it yeah travel travels nice man yeah that FK 33 bro hope you like it hope you like it uh BC whatever happened to all the shirts you got in the basement they're still there BC they're still there I got to I gotta really give those all away somehow um C sometimes RPM can I get a wrench to ban the person harassing ccxt who's harassing ccxt sa sometimes who who who who is harassing chump change I mean that's that's fine to do but TR Patrick Murphy's dude slow AF uh macaroni something okay all right well that's that's fine um okay Bros that's it that's it I got to go now stream for an hour here um thank you guys for watching thank you guys for being here you guys have a great day appreciate you all keep on mining keep on holding um yeah brighter days are ahead we're just stay in the course congrats to all of you who've been mining and holding though over the past year you the those that stuck with it are reaping the benefit now reaping the rewards now we're all seeing our portfolios go up it's obviously nice to see so peace Bros thanks so much you guys have a great day thanks so much give away soon okay KS zero Pros we're going to give away a whole bunch very soon okay Sunday we'll try to give away one on Sunday all right peace out guys peace out hit that like on the way out let's go let's [Music] go [Music] everybody thebody [Music] the [Music] [Music] everybody I everybody every [Music] I

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